

學名:Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson ex F.A.Zorn) Fosberg



簡介 Description


shallow to deep pinnate lobes. Monoecious, axillary capitulum, with elliptic male inflorescence and round female inflorescence. The aggregated fruit is oval or round, with a green to yellowish appearance and a knob-like protruding. Flowering from spring to summer, fruiting from summer and autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Grown in full-sun and warm environment. Apply long-active organic compound fertilizers once every season. If seeding propagation is applied, it would take about 5 years from germination to flowering, so commercial cultivation is mostly propagated by cuttings, air layering and root cuttings.

應用 Application

An evergreen tree in the genus Artocarpus, native from Southeast Asia to Oceania. The leaves are alternate leathery ovate or elliptic, with entire leaf edge or

The plant develops unique-shaped foliage and exhibits a tropical feel. The saplings can be potted as a foliage plant. In addition, the tree can also serve as a good shade tree in bigger spaces in gardens, campuses, parks, etc. Fruits are edible, Taiwanese people generally use the moderately ripe fruits to cook in a stew.