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長遠來說,我們希望各有關部門的 加倍努力, 能產 潛移默化用 , 令 業主重視 定期檢驗樓宇和維 修。
In the longer term, we hope that the extra efforts made by the
concerned Government departments will
[...] pave the way for a cultural change amongst building [...]
owners and make them better motivated
to carry out periodic inspection and maintenance of their buildings.
我 們相信,通過觀念上和價值觀的改變 潛移默化 以幫助巿民反思家 庭的重要性,提醒他們在工作與家庭生活之間取得平衡。
We believe, through conceptual and value
[...] changes as well as internalization, we can help the [...]
public reflect on the importance of
family and remind them to achieve work-family balance.
以㆖種種措施,都顯示或告知市民及㆘㆒代吸煙的害處, 潛移默化 式去建立㆒個不吸煙的文化。
All these measures indicate to or advise the public and their next generation of the hazards of smoking.
不過 , 我 想 指 出 , 要 真正改善 工 作 安 全 ,政府當局 必須在增加罰 則的同 時 , 加 強 宣傳, 推 廣
[...] 海上工 作 安 全意識 , 我 認 潛 移默化 嚴刑 峻 法 來得 有 效 。
However, I wish to point out that in order to really improve occupational safety, the Administration must, in addition
to introducing heavier penalty charges, step up publicity
[...] to promote the awareness of safety in marine [...]
work activities.
要提高市民的公民意識,必須透過大眾傳媒 潛移默化
We must make use of the mass media to raise people's civic awareness gradually.
雖然現代資訊非常發達,日本單方面掩飾真相是行不通的,但教育可產 潛移默化 用,對下一代造成深遠的影響,所以我們有必要提出嚴正抗議, 要求日本政府正視歷史事實,以及徹底放棄軍國主義,令後代認識這一段慘 痛的歷史,並時常警惕,防止軍國主義死灰復燃。
It is, therefore, necessary for us to solemnly protest against these acts of Japan. We must call on the Japanese Government to face up squarely to the historical facts and totally abandon militarism, so that their descendents will understand this tragic episode in history and become constantly vigilant against the resurgence of militarism.
婦委會一直與教育統籌局定期溝通,從性 別角度對課程發展提出意見,希望從小向學生灌輸正確的性別意識 和消除性別定型觀念,以潛移默化
It has maintained regular dialogue with the Education and Manpower Bureau and provided advice on the development of the curriculum from the gender perspective, in order to promote gender awareness and reduce gender stereotyping of students in their early stages of life and to make a sustainable impact.
學校亦 可選擇採用滲 透潛 移 默 化 法,透 過 學 習 各個科 目或參 與 課 外 活動, 促 進 學 生 心 智 或 體能的發展 , 讓 他們學 習 與 朋 輩 協 作 , 鍛鍊人 際 關 係 的 技 巧 , 建 立 自信及 面 對 挑戰。
Students would be able to learn how to co-operate with their peers, build up interpersonal skills, establish self-confidence and face up to challenges.
人 自 出 生 便 接 觸 母 語 , 通過生 活 的 體 驗 潛 移 默 化 然地 掌 握 母 語 的規律和 運 用 , 這是潛 意 識 的 學 習 。
People come into contact with L1 since birth and they undergo a natural process of experience with L1 in life and assimilate the rules and usage of L1.
此類團體的活動宗旨並非只是娛樂,還旨在培育、陶冶民眾在藝 術上的修養,使民眾在藝術參與的過程中,達 潛移默化 果。
These arts groups organize activities not only for entertainment but also for nurturing and cultivating people's artistic qualities so that they will be subtly nurtured and cultivated in the process of artistic participation.
既 然大家 認識到 目 前 這 套 社 會 觀念實 際 上不可持 續 ,政府 便 有責任提 出一套 改善建 議,包括制 訂 政 策 , 積極建立 一 套 健 康 的 倫 理 觀念, 並多從 宣 傳 及 學 校 教育 眼 , 希望從小入手, 向 小 朋友以至年青人灌 輸 供 養 父母是 為 人 子 女 應盡的 責任, 透潛 移默化 慢將已經 扭 曲 了 觀念重 新 建 立 過來。
The Government should formulate policies, actively establish healthy ethical concepts and enhance publicity and school education in the hope of inculcating in children and young people the idea that children have the responsibility of supporting their parents, thereby gradually re-establishing concepts that have been distorted through imperceptible influence.
劉健儀議員:駕駛安全必須由司機的心開始出發,政府一定要把駕駛安 全、道路交通安全的意識,令司機真 潛移默化 自內心,然後才可 在其駕駛行為中反映出來。
MS MIRIAM LAU (in Cantonese): As drivers must bear safe driving in mind, the
Government must ensure
[...] that drivers internalize their awareness of safe driving and road safety before they can reflect such awareness in [...]
their driving behaviour.
既然運輸業界有不同的商會及司機會,政府可藉與這些團體的合作 加強滲透力,在不斷潛移默化 提高司機的道路交通安全意識,減 少不必要的意外發生。
Since there are various business associations and drivers' associations in the transport sector, the Government may cooperate with these organizations and spread its message among drivers.
當 然 , 我們也不能夠 忽 視教育 潛 移 默 化 , 所以應該 提 出 嚴 正 抗 議 。
Of course, we must not ignore the imperceptible influence education has on a person, and so we must voice our stern protest.
