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Central Placentation is similar to Axile except that there is only One Locule. The Ovules are attached to a central pilar of tissue but there is only one Locule.

PlacentaCentralVeryClose300.jpg (32665 bytes) PlacentaCentralVeryCloseLab.jpg (62208 bytes)
Cross Sections of an Ovary with Central Placentation
PlacenCentral-1.jpg (304186 bytes) PlacenCentral-1-Lab400.jpg (117012 bytes)

Diagrams of the Three Most Common types of Placentation

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Basal Placentation occurs when there is only one to a few Ovules, one Locule and the Placenta is at the base of the Ovary.

Composites offer a good example of Basal Placentation. Each Disk or Ray Flower has one Ovule mature in each Ovary, and that ovule has Basal Placentation.

DiskFlrDiag240LabOvOv.jpg (49118 bytes)    SflrDiagOvaryLab400.jpg (78996 bytes)   ErigeronHIMagMicroLab.jpg (85108 bytes)
Diagrams & Photo of Composite Flowers with Basal Placentation

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