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說明/ 普遍留鳥,全長約47–51 公分,因為不甚怕人有時稱為大笨鳥。頭上近黑色的冠羽是牠的特徵,眼先略呈藍色。一般棲息於樹林與其邊緣草叢,遇危險時,會挺直身體並伸長脖子配合環境作「擬態」的警戒動作,以瞞騙敵害的注意,有時也會壓低身段快步躲開。繁殖期4 到8 月,主要捕食蚯蚓或昆蟲。入夜後會站在樹枝上發出「固– 固– 固–」叫聲,音量頗大,數十公尺範圍內可聞。(李悠攝)
A common resident bird, 47-51 cm in length, it is also called a “Big Dumb Bird” for not being afraid of people. The black crest is its most distinguishing feature. The lores are slightly blue. It often inhabits forests and surrounding grasslands. When threatened, it stretches its body and neck to assume a “mimicry” posture to fool enemies. Sometimes, it lowers its body and moves swiftly away to avoid danger. It breeds from April to August, feeding primarily on earthworms or insects. At night, it stands on branches and makes “goo-goo-goo” calls that can be heard from dozens of meters away. (Photo courtesy of Li You)
