PART. B. - Smart-Info Limited

PART. B. - Smart-Info Limited

PART. B. - Smart-Info Limited


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<strong>PART</strong>. B. CHARACTERS. 字 體 , zì tǐ<br />

zì tǐ. { cc/ akshar }<br />

a. Chinese.( traditional ) big 5 code. .<br />

Ⅰ, Orderly ( 普嫫 通 話攠 , Pŭ tōng huà ) phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning total characters 4543.<br />

A characters 45,<br />

001 珹啊 ɑ. [ a ] oh, ah. cxf], cfZro{.<br />

002 阿 ā. [ a ] prefix. cF, af]nfO{df pk;u{.<br />

003 哀 āi. [ oi ] sorrow. b'Mv.<br />

004 哎 āi. [ ai ] hey, ah. cfxf †.<br />

005 埃鞺 āi. [ ai ] dust. w'nf].<br />

006 唉鞭 āi. [ ai ] alas cf] π.<br />

007 諳 ān. [ abm ] know. hfGg'.<br />

008 挨頏 ái. [ abi ] difficult period. sl7g\.<br />

009 捱嗇 ái. [ ngaai ] pain, suffer. b'Vg', b'Mv kfpg'.<br />

010 癌 ái. [ ngam ] cancer. Sofg\;/ .<br />

011 矮播 ǎi. [ abi ] short. xf]rf].<br />

012 藹礼 ǎi. [ oi ] friendly. bofn'.<br />

013 靄羕 ǎi. [ oi ] mist. afbn\.<br />

014 艾哘 ài. [ ai ] wormwood. lr/fO{tf] .<br />

015 愛 ài. [ oi ] love. k|]d\ .<br />

016 礙觽 ài. [ ngoi ] hinder. n'Sg].<br />

017 隘踕 ài. [ abi ] narrow. ;fu'/F].<br />

018 安咎 ān. [ on ] peaceful. zfGt.<br />

019 氨 ān. [ on ] ammonia. lk/f] Uof“;.<br />

020 鞍账 ān. [ on ] saddle. 3F]8fsf] lhg\.<br />

021 庵喖 ān. [ abm ] temple. d+lGb/.<br />

022 俺靾 ǎn. [ an ] personal pronoun. AoFlQafrs\<br />

;a{gfd\.<br />

023 岸 àn. [ on ] coast. ;fd'lGb|s lsgf/.<br />

024 按恳 àn. [ on ] push down. d'gL ws]Ng'.<br />

025 案頥 àn. [ on ] case, records. d'2F, /]s8{.<br />

026 暗搽 àn. [ abm ] dim, dark. wldnf], cWof/f].<br />

027 黯禺 àn. [ abm ] dark. cWof/f].<br />

028 犴聭 àn. [ hon ] deer, elk. d[3, h/fof].<br />

030 昂 ánɡ. [ ngong ] high, expensive. cUnf], dxuf].<br />

031 盎猗 ànɡ. [ ong ] basin, bowl. 7'nf] v8\s'8F, s'8].<br />

032 凹 āo. [ au / lap ] concave, indentation. ulx/f],<br />

vfN8F],<br />

033 熬 áo. [ ou ] boil for long time, suffer. w]/} a]/<br />

pdfNg', ;tfpg' .<br />

034 獒 áo. [ ou ] large fierce dog. 7'nf] l/;fxf s's'/.<br />

035 遨贇 áo. [ ou ] stroll. /x/sF] ofqf.<br />

036 翱 áo. [ ou ] soar. csfl;g' .<br />

037 螯 áo. [ ou ] scorpion. laR5L.<br />

038 鼇羠 áo. [ ou ] huge sea turtle. 7'nf] ;fd'lGb|s s5'jf.<br />

039 鏖詂 áo. [ ou ] furious battle. clt s|'¢ n8f“O{.<br />

040 襖訠 ǎo. [ o ] padded jacket. hf8f]sf] hs]6.<br />

041 鰲 áo. [ ou ] sea-tortoise. s5'jf.<br />

042 傲 ào. [ ou ] proud. wd08L.<br />

043 奧 ào. [ o ] abstruse. sl7g\.<br />

044 懊赴 ào. [ o ] regretful. x]nf ug'{.<br />

045 澳趥 ào. [ o ] bay. aGbuf{.<br />

B characters 220,<br />

001 八 bā. [ pat ] eight. cf7,<br />

002 叭叴 bā. [ ba ] trumpet. lau'n.<br />

003 扒后 bā. [ pa ] to dig up. vGg'.<br />

004 巴 bā. [ ba ] hope for, to expect. cf; ug'{,<br />

cf;fafbL x'g'.<br />

005 芭 bā. [ ba ] fragrant plant. ;'3lGwt\ ´f/.<br />

006 笆猻 bā. [ ba ] basketry. af;sf] 6f]s/L.<br />

007 疤惧 bā. [ ba ] scar. lkN;Lg' .<br />

008 吧你 bɑ. [ ba ] particle used after an imperative sentence.<br />

jfSodf k|of]u ePsf] ;fgf] c+z, …cf1f;'rsÚ<br />

009 捌頑 bā. [ baat ] eight. cf7.<br />

010 拔 bá. [ but ] pull out, to lift. y'Tg', prfNg'.<br />

029 骯 ānɡ. [ hong ] dirty. kmf]xf]/.<br />

011 跋 bá. [ but ] travel. ofqf ug'{.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 187 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

012 把便 bǎ. [ ba ] handle, hold. la+8, ;dfpg' .<br />

013 靶踢 bǎ. [ ba ] target for shooting. tf/f] xfGg'.<br />

014 耙獔 bà. [ pa ] a harrow. hf]Tg'.<br />

015 爸 bà. [ ba ] dad. afaf.<br />

016 罷 bà. [ ba ] finish. l;Wofpg'.<br />

017 霸 bà. [ ba ] occupy, chief of feudal. cf]u6\g',<br />

;FdGtL g]tf.<br />

018 壩稤 bà. [ ba ] dam, dike. af“w.<br />

019 掰 bāi. [ baai ] to pull apart with hands. xftn]<br />

ef“Rg' .<br />

020 白吭 bái. [ baak ] white. ;]tf].<br />

021 百咿 bǎi. [ baak ] hundred. ;o.<br />

022 柏悢 bǎi. [ pak ] cypress. ?v.<br />

023 擺筭 bǎi. [ bye ] put, swing. /FVg', xlNng'.<br />

043 瓣觷 bàn. [ fan ] petal. k'mn\sf] kQf.<br />

044 邦倳 bānɡ. [ bong ] nation. /fi6«.<br />

045 幫 bānɡ. [ bong ] help. d2t\.<br />

046 榜躦 bǎnɡ. [ bong ] list of names. gfdfjnL.<br />

047 膀犍 bǎnɡ. [ bong ] wings. r/fsf] kv]6F.<br />

048 綁擐 bǎnɡ. [ bong ] tie, bind. af“Wg', 8f]l/n] s:g'.<br />

049 蚌率 bànɡ. [ pong ] clam. df5fsf] s8F vf]n\.<br />

050 棒嬃 bàn<br />

ànɡ. [ pang ] stick. nf}/f].<br />

051 傍 bànɡ. [ bong ] near, beside. glhs}, 5]pd}.<br />

052 謗笏 bànɡ. [ pon ] slander . kf]n\ nufpg].<br />

053 磅 bànɡ. [ bong ] pound, scales. tf}n\ kf}p08.<br />

054 鎊覟 bànɡ. [ bong ] sterling pound. o"=s]= sf] d'b|f .<br />

055 包 bāo. [ baau ] wrap, parcel. kf]sf] kfg'{, kf]sf].<br />

024 敗嗞 bài. [ baai ] lose. x/fpg'.<br />

025 拜恱 bài. [ baai ] worship, god. k"hf ug'{, eujfg\.<br />

026 班狾 bān. [ baan ] class, work shift. >]0fL, kfnf].<br />

027 斑嫨 bān. [ baan ] spots. yf]Knf.<br />

028 扳促 bān. [ pan ] twist. a6Fg'{.<br />

029 頒踧 bān. [ baan ] bestow, give. lbg', s]xL lbg'.<br />

030 般獭 bān. [ boon ] sort. k|sf/.<br />

031 搬 bān. [ boon ] move. ;g'{, a;fO{.<br />

032 舨獬 bǎn. [ baan ] sampan. ;fgf] gf“pm.<br />

033 板 bǎn. [ baan ] board. ºNofs\.<br />

034 阪倻 bǎn. [ baan ] slope of a hill. le/fnf].<br />

035 版 bǎn. [ baan ] page number. kGgf g+ .<br />

036 闆筅 bǎn. [ baan ] boss, owner. dflns\.<br />

037 辦 bàn. [ baan ] to do, to handle. ug'{ kg]{.<br />

038 半 bàn. [ boon ] half. cfwf.<br />

039 伴 bàn. [ boon ] companion. lhag ;FyL,<br />

kf6{g/.<br />

040 扮俇 bàn. [ baan ] disguise. e]È abNg'.<br />

041 拌 bàn. [ boon ] mix. lkm6\g'.<br />

042 絆 bàn. [ boon ] stumble, to fall. 7]; nfUg', n8\g'.<br />

056 胞愦 bāo. [ baau ] children of the same parents.<br />

cfºg} 5f]/f 5f]/L.<br />

057 苞愼 bāo. [ baau ] bud. sf]lknf.<br />

058 孢 bāo. [ baau ] spore. hl8a'§L.<br />

059 褒 bāo. [ bo ] commend. s]xL eGg'.<br />

060 煲 bāo. [ bo ] cook, boil. ksfpg', pdfNg'.<br />

061 雹踞 báo. [ bok ] hail. cl;gf.<br />

062 寶話 bǎo. [ bo ] treasure. ax'd"No.<br />

063 鴇 bǎo. [ bo ] bustard. r/f.<br />

064 飽 bǎo. [ baau ] food satisfy. c3Fpg'.<br />

065 保 bǎo. [ bo ] keep, protect. /fVg', ;'/lÔt\.<br />

066 褓 bǎo. [ bo ] infancy. aFNosfn\.<br />

067 堡 bǎo. [ bo ] fort, fortress. lsNnf, z'/lÔt\ 7f“p.<br />

068 報 bào. [ bo ] report, newspaper. vj/, ;dfrf/.<br />

069 抱 bào. [ po ] hold in the arms. kfv'/fdf /fVg' .<br />

070 暴 bào. [ bo ] sudden, cruel. crfgs\, s7f]/.<br />

071 曝解 bào. [ po ] to expose to sunlight. kmf]6f]sf] Kn]6\df<br />

3Fd\sf] k|sfz kfg'{.<br />

072 爆觯 bào. [ baau ] explode, burst. laikmf]6\ x'g',<br />

k8\lsg'.<br />

073 鮑 bào. [ baau ] abalone, C.F.N. df]tL.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 188 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

074 豹玝 bào. [ pau ] leopard. lrt'jf.<br />

103 比 bǐ. [ bei ] to compare. t'ngf, bFHg' ,<br />

075 卑 bēi. [ pei ] lowly, humble. ;/n\ :jfefjsf],<br />

104 秕 bǐ. [ pei ] husks, grains not fully grown. e';,<br />

gd|rfn\.<br />

afnL gkm:6Fpg'.<br />

076 碑撵 bēi. [ pei ] stele. lrxfg\sf] l;nf n]v.<br />

105 妣侊 bǐ. [ bei ] one's deceased mother. cfdfsf] d[To'.<br />

077 杯 bēi. [ booi ] cup, glass. sk\, k]nf.<br />

078 悲媻 bēi. [ bei ] sorrow, feel sad for. b'Mv, sf] lk/df<br />

x'g'.<br />

079 盃惱 bēi. [ booi ] cup, tumbler. sk\, Unf;\.<br />

080 揹嫣 bēi. [ booi ] carry on the back. 89fNg'df af]Sg'.<br />

081 北 běi. [ bak ] north. pQ/.<br />

082 貝倣 bèi. [ booi ] shellfish, cowrie. sF}8L df5F,<br />

;+v]df5f.<br />

083 備 bèi. [ bei ] prepare. tof/L.<br />

084 背愢 bèi. [ booi ] carry on back. 89fNg'df af]Sg'.<br />

085 悖韽 bèi. [ bui ] against. la?¢.<br />

086 倍靰 bèi. [ pui ] times, ‘two times five,’ double. u'0ff,<br />

…b'O{ u'0ff kf“rÚ, bf]Aa/.<br />

087 焙 bèi. [ bui ] dry over a fire. cu]gf dfyL ;'sfpg'.<br />

088 蓓犤 bèi. [ pui ] flower bud. k'mn\sf] sf]lknf.<br />

089 被 bèi. [ bei ] quilted cover, by. l;/s\sf] vf]n\, ¢f/f.<br />

090 輩賿 bèi. [ booi ] lifetime, generation. cfo', ;Gtfg\.<br />

091 狽狺 bèi. [ booi ] wolf animal with shorter forelegs.<br />

cufl8sf] v'§f 5F]6f] x'g] h+unL hgjf/.<br />

092 憊走 bèi. [ pei ] tired, fatigued. ysfO{, kl/>d\.<br />

093 奔 bēn. [ bun ] run quickly, flee. l5§f] s'b\g', efUg'.<br />

094 本吓 běn. [ pun ] the source, principal. d'xfg\, d'n\wg\<br />

095 笨 bèn. [ ban ] dull, foolish. n7\Øfk|f].<br />

096 繃竒 bēnɡ. [ bun ] split open, crack. RofTg',<br />

k'm6fpg' .<br />

097 崩喈 bēnɡ. [ bun ] collapse mountain. kxf8<br />

elTsg' .<br />

098 泵惀 bènɡ. [ ban ] pump. xfjf jf t/n eg'{.<br />

099 迸环 bènɡ. [ bing ] burst. k8\lsg'.<br />

100 蹦覑 bènɡ. [ ban ] leap. pk|mg' .<br />

101 逼跳 bī. [ bik ] to force. zStLn].<br />

106 匕 bǐ. [ bei ] ladle, spoon. kGo", rDrf.<br />

107 彼 bǐ. [ bei ] other. c?.<br />

108 筆孹 bǐ. [ but ] pen. snd\.<br />

109 鄙狣 bǐ. [ pei ] despise. x]nf ug'{.<br />

110 幣 bì. [ bai ] currency. ?k}oF.<br />

111 必吊 bì. [ bit ] necessarily. rflxPsf].<br />

112 畢 bì. [ bat ] finish. ;dfKt.<br />

113 閉 bì. [ bai ] close. aGb.<br />

114 庇侥 bì. [ bei ] protect. ;'/lÔt\.<br />

115 斃 bì. [ bai ] to die. dg'{.<br />

116 弼媴 bì. [ but ] weapon. xltof/.<br />

117 辟跬 pì. [ pik ] to take the law. sfg'g\ lng'.<br />

118 襞訡 bì. [ bik ] fold clothes. sk8f k6\Øfpg'.<br />

119 璧箋 bì. [ bik ] flat jade. dx+uf] kTy/.<br />

120 避笩 bì. [ bei ] avoid. 5f]8\g'.<br />

121 碧牗 bì. [ bik ] green & blue. xl/of] / lgnf].<br />

122 弊躄 bì. [ bai ] harm. xflgsf/s\.<br />

123 敝嗚 bì. [ bai ] my, our. d]/f], xfd|f].<br />

124 蔽 bì. [ bai ] cover, hide. 5f]Kg', n'Sg'.<br />

125 臂竩 bì. [ bei ] an arm. kfv'/f.<br />

126 陛珀 bì. [ bai ] steps leading to the throne sit. b/jf/<br />

leq /fhfsf] ul2df k'Ug] af6F].<br />

127 愎嫇 bì. [ bik ] obstinate. lhl2jfn\.<br />

128 畀 bì. [ bei ] confer, give. k|bfg\ ug'{, lbg'.<br />

129 痹 bì. [ bei ] paralysis. kÔf3ft\.<br />

130 睥撪 pì. [ pei ] look askance. s6fÔn] x]g'{.<br />

131 婢啰 bì. [ pei ] girl slave, servant-girl. sdf/L,<br />

gf]sgL{.<br />

132 髀 bì. [ bei ] buttocks. ltu|f.<br />

102 鼻猖 bí. [ bei ] nose. gfs.<br />

133 壁赢 bì. [ bik ] wall. kvf{n\, uf/f].<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 189 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

