10. Describe the various types of placentations found in flowering plants.
10. Describe the various types of placentations found in flowering plants.


Various types of placentations found in flowering plants are as follows

  • Marginal – The placenta forms a ridge that runs across the ovary’s ventral suture, and ovules are carried on the ridge in two rows. Example – Pea

Axile – In a multilocular ovary, the placenta is axial and ovules are linked to it. Lemon is a good example.

Parietal – Ovules form on the ovary’s inner wall or on the periphery. It is single-chambered at first, but as a false septum develops, it becomes two-chambered. Example – Mustard

Basal – A single ovule is linked to the placenta, which develops at the base of the ovary. Example – Marigold

Free central – Septa is missing, and ovules are borne on the central axis. Example – Primrose