Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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「 粉色系列 」number.3 - 棒球棒 | 炫彩动态版 / 「 Pink series 」 Baseball Bat | Colorful dynamic
「 粉色系列 」No.3 | 近战武器第一作 | 替换了棒球棒,(replace the Baseball Bat) 自带柔和炫光,球棒的整体颜色会在粉蓝之间不断渐变 手绘添加了两颗小星星,并制作了动态特效,会动的小星星很可爱呢~ 我很喜欢哟 最后祝你们使用愉快 (^U^)ノ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.3 | Colo...
Skabt af Beau
Paysus的原版木喷和铁喷的动作,整合在了一起,修改了持枪视角。删除推的时候屏幕晃动。建议手臂长度70-80 本来不打算发出来的,很多人问,干脆就分享出来 一个14年的老MOD了,原作者如果有任何意见,麻烦留言,秒删 原作者:Paysus 原MOD地址 木喷 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=347379212 铁喷 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=35...
【印花集】印花集 UZI Printstream
Skabt af Nagasaki Soyorin
有生之年懒狗又做枪皮了 大家好啊,我是炎乐,今天来点大家想看的枪皮 帅啊,很帅啊(赞赏) 印花集的珠光效果已经添加了,效果图我就不重新截了,毕竟我是个大懒狗,大家懂的都懂 替换原版的UZI(只替换贴图,动作只是为了演示效果) 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y1f79c/ 效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2026091658534118598/1085FD1007330576AD1C61428A...
【原神】Bed (床)
替换了游戏中的床,改为原神 Replaced the bed in the game...
【原神】MW2CR SPAS-12 珊瑚宫心海 替换 SPAS(二代连喷)
Skabt af FenLan.
替换 SPAS 霰弹枪(二代连喷) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自凯妈制作的 Replaces SPAS 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840071821 ——曾经,我也时常会陷入自我怀疑之中。像我这样的人,真的可以胜任现人神巫女的职位吗?不过现在,我已经很少再去想这些了。与你在一起的时候,任何困难都可以迎刃而解。...
【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) Ver2.0
说明 · 【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Models : miHoyo · Compile:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined、麻辣香锅 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838035412...
【崩坏3rd】希儿图像 替换 医疗箱贴图
说明 · 图片来自《崩坏3rd》官方、Pixiv:蛞、PIxiv:宇暮、pixiv:(数字ID)13716542 · 替换了游戏内医疗箱贴图 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【崩坏rd】希儿 魇夜星渊 替换 Rochelle (改模蓝色 R-18)
Replaces Rochelle 仅包含贴图,模型请订阅必需MOD 说明 · 【崩坏rd】希儿 魇夜星渊 替换 Rochelle (改模蓝色 R-18) · 仅较小程度修改了贴图(去除胖次,添加啤) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) · 普通 版本 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 、夏子夜P、神帝宇 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢)就请点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家 ...
【崩坏3rd】符华 游戏提示图标 SDicon
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】符华 游戏提示图标 SDicon · 截图仅展示部分内容 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1768206388760022373/7EF4956B8D18C1F672AC45FFB06A4495698630E6/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/17682063887600...
【赤井心】我爱你- 右键推击声音
Skabt af 白楠D
介绍: 欢迎反馈,制作不易 进群闲聊:697196002 Hope you all pay attention This is my main https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198440491200...
Skabt af Beau
修改了铁喷木喷的音效 包括换弹,上膛,开火音效,新加了开火后抛壳的音效 个人感觉手感好不好完全看音效 ...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】星野主题一代连喷(M1014)
//第一次做枪皮MOD,不是很懂设计,希望大家伙喜欢,有意见或建议都能提,可能会改() 碧蓝档案的小鸟游星野为主题的一代连喷(M1014)含印花集珠光效果(如果不想要可以留言我发个不含的),注:仅替换原版材质,可搭配其他音效动作MOD 无珠光版:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2924365380 Replaces textures ONLY. ...
[R18]动图替换 电视TV
Skabt af 春田在手
口动图替换电视显示器贴图 动图来源作者p站ID:najar...