134 邊 biān. [ bin ] side. lbzf, tk{m.<br />

135 編 biān. [ pin ] weave, to edit. sk8f<br />

a'Gg', ;Rofpg'.<br />

136 蝙 biān. [ bin ] bat. rd]/f.<br />

137 鞭覵 biān. [ bin ] whip. sf]/F{.<br />

138 扁恰 biǎn. [ bin ] flat. ;Dd.<br />

139 匾珯 biǎn. [ bin ] tablet. sf7 of kmnfd\sf] ;fO{g\jf]6.<br />

140 貶 biǎn. [ bin ] reduce value. O{Hht\ 36Fpg].<br />

141 便 biàn. [ bin ] thereupon. To;}n].<br />

142 變税 biàn. [ bin ] become different. km/s kfg'{.<br />

163 濱 bīn. [ ban ] the shore. ;d'lGb|s\ 5]p.<br />

164 瀕觭 bīn. [ ban ] be close, near. glhs} x'g', glhs}.<br />

165 繽礴 bīn. [ ban ] abundant, plentiful. w]/}, wgL.<br />

166 殯筽 bìn. [ ban ] to carry a coffin to a burial place.<br />

nf;\nfO{ 3F6\df nfg'.<br />

167 擯鵠 bìn. [ ban ] to reject. c:jLsF/.<br />

168 鬢羙 bìn. [ ban ] temples hair. sG;L/L.<br />

169 冰呙 bīnɡ. [ bing ] ice. cfO{;\.<br />

170 兵佋 bīnɡ. [ bing ] armed forces. ;]gf.<br />

171 餅 bǐnɡ. [ beng ] cakes, biscuits. s]s\, la:s'6\.<br />

143 遍跹 biàn. [ pin ] all over. hDd}.<br />

144 辯禛 biàn. [ bin ] debate, discuss. afbljafb\, ts{<br />

ljts{.<br />

145 辨 biàn. [ bin ]1.to differentiate. km/s 5'6\Øfpg'.<br />

146 辮礳 biàn. [ bin ] braid of hair. r'N7f].<br />

147 標 biāo. [ biu ] mark, label, sign. ;+s]t\.<br />

148 膘 biāo. [ biu ] fat. df]6f].<br />

149 彪 biāo. [ biu ] husky, strong. Zjf:Yo alnof]<br />

dflg;\, alnof].<br />

150 表 biǎo. [ biu ] surface, to show. ;tx, b]vfj6L.<br />

151 裱 biǎo. [ biu ] to mount a picture. kmf]6f]nfO{<br />

k|m]ddf nufpg'.<br />

152 婊啳 biǎo. [ biu ] prostitute. a]Zof, /+8L.<br />

153 錶 biǎo. [ biu ] watch. 38L.<br />

154 憋 biē. [ bit ] feel oppressed. lrGtf nfUg'.<br />

155 鱉称 biē. [ bit ] turtle with soft shell. g/d vf]n\ ePsf]<br />

s5'jf.<br />

156 蹩 bié. [ bit ] sprain, injury. dls{g', rf]6k6s nfUg'.<br />

157 別低 bié. [ bit ] leave, difference, other. hfg', km/s,<br />

c?.<br />

158 彬喛 bīn. [ ban ] intelligent, gentle. a'l¢dfgL,<br />

enfb\dL.<br />

159 賓狎 bīn. [ ban ] guest. kfx'gf.<br />

160 斌 bīn. [ ban ] intelligent, gentle. a'l¢dfgL, enfb\dL.<br />

161 儐赌 bīn. [ ban ] guide. ;xof]uL .<br />

162 檳筳 bīn. [ ban ] betel nut. ;'kf/L.<br />

172 秉 bǐnɡ. [ bing ] to rule. clwsf/ rnfpg'.<br />

173 稟擁 bǐnɡ. [ ban ] to report. hfgsf/L u/Fpg'.<br />

174 丙 bǐnɡ. [ bing ] third. t]>f],<br />

175 柄悜 bǐnɡ. [ bing ] handle. ;dfpg] la+8.<br />

176 炳惋 bǐnɡ. [ bing ] bright. t]lhnf] Hjfnf.<br />

177 病猊 bìnɡ. [ bing ] illness, disease. b'Vg', /f]u.<br />

178 並 bìnɡ. [ bing ] and, also. cgL, kgL.<br />

179 併 bìnɡ. [ bing ] combine, join together. ;+o'Q kfg'{,<br />

Ps x'g'.<br />

180 摒嫡 bìnɡ. [ bing ] to expel, force to leave. x6fpg',<br />

ha/h:tL x6fpg'.<br />

181 缽 bō. [ boot ] earthen bowl. df6f]sf] ef“8F.<br />

182 撥 bō. [ boot ] to poke, to stir. 3F]Rg', rnfpg'.<br />

183 波 bō. [ boh ] waves. t/+u.<br />

184 菠 bō. [ boh ] spinach. kfn'¨f] ;fu.<br />

185 剝鞚 bō. [ bok ] to shell, to peel. 5F]8Fpg', tf:g'.<br />

186 播 bō. [ boh ] broadcast. k|;f/0f.<br />

187 玻惛 bō. [ boh ] glass. l;;f.<br />

188 餑 bō. [ boot ] cakes, baked. /f]6L.<br />

189 脖 bó. [ put ] neck. 3f“6L.<br />

190 伯佁 bó. [ baak ] an elder brother of one's father.<br />

a8Faf.<br />

191 駁猌 bó. [ bok ] lighter, transport container. ;Fd'lGb|<br />

7'nf] sG6]g/, ;fdfg\ aF]Sg] sG6]g/.<br />

192 泊 bó. [ bok ] to be at anchor. kflghxfhnfO{ l:y/<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 190 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

kfg]{ ;F¨nf]jfnf kmnfd] 8Nnf].<br />

193 博 bó. [ bok ] knowledgeable, wide. 1fgd'ns\,<br />

rf}8F.<br />

194 搏 bó. [ bok ] wrestle. s'ZtL v]n\.<br />

002 猜嘽 cāi. [ chaai ] guess. cGbfh ug'{.<br />

003 才 cái. [ choi ] ability. v'aL,<br />

004 俔 cái. [ choi ] material. kbfy{.<br />

195 薄竳 bó. [ bok ] thin, slight. kftnf].<br />

196 膊犐 bó. [ bok ] an arm. s'd\, sf“w.<br />

197 帛 bó. [ baak ] silks. /]zdL sk8F.<br />

198 鵓 bó. [ but ] pigeon. k/]jf.<br />

199 勃 bó. [ boot ] suddenly. crfgs\.<br />

200 渤嬦 bó. [ boot ] swelling. a9\g'.<br />

201 鈸踅 bó. [ but ] cymbals. ∑ØfD6F afhf.<br />

202 舶 bó. [ bak ] oceangoing ship. 7'nf] kflghxfh\.<br />

203 鉑踌 bó. [ pok ] platinum. wft'.<br />

204 箔牪 bó. [ pok ] bamboo tray. af“;sf] 6]«.<br />

205 跛 bǒ. [ bai ] lame. n+u8F].<br />

206 擘 bò. [ mak ] to tear. RofTg'.<br />

207 簸訃 bò. [ boh ] to sift especially rice. xft] d]lzg\n]<br />

wfgsf] af]s|F 5'6\Øfpg'.<br />

208 逋 bū. [ po ] to flee, escape. efUg', pDsg'.<br />

209 卜 bǔ. [ book ] to foretell. elaio atfpg],<br />

210 補攍 bǔ. [ bo ] repair, supply. dd{t\, ;dfg\ k7fpg].<br />

211 捕項 bǔ. [ bo ] catch. kls|g', ;dfpg'.<br />

212 哺鞨 bǔ. [ bo ] to feed. v'jfpg'.<br />

213 不 bù. [ pat ] no, not. x}g\ ,5}g\ ,<br />

214 布 bù. [ bo ] cloth. sk8F.<br />

215 步俞 bù. [ bo ] step. kfO{nf.<br />

216 部 bù. [ bo ] section, part. efu, v08.<br />

217 怖 bù. [ bo ] fear, afraid. 8/fpg'.<br />

218 佈但 bù. [ bo ] arrange. Aoj:yf ug'{.<br />

219 埠啠 bù. [ fau ] pier, port. 3f6\, aGb/\uf.<br />

220 簿 bù. [ bo ] blank book. n]Vg] lstfa\.<br />

C characters 286,<br />

001 擦 cā. [ chaat ] wipe, rub, erase. k'5\g', 3F]6\g',<br />

d]6\g'.<br />

005 玞 cái. [ choi ] money, wealth. gub\, ;+ktL.<br />

006 裁 cái. [ choi ] cut, reduce. sf6\g', 36fpg'.<br />

007 采 cǎi. [ choi ] spirit. cfTdf, dg\.<br />

008 彩 cǎi. [ choi ] color. /+u.<br />

009 睬撨 cǎi. [ choi ] to take notice of. ;'rgfsf] a]jf:yf<br />

u/]sf].<br />

010 採嗑 cǎi. [ choi ] to pick, to select. /f]Hg', 5FGg'.<br />

011 踩賷 cǎi. [ tsai ] step. kfO{nf.<br />

012 綵牿 cǎi. [ choi ] varicolored silk. /+lula/+uL /];d<br />

sk8F.<br />

013 菜 cài. [ choi ] vegetables. ;Fu;AhL.<br />

014 蔡 cài. [ choi ] family name. C.F.N. y/.<br />

015 參珰 cān. [ cham ] to enter, to take part in. k|a]z ug'{.<br />

016 餐 cān. [ chaan ] meal. ef]hg\.<br />

017 殘嬒 cán. [ chaan ] injure. 3FO{t].<br />

018 蠶羉 cán. [ chaam ] silkworm. /]zd\ ls/f.<br />

019 慚躏 cán. [ chaam ] to feel ashamed. uNtL dx;';\<br />

ug{'.<br />

020 慘躐 cǎn. [ chaam ] miserable, tragic, pitiful. b'MvL,<br />

cefuL.<br />

021 燦 càn. [ chaan ] bright, brilliant. r+lsnf] t]lhnf].<br />

022 璨 càn. [ chaan ] bright & brilliant. r+lsnf] /<br />

t]lhnf].<br />

023 倉鞍 cānɡ. [ chong ] warehouse. cGg e08f/.<br />

024 傖 cānɡ. [ chong ] rough. v];|f, kmf]xF]/L.<br />

025 滄摰 cānɡ. [ chong ] cold. lr;f].<br />

026 艙 cānɡ. [ chong ] cabin of a ship. kflghxfh\sf]<br />

a:g] sf]7f.<br />

027 蒼犦 cānɡ. [ chong ] blue. lgnf].<br />

028 藏箲 cánɡ. [ chong ] to hide. n'sFpg'.<br />

029 操趀 cāo. [ cho ] to grasp, hold. ;dfpg', kls|g'.<br />

030 糙立 cāo. [ cho ] rough. v;|f].

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 191 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

dx+uf vfgf / lrh\.<br />

031 曹嗱 cáo. [ cho ] C.F.N.<br />

062 蟬箼 chán. [ sim ] cicadas. ´\Øfpls/L.<br />

032 嘈蹕 cáo. [ cho ] noise. xNnfvNnf.<br />

063 嬋 chán. [ shin ] pretty. z'Gb/L.<br />

033 槽 cáo. [ cho ] trough. rf/f] lbg] 9'8.<br />

064 顫秪 chàn. [ zin ] to tremble, to vibrate. yls{g',<br />

034 草獵 cǎo. [ cho / tso ] grass. 3f“;.<br />

xlNng'.<br />

035 艸聴 cǎo. [ tso ] grass. 3F“;.<br />

036 冊 cè. [ chaj ] books. lstfa\ ,<br />

065 禪 chán. [ shin ] Buddhist. af}¢.<br />

066 纏禆 chán. [ chin ] to wind around. a]g'{, a6Fg'{.<br />

037 側珛 cè. [ jak ] side. lsgf/f, 5]p.<br />

038 惻嫃 cè. [ chaj ] sorrowful, sad. b'MvL.<br />

039 測嬯 cè. [ chaj ] to measure. gfktf}n\.<br />

040 媱 cè. [ chi ] toilet, lavatory. zf}rfno.<br />

041 策學 cè. [ chaj ] scheme, plan. of]hgf.<br />

042 岑侟 cén. [ shum ] C.F.N.<br />

043 曾 cénɡ. [ tsang ] C.F.N.<br />

044 層 cénɡ. [ chang ] layer, floor. tNnf, e'O{.<br />

045 蹭 cènɡ. [ san ] to rub. 3f]6\g'.<br />

046 叉 chā. [ cha ] a fork. sf“6F rDrf,<br />

047 插嫖 chā. [ chaap ] insert. 3';Fg'{.<br />

048 差韤 chā. [ cha ] difference, job. km/s\, sfd\.<br />

049 查悠 chá. [ cha ] check, C.F.N. hf“Rg'.<br />

050 察蹸 chá. [ chaat ] observe. lg/LÔ0F.<br />

051 茶獻 chá. [ cha ] tea. lrof.<br />

052 岔侠 chà. [ cha ] a fork in a road or river. af6f] of<br />

vf]nfsf] xf“uf.<br />

053 詫攖 chà. [ cha ] wonder. cfZro{.<br />

054 剎 chà. [ sat ] temple, monastery. d+lGb/, d7.<br />

055 拆 chāi. [ chaj ] take apart. afx]s kfg'{.<br />

056 柴頱 chái. [ chaai ] firewood. bfp/f.<br />

057 豺玜 chái. [ chaai ] jackal. :ofn\.<br />

058 摻 chān. [ chaam ] to help by arm. xft\n] ;dfP/<br />

d2t\.<br />

059 攙詷 chān. [ chaam ] to help by arm. xft\n] ;dfP/<br />

d2t\.<br />

060 讒羍 chán. [ chaam ] backbite. n's]/ s'/f sf6\g].<br />

061 饞 chán. [ chaam ] very fond of food & good.<br />

067 孱媞 càn. [ shan ] weak. sd\hf]/ zl//.<br />

068 潺 chán. [ shan ] sound of water flowing. kfgL<br />

au]sf] cfjfh.<br />

069 蟾訝 chán. [ sim ] toad. Eofu'QF.<br />

070 鏟訽 chǎn. [ chaan ] shovel. df6f] pufpg] km?jF.<br />

071 剷 chǎn. [ chaang ] shovel. df6f] pufpg]<br />

km?jF.<br />

072 產 chǎn. [ chaan ] give birth, products. pAhfpg',<br />

pTkfbg\.<br />

073 顫秪 chàn. [ chin ] vibrate. sfDg'.<br />

074 忏聍 chàn. [ chaam ] repent. k5'tfpg'.<br />

075 懺詴 chàn. [ chaam ] repent. k5'tfpg'.<br />

076 昌 chānɡ. [ cheong ] flourishing. kmlnkmfk\.<br />

077 娼啯 chānɡ. [ cheong ] prostitute. a]:of.<br />

078 猖嘿 chānɡ. [ cheong ] mad. pGdt\ dflQPsf]<br />

dflg;\.<br />

079 長 chánɡ. [ cheung ] long, grow, older. nfdf],<br />

a9\g', kfsf].<br />

080 倀靿 chānɡ. [ cheong ] ghost controlled by tiger.<br />

e't\ af3sf] lgoGq0Fdf.<br />

081 腸擠 chánɡ. [ cheung ] intestines, sausage. cfGb|f,<br />

;z];\.<br />

082 嘗蹋 chánɡ. [ sheung ] to try. sf]lz;\.<br />

083 嚐 chánɡ. [ sheung ] taste. :jfb\.<br />

084 償 chánɡ. [ sheung ] to pay back. k'/:sF/.<br />

085 常喏 chánɡ. [ sheung ] regular. lgoldt\.<br />

086 廠 chǎnɡ. [ chong ] factory. sf/vfgf.<br />

087 場 chǎnɡ. [ cheung ] a level open space. d]nf,<br />

v'Nnf ahf/.<br />

088 敞嫤 chǎnɡ. [ chong ] uncovered. v'Nnf.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 192 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

