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Translation of "肯定" in English


And it is certainly not about replacing ownership of the agenda.
Well, I certainly didn't assume that she'd be meeting Mateo.
So, bladders are definitely a little bit more complex than the other structures.
You definitely haven't decided to dump me?
肯定这个方案不存在 队长
Well, I'm certain such a program doesn't exist, Captain.
我看到灯光了 屋里肯定有人
I'm seeing lights. Definitely people inside the house.
The pain spun Kuzma and certainly barely got to the house.
It certainly does not help Kosovo to progress towards normalcy.
还是两个 肯定不是三个吧
or is it 2? It's definitely not 3.
Sveti Stefan is certainly one of the tourist icons of Montenegro.
与Gleim肯定去, 他们提供了一个更好的课程.
Definitely go with Gleim, they offer a much better course.
可靠性 支持 高度评价来自TorrentFreak的, 所以肯定好.
Reliability Support Rated highly from torrentfreak, so definitely good.
肯定, Mehna喜欢比利.
And definitely, Mehna likes Billy.
肯定是一个完全新的印刷出版商安特卫普Roeland Bollaert 。
was certainly a completely new printing by the Antwerp publisher Roeland Bollaert.
但如果一件事是肯定的, 任何声称具有原创的产品 英龙 Dbol 出售 是最肯定的骗局.
But if one thing is for certain, any product that claims to have original British Dragon Dbol for sale is most definitely a scam.
That must have caused quite a strain in your relationship.
肯定期望条件 将有利于你.
I certainly expect the terms to be in your favor.
I was recently reading an article in a decidedly non-business magazine.
They'd be expecting us to take a direct route.
为何这么感兴趣 你肯定还有别的要案
Why all this interest? Surely you have more pressing cases.
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