[R18]动图 替换 井盖贴图
Skabt af 春田在手
口动图 动图来源作者p站ID:najar 啊这...作者居然连井盖都不放过......
Skabt af 春田在手
用大声娇喘替换猎人hunter控制音乐 素材来源: 草野優衣 要是觉得声音太大或太小,可以在设置里调一下音乐音量。 配合此动作Mod一起食用更佳: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2921381358&searchtext=%E8%A2%ABhunter ...
Skabt af 秋枫夜
Skabt af 花の韵❄
【R20/R18】----随机门替换常见门(RNG DOOR)
Skabt af 清酒不还
随机变换门贴图 高清贴图较多,与配置无关,闪退请把L4D2页池内存改低降低贴图质量 基础常见门 多达60张高质量【R18】PNG贴图 移步原作者的作品 还有9天就过年啦,开冲,,. ...
印花集 MAC-10
Skabt af 星跃迁
替换官模SMG贴图 拥有一下特点 法线贴图 自发光 印花集独有珠光渐变 印花集皮肤最近很多人做,想尝试做一把印花集皮肤 上面四个杠有点不齐是正常现象,SMG上这四个杠V社UV图真布局乱导致的,真的裂开,十分感谢PioneerZ1Z大佬的UV贴图指导 更新日志 2023年5月1日 翻新部分贴图,加上了印花姬,不算完全重做,直接原地更新,不知道你们满意不满意这次小更新 2023年11月8日 将纯黑色换位浅黑色,浅黑色也显示珠光渐变,其他无变动 简介预览图不显示了== 有什么问题,在评论区反馈,虽然发不了评论,看...
原神 丘丘人(Genshin Hilichurl)
Skabt af 月悠红茶
youtube video: https://youtu.be/G5-Mcw_kpZ4 B站视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AP4y1L7EE (这个原神MOD的演示)(This Genshin MOD Video presentation, If you can not watch the video, please use VPN) (这个MOD是替换zombie,变成了丘丘人)This MOD is a replacement zombie and bec...
可莉加特林音效 Klee's Minigun Sound Effect
介绍/Introduction: 这个是原神相关的MOD,用于求生之路2的UI整合,素材来源于米哈游出品的原神IP系列作品 This is the MOD of Genshin Impact, materials used here are from the IP of Genshin Impact produced by MIHOYO 用可莉的声音替换了加特林的声音 Replace Minigun Gatling Sound Effect with Klee's voice b站视频链接 (2:33 - ...
可莉机关枪音效 Klee's Browning M2 Sound Effect
介绍/Introduction: 这个是原神相关的MOD,用于求生之路2的UI整合,素材来源于米哈游出品的原神IP系列作品 This is the MOD of Genshin Impact, materials used here are from the IP of Genshin Impact produced by MIHOYO 用可莉的声音替换了机关枪的声音 Replace Browning M2 Sound Effect with Klee's voice b站视频链接 (1:33 - 2:32...
-。-真彩虹速度表 ...
Skabt af Aslier
如题,非常简单的一个小mod 用前需知: 1.所有图片均来自QuAn___P站:QuAn_侵权删除 个人很喜欢的画师,强推! 2.图片大小为512*512,对我这块1080P的屏幕是足够清楚了 3.图片排序均根据个人喜好,有一定动手能力即可自行更改(真的是最简单的了),不喜勿用 效果展示: 所有图片展示,替换了所有模式的图标 和其它同样替换图标的mod不同的一点就是我把L4D2的logo也换成了明日方舟(见下图右上) 我知道已经有好几个替换UI的方舟MOD,这个MOD是我刚有做MOD想法时模仿先人做出来的,...
泳装雨空小手办 替换土制炸弹 土质
嘿嘿嘿嘿,制作了一个小手办拿来玩吧,看样子丧尸好像挺喜欢这种可爱的东西,一扔出去就围过来了。 之前不小心删除了,现在重新补上 ...