089 暢躣 chànɡ. [ cheung ] uninhibited, free & natural.<br />

:jtGq ;+u, :jtGqtf.<br />

090 倡鞃 chànɡ. [ cheung ] advocate. ;dy{g\ ug'{.<br />

091 唱啋 chànɡ. [ cheung ] to sing. ufpg'.<br />

092 悵喰 chànɡ. [ cheung ] disappointed, sorry. lg/f;,<br />

dfkm\.<br />

093 抄侸 chāo. [ chaau ] copy. k|ltlnkL.<br />

094 超 chāo. [ chiu ] super, extra. clws, cltl/Q.<br />

095 巢喎 cháo. [ chaau ] nest. u'8.<br />

096 朝嫷 cháo. [ chiu ] morning. ljxfgL.<br />

097 嘲猬 cháo. [ jaau ] deride. lv;L ug'{.<br />

098 潮 cháo. [ chiu ] the tide, moist. Hjf/ef6f,<br />

cfb{tf.<br />

099 鈔 chāo. [ chaau ] note. l6Kk0FL.<br />

100 佭 chǎo. [ chaau ] to talk very loudly. sl:;P/<br />

af]Ng'.<br />

101 炒 chǎo. [ chaau ] to stir-fry. e'6\g'.<br />

102 車倨 chē. [ che ] vehicles. uf8L.<br />

103 扯俅 chě. [ chea ] pull. tfGg'.<br />

104 撤躖 chè. [ chit ] remove. x6\g'.<br />

105 徹躇 chè. [ chit ] thorough. ;a}, k'0F{.<br />

106 澈軒 chè. [ chit ] clear water. ;kmf t/n\ kbfy{.<br />

107 掣嫎 chè. [ jai ] pull, draw, switch. tfGg', tfGg],<br />

lah'nL a6d\.<br />

108 琛孔 chēn. [ sum ] jewelry, valuables. d'Nojfg\ uxgf.<br />

109 塵蹚 chén. [ chan ] dust. w'nf].<br />

110 臣哏 chén. [ sun ] courtier. b/af/Lof.<br />

111 俥 chén. [ cham ] heavy, ship upside down. u?¨f],<br />

hxFh 3f]K6Lg'.<br />

112 辰倪 chén. [ sun ] time & motion. ;dosf] rfn\.<br />

113 陳 chén. [ chan ] old, C.F.N. k'/fgf].<br />

114 晨嗮 chén. [ sun ] morning. laxfg\.<br />

115 忱侲 chén. [ shum ] sincere. O{dfGbf/.<br />

116 襯秚 chèn. [ chan ] background. leqL :t/.<br />

117 稱牟 chēnɡ. [ ching ] measure weight, name. gfk\<br />

tf}n\, gfd\.<br />

118 趁 chèn. [ chan ] take advantage. kmfO{bf lng'.<br />

119 讖美 chèn. [ chim ] omen. hf]vgf.<br />

120 琤 chēnɡ. [ chun ] tinkling sound of flowing water.<br />

5ª 5ª kflgsf] cfjfh\.<br />

121 撐 chēnɡ. [ chaang ] to prop up. ;xf/f lbg'.<br />

122 成咝 chénɡ. [ shing ] succeed. ;kmn\tf.<br />

123 丞 chénɡ. [ shing ] second powerful leader. bf]>f]<br />

zQLzfnL g]tf.<br />

124 承 chénɡ. [ shing ] support. ;dy{g\.<br />

125 誠 chénɡ. [ shing ] honest. O{dfGbf/.<br />

126 城 chénɡ. [ shing ] city wall. ;x/sf] kvf{n\.<br />

127 乘靭 chénɡ. [ shing ] ride, travel by. r9\g',<br />

af6 ofqf.<br />

128 懲觜 chénɡ. [ ching ] punish. b08 h/Ljfgf.<br />

129 程孯 chénɡ. [ ching ] journey, distance. ofqf, b'/L.<br />

130 澄 chénɡ. [ ching ] transparent clear water.<br />

kf/b{zs\ ;kmf kfgL.<br />

131 橙趏 chénɡ. [ chaang ] orange, orange color.<br />

;'Gtf]nf, ;'Gtf]n] /+u.<br />

132 呈佤 chénɡ. [ ching ] submit, presented. lbg'.<br />

133 逞 chěnɡ. [ ching ] show. b]vfpg'.<br />

134 騁筐 chěnɡ. [ ching ] speed. utL.<br />

135 秤猱 chènɡ. [ ching ] Chinese steelyard. rfO{lgh\ uh\.<br />

136 蚩玆 chī. [ zi ] ignorant, stupid. d"v{tf.<br />

137 嗤 chī. [ chi ] sneer. xf]RofP/ lh:SØfpg'.<br />

138 吃呰 chī. [ hek ] eat. vfg'.<br />

139 痴撝 chī. [ chee ] foolish. d'v{.<br />

140 笞 chī. [ chee ] beat with a stick. sf]/f{ xfGg'.<br />

141 癡觻 chī. [ chi ] silly, idiotic. d'v{.<br />

142 匙珬 chí. [ chi ] spoon. rDrf.<br />

[ shi ] key. rfaL.<br />

143 池 chí. [ chi ] pond. kf]v/L.<br />

144 馳踭 chí. [ chee ] speedily run. l5§f] lx8\g].<br />

145 弛咗 chí. [ chi ] relax. df]h\d:tL.<br />

146 遲 chí. [ chee ] late, slow. l9nf].

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 193 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

147 持恶 chí. [ chee ] hold. ;dfpg'.<br />

148 尺 chǐ. [ chek ] ruler. gfKg] lkm6\ ,<br />

169 呎佟 chǐ. [ chek ] foot. gfKg] k'm6\.<br />

150 齒赈 chǐ. [ chee ] tooth. bf“t\.<br />

151 恥韰 chǐ. [ chee ] shame. nfh\.<br />

152 侈 chǐ. [ chee ] wasteful. kmh'n\ vr{.<br />

153 斥吐 chì. [ chik ] upbraid. xKsfpg'.<br />

154 赤値 chì. [ chek ] red, bare. /ftf], gf¨f].<br />

155 叱 chì. [ chik ] loudly. 7'nf] :j/.<br />

156 飭 chì. [ chik ] put in order, order. s|d} ;+u /fVg',<br />

cfb]z.<br />

157 翅獏 chì. [ chee ] wings. kv]6f.<br />

158 熾趬 chì. [ chee ] flaming, ablaze. cfuf]sf] Hjfnf.<br />

159 充 chōnɡ. [ chung ] full. el/g'.<br />

160 憧 chōnɡ. [ chung ] desire, yearn. dg kg'{,<br />

O{R5F ug'{.<br />

161 衝 chōnɡ. [ chung ] direct toward. l;w} cuf8L.<br />

162 沖修 chōnɡ. [ chung ] flush, wash away. kflgn]<br />

w'g'.<br />

163 忡 chōnɡ. [ chung ] worried, anxious. lrGtf,<br />

a]r}g\.<br />

164 寵觙 chǒnɡ. [ chung ] dote, pamper. k|]d\ kfun\,<br />

k'NkNofpg'.<br />

165 抽 chōu. [ chau ] draw out from among. laraf6<br />

tfg]/ lgsfNg'.<br />

166 瘳 chōu. [ tsau ] C.F.N.<br />

167 躊禗 chóu. [ chau ] hesitate. cGsgfpg'.<br />

168 疇觸 chóu. [ chau ] division. ljefhg\.<br />

169 惆喵 chóu. [ chau ] disconsolate. lg/f;\.<br />

170 酬跿 chóu. [ chau ] payment, reward. tna,<br />

k'/:sf/.<br />

171 仇 chóu. [ chau ] enemy, enmity. zq'.<br />

172 綢牽 chóu. [ chau ] silk fabric. /]zd\ sk8F.<br />

173 愁 chóu. [ shau ] worry. lrGtf.<br />

174 稠撿 chóu. [ chau ] not dilute. kfgL gld;fPsf]<br />

t/n\.<br />

175 籌礮 chóu. [ chau ] prepare. tof/L.<br />

176 丑 chǒu. [ chau ] comedian man. hf]s/.<br />

177 醜笲 chǒu. [ chau ] ugly. s'?k\.<br />

178 臭獦 chòu. [ chau ] foul smells, flagrant, disreputable.<br />

b'u{Gw, Hofb} ab\df;\, lgGblgo.<br />

179 出 chū. [ tsoet ] to exit. af“lx/,<br />

180 初 chū. [ chor ] first, beginning. z'?sf].<br />

181 齣祪 chū. [ tsoet ] story chapter. syfsf] efu\.<br />

182 除珂 chú. [ tsui ] except, divide. afx]s, efuf.<br />

183 蜍 chú. [ tsui ] toad. Eofu'QF.<br />

184 廚 chú. [ chue ] kitchens. efG;f 3/.<br />

185 櫥觤 chú. [ chue ] cupboard. b/fh\.<br />

186 鋤贗 chú. [ chor ] hoe. s'§f], sf]bfnf].<br />

187 雛覰 chú. [ chor ] young bird. r/fsf] aRrf.<br />

188 躇訯 chú. [ chue ] hesitate. lxlRsrfpg'.<br />

189 儲 chǔ. [ chue ] store up. e08f/ ug'{.<br />

190 楚摈 chǔ. [ choh / chor ] distress. lk8f.<br />

191 礎箕 chǔ. [ choh / chor ] stone base. 3/sf] l;nf<br />

n]v.<br />

192 處 chù. [ chue ] place. 7f“p.<br />

193 觸祇 chù. [ chuk ] touch. 5'g'.<br />

194 搐 chù. [ chuk ] shake involuntarily. zl//<br />

k'm/\k'/Fpg'.<br />

195 畜猆 chù. [ tsuk ] to rear, raise domestic animals.<br />

kfng\ kf]È0f ug'{, 3/kfn'jF hgFj/ a9fpg'.<br />

196 矗稩 chù. [ tsuk ] upright. ;F]´f] 7f8f].<br />

197 黜 chù. [ tsoet / jut ] demotion or dismiss from<br />

office, send away. kbFjGtL of b'u{d\ 7f“pdf<br />

k7fpg'.<br />

198 揣嫗 chuǎi. [ chuen ] to hide or carry in one's<br />

clothes. lhpdf n'sfP/ af]Sg'.<br />

199 踹 chuài. [ tsai ] kick. nflQn] xfGg'.<br />

200 川 chuān. [ chuen ] river. vf]nf,<br />

201 穿愉 chuān. [ chuen ] pass through, wear. ofxf“aF6,<br />

nufpg'.<br />

202 傳 chuán. [ chuen ] spread. k}mnfpg'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 194 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

203 船 chuán. [ suen ] boats, ships. kflghxfh\.<br />

204 喘 chuǎn. [ chuen ] gasp for air. ;f;\ :jf :jf<br />

k]mg'{.<br />

205 舛哔 chuǎn. [ shun ] mistakes. uNtL.<br />

206 串哟 chuàn. [ chuen ] connect. uf:g'.<br />

207 瘡 chuānɡ. [ chong ] wound, sore, skin ulcer.<br />

vl6/f.<br />

208 窗孳 chuānɡ. [ cheong ] windows. √Øfn\.<br />

209 床侦 chuánɡ. [ chong ] bed. cf]R5\Øfg\.<br />

210 幢 zhuànɡ. [ tong ] individual buildings. 5'§}<br />

ljlN8ª.<br />

211 闖親 chuǎnɡ. [ chong ] to barge in or into. le+8\df<br />

ha/h:tL k:g'.<br />

212 愴 chuànɡ. [ chong ] sorrowful. b'MvL.<br />

213 創 chuànɡ. [ chong ] start, original, wound. ;'?,<br />

;Ssn\, 3F“p.<br />

214 吹佩 chuī. [ tsui ] blow, puff. xfGg', k'mSg'.<br />

215 炊 chuī. [ tsui ] cook. ksfpg'.<br />

216 垂 chuí. [ shui ] hang down. cf]O{lng', lgx'/Lg'.<br />

217 錘笺 chuí. [ chui ] hammer. dft{n\.<br />

218 捶嫝 chuí. [ tsui ] beat with a fist. d'8lsn] lxsf{pg'.<br />

219 鎚覧 chuí. [ chui ] hammer. dft{n\.<br />

220 春悇 chūn. [ chun ] spring. azGt Ct'.<br />

221 椿 chūn. [ chun ] mahogany tree. ;fgf] ?v.<br />

222 純獄 chún. [ shum ] pure. z'¢.<br />

223 唇鞲 chún. [ shung ] lip. cf]7\.<br />

224 淳嘑 chún. [ shung ] pure, honest. z'¢, O{dfGbf/L.<br />

225 醇贎 chún. [ sheung ] mellow wine, pure. ld7f]<br />

/S;L, z'¢.<br />

226 鶉詞 chún. [ chun ] quail. a§fO{ r/f.<br />

227 蠢禍 chǔn. [ chun ] stupid. a'9\as\, n7Øfk|f].<br />

228 戳筨 chuō. [ cheuk ] jab. /f]Kg', 3f]Rg'.<br />

229 綽 chuò. [ cheuk ] ample, enough. dgUu], k|;:t}.<br />

230 啜啓 chuò. [ juet ] suck finger. cf}nf r':g'.<br />

231 輟賾 chuò. [ juet ] stop. /f]Sg'.<br />

232 齪秸 chuò. [ chuk ] dirty. kmf]xf]/.<br />

233 粢 cī. [ zi ] grain. cGg.<br />

234 瓷 cí. [ chi ] porcelain. rfO{lgh\ df6f]sf] ef8f.<br />

235 詞 cí. [ chi ] words. zAb.<br />

236 慈 cí. [ chi ] kind. bofjfg\.<br />

237 辭訶 cí. [ chi ] diction, good-bye, resign. ;FlxTo zAb<br />

5fGg] / n]Vg], labF, /flhgfdf.<br />

238 磁牕 cí. [ chi ] magnet. r'Das\.<br />

239 雌狾 cí. [ chi ] female. :qL.<br />

240 祠猪 cí. [ chi ] ancestral shrine. k'vf{sf] klaq<br />

dlGb/.<br />

241 茨獿 cí. [ chee ] thatch. 3/ 5fKg] v/.<br />

242 此咮 cǐ. [ chi ] this, these. of], lolgx?.<br />

243 次咭 cì. [ chi ] second times, 3 rd times, times,<br />

‘sequence’. bf]>f] k6s, t]>f] k6s, …k6sÚ s|da¢.<br />

244 刺 cì. [ chi ] thorn, stab. sf8f, /f]Kg'.<br />

245 賜賬 cì. [ chee ] give, god gift. lbg', a/bfg\sf] pkxf/.<br />

246 匆 cōnɡ. [ chung ] hurriedly. xtf/df.<br />

247 囪佶 cōnɡ. [ chung ] chimney. lrDgL.<br />

248 蔥 cōnɡ. [ chung ] spring onion, green color. Kofh,<br />

xl/of] /+u.<br />

249 聰竣 cōnɡ. [ chung ] clever. rt'/F].<br />

250 琮 cónɡ. [ chung ] jade. dx+uf] kTy/.<br />

251 從喠 cónɡ. [ chung ] since, follow. b]vL, kR5Øfpg'.<br />

252 叢筠 cónɡ. [ chung ] crowd together. ayfg, le8.<br />

253 輳 còu. [ chau ] converge. Pp6} laGb'df ldNg'.<br />

254 湊嬟 còu. [ chau ] pool together, collection. Ps}<br />

7f“pdf /fVg', hDdf ug'{.<br />

255 粗 cū. [ cho ] rough, thick. df]6f], v;|f].<br />

256 殂 cú. [ tso ] die, dead, death. dg'{.<br />

257 促 cù. [ chuk ] hurry, urgent. xtf/.<br />

258 醋贐 cù. [ cho ] vinegar. s8F :jfb\sf] d;nf.<br />

259 簇竀 cù. [ chuk ] bunch of flowers. k'mn\sf] la§f.<br />

260 猝 cù. [ chuet ] sudden. crfgs\.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 195 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

