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                     Science Focus Issue 013, 2018

What? Happening in Hong Kong? 擐葛蝘?瘣餃?                                 Amusing World of Science 蝘飛頞??

HK SciFest 2018	                                                   1       Love Thy Enemy ??Parasite Makes Rats Attracted 	  12
擐葛蝘飛蝭€ 2018                                                                 to Cats                                           16
                                                                           ???萎犖 ??撖??脖誘??鋡怨??餃撘?                               18
"SOPHIE - IVE's Solar Cars Driving the Future" Special Exhibition          The Chemical Magic of Hand Warmers	               20
?OPHIE - IVE ?云?質頠??靘€?憿?閬?                                              ?????飛擳?
                                                                           Nanotechnology... At a Store Near You	            22
An Adventure to the Amazon                                                 蝝掖?€銵???撠勗雿澈??                                     24
鈭收?風??                                                                     Rising from the Ashes: Ecological Succession	
                                                                           after Volcanic Eruption
Science in History ?蝘飛                                                    瘚渡??嚗撅梁??澆???????
Penicillin: Beyond Fleming	                                        2  Who? Who? 蝘飛撌其犖
?文側镼踵???敺??                                                                           Applications of Time Reversal ??	
Science Today 隞蝘飛                                                         Interview with Prof. Mathias Fink	
                                                                           ??????????撠赤 Mathias Fink ??
Lazy Ants Are Far from Useless	                4                           Q&A with HKUST Scientists	
銝阡?瘥怎鞎Y??啗???                                   6                           蝘之蝘飛摰嗥???蝑?                                               8
The Mystery of the Universe - Negative Mass	  10                           Acknowledgements ?孵曈渲?
摰?銋? ??鞎釭??
CRISPR: Gene Editing Made Simple	
How Underwater Waves May Solve an	
Aviation Mystery
Message from the Editor-in-Chief 銝餌楊閰梯?

Dear Readers,                                                                          閬芣?????

      Welcome to the latest issue of Science Focus! After serving as a scientific      甇∟??梯??€?唬?????閮€???券??餃撟湛????湔??園€
advisor of this magazine in the last two years, this is the first time I write as the  ????摮賊“????洵銝€甈∩誑銝餌楊?澈隞賢?憭批振閬??
Editor-in-Chief. As usual, we hope to bring you interesting scientific stories         憒敺€嚗????葆蝯虫??€??暑?舀?賊???頞??摮豢?
that connect closely with daily lives. Have you used hand warmers in the past          鈭€??典???憭拇??券?????嚗??仿????潛撠?
winter? Do you know the chemistry behind these heat-emitting pouches? The              ????摮詨???嚗?餈誑?脣?亦瘝餌?蝵??箏?曄??
import of drugs to treat rare genetic diseases was widely covered in the local         ?◤憭抒?撟撠?雿?衣??楊頛舀靘?璈??臭誑?
news. Do you know gene editing may provide alternative treatment options in            ?虫?瘝餌??寞?嚗?the future?
                                                                                       撅?撠?嚗????游??撥蝬脖?撌乩?嚗蒂?潭???蝬脩??冗鈭?      Looking forward, we strive to increase our digital presence by posting in our    慦?銝雿瘨?迭餈????箸?閬?撱箄降嚗???閮€?
website and on social media. Please leave us your feedback and suggestions             隞交?脖?甇乓€?銝?敹??€?撖思?瘥魚嚗??臭誑撠????so that Science Focus can better serve you. And don? forget our writing               ??sciencefocus@ust.hk嚗蒂?????潭靘???閮€??competition. You may submit your articles by email at for a        銝准€?chance to have them published in future issues.
      Lastly, I would like to thank Professor Yung Hou Wong for laying a solid         ?????飛?楊憪漲???閮€?匱蝥?撖?雿€?foundation for Science Focus. Our staff and student editors will continue to work
closely together for many issues to come.                                                                                                  銝餌楊 暻交?⊥???                                                                                                                                                            ?砌?
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Ho Yi Mak

Scientific Advisors 蝘飛憿批?                                              Student Editorial Board 摮貊?蝺典?

Dr. Jason Chan ?喲???憯?        Editor-in-Chief 銝餌楊頛?                     Editors 蝺刻摩                    Reporter 閮€?Prof. Karen Chan ?單?????      Prof. Ho Yi Mak 暻交?⊥???                   Long Him Cheung 撘菜?雓?          Teresa Fan 璅?憪?Prof. Simon Chan ?喲??                                                 David Iu 憪?曀?Prof. Tom Cheung 撘菜??望???      Associate Editor ?舐楊頛?                    Henry Lau ?誑頠?                Graphic Designers 閮剛?撣?Dr. Ice Ko 擃??啣?憯?            Prof. Yung Hou Wong ?捕????               Melody Ma 擐砍???                Steve Min Kyu Park
Prof. Pak Wo Leung 璇摩????                                             Twinkle Poon 瞏               Tommy Wong 暺?雓?                             Managing Editors 蝮賜楊頛?                    Chantelle Sullivan ??摰?       Lynn Zhang 撘菜絲??                             Janice Wong ?派甈?                             Mandy Wong 暺?憍?
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