流歌ruka 可爆装备R18版本 替换boomer
咱又来整活了,感谢各位在甘城猫猫mod上给予我的支持与鼓励 这次的mod是boomer的mod,正常情况下是穿好衣服的流歌 击杀后变成 全裸 ,同时有几率爆装备(我自己测试大概4到5只左右会爆一次装备)(掉落物为 衣服 裙子 胸罩 高跟鞋) 不多说了,还不赶紧订阅开冲? 瑟瑟流妈的日子来辣!!! 希望不要有人偷传我的mod去别的地方哦! 我会伤心的。QAQ mod内容包括 人物表情(虽然我知道特感几乎没人留意表情,但还是做了) 基础飘动 击杀后变成全裸 有几率爆装备(爆装备本质上是游戏内boomer的碎块,...
Skabt af Azhe
对原版进行了简单的汉化 也修复了原版的一个小BUG 游戏内菜单拓展 可以在游戏内暂停菜单内进行各种调节: 准星颜色与透明度或粗细的调节, 动态与静态准星切换 网络状态显示的模式以及位置,字体大小的调整 可以调节游戏声音和背景音乐的大小 调节亮度 开关字幕说明 开关游戏提示 调节手臂长度 接武器皮肤MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料 原版名称:Urik InGame Menu Supplement for Mutation Mod version 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/s...
Skabt af 偷跑仙人
替换斧头 带夜光 有珠光效果 不可沾血 演示视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k3411R7Wo/ ...
印花集砍刀 原版动作 原版模型
Skabt af 偷跑仙人
摸鱼 懒癌犯了 啊吧啊吧 希望各位喜欢 演示视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YD4y1J7HQ/...
印花集 加兰德M1 替换15连猎枪
Skabt af 偷跑仙人
替换猎枪 replace hunting rifle 印花集作品+1 贴图的数值就调了好长时间 调的头疼 我想摸鱼了 演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nd4y1L7uG/...
印花集 狙击枪MRAD 替换AWP
Skabt af 偷跑仙人
第四个作品 第三个印花集作品 比较上手了一些 还是边学边做学的快() 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2758995763 Original Mod - Death Angel 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation 展示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1QG4y1A7St/...
原神 刻晴燃烧瓶替换燃烧瓶 keqing molotov replace molotov
Skabt af Orange Cat
星空背景,涩气版刻晴替换原版燃烧瓶,带夜光。 刻师傅,来一碗牛杂!(狗头) ...
樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura ballistics and bullet marks )
Skabt af 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了弹道,改成了樱花的效果 (The trajectory has been replaced and changed to the effect of cherry blossoms) 弹痕也是樱花的效果,且具备夜光 (Bullet marks are also the effect of cherry blossoms, and have luminous) 觉得这个太亮的点这里 喜欢的点个赞吧,你的赞是我最大的动力 更新说明 21/4/9 因为有部分枪械mod和柔和开枪火焰冲突,所以我删除了柔...
[xdR] TF2 Laughs For Reviving
Skabt af ChimiChamo
Requires xdReanimsBase to work. I thought this was common knowledge by now, but install the Louis and Francis reanimation compatible models so this animation works on them. This addon replaces the reviving animations for all survivors to be the various Sch...
[xdR] Mixamo Death Animations V1
Skabt af ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Death Animations with Mixamo Motion Capture Animations Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 021 Credits: Mixamo.com Mr Funreal - Crowbar Tutorial Blender Source Tools Rokoko Live Studio Polygon John - YouTube Tutorial Authors o...
[xdR] Long Await
Skabt af xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. An animation replacement representing long time waiting for being able to play again. Occupies each Survivors Slots 31 of reanimations. The animation is adopted from Black Mesa....
[xdR] Kip Up Get Up Animation - Mixamo
Skabt af ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Getting Up Animations from Tank, Hunters, and Chargers to do a Kip Up from Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 035 Let's say if you do not want Bill to have animation, then you can unpack this workshop it...
[xdR] California Girls
Skabt af xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
[Silverwing: N-EX] Gunblade replace Silenced SMG
Skabt af Artillery Rain
Adult Bronya's weapon from Honkai Impact 3 . I made it replace Silenced SMG , so unused animation are edited to become preview anim ( i won't take feedback about them ) . Features: - materials: x2 all texture , add selfillum - models: new animation made by...