261 竄箚 cuàn. [ tun ] escape. pDs]/ efUg'.<br />

262 篡跚 cuàn. [ shan ] to seize position. a]l7s\ ;+u<br />

clwsf/ xft\df lng'.<br />

263 催 cuī. [ tsui ] hurry. xtf/.<br />

264 摧躛 cuī. [ tsui ] break. tf]8\g'.<br />

265 崔喉 cuī. [ tsui ] high and steep. cUnf] of 7f“8f]<br />

le/fnf].<br />

266 璀 cuǐ. [ tsui ] glitter of jade. kTy/ rDsfpg'.<br />

267 脆獞 cuì. [ tsui ] crisp. ´'?d\ ´'?d\ ug]{.<br />

268 萃 cuì. [ tsui ] together. Ps} ;fy.<br />

269 犆 cuì. [ tsui ] green. xl/of].<br />

270 瘁撘 cuì. [ shui ] tired. w]/} uNg'.<br />

271 淬嘲 cuì. [ shui ] to dip heated metal into water. tftf]<br />

wft'nfO{ kflgdf /fv]/ lr;f] kfg]{ .<br />

272 悴喫 cuì. [ shui ] worried, sad. lrlGtt\.<br />

273 粹牯 cuì. [ shui ] pure. z'¢.<br />

274 皴学 cūn. [ sun ] wrinkled. rfp/Lg'.<br />

275 咊 cún. [ chuen ] keep. /fVg'.<br />

276 俕 cūn. [ chuen ] village. uf“p.<br />

277 寸 cùn. [ chuen ] a unit of length. gfk\sf] O{~r,<br />

278 撮 cuō. [ chuet ] to take with fingers, summarize.<br />

cf}nfn] l6Kg', ;+Ô]k\.<br />

279 搓 cuō. [ chor ] rub hands together. xft\ df8\g'.<br />

280 磋 cuō. [ chor ] to consult. ;/;Nnfx.<br />

281 蹉笠 cuō. [ choh / chor ] miss. x/fpg'.<br />

282 嵯 cuó. [ chor ] high mountain. cUnf] kxf8\.<br />

283 頎 cuò. [ choh / chor ] fail. c;kmn\.<br />

284 錯 cuò. [ choh / chor ] mistake. uNtL.<br />

285 措嗆 cuò. [ choh / chor ] handle, deal with. ;+rfng\,<br />

lhDdfjf/L afl8lbg'.<br />

286 銼贚 cuò. [ choh ] file. lrNofpg] cf}hf/, …/]tLÚ.<br />

D characters 209,<br />

001 耷 dā. [ dap ] big-eared. 7'nf] sfg\.<br />

002 搭 dā. [ dap ] construct, travel by. lg{df0f{, af6<br />

ofqf.<br />

003 嗒 dā. [ tap ] dejected, unhappy. lvGg, a]v';L.<br />

004 答孼 dá. [ daap ] answer. pQ/.<br />

005 達跲 dá. [ tat ] reach. k'Ug'.<br />

006 瘩 dā. [ dap ] wart. 5fnf /f]u.<br />

007 妲 dá. [ dat ] last ruler of Shang Dynasty.<br />

008 打 dǎ. [ da ] hit, dozen. xfGg', bh{g\.<br />

009 大 dà. [ tai ] big, large, huge, great. 7'nf],<br />

010 呆佡 dāi. [ oi ] slow-witted. nDk'm.<br />

011 獃 dāi. [ daai ] stupid, silly, foolish, idiotic. nDk'm.<br />

012 殆悬 dài. [ toi ] danger. hf]lvd\.<br />

013 歹 dǎi. [ daai ] bad, evil. v/fa.<br />

014 代 dài. [ doi ] generation, temporarily acting for.<br />

k'vf{, lgldQdf sfd\ ug'{.<br />

015 帶喐 dài. [ dai ] belt, carry, bring. k]6L, n}hfg',<br />

Nofpg'.<br />

016 待 dài. [ doi ] wait for. nfuL kv{g'.<br />

017 貸 dài. [ tai ] loan, borrow. l/g\, ;fk6\.<br />

018 袋 dài. [ doi ] bag. ´f]nf.<br />

019 逮 dài. [ dai ] catch, reach. ;dfpg', k'Ug'.<br />

020 戴 dài. [ tai ] wear. nufpg'.<br />

021 黛筝 dài. [ doi ] black pigment used eyebrows. sfnf]<br />

/+un] k/]nf /+ufpg'.<br />

022 怠 dài. [ doi ] lazy. cN5].<br />

023 丹 dān. [ daam ] Chinese Medicine. rfO{lgh\<br />

cf}ÈwL,<br />

024 耽獖 dān. [ daam ] delay. k5L ;Fg'{.<br />

025 眈 dān. [ dam ] look downward. dflyaf6 tn x]g'{.<br />

026 擔趃 dān. [ daam ] carry on shoulder, unit of weight<br />

50 kg, burdens. sf“wdf af]Sg', gfksf] O{sfO{<br />

%)s]hL, ef/L .<br />

027 單 dān. [ daan ] single, C.F.N. PSn}.<br />

028 膽竬 dǎn. [ daam ] gall. lkQ.<br />

029 旦向 dàn. [ daan ] day. lbg\.<br />

030 但伽 dàn. [ daan ] but, yet. t/, xfn\ ;Dd.<br />

031 誕 dàn. [ daan ] birth. hGd.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 196 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

032 啖啌 dàn. [ daam ] eat, feed. vfg', v'jfpg'.<br />

033 淡嘔 dàn. [ daam ] thin, not salty. kGofnf], lalng'.<br />

034 嬖 dàn. [ daam ] nitrogen. gfO{6«fhg\ Uof“;.<br />

035 蛋 dàn. [ daan ] egg. c08f.<br />

036 憚 dàn. [ daan ] fear. 8/Fpg'.<br />

037 當撔 dānɡ. [ dong ] when, ought, inchange. ha,<br />

k5{, xflsd\.<br />

038 噹赖 dānɡ. [ dong ] metallic sound. wft'sf] cfjfh.<br />

039 襠訞 dānɡ. [ dong ] crotch. b'O{ lt3|fsf] k]mbsf]<br />

efu.<br />

040 擋赹 dǎnɡ. [ dong ] to block. 5]Sg'.<br />

041 黨祧 dǎnɡ. [ dong ] political party. /fhg}lts\ bn\.<br />

042 盪 dànɡ. [ dong ] swing, wash. xlNng', w'g'.<br />

043 蕩 dànɡ. [ dong ] to clear away. ;kmf /fVg'.<br />

044 檔 dànɡ. [ dong ] shelves. w]/} ;Fgf] ;fg{ ldNg]<br />

3'DtL bf]sfg\.<br />

045 刀 dāo. [ do / to ] a knife. v'kf{, v's'/L<br />

046 叨 dāo. [ to ] talkative. af]ln /xg], ukmf8L.<br />

047 導赫 dǎo. [ do ] guide, teach. af6f] b]vfpg', l;sfpg'.<br />

048 島韡 dǎo. [ do ] island. 6Fk', låk\.<br />

049 倒靼 dǎo. [ do ] collapse, reverse order, place upside<br />

down. 9Ng', pN6f] uGg', kxf8 elTsg'.<br />

050 搸 dǎo. [ do ] pound with a pestle. nfxf]/f]n] lkWg'.<br />

051 禱觾 dǎo. [ to ] request to god. eujfg\ ;+u dfUg'.<br />

052 蹈笢 dǎo. [ do ] step. kfO{nf.<br />

053 到 dào. [ do ] reach, up to. k'Ug', of] a]nf.<br />

054 悼喲 dào. [ do ] to mourn. d[To' k5L lanf}gf ug{'.<br />

055 盜孧 dào. [ do ] steal, robber. rf]/L, 8F“sf.<br />

056 稻 dào. [ do ] rice. wfg\sf] af]6\.<br />

057 道跰 dào. [ do ] path, method, Taoist religion. af6f],<br />

tl/sf, 6f“jO{:6\ wd{.<br />

058 德 dé. [ dak ] mind, kindness. lrQ, bof.<br />

059 得喞 dé. [ dak ] to get, must, ought. kfpg', k5{, k5{.<br />

060 的 de. [ dik ] 's, of. sf].<br />

061 燈趰 dēnɡ. [ dang ] lamp, light. aQL.<br />

062 蹬許 dēnɡ. [ dang ] to step on. kfO{nf rfNg'.<br />

063 登 dēnɡ. [ dang ] mount, publish in newspaper.<br />

kj{t\, ;dfrf/df k|sflzt\.<br />

064 等孷 děnɡ. [ dang ] equal to, to await, et cetera.<br />

a/fa/ x'g', k|ltÔf ug'{, O{TofbL.<br />

065 戥 děnɡ. [ tang ] weigh with a small steelyard. 9s<br />

;lxb\sf ;'g\ hf]Vg] t/fh'.<br />

066 凳蹃 dènɡ. [ dang ] benches. nfdf] a]Gr.<br />

067 瞪 dènɡ. [ dang ] open eyes with wide. cf“vf 7'nf]<br />

kf/]/ x]g'{.<br />

068 鄧贌 dènɡ. [ tang ] C.F.N.<br />

069 低佂 dī. [ dai ] low. d'gL.<br />

070 滴軀 dī. [ dik ] drop. yf]kf.<br />

071 堤 dī. [ tai ] dike. nfdf] cfnL, af/ nufpg'.<br />

072 迪慖 dí. [ dik ] teach. l;sfpg'.<br />

073 滌軗 dí. [ dik ] wash. w'g'.<br />

074 嫡蹨 dí. [ dik ] of lineal descent. a+zsf] k/+k/fut\.<br />

075 蹢 dí. [ dik / dzak ] a hoof. v'/.<br />

076 敵 dí. [ dik ] enemy. ´u8f.<br />

077 笛 dí. [ dek ] bamboo flute. af“;sf] d'/nL.<br />

078 氐吚 dī. [ dai ] foundation. hu, cfwF/.<br />

079 詆 dǐ. [ dai ] defame. a]O{ht\ ug'{.<br />

080 底 dǐ. [ dai ] base, the end. cfwf/, ;dfKt.<br />

081 抵 dǐ. [ dai ] against, mortgage. la?¢, ef]u jGws\.<br />

082 邸 dǐ. [ dai ] the residence of a high official. pRr<br />

cf]xf]bfsf] ;/sf/L 3/.<br />

083 地呸 dì. [ dei ] earth, land, fields. k[YaL, hldg\, v]tL<br />

hUuf .<br />

084 弟侩 dì. [ dai ] younger brother. efO{.<br />

085 娣韈 dì. [ tai ] wife of a younger brother of one's<br />

husband. b]j/fgL.<br />

086 第 dì. [ dai ] function word, ‘as first second fourth<br />

10 th 21 st etc’ sfo{s|df k|of]u x'g] zAb, h:t}<br />

k|yd ålto rf}yf] bzf} PSsfO{zf} OTofbL.<br />

087 睇 dì. [ tai ] look. x]g'{.<br />

088 遞狟 dì. [ dai ] pass over, hand over. lhDdf nfpg',<br />

lhDdf lbg'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 197 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

089 帝 dì. [ dai ] ruler, monarch. /fhf, zF;s.<br />

090 締 dì. [ dai ] to set up. Aoa:yf ug{'.<br />

091 諦 dì. [ dai ] true meaning. jf:tadf.<br />

092 蒂擪 dì. [ dai ] stalk of a fruit. kmn\k'mn\sf] 9F“7.<br />

093 掂 diān. [ dim ] weigh roughly by hand. xftn]<br />

tf}n\ cGbfh ug'{.<br />

094 巔秅 diān. [ din ] mountain top, peak. kxf8sf]<br />

r'Rr'/f, r'nL.<br />

095 顛詓 diān. [ din ] top post. xflsd\.<br />

096 典 diǎn. [ din ] books. lstfa\.<br />

097 點筚 diǎn. [ dim ] drop, dot, limit point, light, kindle,<br />

o'clock, little. yf]kF, l6sf, xb 5'6\Øfpg] laGb',<br />

k|sf;\, d}g aQL, ;do ah], clnstL.<br />

098 撱 diǎn. [ din ] iodine. cfof]l8g\.<br />

117 調 diào. [ diu ] transfer, move, adjust. ;fg'{, l7s\<br />

ug{'.<br />

118 吊周 diào. [ diu ] hang, lift or let down with a rope.<br />

´'l08g', 8F]/L tfGg' of ´fg'{.<br />

119 掉嗉 diào. [ diu ] drop, lose, exchange. ºØfSg',<br />

x/fpg', ;6xL.<br />

120 釣 diào. [ diu ] to fish. df5F dfg'{.<br />

121 弔 diào. [ diu ] condole. ;da]bgf.<br />

122 跌 diē. [ dit ] fall down. v:g'.<br />

123 爹顟 diē. [ de ] dad. afaf.<br />

124 疊秐 dié. [ dip ] pile, repeat and repeat. la§F, bf]x/L<br />

/xg'.<br />

125 迭慘 dié. [ dit ] alternate. a}slNks\.<br />

126 諜 dié. [ dip ] spy. u'Ktr/.<br />

099 墊蹞 diàn. [ din ] cushion. 89fNg'sf] l;/fg].<br />

100 奠 diàn. [ din ] homage to the dead, settle. >¢f<br />

eSQL, :yfO{ af;\.<br />

101 殿摜 diàn. [ din ] palace. b/aF/.<br />

102 澱趟 diàn. [ din ] sediment. lyu|f] .<br />

103 店 diàn. [ dim ] store, shop. bf]sfg\.<br />

104 電踝 diàn. [ din ] electricity. lah'nL.<br />

105 倈 diàn. [ din ] country side. uf“p lt/.<br />

106 惦喬 diàn. [ dim ] think about with concern. s]xL<br />

;F]lr/xg'.<br />

107 淀 diàn. [ din ] shallow water, not deep. xf]rf] bx,<br />

ulx/f] 5}g\.<br />

108 靛 diàn. [ din ] indigo. lgnf] /+u.<br />

109 刁 diāo. [ diu ] cunning. w"t{ rnfv.<br />

110 叼 diāo. [ diu ] hold by teeth or lips. bf“t of cf]7\n]<br />

r]Kg'.<br />

111 貂 diāo. [ diu ] marten. cf]t\ h:t} hgjf/.<br />

112 彫喝 diāo. [ diu ] carve. s'b]/, sf6]/.<br />

113 凋鞕 diāo. [ diu ] withered. cf]O{lng'.<br />

114 鯛詝 diāo. [ diu ] sea bream. df5F.<br />

115 雕 diāo. [ diu ] carve. s'b]/, sf6]/.<br />

116 碉撳 diāo. [ diu ] stone chamber. 9'¨fsf] vf]kL.<br />

127 碟牖 dié. [ dip ] small dish. ;fgf] yfn\.<br />

128 蝶 dié. [ dip ] butterfly. k'tnL.<br />

129 鰈 dié. [ dip ] plaice. df5f.<br />

130 丁 dīnɡ. [ ting ] man. nf]Ug] dflg;\.<br />

131 仃 dīnɡ. [ ding ] lonely. c;xfo.<br />

132 叮 dīnɡ. [ ting ] sting. lrNg'.<br />

133 盯倊 dīnɡ. [ ding ] to keep a close watch on. lrof]<br />

ug'{.<br />

134 酊慡 dǐnɡ. [ ding ] wine drunk. /S;L lkpg'.<br />

135 釘玷 dīnɡ. [ ting ] nail, to follow someone closely.<br />

sf6L, glhs}af6\ k5Øfpg'.<br />

136 頂 dǐnɡ. [ ting ] top, masquerade as. l;/, gSsnL<br />

lrh.<br />

137 鼎踳 dǐnɡ. [ ting ] vessel. ltg\ v'§] v8\s'8F.<br />

138 慊 dìnɡ. [ ting ] subscribe, booking. k|lt1f, dfu<br />

;'/lÔt\ ug'{.<br />

139 定 dìnɡ. [ ting ] stable, fix, set. l:y/, h8\g',<br />

ldnfpg'.<br />

140 丟 diū. [ diu ] lose, throw away. x/fpg', ºØfSg'.<br />

141 東 dōnɡ. [ tung ] east. k'j{.<br />

142 冬 dōnɡ. [ tung ] winter. lxpb\ ,<br />

143 氡 dōnɡ. [ dung ] radon. SofG;/ pkrf/ Uof“;.<br />

144 董擷 dǒnɡ. [ tung ] director, C.F.N. k|aGws\.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 198 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