若對街頭藝術也採取同樣嚴格禁止態度,業餘塗鴉只會不減反增,專業藝術家反倒將移往他國,新進街頭藝術家將日益不滿,人民將失去一項具許 潛移默化 的強大藝術形式。
The population is deprived of a powerful art
[...] form, one that has many silent benefits.
畢竟,學 校教育只是青年成長的一部分,體育、文化、藝術能夠更大範圍地影 響青少年的成長,特別是在個性、品德及價值觀的建立和發展方面, 起潛移默化導作用。
Anyway, school education forms only a part of a youth's growth. Physical education, culture and art may affect the development of teenagers more extensively, especially in inducing and shaping their character, morality and values.
只管拼搏競爭 的精潛移默化 帶來的是長時間的工作,短時間的人生,社會越見 複雜,人際關係變得疏離,婚姻關係破裂,再加上賴以安身立命的家庭 關係和衍生的親戚關係網絡的瓦解,現代人心靈失去了重要的支援。
The unconscious influence of the spirit of competing with all our might has led to long working hours and short lives. As society gets increasingly complicated, interpersonal relations become isolated and marriage relationships broken down, coupled with the disintegration of family relations, on which we rely to live in peace, and the network of relatives thus derived, modern people have lost their key spiritual support.
故此,要 真正達到男女平等,必須透過教育和宣傳 潛移默化 變現時社會㆖的歧視現象, 不能單靠法例。
So, to achieve equality between men and women in the real sense of the words, it is essential to reply on education and publicity to exert a subtle influence to altering the discrimination currently existing in our society.
所以,政府當局 可以考慮資助這些活動,主題 是 珍惜生 命 , 在這些活動中,邀請受歡迎的 歌 星、明星向 青 少 年 傳 達 珍惜生 命、遠 離毒品 、 尊 重別人的正 面 信 息 , 並 潛移 默 化 化 這些信 息 。
Popular singers and actors can be invited to those activities to convey to young people positive messages on cherishing life, staying away from drugs and respecting other people, and in the process, these messages should be reinforced with subtle influence.
當然, 加強教育和宣傳,從整體社會風氣入手,均能徹底幫助減低這類暴戾和施虐 案件的發生,然而,畢竟這是有需要用長時間 潛移默化 作,不可一蹴 即就的。
We of course think that the enhancement of education and publicity as well as efforts to influence the general mindset of society are all ultimate means to help reduce the incidence of these acts of violence and cases of abuse.
他對TIA的期許是:在慈悲與關愛 潛移默化 培養學生友善及包容的特質,建立和平、正直、快樂且充滿義意的人生觀;使尼泊爾少數民族與未開發地區的孩童也有接受教育的機會;以及培養孩童地球村的觀念﹐消融種族歧視。
Rinpoche's goals for TIA include providing formal education for children who come from minority populations and backward areas; cultivating the students' potential for developing friendship, tolerance, love, compassion and meaningful values; and the elimination of racial prejudice through opening young minds to global thinking.
如果我們不想“兵捉賊"的 形式繼續維持下去,政府便必須加強宣傳推廣 潛移默化 能移風易俗。
If we do not want the game of "tracking down and arresting offenders" to continue, then the Government should step up its publicity and promotion efforts and the bad habits could only be changed through gradual and imperceptible influences.
視覺帶給人類的影響, 無論潛移默化 響消費或改變觀念都是有影響力的, "抓住眼球並且願意停留"是商業廣告的最終目標, 所以現在的電視牆, 廣告牆的尺吋越做越大, 也因為螢幕拼接與顯示技術越來越強大, 所以大型顯示也不再像從前那樣昂貴而難以取得, 藍寶Vid-2X提供了一個嶄新的螢幕數量X2的概念, 以經濟的價格, 簡易的安裝來幫您實現大型展示牆的解決方案。
The affordable Vid 2X can be combined with multi-port graphic adapters or PC farms to multiply the number of monitors supported and contributes to lower equipment costs for graphical walls.
从小,我便受到父亲的熏陶,接触海运业, 移默化 到许多航运的诀窍。
Since I was young, my father had given [...]
me an exposure to the shipping industry and taught me all the ropes in shipping.
特立尼达和多巴哥指出种族主义观念是 移默化 的,家庭和学校在鼓励接受和容忍方面应发挥重要作用。
Trinidad and Tobago reported that racist attitudes
[...] were learned through acculturation and the family and [...]
schools had an important role to
play in encouraging acceptance and tolerance.
由於該病毒是 險的病原體,因 如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 [...]
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important [...]
for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus
(subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
由于声音重复在儿童语言和浪漫的“甜言蜜语”中的出现,它能 移默化 造怀旧、愉悦、亲密以及其他的许多积极联想。
Since sound repetition is present in the language of children as well as romantic sweet talk, it can conjure up feelings of nostalgia, pleasure, intimacy, and other positive evocations, which can then build positive brand perceptions if used in a brand name.
目前,教育部积极推广“以学生为本,以价值观为导向”的教育理念,希望能在 移默化 德教育中,培养学生优良的品格、价值观和社会责任感,种种措施都让华社、华商感到欣慰和鼓舞。
Currently, the Ministry of Education is actively promoting moral education, centred on the inculcation of values and character among students, so that they could develop exemplary character, values and civic responsibility.
学校应关心校内教职员工他们的身心健康,并让他们获得灵性发展及培育的机会,使他们把基督精神融入教学、行政工作和日常生活中,好让他们的好表样对学生发挥 移默化
Schools should care about the physical and mental health of their staff, and provide them with opportunities for spiritual development and formation.
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