该mod替换了(全部生还者)治疗队友的动作。 This mod replaces the action of healing teammates (all survivors). 必须搭配前置模组才能使用,否则无法正常使用。 It can only be used with the xdRianinsbase(l4d2), otherwise it cannot be used normally. 治疗队友✘/诱惑队友✔ 占用每个角色的第四槽位 occupies slot 4 of every surviv...
[R20-14/Cute H-012]动图厕所/GIFOuthouse——R20第12期—Cute Honey`s CG—012
Skabt af 楚风幽
传火—为【胡新宇】【刘玉琨】发声 国人玩家如果喜欢且方便的话多留言和点赞吧,因为不想看到一群啥比老外的制杖评论 【——————————Warning:——————————】 This item includes naked, Adult content,sex If you feel sensitive and uncomfortable with it, please don't subscribe Don't subscribe in public and exit from this page。Min...
[R20-09/Cute H-07]动图自助贩卖机/GIF luminous vending machine——R20第9期—Cute Honey`s CG—07
Skabt af 楚风幽
传火—为【胡新宇】【刘玉琨】发声 国人玩家如果喜欢且方便的话多留言和点赞吧,因为不想看到一群啥比老外的制杖评论 【——————————Warning:——————————】 This item includes naked, Adult content,sex If you feel sensitive and uncomfortable with it, please don't subscribe Don't subscribe in public and exit from this page。Min...
[R20-04/Cute H-02] GIF loading_background(NO stats panel)——R20第4期Cute Honey`s CG—02
Skabt af 楚风幽
传火—为【胡新宇】【刘玉琨】发声 国人玩家如果喜欢且方便的话多留言和点赞吧,因为不想看到一群啥比老外的制杖评论 【————————Warning:——————————】 This item includes naked, Adult content,sex If you feel sensitive and uncomfortable with it, please don't subscribe Don't subscribe in public and exit from this page。Minor...
Skabt af 天天如此天
在爆炸后留下一张4096×4096的瑟图,总共三张,每小关随机替换 如果喜欢请点赞吧...
Skabt af 天天如此天
共7张 4096X2048 素材均来源于网络...
[Dhampher] Vindictus Siete Ponytail Customizable Clothing
Skabt af 祈禱
Siete ponytail customizable clothing Replace the Louis Selectable items This item does not include some accessories, please select at least one subscription from each part of the necessary items Accessories Clothing NettingBody Hide Accessories Clothing Ne...
[Dhampher] Eira Xmas Customizable Clothing (Contains R18)
Skabt af 祈禱
Eira Xmas Customizable Clothing Replace the Bill This item does not include some accessories, please select at least one subscription from each part of the necessary items Selectable items Accessories Bikini Hide Accessories Bikini Show Accessories Dress H...
[Re0] 蕾姆 Spas-12
Skabt af OzZz1.
Re:从零开始的异世界生活 蕾姆 部分贴图荧光 仅替换贴图 图源P站 ID 82519270 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1749057282360732276/F85BB22E3EC7BDE6966726E41276DA2218C88306/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolo...
[xdR] Stagger Roll - Mixamo
Skabt af ChapCanai
Replaces each Survivors' stagger/shoved animations with Rolling animations from Mixamo. Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 038 Problems: Chainsaw not holding properly even though I copy pasted the grip animation from vanilla. Credits: Mixamo.com Mr F...
新发了另一个血条样式 没有聊天框的提示文字 添加载入脚本文件,不用那个脚本前置文件 更新之后好像小了不少,现在只有8KB了...
[R20-10/Cute H-08]动图卡车/GIF truck ——R20第10期—Cute Honey`s CG—08
Skabt af 楚风幽
V1:卡车mod文件.vtf文件命名错误已修复, V2:亮度调整,现卡车动图均为不刺眼夜光。 传火—为【胡新宇】【刘玉琨】发声 国人玩家如果喜欢且方便的话多留言和点赞吧,因为不想看到一群啥比老外的制杖评论 【——————————Warning:——————————】 This item includes naked, Adult content,sex If you feel sensitive and uncomfortable with it, please don't subscribe Don't ...