145 懂 dǒnɡ. [ tung ] understand, a'´\g'.<br />

146 動珩 dònɡ. [ tung ] make a movement. rfn\.<br />

147 棟嫾 dònɡ. [ tung ] quantifier for buildings. 3/sf]<br />

kl/df0f.<br />

148 凍鞒 dònɡ. [ tung ] freeze, cold. lk|mh, lr;f].<br />

175 度 dù. [ do ] measure, degree, dimension. gfk,<br />

l8u|L, cfotg\.<br />

176 渡嬜 dù. [ do ] cross a river. vf]nf tg'{.<br />

177 妒侇 dù. [ to ] jealousy. l/;\ ug'{.<br />

178 鍍笳 dù. [ do ] plating. ;'grf“lbsf] hnk\ .<br />

149 洞悹 dònɡ. [ tung ] cavity. Kjfn\, vf]S/f].<br />

150 胴獝 dònɡ. [ tung ] body. zl//.<br />

151 都 dōu. [ do ] the capital. /fhwfgL.<br />

152 兜珡 dōu. [ dau ] go around in an area, wrap in a<br />

piece of cloth. j/Lk/L 3'Dg', ?dfn\n] kf]sf] kfg'{.<br />

153 斗 dǒu. [ dau ] dry measure. dfgf kfyL.<br />

154 抖侺 dǒu. [ dau ] shiver, shake. sfDg', xlNng'.<br />

155 蚪玃 dǒu. [ dau ] tadpole. r]kfuf9F.<br />

156 陡玿 dǒu. [ dau ] steep. 7F“8f] psfnf].<br />

157 豆倡 dòu. [ dau ] legumes. l;aL.<br />

158 荳 dòu. [ dau ] beans. l;aL.<br />

159 逗 dòu. [ dao ] tease. lh:Sofpg'.<br />

160 痘孟 dòu. [ dau ] pock. zl//sf] ;;fgf kmf]sfx?.<br />

161 鬥珊 dòu. [ dau ] contend. ´u8F.<br />

162 督撥 dū. [ duk ] supervise. lgl/Ôs\.<br />

163 毒悮 dú. [ duk ] poison, cruel. ljÈ, lg{boL.<br />

164 讀秜 dú. [ duk ] read. k9\g'.<br />

165 獨趸 dú. [ duk ] alone. PSnf].<br />

166 瀆箁 dú. [ duk ] ditch, annoy, show disrespect. s'nf],<br />

´f]Sofpg', cgfb/.<br />

167 犢觲 dú. [ duk ] calf. af5f].<br />

168 牘觱 dú. [ duk ] correspondence, documents.<br />

tbg';f/, sfuhL k|df0F.<br />

169 堵啤 dǔ. [ do ] block. 5]Sg'.<br />

170 賭 dǔ. [ do ] gamble. h'jfv]n\.<br />

171 篤跘 dǔ. [ duk ] sincere. O{dfGbf/L.<br />

172 睹撦 dǔ. [ do ] see. x]g'{.<br />

173 杜俖 dù. [ do ] stop. /f]Sg'.<br />

174 肚倗 dù. [ to ] stomach. k]6\.<br />

179 端牣 duān. [ tuen ] extremity. l;df, xb.<br />

180 短孩 duǎn. [ tuen ] short, weak point. 5F]6f], df<br />

sDhf]/L.<br />

181 斷筰 duàn. [ tuen ] stop. /f]lsg'.<br />

182 段悭 duàn. [ tuen ] quantifier used in the expression<br />

of length. nDafO{sf] kl/df0F.<br />

183 緞 duàn. [ tuen ] satin. g/d\ rds\ sk8f.<br />

184 鍛笽 duàn. [ tuen ] forge iron. kmnfd\nfO{ ttfP/<br />

lk6\g'.<br />

185 堆啟 duī. [ dui ] pile. la§f].<br />

186 隊 duì. [ dui ] line of people. dflg;\sf] k+tL.<br />

187 對蹹 duì. [ dui ] correct, face, answer, foe. l7s\,<br />

cg'xF/, pQ/, k|ltåGwL.<br />

188 兌 duì. [ dui ] exchange. ;6xL.<br />

189 噸赙 dūn. [ dun ] ton.1016.04 kg =1 ton. !)!^ s]=<br />

lh=sf] ≠! 6g\=<br />

190 敦嫥 dūn. [ dun ] honest. O{dfGbf/L.<br />

191 墩猽 dūn. [ dun ] mound. r'/] ka{t\.<br />

192 蹲訮 dūn. [ dun ] squat. 6's|'Ss a:g'.<br />

193 躉祐 dǔn. [ tan ] wholesale. 7'nf] las|]tf.<br />

194 盹惴 dǔn. [ dun ] doze. ;'t]/ lgGb|fd} p7]sf].<br />

195 鈍 dùn. [ dun ] blunt. e'Q].<br />

196 盾惸 dùn. [ tun ] 1.a shield. 5]Sg] 9fn\.<br />

197 頓踥 dùn. [ dun ] pause, quantifier for a meal. c:yfO{<br />

aGb, vfgfsf] kl/df0F.<br />

198 沌俬 dùn. [ dun ] unclear. wldnf].<br />

199 燉趭 dùn. [ dun ] by placing the container in hot water<br />

kflgsf] afkmn] ;'k\ ksfpg'.<br />

200 呿 duō. [ doh ] many, much, plenty. w]/}, Hofbf,<br />

k|;:t}.<br />

201 踱 duó. [ dok ] pace. la:tf/} kfO{nf rnfpg'.<br />

202 奪蹦 duó. [ duet ] take away by force. vf]:g'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 199 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

203 朵咬 duǒ. [ doh ] quantifier for a flower. k'mn\sf]<br />

kl/df0f.<br />

204 躲跧 duǒ. [ doh ] hide. n'Sg'.<br />

023 軟爾 ěr. [ yi ] you, thou, that, this, those, these. ltdL,<br />

t“, Tof], of], logLx?, ltgLx?.<br />

024 邇覘 ěr. [ yi / yee ] near. glhs}.<br />

205 剁 duò. [ deuk ] chop. rfgf kfg'{.<br />

206 墮猼 duò. [ doh ] fall. v:g'.<br />

207 舵 duò. [ toh ] helm. kflghxfhsf] lbzf abNg]<br />

;Frf].<br />

208 惰嫂 duò. [ doh ] laziness. cN5].<br />

209 跺跣 duò. [ doh ] stamp. v'§fn] s'lNrg'.<br />

E characters 28,<br />

001 婀啮 ē. [ ngoh ] graceful. z'Gb/L.<br />

002 訛 é. [ ngo ] erroneous, wrong or false. uNtL, e'n\<br />

jf unt\.<br />

003 俄 é. [ ngo ] suddenly. crfgs\.<br />

004 娥韊 é. [ ngo ] pretty girl. z'Gb/L.<br />

005 峨韟 é. [ ngo ] lofty. cUnf] kxf8, cUnf] 3/.<br />

006 蛾攃 é. [ ngo ] moth. k'tnL h:t} ls/f.<br />

007 鵝觏 é. [ ngoh ] goose. 7'nf] kf]yL xf“;.<br />

008 額覷 é. [ ngaak ] forehead. lgwF/.<br />

009 扼俀 è. [ abk ] control, clutch. lgoGq0F, b/f] ;dfpg'.<br />

010 噁 ě. [ ok ] feel like vomiting. jfSjfsL nfUg'.<br />

011 惡媺 è. [ ok ] evil, wicked, hate. v/fa, b'i6, lxg\<br />

ug'{.<br />

012 厄 è. [ abk ] difficulty. sl7g.<br />

013 呃佢 è. [ abk ] hiccup. af8'NsL.<br />

014 餓 è. [ ngoh ] hungry. ef]s\.<br />

015 噩赗 è. [ ngok ] shocking. crfgs\ cz'e ;dfrF/n]<br />

cf3Ft\ kg'{.<br />

016 翁 è. [ ngok ] crocodile. uf]xL.<br />

017 愕嫁 è. [ ngok ] stunned, surprise. :tAw, 5Ss kg'{.<br />

018 遏跷 è. [ at ] to stop. /f]Sg'.<br />

019 顎覺 è. [ ngok ] palate. a+uf/f.<br />

020 恩韴 ēn. [ yan ] kindness. bofn'.<br />

021 兒 ér. [ yee ] child, son. aRrf, 5f]/f.<br />

025 耳哊 ěr. [ yee ] ear. sfg\.<br />

026 餌 ěr. [ lee ] bait. kf;f] yfKg] rf/f].<br />

027 二 èr. [ yi ] two. b'O{.<br />

028 貳 èr. [ yi / yee ] ‘two’ used in writing checks. b'O{.<br />

F characters 142,<br />

001 季 fā. [ fat ] send out. aflx/ k7fpg'.<br />

002 乏 fá. [ fat ] lack. cefa,<br />

003 伐 fá. [ fat ] cut down, send to attack. 9FNg',<br />

cfs|d0F ug{ k7fpg'.<br />

004 罰犅 fá. [ fat ] punish. ;hfo.<br />

005 閥狹 fá. [ fat ] powerful person. k|ltefzfnL AofStL.<br />

006 筏孿 fá. [ fat ] raft. af“;sf] 9'¨f.<br />

007 法 fǎ. [ fat ] law, method, France. sfg'gL, tl/sf,<br />

k|mfG;\.<br />

008 髮 fà. [ fat ] hair. skfn\.<br />

009 帆咓 fān. [ feng ] sail. kflghxfh\sf] kfn\ sk8f.<br />

010 礬誅 fán. [ fan ] vitriol. lkm6\ls/L.<br />

011 翻箬 fān. [ fan ] to turn over. kmls{g'.<br />

012 番孚 fān. [ fan ] order in series. s|da¢ ;+Vof.<br />

013 幡 fān. [ fan ] long narrow flag. ;Fu'/f] nfdf]<br />

´08F.<br />

014 藩訒 fān. [ fan ] fence. hfnL af/.<br />

015 蕃 fān. [ fan ] barbarians. c;Eo.<br />

016 凡 fán. [ fan ] any. s'g},<br />

017 煩摷 fán. [ fan ] annoyed. ´f]Sofpg'.<br />

018 樊 fán. [ fan ] fence, C.F.N.. tf/ af/.<br />

019 繁竗 fán. [ fan ] numerous, complex. w]/}, hl6n\.<br />

020 反 fǎn. [ fan ] opposite. la/f]w.<br />

021 返 fǎn. [ fan ] to return. kmls{g'.<br />

022 犯吟 fàn. [ fan ] violate law. sfg'gsf] pNnªug\.<br />

023 范愬 fàn. [ fan ] C.F.N.

022 而哈 ér. [ yee ] and. cgL.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 200 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

024 氾吞 fàn. [ faan ] flood, extensive. hndUg x'g',<br />

km/flsnf].<br />

025 泛 fàn. [ fan ] float, extensive. kflgdf t}l/g',<br />

rf}8F.<br />

026 飯 fàn. [ fan ] steamed rice, meal. afkmn] vfgf<br />

ksfpg', vfgf.<br />

027 範 fàn. [ fan ] model. gd'gf.<br />

028 販 fàn. [ fan ] buy. lsGg'.<br />

029 汎咻 fàn. [ faan ] extensive. km/flsnf].<br />

030 梵嗸 fàn. [ fan ] Buddhist. af}¢.<br />

031 方 fānɡ. [ fong ] square, direction, C.F.N. rf/s'g],<br />

lbzf.<br />

032 坊佺 fānɡ. [ fong ] workshop. sf/vfgf.<br />

033 芳 fānɡ. [ fong ] sweet-smelling, good. ;'3Gw,<br />

/fd|f].<br />

034 肪 fánɡ. [ fong ] fat. df]6f].<br />

035 防倸 fánɡ. [ fong ] give protection. ;'/Ôf lbg'.<br />

036 妨侈 fánɡ. [ fong ] hinder. k|ltaGw.<br />

037 房 fánɡ. [ fong ] house, room. 3/, sf]7F.<br />

038 仿呁 fǎnɡ. [ fong ] copy. gSsn\.<br />

039 訪 fǎnɡ. [ fong ] to call on, seek by asking<br />

questions. e]6 ug]{ AofQL, hfGg rfxfg] AofQL.<br />

040 紡猾 fǎnɡ. [ fong ] to spin. wfuf] sf6\g'.<br />

041 獫 fǎnɡ. [ fong ] boat. 8'¨f.<br />

042 放 fànɡ. [ fong ] to set free. 5F]l8 lbg'.<br />

043 飛革 fēi. [ fei ] to fly. p8\g'.<br />

044 妃咄 fēi. [ fei ] concubine of a king. /fhfsf] /vf}6L<br />

of lelqgL.<br />

045 非 fēi. [ fei ] not, wrong, error. 5}g\, uNtL,<br />

gsF/fTds\.<br />

046 啡珷 fēi. [ fei ] coffee, brown. skmL, v}/f].<br />

047 菲 fēi. [ fei ] thin, luxuriant. kftnf], df}nfpg'.<br />

048 緋 fēi. [ fei ] red. /ftf].<br />

049 霏 fēi. [ fei ] fall snow and rain. lxp / kfgL kg'{.<br />

050 肥 féi. [ fei ] fat. df]6F].<br />

051 誹 fěi. [ jai ] slander. ab\gfd\ ug'{.<br />

052 犇 fěi. [ fei ] jadeite. xl/of] kTy/.<br />

053 匪鞛 fěi. [ fei ] robber. rf]/ 8F“sf.<br />

054 斐嫩 fěi. [ fei ] beautiful. z'Gb/.<br />

055 廢 fèi. [ fai ] cancel. /2.<br />

056 沸 fèi. [ fai ] boil. pdfNg'.<br />

057 狒 fèi. [ fat ] baboon. 7'nf] afb/.<br />

058 肺 fèi. [ fai ] lung. kmf]S;f].<br />

059 費 fèi. [ fai ] expenses. vr{.<br />

060 吠佯 fèi. [ fai ] bark. e'Sg'.<br />

061 氛 fēn. [ fan ] an atmosphere. ;f]rfO{.<br />

062 分 fēn. [ fan ] minute, divide. ldg]6, efu\.<br />

063 吩佧 fēn. [ fan ] instruct. cfb]z\.<br />

064 芬 fēn. [ fan ] sweet smell. ld7f] af:gf.<br />

065 紛獋 fēn. [ fan ] many and various. w]/} lsl;d\sf].<br />

066 汾俳 fén. [ fan ] tributary of theYellow River. oNnf]<br />

l/e/sf] d'xfg\ y'k|} ;fgf vf]nfx?sf] gfd.<br />

067 粉猽 fěn. [ fan ] powder, noodles. lk7f], g'8n\.<br />

068 份呏 fèn. [ fan ] share, used as a quantifier. c+z,<br />

k|of]u ePsf] kl/df0f.<br />

069 忿 fèn. [ fan ] anger, complaining. l/;fpg], b'v];f]<br />

atfpg'.<br />

070 糞竈 fèn. [ fan ] excrement. uf]a/.<br />

071 奮赦 fèn. [ fan ] exert. d]xgt\.<br />

072 憤 fèn. [ fan ] angry. l/;fpg'.<br />

073 墳猺 fén. [ fan ] grave. lrxfg\.<br />

074 嬽 fén. [ fan ] burn. afNg'.<br />

075 豐覍 fēnɡ. [ fung ] plentiful, fine-looking. ;d[¢, /fd|f]<br />

b]lvg'.<br />

076 風靨 fēnɡ. [ fung ] wind, style. xfjf, z}nL.<br />

077 瘋牌 fēnɡ. [ fung ] insane. af}nfxf.<br />

078 楓摓 fēnɡ. [ fung ] maple. rf]k\jfnf ?v.<br />

079 封 fēnɡ. [ fung ] seal, envelope. aGb ug'{.<br />

080 烽嘸 fēnɡ. [ fung ] beacon. alQsf] O{zf/fdf.<br />

081 峰韠 fēnɡ. [ fung ] peak. 6'Kkf].<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 201 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

