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Albuca spiralis

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Nice looking plant from Uhlig

A plant with flower by
Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz,

Author:  Carl Linnaeus Junior, 1786
Origin:  South Africa
Soil:  Sand
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  25 Centimetres
Height:  50 Centimetres
Flower:  Green
Propagate:  Seeds/Bulbs
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Falconera spiralis, Salisb.
Ornithogalum circinatum, J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
Ornithogalum volutare, J.C.Manning & Goldblatt

This member of the Hyacinthaceae* family was given this name by Carl Linnaeus the younger in 1786, and is found in the Cape Province, South Africa on the sand plains. It's a winter-grower, and doesn't need much water in the summer. The bulb will grow to 25 centimetres and the corkscrew leaves to 50 centimetres. The fine bell-shaped flowers are white-greenish. It can be reproduced both by bulbs and seeds.

The genera name might referee to the egg-sharpen bulb. The species name reefers to the spiral-leaves.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Hyacinthaceae is now part of the Asparagaceae.

This is a winter-grower.