Markeret inkompatibel ]  [R18+] Coomba's Booty Hunter xdR
Another Hunter segg xdReanim mod made by Coomba This also uses the Slot 40 like the rapping one, so they will conflict, but the game will pick a random one everytime you exit/start the game ...
Skabt af 薇玖樱
幸存者被特感控制的音效 第一次制作,可能不太好ww Charger:千户 / 尤莉 - More One Night(少女终末旅行 ED) Hunter:わんころわんわかわわんのわん! - なゆ Jockey:は~りぃすたーふぃっしゅ - 戸越まごめ(CLANNAD 风子专属bgm ww~) Smker:捉泥鳅 - 洛天依 Spitter:Sweets Time Midnight - NJK Record 因为被控的音效时间限制,只有一小段qwq...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)安全门
我感觉这个门做的不太好啊,清晰度有点低.......眼睛部分被遮住了还好我没用黑色,不然有种那啥的感觉。 (谁反对夕立我就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084687543 夕立(椿)门:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)煤气罐:http://steamcommunity.com...
Skabt af faidao
移除smoker所有烟雾及粒子特效/remove all smoke and particle effects for smoker 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
Skabt af faidao
纳西妲E技能替换smoker拉人/Nahida's E skill replace smoker dragging action 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
肥宅快乐水(止痛药)- Coca Cola Pills
Skabt af 这把一定过
用肥宅快乐水(可口可乐)替换了止痛药的皮肤 Replace the pain pills with Coca Cola Intro: “肥宅快乐水”就是我们都喜欢的可乐 当冰冷的气泡冲击喉咙的那一刻 二氧化碳从液体中释出产生的强烈刺激感, 促使大脑释放出更多的多巴胺 最终成为了你感受快乐的源泉 一百多年来,凭借他独有神秘的配方 成为了风靡全球的一种饮品 那就是 — 冰阔落! 吨吨吨不过瘾? 来一台@PIO制作的快乐水贩卖机 吧 ...
芭芭拉加特林 Barbara's Minigun
芭芭拉加特林 替换 游戏内对应武器 Replaces the Minigun Gatling with Barbara's b站视频链接 (2:33 - 3:44):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kq4y1s7P3/ 部分夜光效果 Some parts of this weapon will glow in darkness The sound effect in video/对应声音MOD/recommend sound MOD: 可莉加特林音效 Klee's Min...
语音颜文字+常用语音 Chinese Emoticons
选择语音表单的同时顺带发颜文字o(*≧▽≦)ツ 配合二次元各类MOD冷藏后食用风味更佳(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ a mod for Chinese Player. I also very much want to bring joy to players in other languages. Unfortunately my English is poor... 在B站看见有人发语音表单同时带有颜文字的说 然后找了半天没在创意工坊找到.. 关键字不对? 还是说这个是某些dalao自己做了给朋友玩的? 或者是发布的地...
Skabt af 半城仙雨楼
新人上传的第一个mod,整个活 如果觉得声音小的话试试把游戏设置里的两个音量调到最大...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
(R18)ZUMI喷漆第5期(ZUMI sprays5)
Skabt af 米卡
PS:这个画师图片“差分”过多,一张图可能有四五种细小差别(比如某处是否有毛,是否身上有汗),一个mod能放下的喷漆有限,所以我舍弃了一些差分图,保留了我自认为符合大众xp的(有汗液的我没要,我想大众可能接受不了) 封面以及预览图已经打码,共11张喷漆 画师为ZUMI,该画师图片较多,要分好多好多期 R18!!!喜欢请点赞,球球了 The cover has been coded,and it'sR18!!! 11 sprays in total The painter is ZUMI...
Alolan Vulpix | Explosive Ammopack - 阿罗拉冰六尾 の 高爆弹药包
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Pocket Monster | Alolan Vulpix replace the Explosive Ammopack | Luminous 精灵宝可梦 | 阿罗拉冰六尾 替换 高爆弹药包 | 夜光 https://ste...
