2013年9月10日 · Start by creating a new TextWriter that is capable of writing to a textbox. It only needs to override the Write method that accepts a char ...
2013年2月10日 · Create a text writer which writes to a text box: public class TextBoxWriter : TextWriter { TextBox _output = null; public TextBoxWriter (TextBox output) { _ ...
2013年3月13日 · To write to a file, you can replace Console.Error with a StreamWriter object. You might need to add some locking around this method though.
2017年6月11日 · TextWriter is only for writing text, it can't read the text. For reading you have to use TextReader . Have you tried using File ? Maybe that'll ...
Console-like text control? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › console-like-text-control
2010年7月25日 · I'm looking for a winforms control that can output text like in a console window (output is appended to the bottom, color formatting, etc.) Much ...
2012年2月6日 · I am trying to output a message, a number to a textbox. 1 Button will calculate the number, then I want to write a message like " Number has been seen: "
I want to choose what to show on a textbox, the Debug and/or Trace outputs. How can I achieve that? At the sample code I only have added the output to the ...
2019年2月4日 · I'm trying to forward the Console output to a Windows Forms TextBox control. So I attached a custom TextWriter to the Console which appends the output to the ...
2013年10月14日 · I have a console application and I want to make a GUI for it now I want to send the console text to a textbox I know this is asked more but I ...
2016年2月15日 · Implementation of TextWriter to write into Windows Forms Textbox (cross-thread). This project loads implementations of IPlannedTask (see project ...