082 鋒贛 fēnɡ. [ fung ] cutting edge of a sword. wf/Lnf]<br />

t/af/sf].<br />

083 攅 fēnɡ. [ fung ] bee, wasp, hornet. dfx'/L,<br />

af?nf, cl/+ufn\.<br />

084 逢 fénɡ. [ fung ] come across. kf/ ug'{.<br />

085 馮 fénɡ. [ fung ] strength of, C.F.N. zStLdf.<br />

086 縫竓 fénɡ. [ fung ] sew, crack. l;pg', ltvf] cfjfh\.<br />

087 諷 fěnɡ. [ fung ] to mock. cg's/0f.<br />

088 奉 fènɡ. [ fung ] to esteem. 7'nf] ;+dfg\ ug'{.<br />

089 俸靵 fènɡ. [ fung ] salary of a government official.<br />

;/sf/L sd{rf/Lsf] tna.<br />

090 鳳猔 fènɡ. [ fung ] phoenix. syfsf] r/f.<br />

091 佛 fó. [ fat ] Buddha. af}¢.<br />

092 否佞 fǒu. [ fau ] negative answer. gsf/fTds\ pQ/.<br />

093 夫 fū. [ fu ] husband. nf]Ug].<br />

094 膚 fū. [ fu ] skin. 5fnf.<br />

095 麩资 fū. [ fu ] bran. ux'“sf] rf]s/.<br />

096 孵蹯 fū. [ fu ] hatch. rNnF sf]/Ng'.<br />

097 敷 fū. [ fu ] to put on, sufficient. df /fVg', kof{Kt.<br />

098 伏呉 fú. [ fook ] to bend over, lie prostrate. lgx'/Lg',<br />

´'§f] b08jt\.<br />

099 扶侼 fú. [ fu ] support with hand. xft}n] d2t\ ug'{.<br />

100 拂 fú. [ fat ] assist, brush, disobey. d2t\, a9Fg{',<br />

g6]g'{.<br />

101 氟悰 fú. [ fat ] fluorine. kx]+nf] laÈfbL Uof“;\.<br />

102 服 fú. [ fook ] dose, clothes, serve, obey. dfqf,<br />

sk8F, ;]jf, cf1fsf/L.<br />

103 孚侔 fú. [ fu ] inspire. ;f;\ k]mg'{.<br />

104 俘 fú. [ fu ] take prisoner. s}bL agfpg'.<br />

105 浮顏 fú. [ fau ] float. kflgdf t}l/g'.<br />

106 符 fú. [ fu ] symbol. ;+s]t\.<br />

110 輻 fú. [ fook ] spoke. rSsfsf] cf/fwf/.<br />

111 芙 fú. [ fu ] hibiscus. k§]/ ´f8L.<br />

112 彿 fú. [ fat ] similar. p:t}.<br />

113 袱 fú. [ fuk ] bundle wrapped in cloth. sk8fsf]<br />

s'Dnf].<br />

114 甫倆 fǔ. [ fu ] just, father. e/v/}, afaf.<br />

115 輔狕 fǔ. [ fu ] assist. d2t\.<br />

116 斧 fǔ. [ fu ] hatchet, axe. al;nf, aGr/f].<br />

117 釜玺 fǔ. [ fu ] caldron. 7'nf] 8]u\rL.<br />

118 府 fǔ. [ fu ] seat of government, palace. ;/sf/L<br />

kb\, /fhejg\.<br />

119 腑官 fǔ. [ fu ] bowels, entrails. cfGb|Fx?.<br />

120 俯靲 fǔ. [ fu ] bow head. 9f]Ug'.<br />

121 腐犌 fǔ. [ fu ] rotten, spoiled. ;8]sf], laufg'{ n'6\g'.<br />

122 撫 fǔ. [ fu ] bring comfort, nurture. ;'vL agfpg',<br />

x'sf{pg'.<br />

123 婦啬 fù. [ fu ] woman. dlxnf.<br />

124 負慍 fù. [ fu ] to bear, to lose, negative, carry, load.<br />

Nofpg', u'dfpg', C0FFTds\, n}hfg', ef/L.<br />

125 附 fù. [ fu ] to enclose, to attach. gTyL ug'{, ufEg'.<br />

126 駙贸 fù. [ fu ] extra horses harnessed by the side of<br />

the team. ltg\ eGbf a9L 3F]8Fsf] l6dsf] 5]p<br />

5]plt/sf] 3f]8fx?.<br />

127 復 fù. [ fook ] answer, come back, recover. hafkm,<br />

k]m/L cfpg', Ôltk'tL{.<br />

128 複 fù. [ fook ] complex. hl6n\.<br />

129 腹 fù. [ fook ] abdomen, belly. e'8L.<br />

130 馥见 fù. [ fook ] fragrance. ;'uGw.<br />

131 箿覆 fù. [ fook ] to cover, to turn upside down,<br />

to reply. 5f]Kg', 3F]K6\ofpg', hafkm lbg'.<br />

132 赴慎 fù. [ fu ] to attend, go to. pkl:yt\ x'g', hfg'.<br />

133 副珥 fù. [ fu ] secondary, assistant. bf]>f]s|d\, ;xfos\.<br />

107 幅媫 fú. [ fook ] width of cloth, word used to quantify<br />

pictures. sk8fsf] rf}8FO{, zAbdf k|of]u ePsf]<br />

gSzfsf] kl/df0F.<br />

108 福 fú. [ fook ] good fortune. ;'vL sd{.<br />

109 蝠 fú. [ fook ] bat. rd]/F.<br />

134 富媠 fù. [ fu ] wealthy, abundant, enough. wgL,<br />

Hofbf, kof{Kt.<br />

135 賦 fù. [ fu ] endow. bfO{hf] lbg'.<br />

136 父 fù. [ fu ] father. afaf,<br />

137 付 fù. [ fu ] to pay. lbg' ,<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 202 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

138 咐 fù. [ fu ] to tell. eGg'.<br />

139 傅 fù. [ fu ] teacher. lzÔs\.<br />

140 阜 fù. [ fau ] mound, abundant. ka{t, w]/}.<br />

141 態 fù. [ fu ] an obituary. d[To' / hfgsf/L.<br />

142 縛跢 fù. [ bok ] tie up, bind fast. af“Wg'.<br />

G characters 177,<br />

001 尬侙 ɡà. [ gaai ] embarrassed. lxlRsrfpg'.<br />

002 該 ɡāi. [ goi ] should, ought. k5{.<br />

003 改俌 ɡǎi. [ goi ] to change, to correct. ;f6\g',<br />

z'¢ kfg'{.<br />

004 蓋犡 ɡài. [ goi ] cover, build a house. lasf\]{,<br />

3/ lg{df0F.<br />

005 概摎 ɡài. [ goi ] generally. k|foM.<br />

006 丐 ɡài. [ goi ] beggar. leÔ's\.<br />

007 鈣 ɡài. [ loi ] calcium. SoflN;od\.<br />

008 溉嬴 ɡài. [ loi ] to water. kfgL nfpg'.<br />

009 干 ɡān. [ gon ] to offend. to interfere. pNn+wg\ ug'{,<br />

layf]Ng'.<br />

010 肝倔 ɡān. [ gon ] liver. sn]hf].<br />

011 杆俚 ɡān. [ gon ] pole. vDaf.<br />

012 尷 ɡān. [ gaam ] embarrassed. cn\dn\df kfg'{.<br />

013 乾珍 ɡān. [ gon ] dry. ;'Svf.<br />

014 竿愋 ɡān. [ gon ] bamboo pole. af“;sf] vDaf.<br />

015 甘吤 ɡān. [ kam ] sweet. ld7f].<br />

016 柑悝 ɡān. [ kam ] mandarin orange. d]G8/Lg\<br />

;'Gtf]nf.<br />

017 桿嗹 ɡǎn. [ gon ] handle, shaft. la+8\, e]6\gf].<br />

018 趕狓 ɡǎn. [ gong ] to hurry, to expel. xtf/df,<br />

ha{h:tL lgsfNg'.<br />

019 敢 ɡǎn. [ kam ] bold. ;Fxl;nf].<br />

020 感 ɡǎn. [ kam ] to feel, sense. cg'ej ug'{, r]tgf.<br />

021 稈孮 ɡǎn. [ gong ] cereal plant. cGgsf] af]6.<br />

022 橄 ɡǎn. [ kam ] an olive. h}t'g\sf] ?v.<br />

023 幹 ɡàn. [ gon ] trunk of tree, main part, to do.<br />

?vsf] k]mb\, d'Vo efu, ug'{ kg]{.<br />

024 贛羐 ɡàn. [ gam ] Kiangsi Province. Sof¨;L k|b]z.<br />

025 肛倖 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] anus. u'b\¢f/.<br />

026 缸愕 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] jar. kfgL nufpg] ef8f.<br />

027 罡 ɡānɡ. [ gon ] name of star. tf/fsf] gfd.<br />

028 岡 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] ridge of hill. kxf8sf] l;/.<br />

029 崗喍 ɡǎnɡ. [ kong ] sentry post, mound. z'/Ôf uf8{<br />

a:g] 7F“p, y'Dsf].<br />

030 綱牻 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] main rope of a fishing net.df5f<br />

dfg]{ hfn\sf] d'Vo 8F]/L.<br />

031 鋼 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] steel. l:6n\ wft'.<br />

032 剛鞙 ɡānɡ. [ kong ] unyielding, just. lhl2jfn\,<br />

e/v/}.<br />

033 港嬙 ɡǎnɡ. [ kong ] port, harbor. 3F“6\, aGb{uf.<br />

034 戇 ɡànɡ. [ ngong ] simple-minded. 3t\ nf6f]<br />

ePsf].<br />

035 槓身 ɡànɡ. [ gong ] thick pole, bar. df]6f] vDaf, 3]/f.<br />

036 高珉 ɡāo. [ go ] high, superior grade. cUnf], pRr.<br />

037 羔獎 ɡāo. [ go ] lamb. e]8Fsf] kf7f].<br />

038 糕 ɡāo. [ go ] pastry, pudding. lk7f]sf] kl/sf/,<br />

xn'jf.<br />

039 膏犎 ɡāo. [ go ] fat, grease. lrNnf] kbfy{, O{lGhg\<br />

lrKNofpg] t]n\.<br />

040 稿 ɡǎo. [ go ] draft. d;f}bf ug'{, r]s\.<br />

041 搞 ɡǎo. [ gaau ] to do, to cause. ug'{ kg]{, sf/0f.<br />

042 告佨 ɡào. [ go ] tell, accuse, to blame. eGg', bf]È<br />

nufpg', cAh; nufpg'.<br />

043 哥鞥 ɡē. [ goh ] elder brother. bfh'.<br />

044 割 ɡē. [ gok ] to cut. sf6\g'.<br />

045 擱 ɡē. [ gok ] put, put aside. /fVg', cnu} /fVg'.<br />

046 歌躺 ɡē. [ goh ] song. lut\.<br />

047 戈 ɡē. [ goh ] dagger-axe. wf/Lnf] aGr/f],<br />

048 疙 ɡē. [ ngat ] wart, pustule, pimple. df;'sf]<br />

lsl;d\, 5fnfsf] kmf]sf, 8l08kmf]/.<br />

049 鴿筗 ɡē. [ gap ] pigeon. k/]jf.<br />

050 咯 ɡē. [ gok ] click, cough. ltvf] cfjfh\, vf]sL.<br />

051 胳獠 ɡē. [ kak ] arms, armpits. kfv'/f, sfvL.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 203 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

052 格頴 ɡé. [ kak ] checks, squares, standard. hf“Rg',<br />

079 蚣玈 ɡōnɡ. [ gung ] centipede. sG;'Tnf], vh'/f].<br />

;dsf]0F, :t/.<br />

080 功 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] merit, achievements. >]i7tf,<br />

053 蛤 ɡé. [ gap ] toad. Eofu'QF.<br />

dxfg\ sfo{.<br />

054 閤狺 ɡé. [ hap ] whole. hDd}.<br />

081 攻俍 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] attack. cfs{d0F.<br />

055 骼 ɡé. [ kak ] skeleton, bone. s+sfn\ x8\8L, x8\8L.<br />

056 隔 ɡé. [ gaak ] to be separated from by a distance.<br />

b'/Laf6\ km/s kg{'.<br />

057 閣狸 ɡé. [ kok ] pavilion. b'O{ tNn] 3/.<br />

058 革 ɡé. [ kok ] hide, change. ufoa x'g', abNg'.<br />

059 葛擳 ɡé. [ got ] C.F.N.<br />

060 甴 ɡé. [ ga ] insects. ls/f.<br />

061 個鞄 ɡè. [ ko ] piece, single, numerary adjunct. 6's|f,<br />

PSnf], ldn]sf] g+a/.<br />

062 箇牭 ɡè. [ goh ] piece, single, numerary adjunct. 6's|f,<br />

PSnf], ldn]sf] g+a/.<br />

063 各呬 ɡè. [ kok ] every, individually. k|To]s\, AolQut\.<br />

064 給宋 ɡěi. [ kap ] giving. lbg'.<br />

065 根頨 ɡēn. [ gan ] roots, base, causes. h/F, l+k+w,<br />

sf/0F.<br />

066 收跟 ɡēn. [ gan ] heel, follow. s's{'Rrf, kl5nfUg'.<br />

067 耕獓 ɡēnɡ. [ gang ] to plow. /+u nufpg'.<br />

068 庚 ɡēnɡ. [ gang ] ancients to designate years,<br />

months, and days. k|flrg ;dodf tf]s]sf] zfn<br />

dlxgf / lbg\.<br />

069 鶊 ɡēnɡ. [ gan ] an oriole. r/f.<br />

070 羹訏 ɡēnɡ. [ gang ] thick soup. afSnf] ´f]n\.<br />

071 哽鞳 ɡěnɡ. [ kang ] choke. 3F“l6df s]xL c8\s]<br />

h:tf] x'g'.<br />

072 埂鞷 ɡěnɡ. [ kang ] low bank of earth between fields.<br />

hldg\df cflnn] 5'6\ØfPsf] hUuf.<br />

073 耿獗 ɡěnɡ. [ gang ] bright, upright, worried. rlDsnf],<br />

;f]´f], lrlGtt\.<br />

074 梗嗽 ɡěnɡ. [ gang ] stem. la?jfsf] 8f“7.<br />

082 供 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] supply, offer to god, testimony<br />

of a prisoner. lat/0F, eujfgnfO{ r9Fpg' s}lbsf]<br />

k|df0F.<br />

083 宮韓 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] palace, place for cultural<br />

activities and recreation. b/aF/, ;+:s[lts\<br />

s[ofsnfk\ / dgf]/~hg\sf] 7f“p.<br />

084 恭音 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] respectful. cfb/l0fo.<br />

085 弓 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] bow. wg' ,<br />

086 躬 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] bend down. lgx'l/g'.<br />

087 龔秹 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] C.F.N.<br />

088 鞏质 ɡǒnɡ. [ kung ] consolidate. vlbnf] kfg'{.<br />

089 汞信 ɡǒnɡ. [ hung ] mercury. kf/f].<br />

090 拱恺 ɡǒnɡ. [ kung ] an arch. to cup one hand in the<br />

other in greeting. uf]nf] agfpg', b'O{ xftnfO{<br />

vf]laN6F gd:sf/ ug'{.<br />

091 共呗 ɡònɡ. [ kung ] to share, common, altogether.<br />

eflubf/, ;f´f, hDd}.<br />

092 玟 ɡònɡ. [ kung ] to pay tribute to one's emperor.<br />

cfKg} /fhfnfO{ s/ lbg'.<br />

093 勾 ɡōu. [ gau ] hook. c+s';],<br />

094 鉤踋 ɡōu. [ gau ] hook. c+s';],<br />

095 媾 ɡòu. [ gau ] to wed, coition. laxf ug'{.<br />

096 溝摥 ɡōu. [ gau ] ditch. s'nf] vGg'.<br />

097 狗 ɡǒu. [ gau ] dog. s's'/.<br />

098 苟愾 ɡǒu. [ gau ] negligent, if. c;fjwfg\, obL.<br />

099 構躬 ɡòu. [ gau ] to compose, to form. /rgf ug'{,<br />

lgdf0f{ ug'{.<br />

100 購笜 ɡòu. [ gau ] to purchase. vl/b\ ug'{.<br />

101 遘狛 ɡòu. [ gau ] to meet. e]6\g'.<br />

075 亙吽 ɡènɡ. [ woo ] extend. a9fpg'.<br />

076 更俐 ɡènɡ. [ gang ] to change, replace with. ;F6\g',<br />

;§f ug'{.<br />

077 工 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] work. sfd\.<br />

078 公 ɡōnɡ. [ kung ] public. ;Fa{hlgs\.<br />

102 夠啧 ɡòu. [ gau ] enough. k|;:t}.<br />

103 垢 ɡòu. [ gau ] dirty. kmf]xf]/.<br />

104 孤 ɡū. [ kao ] fatherless, solitary, alone. afaf<br />

d/]sf], 6'x'/f, PSnf].<br />

105 估哩 ɡū. [ kao ] to estimate, to sell. cg'dflgt\,<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 204 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