将安全屋结算界面以及从安全屋中开始下一关战役的音乐 ------------------------------------------------------------- 原曲:Altale 作者:削除 ...
Apex-Legends VK47-Printstream/Apex-英雄 VK47-印花集(replace AK47)
锵锵~印花姬~崭新出厂~ 【作者前言】 这是我学习求生之路Mod制作的第二天,心血来潮想贴个印花集 【声明】Apex 英雄 平行步枪 VK47(replace AK47) 该Mod原型来源于 HK560大佬,大佬主页:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198136343255 Original Author:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198136343255 原Mod链接:https://steamcom...
Attack Titan - ThanksAT - Death music
Skabt af D00Go
This mod replace the death music for: - ThanksAT shingeki no kyojin season 3 original soundtrack...
Auto Bhop
Skabt af 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Chrome Shotgun「Printstream Imitation」
Skabt af Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Chrome Shotgun. Can be used with sound mod and animation mod. Default animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817787491017698131/68CF9EF59138CAB4A75DE150F1E20CB0744DC4B6/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
CS:GO Skeleton Knife | Fade(glow) replace Police Baton
CS:GO Skeleton Knife | Fade(glow) replace Police Baton There is a problem with this mod, it is easy to crash in the test map, but it does not work when online. This problem cannot be solved for the time being...
CSOL金红双蝎 印花集【Printstream Imitation】
Skabt af 偷跑仙人
replacing the pistol 替换小手枪 原武器链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2310450243 额......这是我第一次做mod 不会做 贴图有点粗糙 请各位大佬轻点骂 虽然粗糙 但是好炫好好看 我好喜欢 印花集yyds() 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nv4y1i74F/...
Skabt af Yuni Senpai
Replaces the In-Game Tips that you can see at the bottom of the screen between maps by 53 new ones, made by Ellie (in Simplified Chinese,translated and changed something by Ebina Nana). 更改读图加载界面左下角的提示,多达 53 个不同的提示哦。 基于 Ellie 制作的英文版 MOD 汉化而来,但也有部分内容由我进行了修改,...
粉色系 - 30发连狙-消音
【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇02 替换 30发连狙 (消音) replace Military Sniper ● 原版Mod: 8sianDude 原版瞄准镜做了隐藏处理,防止遮挡视线 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682583755359299/12CFC560850A477BEA268AEF75540BDC63827914/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%2300...
Skabt af faidao
纳西妲语音替换烟鬼声音/Nahida voice replace smoker sound 纳西妲替换烟鬼的附属mod,模型mod如下/Nashida replaced the Smoker's attachment mod, the model is as follows. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894571141...
2B Mature Spray
Skabt af N.KATA
If you wanna use these sprays with other custom sprays -if you have them- just extract the files from the vpk mod and import them manually from your game. Join. The picture is only reference. If you wanna see the real 2b as a bad girl use this mod....
>>> Blue Fire (no weapon conflict)
Skabt af wx
Blue Fire without the weapon conflicting problem Blue Fire - no weapon conflict Blue Colored Fire replaces most of the default Fire color, expect Weapon Flame effect. Also it replaces the Explosion Fire in the Smoke effect too. <<< Due to another addon con...
Ahri Flashlight Mod (Re-Upload) (NSWF)
Skabt af Touko_Fuka
This mod replaces the flashlight for a picture R-18 of Ahri (from League Of Leguends) I re-upload this one, because i forgot that was censored in game and i made this one, once again, this time without the censure. Censored only in the pictures for obvious...
Attack on Titan (So ist es immer) Credits Roll Music
Skabt af Sky Shadow
Replaces the credits roll music with "So ist es immer" by Hiroyuki Sawano from the Attack on Titan anime series....
