English definition and translation from Chinese of: 派人with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and ...
Mr. Burley promised he would send someone to evaluate the hotel. 其实我用不着派人跟着你. Actually, I don't need to send people to follow you. 你总是派人到我 ...
English translation of 派人- Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
Word Decomposition. 派, pài, clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch; to send; to assign; to appoint; pi (Greek letter Ππ); the circular ratio pi ...
先生,不要擔心,我馬上派人去你那兒。 Do not sorry, sir. I'll send someone to your room right away. 我要提前派人給飯店送個信訂一桌。
字詞:派,注音:ㄆㄞˋ,水部+6畫共9畫,釋義:1.江河的支流。 2.人、事或學術的分支系統。[例]派別、學派、黨派3.作風或氣度。[例]派頭、氣派、正派4.差遣、分配。
Sample Sentences. 立刻派人去请医生来。 Send for the doctor at once. 你必须派人去请医生来。 You must send for the doctor. 你最好派人去請醫生來。
派人 (來源:zh.wikipedia.org)
團派,又稱「共青團派」、「共青幫」,在中華人民共和國第四代最高領導人胡錦濤掌權後,又稱「胡錦濤派系」,是中國共產黨內的一股政治勢力派別。團派最早起源於胡耀邦 ...
Translation for '派人去请' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.