sk8F a]Rg'.<br />

106 咕 ɡū. [ goo ] coo. r/fsf] xNnf.<br />

107 姑 ɡū. [ koo ] aunt. k'mk'.<br />

134 怪 ɡuài. [ gwaai ] strange, monster, blame. cgf}7f],<br />

/fÔ;\, bf];\ nufpg'.<br />

135 關詉 ɡuān. [ gwaan ] to close, to turn off. aGb ug'{.<br />

108 古 ɡǔ. [ kao ] ancient. k|flrg\.<br />

109 沽 ɡū. [ kao ] buy, sell. lsGg', a]Rg'.<br />

110 菇 ɡū. [ kao ] mushroom. Rofp.<br />

111 箍 ɡū. [ ku ] to bind round. rf/} lt/ af“Wg'.<br />

136 觀義 ɡuān. [ kwun ] to observe, Taoist temple.<br />

lgl/Ô0F ug'{, d+lb/.<br />

137 官 ɡuān. [ koon ] government official. ;/sf/L<br />

sfof{no ;+aGwL.<br />

138 鰥禴 ɡuān. [ kwan ] wifeless, widowered. /f8f].<br />

112 辜 ɡū. [ kao ] guilt. ck/fw.<br />

113 穀 ɡǔ. [ gok ] cereal, grain. cGg, vfB kbfy{.<br />

114 股 ɡǔ. [ goo ] share in a business. ;F´f AofkF/.<br />

115 骨珈 ɡǔ. [ gwat ] bone. xf8.<br />

116 鼓踴 ɡǔ. [ kao ] a drum. 9f]n\.<br />

117 谷倠 ɡǔ. [ gok ] valley. pkTosf, vfN6F].<br />

118 蠱稍 ɡǔ. [ koo ] venomous insect. laÈfn' ls/f.<br />

119 固 ɡù. [ kao ] firm, solid. 9f];, s8f.<br />

120 故悃 ɡù. [ kao ] old, reasons, to die. k'/Fgf], sf/0F,<br />

dg'{.<br />

121 顧禩 ɡù. [ kao ] to turn around and look, to take care<br />

of. rf/} lt/ 3'd]/ x]g'{, df xf]l;of/ x'g'.<br />

122 雇 ɡù. [ goo ] to employ, to hire. sfddf /fVg',<br />

ef8fdf.<br />

123 錮 ɡù. [ koo ] to imprison. s}bdf hfg'.<br />

124 僱踿 ɡù. [ kao ] to employ. sfd\df nufpg'.<br />

125 瓜吢 ɡuā. [ gwa ] creeping plant. melon, squash,<br />

cucumber. nx/] kmnkm'n\, v/a'hf, nf}sf<br />

sfs|f.<br />

126 颳贬 ɡuā. [ gwaat ] wind blowing. xfjfn] lxsf{pg'.<br />

127 刮 ɡuā. [ gwaat ] to scrape. d:sfpg'.<br />

128 寡蹲 ɡuǎ. [ gwa ] tasteless, widowed. gld7f], lawjf<br />

/f8L.<br />

129 褂犴 ɡuà. [ gwa ] Chinese-style a gown. rfO{lgh\<br />

;}lnsf] dlxnfsf] nfdf] n'uf.<br />

130 掛嗋 ɡuà. [ gwa ] to hang up. 6Fª\g'.<br />

131 卦 ɡuà. [ gwa ] divinatory symbols. eljio atfpg].<br />

132 乖 ɡuāi. [ gwaai ] well-behaved. c;n\ cfr/0f.<br />

133 拐 ɡuǎi. [ gwaai ] to kidnap. ckx/0f.<br />

139 冠 ɡuān. [ goon ] first-rate, a crest, to wear cap.<br />

;af]{Qd\, d's'6, 6f]kL nfpg'.<br />

140 館 ɡuǎn. [ koon ] room for guests, an embassy.<br />

cltyL sf]7F, b'tfaf;\.<br />

141 管牤 ɡuǎn. [ koon ] tube, pipe, to manage. gnL,<br />

gfn\, clwg\ ug'{.<br />

142 貫 ɡuàn. [ koon ] to go through, birthplace. af6<br />

hfg', hGd :yfg\.<br />

143 躍 ɡuàn. [ kwang ] to be accustomed to. afgL<br />

Aoxf]/fsf] x'g'.<br />

144 灌祾 ɡuàn. [ koon ] to irrigate. kfgL nufpg'.<br />

145 罐稪 ɡuàn. [ koon ] pot, can. ef8f, a§f.<br />

146 盥跅 ɡuàn. [ koon ] wash. w'g'.<br />

147 光呒 ɡuānɡ. [ gwong ] light, used up, finished.<br />

k|sf;\, ;lsof], ;dfKt.<br />

148 胱獘 ɡuānɡ. [ gwong ] bladder. d'qfzo.<br />

149 廣 ɡuǎnɡ. [ gwong ] wide, many. k}mlnPsf],<br />

w]/}.<br />

150 獷箉 ɡuǎnɡ. [ kwong ] fierce and rude. s'|/ /<br />

s7f]/.<br />

151 逛 ɡuànɡ. [ kwaang ] to stroll. a/flnP/ lx8\g'.<br />

152 惮 ɡuī. [ gwai ] changed religion. wd{ k]mg'{.<br />

153 閨 ɡuī. [ gwai ] women's apartment. dlxnfsf]<br />

sf]7F.<br />

154 歸筼 ɡuī. [ gwai ] to go back to, ought to belong to.<br />

lkmtf{ hfg', dfGg' k5{.<br />

155 龜 ɡuī. [ gwai ] tortoise. s5'jf.<br />

156 圭呺 ɡuī. [ gwai ] name. gfd.<br />

157 鮭筕 ɡuī. [ gwai ] salmon. df5f.<br />

158 規 ɡuī. [ kwai ] rule, to plan. lgod\, of]hgf.<br />

159 瑰牆 ɡuī. [ gwai ] rare, marvelous. cgf}7f].<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 205 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

hgfj/sf] lrGx.<br />

160 鬼珌 ɡuǐ. [ gwai ] ghost. k|]tfTdf.<br />

009 氦顁 hài. [ hoi ] helium. x]lnod\ Uof“;.<br />

161 晷嫳 ɡuǐ. [ kwai ] shadows by sun. 3F“d\sf] 5fof.<br />

010 害韐 hài. [ hoi ] damage, to harm. lalu|Psf], gf]S;fg\<br />

162 詭攢 ɡuǐ. [ gwai ] cheat, deceive, strange. 5Ng',<br />

ePsf].<br />

7Ug', cgf}7f].<br />

011 酣 hān. [ ham ] to be merry from wine. /S;Ln]<br />

163 軌慒 ɡuǐ. [ gwai ] rail, a course. /]n\sf] s'b\g] af6f],<br />

cfglGbt\ ePsf].<br />

laÈo.<br />

012 憨 hān. [ ham ] foolish, ingenuous. a'l¢ gePsf],<br />

164 櫃筵 ɡuì. [ gwai ] cupboard. cfNdf/L b/fh\.<br />

O{dfGbf/L.<br />

165 貴 ɡuì. [ gwai ] expensive, valued, your. dx+uf],<br />

013 鼾筞 hān. [ hon ] to snore. 3'g{'.<br />

dxTj, tkfO{sf].<br />

014 含佳 hán. [ ham ] to hold by mouth, to contain. d'vn]<br />

166 桂頩 ɡuì. [ gwai ] cassia. t]hkQf ?v.<br />

;dfpg', leq kfl/Psf].<br />

167 跪跤 ɡuì. [ gwai ] to kneel. 3'8f 6]Sg'.<br />

015 函 hán. [ ham ] a letter. lrflL.<br />

168 劊猦 ɡuì. [ kui ] to cut off, amputate. sf6\g', lhjsf]<br />

016 涵 hán. [ ham ] contain. leq kfl/Psf].<br />

zl//nfO{ 7'GSØfpg'.<br />

017 寒媟 hán. [ hon ] cold, poor. lr;f], ul/a.<br />

169 滾躾 ɡǔn. [ gwan ] to roll, to trundle. Psfk§L<br />

3'ld/xg', a]g'{.<br />

018 韓筌 hán. [ hon ] Korea, C.F.N. sf]l/of.<br />

170 棍 ɡùn. [ gwan ] stick, club, a rascal. nflL, ;+3,<br />

019 罕們 hǎn. [ hon ] seldom, rarely. slxNo}.<br />

b'i6.<br />

020 喊 hǎn. [ ham ] shout. s/fpg'.<br />

171 鍋笹 ɡuō. [ wo ] pot, pan. ef8f], s/fxL.<br />

021 漢軇 hàn. [ hon ] Chinese people & language.<br />

172 郭 ɡuō. [ gwok ] C.F.N.<br />

rfO{lgh\ hGtf / efÈf.<br />

173 國啚 ɡuó. [ gwok ] country, nation. b]z, /fi6«.<br />

022 旱俏 hàn. [ hon ] drought. v8]/L.<br />

174 摑躚 ɡuó. [ gwaak ] to smack, to slap. yKk8 lbg',<br />

023 嘷 hàn. [ hon ] solder, weld. wft' lanfP/ hf]8\g'.<br />

ufnf r9sfpg', lxsf{pg'.<br />

024 汗咲 hàn. [ hon ] sweat, perspiration. kl;gf.<br />

175 裹状 ɡuǒ. [ gwoh ] to bind, to wrap. af“Wg', a]g'{.<br />

025 悍韹 hàn. [ hon ] brave, fierce. ;fx;L, l/;fxf.<br />

176 果 ɡuǒ. [ gwoh ] fruit, effects. kmn\k'mn\, cS;/.<br />

026 捍預 hàn. [ hon ] to guard, to protect. ;'/Ôf lbg'.<br />

177 過跸 ɡuò. [ gwoh ] to go across, to pass, mistakes.<br />

kf/ x'g', jf/kf/ x'g', uNtL ug'{.<br />

027 頷 hàn. [ ham ] jaw, to nod. a+uf/f, 6fpsf]<br />

xNnfpg'.<br />

H characters 216,<br />

028 翰 hàn. [ hon ] writing. n]lv/x]sf].<br />

001 哈 hā. [ ha ] to breathe on. ;F;\ k]mg'{.<br />

029 瀚觫 hàn. [ hon ] vast. 7'nf].<br />

002 海顊 hǎi. [ hoi ] the sea, large number of people.<br />

030 赻 hàn. [ ham ] to shock. sfDg'.<br />

;d'Gb|, dflg;sf] le8\.<br />

031<br />

003 孩<br />

憾赳 hàn. [ ham ] to regret. b'vL x'g'.<br />

hái. [ haai ] a child. aRrf.<br />

032<br />

004 骸<br />

獪 hánɡ. [ hong ] to navigate. hxfh\ rnfpg'.<br />

hái. [ haai ] skeleton. zl//sf] x8\8L s+sfn\.<br />

033<br />

005 還笫<br />

杭 hánɡ. [ hong ] Hangzhou place. xf¨h' 7F“p.<br />

hái. [ wan ] to return to, yet. kmls{g', clxn].<br />

034<br />

006 胲<br />

毫嘌 háo. [ ho ] long and fine animal hair. hgjf/sf]<br />

hǎi. [ hoi ] hydroxylamine. Uof“;\.<br />

;'Gb/ e'Tnf.<br />

007 駭 hài. [ haai ] to be shocked. 8/fPsf].<br />

035 嚎 háo. [ hoo ] to cry loudly. 7'nf] s/fpg'.<br />

008 亥呀 hài. [ hoi ] animal signs of the Chinese year,<br />

036 蠔 háo. [ ho ] oyster. l;kL df5f.<br />

month, days rfO{lgh zfn dlxgf / lbg\nfO{

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 206 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

037 豪狋 háo. [ ho ] talent, heroic person. a'l¢dfg\,<br />

axfb'/L.<br />

038 壕 háo. [ ho ] moat, trench, wall. lsNnf af/]sf],<br />

uf/F], kvf{n\.<br />

039 郝玲 hǎo. [ kwok ] C.F.N.<br />

040 好咅 hǎo. [ ho ] good, completed, to be fond of. c;n\,<br />

k'/F ug'{, Hofbf k|]d\ x'g'.<br />

041 號擽 hào<br />

;+s]t\, s/fpg', lanfk\ ug{'.<br />

hào. [ ho ] mark, sign, sound, to wail. lrGx,<br />

042 耗獕 hào. [ ho ] to consume, bad news. pkef]u ug'{,<br />

cz'e ;dfrf/.<br />

043 浩顒 hào. [ ho ] vast, grand. 7'nf].<br />

044 顥禪 hào. [ hoo ] white. ;]tf].<br />

045 灝 hào. [ hoo ] strong river water flow. vf]nf pln{g'.<br />

046 呵 hē. [ ho ] to yawn, deeply breathe. xfO{ ug'{, nfdf]<br />

;f; km]g'{.<br />

047 喝 hē. [ hot ] to drink, to shout. lkpg', s/fpg'.<br />

048 禾吵 hé. [ wah ] standing grain. wfg\sf] af]6.<br />

049 劾 hé. [ hat ] mistake. uNtL.<br />

050 頜贫 hé. [ hop ] jaw. a+uf/f.<br />

051 闔覩 hé. [ hop ] whole. hDd}.<br />

052 閡狵 hé. [ hat ] to cut off from. sf6\g'.<br />

053 涸嘡 hé. [ kok ] to dry up. ;'Svf kfg'{.<br />

054 合呯 hé. [ hop ] to combine, proper. ;+o'Q, plrt.<br />

055 何哨 hé. [ ho ] C.F.N.<br />

056 和 hé<br />

sf] hf]8\, zfGtL, zfGt.<br />

hé. [ wah ] and, the sum of, peace, mild. clg,<br />

057 河 hé. [ ho ] a river. vf]nf.<br />

065 黑 hēi. [ hak ] black, dark. sfnf], cWof/f].<br />

066 嘿猭 hēi. [ hei ] hey. cfgGb.<br />

067 痕 hén. [ hang ] scar, mark. 3fp, lrgf].<br />

068 狠 hěn. [ hang ] cruel, ruthless. lgi7'/L,<br />

bof gePsf].<br />

069 很 hěn. [ hang ] very. Hofb}.<br />

070 恨 hèn. [ hang ] to hate. x]nf ug'{.<br />

071 哼鞤 hēnɡ. [ hang ] dissatisfaction short sound. lrQ<br />

ga'´]sf] 5f]6f] cfjfh.<br />

072 衡 hénɡ. [ hang ] to measure. gfktf}n.<br />

073 橫趐 hénɡ. [ wang ] harsh and unreasonable, across.<br />

lbSbf/L / claj]s\k'0f{, kf/ ug'{.<br />

074 恆恪 hénɡ. [ hang ] constant. l:y/.<br />

075 轟禚 hōnɡ. [ gwang ] sound, to bombard, to rumble.<br />

cfjfh, a+d k8\sfpg', O{lGhg\sf] cfjfh.<br />

076 烘顚 hōnɡ. [ hung ] warm by fire, to dry, to bake.<br />

cfuf]df ;'sfpg', ;'sfpg', v¥ofpg'.<br />

077 哄 hōnɡ. [ hung ] outburst of noise and excitement.<br />

la:kmf]6\sf] cfjfh\n] pQ]hgf.<br />

078 洪悴 hónɡ. [ hung ] flood, vast. af9L+, Hofb} 7'nf].<br />

079 紅意 hónɡ. [ hung ] red, very popular. /ftf], w]/}<br />

nf]sk[o.<br />

080 宏侘 hónɡ. [ wang ] great. dxfg\.<br />

081 虹慂 hónɡ. [ hung ] rainbow. O{Gb|]gL.<br />

082 弘合 hónɡ. [ wang ] to enlarge, to expand. 7'nf]<br />

agfpg', vr{ ug'{.<br />

083 泓 hónɡ. [ wang ] deep, quantifier. ulx/f],<br />

kl/df0F.<br />

084 鴻策 hónɡ. [ hung ] grand. 7'nf].<br />

058 核頤 hé. [ hat ] nut of fruits, nucleus, to check.<br />

kmn\k'mn\sf] laof, u'bL, hf“r.<br />

059 荷 hé. [ hoh ] load, a lotus. ef/L, sdn k'mn\.<br />

060 盒 hé. [ hop ] box, case. afs;, a§f.<br />

061 賀 hè. [ hor ] to congratulate. z'e–sfdgf.<br />

062 赫狑 hè. [ hak ] well known, prominent, a hertz. gfd<br />

rn]sf], k|l;¢, /]l8of] utL.<br />

063 鶴禶 hè. [ hok ] crane. ;f/; r/F.<br />

064 褐 hè. [ kit ] brown. v}/f].<br />

085 黌羲 hónɡ. [ hung ] a school, a college. laBFno,<br />

sn]h\.<br />

086 訌玓 hònɡ. [ hung ] argument, conflict, dissension.<br />

lajfb, kmf6f], snx.<br />

087 侯 hóu. [ hau ] nobleman, high official, C.F.N.<br />

;Hhg\a[Gb, pRrkb:t.<br />

088 喉 hóu. [ hau ] throat. lsNsLn].<br />

089 猴孉 hóu. [ hau ] monkey. afb/.<br />

090 吼佰 hǒu. [ hau ] to roar, to cry loudly. s/fpg'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 207 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