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- CS:GO M9 Knife (Frying Pan)
Skabt af 25thParadise_AID
为什么要逃走呢?这样挣扎只会带给自己更多无谓的恐慌。 替换了平底锅/煎锅 Replace Frying Pan 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2039602457405452960/60FD1E5C699D4B5607B58A...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Skabt af 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin Jukebox
Skabt af AmethySlime
This is an addon that changes the jukebox music to be: Great Escape eye-water ???9?? Jiyuu no Tsubasa omake-pfadlib DOA...
Evelynn Flashlight Mod (NSFW)
Skabt af Touko_Fuka
This mod replaces the flashlight for a picture R-18 of Evelynn (from League Of Leguends) i had to put a withe circle in this one, because it give me some problems in-game Censored only in the pictures for obvious reasons Credits to the artist: Casemon...
[Dhampher] Vindictus Siete Customizable Clothing
Skabt af 祈禱
Vindictus Siete customizable clothing Replace the Ellis This item does not include some accessories, please select at least one subscription from each part of the necessary items Selectable items Accessories Clothing NettingBody Hide Accessories Clothing N...
HD Luminous ladder
Skabt af 徒手开根号
This mod replaces the all ladders. It shines in the dark and is easier to spot. This is a gift for those cute novice blind gamer :P Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my cr...
Halo M319 Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher)
Skabt af Adorabirb!
"The M319 Individual Grenade Launcher, more formally known as the Individual Grenade Launcher, Caliber 40mm, M319, is a single-shot, break-action explosives launcher produced by Misriah Armory and used by the United Nations Space Command, specifically the ...
Hentai Anime Smoker Music smoker????
Skabt af Energy
I replaced the smoker music when we caught by smoker with hentai moaning. ?????????smoker????????...
Homemade medical cabinet [R-18]
Skabt af ༾༒空༒༿
医疗柜 Medical Cabinet 一个简单的重塑,但对于那些喜欢的东西R18的人来说 A simple Remodeling, but for those who like things R18 Enjoy and rate 5 ^^ :D...
HUD Retrowave / Synthwave
Skabt af Laith
Hi! This is a Retrowave/Synthwave HUD. I hope you like it and enjoy playing with it, I clarify that I am not a professional, I am just an enthusiast. Note: If you have a lot of mods in your game, some bugs will probably appear, but nothing very relevant. L...
Hyperdimension Neptunia Blanc itasha race car
Replace your race car skin with Blanc itasha. "...Your logic is strange. I'm everyone's favorite." -Blanc....
ice sword (Golf clubs)
Skabt af ZMing
动作https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=562070011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 替换高尔夫球杆 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Lux Flashlight Mod (NSFW)
Skabt af Touko_Fuka
This mod replaces the flashlight for a picture R-18 of Lux (from League Of Leguends) I will make a few more from characters of LoL, for every 100 subscriptions Censored only in the pictures for obvious reasons Credits to the artist: Casemon...
Misaki(spitter) 海咲替换丧尸spitter 原作者MLUI大佬的作品 原作者链接:original author : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198253430196/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 ...
m4a1s-印花集 Elena 伊蕾娜
恭喜2021萌王 伊蕾娜 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1737846061605115793/039353D24F8FCC30A9A9B2D9C73D33798BE3874C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 摸了这么久 终于又做出来一个mod了 想做的角色又很多 希望某个人快把素材收集完 素材到手了,不过我也开始摸鱼了 经典...
Nahida replaces the smoker(Generic version)
Skabt af faidao
Link to Luminous version:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2931057629 Important note The Genshin Impact Nahida replaces the smoker of L4D1 and L4D2. As follows the solution to this problem that Server is enforcing consistency for this ...
Nyotengu (Marionette) [Witch] DOAXVV
Skabt af Loopert
DISCLAIMER This was a request from a h0rny friend who, for some reason, wants to make it harder for himself to kill witches As always the model don't belong me, this model was extracted from this wonderful map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filede...
odachi but low cost replace pitchfork
yes i`m still alive replace pitchfork and custom animation but melee system still shit and i remake animation about five time i guess because i need to apply that melee angle weapon and arms are too low or too high and position when attack maybe too left o...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
R18 Spray paint 视距喷漆
Skabt af 在下白毛控
做上个玩意下载的图包,顺手就做了个喷漆玩。 ...
