
大卷尾 (又名 烏秋)

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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種,全長約29–30 公分,雌雄鳥同色,體型亦相近。因尾羽很長,末端分叉明顯且略微向上捲曲,因而得名,近似種為分布於中低海拔山區的小卷尾。常單獨或小群停棲在電線或樹枝。飛行時呈淺波浪形,姿態優雅,能夠於空中急停以及任意變換方向。繁殖期為4 到7 月,築巢於樹枝或電線桿,巢呈碗狀。繁殖期間領域性強,會攻擊接近鳥巢的人或動物,甚至猛禽等。(陸維元攝)
Common resident birds, an endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 29-30 cm in length. Males and females share the same body color and are similar in size. It has a long and deeply forked tail, which curves out at the end, giving it its Chinese name. An allied species, the Bronzed Drongo, can be found in medium and low altitude mountains. It is often seen singly or in small groups, perching on branches or along power or telephone lines. The flight of the Black Drongo resembles the rising and falling of the waves on the sea, giving a sense of beauty and elegance. While in flight, it can slow down and switch directions swiftly. It breeds between April and July, building cup-like nests among branches or in telephone poles. During the breeding season, Black Drongos are highly territorial and would attack people or animals that come near their nests, including birds of prey. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
