      摘 要
      英文計劃名稱:A study of the dispersal of Taiwan and Light-vented Bulbuls and the feasibility of establishing Taiwan Bulbul Protection zone in Kenting National Park (II)
      KEYWORD:Taiwan Bulbul, Light-vented Bulbul, breeding, dispersal
      This study focuses on the reproduction and dispersal of Taiwan Bulbul and Light-vented Bulbul, hoping to identify factors influencing the hybridization of the two species. Research area covers both within Kenting National Park and the region to the north where Light-vented Bulbuls are found. This year field workers captured and color-marked 123 adults, 75 subadults, and 54 nestlings. These marked individuals were tracked to learn of their movements and autumn dispersal. Blood or feather samples were collected from each marked individual for eventual sexual identification via molecular tools. In addition, field workers found 93 nests and recorded the parental morphology of 53 nests. Judging by the nests with already identified parents, the composition of mated pairs in Hsin-Kai was primarily of Light-vented Bulbuls, while those in Longluan-Lake and other places within the National Park were primarily of Taiwan Bulbuls. Feng-kang and especially Nei-shih had complex combinations of breeding parents. This suggests that Nei-shih is probably at the core of the hybrid zone. This year 25 nests produced fledglings, 49 nests failed, and the fate of 19 nests were not known.
      The breeding success of the two species of Bulbuls did not differ statistically. This pattern differed from what was found in 2005 because a new method of data analysis was adopted and all nests with no eggs were excluded from clutch-size calculations and all nests with no young were excluded from fledging-success calculations.
      In order to understand the dispersal of the two species, we made extensive field observations and radio-tracked 11 sub-adults. In September and October, field workers searched for color-marked birds in the western part of Kenting National Park and in Hsin-kai area. Based on observations of bulbuls with clear views of their legs, only 0.69% of the Taiwan Bulbuls and 0.82% of the Light-vented Bulbuls were color-marked. This shows that trying to locate dispersed sub-adults through field observations is very inefficient.
      Data of this year showed that male sub-adults of both species often remained in the nest area after fledging, and female sub-adults tended to remain a shorter period than male sub-adults. Light-vented Bulbul female sub-adults would remain near the nest sites for some time, while the longest record any Taiwan bulbul sub-adult females stayed near a nest was 22 days. The distances moved by sub-adults of both species were within the distances adults moved in a day. Taiwan Bulbul roosting locations probably shifted with foraging locations, but foraging sites did not move progressively away from the nest site or the location of banding. Light-vented Bulbul did not shift roosting sites with time. This difference probably reflected the habitat differences in our two study sites.
      Based on radio tracking results, Taiwan Bulbuls used cumulatively 250 ha area in two months, averaging less than 50 ha per day. Taiwan Bulbuls used cumulatively 700 ha area in two months, averaging less than 70 ha per day.
      In order to locate the best location to establish a refuge for Taiwan bulbuls, workers on this study surveyed the population size and distribution of the two species of bulbuls at Nanren Mountain Conservation Area, Longkeng Conservation Area, and Sheding Sika Deer Restoration Area. Results showed that the bulbul population in Nanren Mountain was relatively pure, but because the habitat there was not really suitable for this species, the total population size of Taiwan Bulbuls in Nanren Mountain was fairly small. Sheding Sika Deer Restoration Area had primarily Taiwan Bulbuls, but the population size was also fairly small. If the area concerned is enlarged to include Sheding Park, population size will no doubt increase, but the number of tourists in the area will also increase greatly. Longkeng Conservation Area has a larger Taiwan Bulbul population. Although it contained a higher proportion of hybrids, it may be the best location to establish a Taiwan Bulbul Protected Area. Longluan Lake to Guanshan and Erluanbi Park is a broad region with high bulbul density, but the bulbuls also included Light-vented bulbuls and hybrids. In addition, this area is a major tourist area; thus choosing this area to establish a Taiwan Bulbul Protected Area would involve a large number of management difficulties.
      英文關鍵字:Taiwan Bulbul, Light-vented Bulbul, breeding, dispersal
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