Flashback Friday: The Lomo LCA And A Question For You!

Good morning you awesome war torn camera geeks! For your Flashback Friday here is a camera I was surprised to find out recently that some people consider “one of the most important cameras in film camera history.” It’s the Lomo LCA from 1984.

I’ve had this camera for about five years and you guys know I do my research before buying any camera. I’ve never heard anyone call it one of the “most important cameras” until recently when I came across this in Dpreview and from reading the forums there, it seems that other people were surprised too!

Now it’s a cool, funky little Soviet era camera that takes decent pics, at best, but one of the most important cameras? Am I missing something guys? I respect the people who wrote the original article and as I’ve said, I don’t claim to know everything so I’m looking to you guys to fill in the blanks! 🙏🙏

This camera is based off the Cosina CX-1 which I don’t think is considered one of the most important cameras in history. I’m guessing maybe it’s because the LCA might have started the Lomography thing? This is really a curiosity for me! You tell me guys!! I’d be very grateful to learn what made this camera so important! Thanks! 😎🙏🏻👍🏻

PS: For you hardcore camera geeks, I got the wide angle adapter on it! 😍👍🏻


For Flashback Friday, Travis is back! And today he gives you the dish on government cheese and GE digital cameras! 😂👍🏻

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