
茄苳 (又名 重陽木)


說明/ 落葉大喬木,樹高可達40公尺,三出複葉,葉緣鋸齒狀,花呈圓錐花序。漿果圓形,可食用或藥用,亦為鳥類與赤腹松鼠所喜愛的食物。其濃密的樹冠以及褐色粗糙的寬大樹幹,就像一位歷盡滄桑的長者,所以稱重陽木。本校鳳凰大道盡頭,往景觀花園出口兩側各有一棵重陽木老樹,樹齡已達220年。兩者樹高皆約為6公尺,樹圍分別為4.8與6.1公尺,約需4–5位成年人方能合抱,樹冠涵蓋範圍廣達168與240平方公尺,遮陰效果良好。(陸維元攝)
A deciduous tree that can grow to 40 m tall with trifoliate compound leaves that have serrated edges and axillary panicles. The berries are round, edible, and have medicinal uses, favored by birds and the Red-bellied Tree Squirrels. Its dense crown and brown, rough trunk make the tree look like a dignified elderly man, hence it is also known as “Bishop Wood.” There are two autumn maple trees growing at the end of the Phoenix Boulevard on campus that are 220 years old. The two trees are about 6 m in height, which have a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 4.8 m and 6.1 m respectively, about 4-5 adult people are required to get their arms around the trunks. The two trees have a crown cover area of 168 and 240 square meters respectively, providing a nice shade. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