Skabt af Zaeryn
Replaces the SCAR with End of Days' model, using ImBrokeRU's animations. Back when I released this on GameBanana, I spent lots of time porting this model and animations, got everyone excited, then slapped a pony skin on it. Credits: End of Days, b0t, TheLa...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Skabt af Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
[CSGO] Desert Eagle | Printstream
Skabt af 深月
As you can see, we restored the pearlescent effect as much as possible. Don't forget to rate it and add it to your favourite if you like. Have fun! Original texture: JTPNZ Model/Animation/Sound: Twilight Sparkle Effect: 松果...
[Dhampher] Alet Sailor Common Material
Skabt af 祈禱
Alet Sailor Common Material All materials except optional accessories, the model of the replacement character is selected separately, and multiple different characters can be replaced at the same time without conflict...
NieR:Virtuous Contract(Crowbar)
Skabt af 徒手开根号
replace the Crowbar .form NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ) 2B. <Virtuous Contract> It is luminous, and the iris diaphragm is dynamic.The animation is all done by myself YoRHa No. 2 Type B Katana : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083048677 ht...
Pokemon - M60 Mightyena
Skabt af MrNick
Requested by: ﴾Weavile﴿ Dec 19, 2017 @ 11:48am Frickin Amazing. Also, Have you ever considered an M60 skin? I was thinking Mightyena, But it's your choice, Note this is Riolu again. (The Bidoof Skins are awesome dude) There you go! Thanks for your patience...
R18+Arknights amiya magazine/book_rack
I made a MOD instead of bookshelves and books. There are two kinds on the shelf and three kinds of books. Perhaps every 10S will change the chart. This MOD contains a total of R18 and various good pictures. ...
Rick Astley 音乐会(Concert)
Skabt af 筱°★v
替换了音乐会的音乐 两首歌都是never gonna give you up 噔↘噔↗噔↗噔↗噔 ↗~~~当↘当↗~~你被骗了doge...
SECTOR-74: March of the survivors
Skabt af CR0NO
SECTOR-74: March of the survivors 16 Level campaign made by: CR0NO If your new to this campaign? Best to play the map in multiple sittings, but if you have experience, you can playthrough it 100% in a couple of hours! Encounter spawn bugs? (restarting the ...
T-Virus Vial (includes custom particles)
Skabt af 󠀡󠀡Lachie
Replaces bilebomb Tyrant Virus, commonly abbreviated as "t-Virus", "Blue for the virus, green for the anti-virus" Enjoy the mod while I continue to work on my improved hunter model replacement and all the mods with and without sounds, this may take some ti...
Vulpine | Incendiary Ammopack - 六尾 の 燃烧弹药包 | 宝可梦
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Pocket Monster | Vulpix replace the Incendiary Ammopack | Luminous 精灵宝可梦 | 六尾 替换 燃烧弹药包 | 夜光 https://steamuserimag...
Wooden Pump Shotgun「Printstream Imitation」
Skabt af Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Pump Shotgun. Can be used with sound mod and animation mod. Default animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1815536420209752968/F9F376A61B8EFB04CF22DEED2C0E824A6A3472AA/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy...
[Dhampher] Alet Sailor Customizable Clothing (Contains R18)
Skabt af 祈禱
Alet Sailor Customizable Clothing Replace the Zoey This item does not include some accessories, please select at least one subscription from each part of the necessary items Only Model and Vgui are included. Except for the optional accessories, the rest of...
[Dhampher] Alet Vampire Dracey Common Material
Skabt af 祈禱
Alet Vampire Common Material All materials except optional accessories, the model of the replacement character is selected separately, and multiple different characters can be replaced at the same time without conflict...
[Dhampher] Alet: Vampire Darcey Customizable Clothing (Contains R18)
Skabt af 祈禱
Alet: Vampire Darcey Customizable Clothing Replace the Rochelle This item does not include some accessories, please select at least one subscription from each part of the necessary items Only Model and Vgui are included. Except for the optional accessories...