091 後 hòu. [ hau ] behind, after. k5f8L, k5L.<br />

092 厚 hòu. [ hau ] thick, kind. afSnf], bof.<br />

093 候鞅 hòu. [ hau ] to wait, season. klv{g', Ct'.<br />

094 后呱 hòu. [ hau ] God of the earth, Queen. /fgL.<br />

095 逅玮 hòu. [ hau ] to meet unexpectedly. crfgs<br />

e]6\g'.<br />

096 鱟羛 hòu. [ hau ] king crab. 7'nf] u“u6f.<br />

097 乎 hū. [ fu ] than. eGbF.<br />

098 呼 hū. [ fu ] to exhale, to shout, to call. ;F;\ aflx/<br />

lgsfNg', s/fpg', af]nfpg'.<br />

099 忽 hū. [ fat ] careless, suddenly. nfk{afxL,<br />

PSsf;L ;+u.<br />

100 惚喸 hū. [ fat ] absent-minded. ;'g]/ lbdfudf g/fVg].<br />

101 胡愣 hú. [ wu ] recklessly, why, C.F.N. x]NrS¥ofO{ ;+u,<br />

lsg.<br />

102 湖嬧 hú. [ wu ] lake. bx, tfn\.<br />

103 糊 hú. [ woo ] paste. ln6F], df8.<br />

104 餬 hú. [ woo ] to paste. k]i6 nfpg'.<br />

105 弧 hú. [ woo ] arc. a[Qv08.<br />

106 狐 hú. [ woo ] fox. ºØfp/f].<br />

107 壺 hú. [ wu ] kettle, pot. lrofbfgL, ef8f.<br />

108 瑚撋 hú. [ woo ] coral. d'uf, …;d'Gb| leq /xg]<br />

hgfj/sf] s8f efu.<br />

109 蝴 hú. [ wu ] butterfly. k'tnL.<br />

110 葫擰 hú. [ woo ] bottle gourd. abn] nf}sf.<br />

111 鬍詙 hú. [ wu ] a goatee. af]s]bf/L.<br />

112 虎 hǔ. [ wu ] a tiger. af“3.<br />

113 唬啔 hǔ. [ fu ] to bluff, to intimidate. l5r/f], xKsfpg'.<br />

114 滸 hǔ. [ woo ] waterside. kfgL glhs}sf] hldg\.<br />

115 互 hù. [ wu ] each other. Ps\ csf]{,<br />

116 戶 hù. [ wu ] household. Pp6f k/Ljf/,<br />

117 護禔 hù. [ wu ] to guard, to protect. ;'/Ôf ug'{.<br />

118 滬軔 hù. [ wu ] alternative name of Shanghai.<br />

;+3FO{sf] csf]{ gfd\.<br />

119 笏 hù. [ fat ] name of the place. 7F“psf] gfd.<br />

120 花 huā. [ fa ] a flower, vision, sight, to spend.<br />

k'mn\, x]g'{, bz{g\, vr{.<br />

121 嘩猯 huá. [ wa ] noise. xNnf.<br />

122 華 huá. [ wah ] China, flourishing. rfO{gf,<br />

kmlnkmfk\.<br />

123 滑摭 huá. [ waat ] slippery. lrKnf].<br />

124 猾撉 huá. [ waat ] sly. w'|t 5§'.<br />

125 呜 huá. [ wa ] to paddle. v'§fn] rnfpg] kf8n\.<br />

126 樺趎 huà. [ wah ] a birch. ef]h\kq la?jf.<br />

127 化 huà. [ fa ] to change, abNg' ,<br />

128 畫孙 huà. [ waak ] to draw, picture. gSzf n]Vg',<br />

tl:a/.<br />

129 劃蹄 huà. [ waak ] to draw. lrq sf]g'{.<br />

130 話攠 huà. [ wa ] to tell, to talk. eGg', ukm\.<br />

131 懷觝 huái. [ waai ] to keep in mind. ofb\ ul//xg'.<br />

132 壞 huài. [ waai ] bad, evil idea. v/fa, 3l6of<br />

;F]r.<br />

133 淮嘭 huái. [ waai ] name of the river. vf]nfsf] gfd.<br />

134 徊 huái. [ wui ] hesitating, to walk around. bf]wf/],<br />

jl/k/L 3'Dg'.<br />

135 槐躲 huái. [ waai ] name of the tree. ?vsf] gfd.<br />

136 歡秋 huān. [ foon ] cheerful, joyous. ctL v';L,<br />

cfgGbL.<br />

137 獾 huān. [ foon ] badger. efn' h:t} hgfj/.<br />

138 寰赪 huán. [ wan ] an extensive region. km/flsnf]<br />

/fHo.<br />

139 環 huán. [ wan ] a ring, to encircle. uf]nfsf/,<br />

3]g'{ a]g'{.<br />

140 轘 huán. [ waan ] asunder punishment. lhp 6's|f<br />

6's|f kf/]/ k|f0F b08.<br />

141 桓頧 huán. [ woon ] greatly. k'Ug]u/L.<br />

142 緩 huǎn. [ woon ] slow. la:tf/}.<br />

143 幻 huàn. [ wan ] unreal. c;To,<br />

144 奐 huàn. [ woon ] numerous. w]/}.<br />

145 喚 huàn. [ woon ] to summon with a shout. s/fP/<br />

af]nfpg'.<br />

146 換嫠 huàn. [ woon ] exchange, change. ;6xL,<br />


The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 208 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

147 患喦 huàn. [ wan ] trouble, misery. cfktL, b'Mv.<br />

148 宦 huàn. [ waan ] an eunuch. lx+h8F, gk'+;s\.<br />

149 渙嬵 huàn. [ woon ] to vanish, to disappear. clb[Zo<br />

x'g', nf]k x'g'.<br />

150 煥摿 huàn. [ woon ] glowing. k|Hjlnt\, t]h:jL.<br />

151 瘓牎 huàn. [ woon ] paralysis. kÔf3Ft\.<br />

152 豢攪 huàn. [ waan ] domesticated animals. 3/]n'<br />

hgfj/.<br />

153 鯇 huàn. [ wan ] grass carp. df5f.<br />

154 荒獰 huānɡ. [ fong ] famine, barren. clgsfn\,<br />

af“´f].<br />

155 慌 huānɡ. [ fong ] in a flurry. x8\al8df.<br />

156 皇 huánɡ. [ wong ] an emperor. ;d|f6\.<br />

157 徨媸 huánɡ. [ wong ] alarmed, irresolute. eolet\,<br />

8fjf“8F]n\.<br />

158 惶嫈 huánɡ. [ wong ] fear, anxiety. 8/fpg', lrGtf.<br />

159 煌摾 huánɡ. [ wong ] bright, brilliant. rlDsnf],<br />

t]lhnf].<br />

160 遑跺 huánɡ. [ wong ] to hurry. xtf/df.<br />

161 蝗 huánɡ. [ wong ] a locust. znx ls/F.<br />

162 凰珣 huánɡ. [ wong ] the female phoenix. syfsf]<br />

kf]yL r/f.<br />

163 黃 huánɡ. [ wong ] yellow, C.F.N. kx]nf].<br />

164 璜趹 huánɡ. [ wong ] an ancient jade ornament.<br />

k|flrg\sf kTy/sF] uxgf.<br />

165 磺 huánɡ. [ wong ] sulphur. ;Nkm/.<br />

166 晃頚 huànɡ. [ fong ] to flash past. rds\ cf8Da/.<br />

167 謊笒 huǎnɡ. [ fong ] lie. ´'§f.<br />

168 恍 huǎnɡ. [ fong ] suddenly. ck{´6\ ;+u.<br />

169 幌 huǎnɡ. [ fong ] a curtain. gf6ssf] kbf{.<br />

170 灰咼 huī. [ fui ] dust, grey, disheartened. w'nf],<br />

k'm;|f], lg/fl;Psf].<br />

171 嫜 huī. [ fai ] to wave, to wipe. xlNng', k'R5\g'.<br />

172 輝購 huī. [ fai ] splendor, shine. k|tfk, t]h\.<br />

173 詼攝 huī. [ fooi ] funny, to joke. x:of}nL, 76\7F.<br />

174 恢恩 huī. [ fooi ] extensive. rf}8fO{.<br />

175 徽 huī. [ fai ] emblem, badge. lrGx, laNnf.<br />

176 麾赅 huī. [ fai ] to command. O{;f/f lbg'.<br />

177 回呵 huí. [ wui ] to go back to. lkmtf{ x'g'.<br />

178 蛔 huí. [ wool ] a roundworm. k]6\sf] h'sf.<br />

179 迴玫 huí. [ wool ] to wind circle. xfjfsf] 3'dfO{.<br />

180 毀摛 huǐ. [ wai ] to damage. lau|g'.<br />

181 悔韺 huǐ. [ fooi ] to regret. x]nf ug'{.<br />

182 晦嗯 huì. [ fooi ] dark, night, evening. cWof/f],<br />

/ft\, ;f´.<br />

183 誨 huì. [ fooi ] teach, instruct. l;sfpg',<br />

;Demfpg'.<br />

184 彙 huì. [ wool ] to categorize, to collect. kb,<br />

;+sng\ ug'{.<br />

185 匯 huì. [ wui ] to converge, collection, to remit money.<br />

;d'x Ps};fy, ;+sng\, ?k}of ltg'{.<br />

186 會摅 huì. [ wui ] meeting, to assemble, to meet<br />

someone. a}7s\, e]nf x'g', s;} ;+u e]6\g'.<br />

187 薈 huì. [ wool ] luxuriant growth. la?jf km:6fpg'.<br />

188 訋 huì. [ kool ] to paint, to draw. /+ufpg', sf]g'{<br />

n]Vg'.<br />

189 惠媽 huì. [ wai ] favour, kindness. cg'u|x, bofn'.<br />

190 蕙 huì. [ wai ] a species of fragrant orchid. ;'3lGwt\<br />

k'mnsf] af]6\.<br />

191 卉 huì. [ wai ] grass. 3f“;\.<br />

192 諱 huì. [ wai ] to scruple to say, a taboo. z+sf<br />

;lxb\ eGg', af]Ng' k|ltaGw.<br />

193 賄攰 huì. [ kui ] hush money. zfGtLsf] nfuL k};f.<br />

194 慧 huì. [ wai ] wisdom. a'¢L.<br />

195 穢箘 huì. [ wai ] dirty, ugly. kmf]xf]/, g/fd|f].<br />

196 彗喚 huì. [ wai ] broom. s'Rrf].<br />

197 喙 huì. [ deuk ] a beak. r/fsf] r'Rrf].<br />

198 昏 hūn. [ fan ] dim, confused. wldnf], cNdlnPsf].<br />

199 婚啱 hūn. [ fan ] marriage, wedding. lajfx.<br />

200 葷擫 hūn. [ fan ] meat diet, meat dish. df;'sf] kl/sf/.<br />

201 渾嬲 hún. [ wan ] turbid, whole. wldnF] ePsf], hDd}.<br />

202 猑 hún. [ wan ] the soul, the spirit. dg\, cfTdf.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 209 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

203 餛 hún. [ wan ] dumplings. ksfPsf] lk7F]sF] 8Nnf].<br />

204 混嘢 hùn. [ wan ] to mix, to blend, turbid. 3F]Ng', ldl>t\,<br />

n]bf] ePsf].<br />

205 豁笗 huò. [ koot ] open-minded, generous. v'Nnf<br />

larf/sf], p¢f/ rl/q.<br />

206 活悻 huó. [ woot ] to live, alive, flexible. lhpbf],<br />

af“r]sf], ;lhnf].<br />

207 火 huǒ. [ fo ] fire. cfuf].<br />

208 伙呃 huǒ. [ fo ] a partner, partnership. ;xof]uL,<br />

;f´]bf/L.<br />

209 夥蹣 huǒ. [ fo ] waiter, many, plenty. xf]6]n\ ;]js,<br />

w]/}, k|;:t}.<br />

210 或 huò. [ waak ] probably, maybe, or. ;+ej,<br />

;Fob, cyjf.<br />

211 貨 huò. [ fo ] goods, cargoes. dfn\;dfg\.<br />

212 獲 huò. [ wak ] to obtain. k|fKt ug'{.<br />

213 禍牝 huò. [ woh ] damage, disasters. xfgL gf]S;fg\.<br />

214 惑媹 huò. [ waak ] be puzzled, mislead, fool. e|ddf<br />

kg'{, unt\ dfu{df n}hfg', nDkm'.<br />

215 霍 huò. [ fok ] sudden. cs:dft\.<br />

216 穫觿 huò. [ wak ] to harvest. cGgafnL yg\SØfpg'.<br />

J characters 355,<br />

001 几 jǐ. [ ki ] small table. ;fgf] 6]an\.<br />

002 飢 jī. [ ki ] hungry. ef]sfpg'.<br />

003 肌 jī. [ ki ] muscle. df+;k];L.<br />

004 姬韆 jī. [ ki ] charming woman. sdf/L.<br />

005 屐韚 jī. [ kek ] wooden shoes. v/fp rKkn\.<br />

006 跏 jī. [ jik ] accumulate, product of multiplication.<br />

y'kfg'{, u'0FF{Tds\ pTkfbg\.<br />

007 蹟覓 jì. [ jik ] footprints. kfO{nfsf] 5Fk\.<br />

008 基啢 jī. [ ki ] foundation, base, to base on. hu<br />

a;fpg], cfwf/, cfwf/df.<br />

009 磯 jī. [ ki ] water-surrounded rocks. 9'¨] au/<br />

5]psf] kf]v/L.<br />

010 璣趺 jī. [ ki ] pearls, jade. df]tL, xl/of] kTy/.<br />

011 譏訨 jī. [ ki ] unkind word, to ridicule. lgb{oL zAb.<br />

012 饑 jī. [ ki ] hunger. ef]sfpg].<br />

013 機趙 jī. [ ki ] machine, opportunity. oGq, df}sF.<br />

014 猶 jī. [ ki ] to talk indistinctly in a low voice. c:ki6<br />

egfO{.<br />

015 畿 jī. [ ki ] the capital. /fhwfgL.<br />

016 激趦 jī. [ kik ] to arouse, to enrage. e8\sfpg',<br />

l/;\ p7Fpg'.<br />

017 唧鞱 jī. [ jik ] the buzzing sound, to squirt. ls/fsf]<br />

h:tf] cfjfh\, wf/f lgl:sg'.<br />

018 緝 jī. [ tsap ] to arrest. lu/KtF/.<br />

019 雞覱 jī. [ kai ] a chicken. s'v'/F.<br />

020 圾侀 jī. [ saap ] garbage. kmf]xf]/.<br />

021 畸撕 jī. [ ki ] fields with irregular boundaries. hldg\df<br />

l;dfgf gldn]sf].<br />

022 箕牥 jī. [ ki ] a sieve. 5kgL.<br />

023 稽 jī. [ kai ] to check, to inspect. hf“Rg', lgl/Ô0f ug'{.<br />

024 稫羈 jī. [ ki ] to confine, to restrain. sfdsf] l;df,<br />

cfb]zsf] l;dfgf af“Wg'.<br />

025 擊 jī. [ kik ] to hit, to attack. lxsf{pg', cfs{d0f.<br />

026 及 jí. [ kap ] and. cgL,<br />

027 汲俲 jí. [ kap ] to draw water, from well. kfgL tfGg',<br />

wf/faF6.<br />

028 級 jí. [ kap ] level, grade, rank. :t/, >]0FL, bhf{.<br />

029 岌価 jí. [ kap ] perilous, hazardous. ;+s6, cfklthgs\.<br />

030 笈 jí. [ kap ] bamboo bookcase. af“;sf] lstfa b/fh\.<br />

031 吉呥 jí. [ kat ] auspicious. z'e–d+un\, efUo.<br />

032 即佘 jí. [ jik ] immediately, now. t'?Gt}, clxn].<br />

033 極摌 jí. [ gik ] final, poles of the earth. cGTodf, k[YjLsf]<br />

w|'a.<br />

034 殛 jí. [ gik ] death. d[To".<br />

035 急 jí. [ gap ] urgent, fast, to worry. h?/L, l5§f],<br />

lrlGtt\.<br />

036 疾猉 jí. [ zet ] disease, fast. /F]u\, l5§F].<br />

037 集 jí. [ jaap ] to get together, one volume of. Ps}<br />

;fy x'g', Pp6} y'k|f].<br />

038 輯 jí. [ tsap ] to collect, to compile. e]nf ug'{,<br />

;Íng\ ug{'.<br />

039 籍礰 jí. [ jik ] record, book, ancestral register. k|df0F,<br />

lstfa, k'vf{sf] btf{.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 210 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

040 藉箶 jí. [ zik ] hide the real reason, pretext, pad,<br />

confusion. ;f“rf] s'/f n'sfpg', ´'§f] afxfgf,<br />

u2F, cGof]n\df.<br />

041 嫉 jí. [ jet ] jealous. l/;8Fx.<br />

042 棘嫻 jí. [ gik ] thorn bushes. sf8] ´f8L.<br />

043 瘠 jí. [ zik ] meager, barren. v]tL gx'g] hldg\,<br />

af“´f].<br />

044 幾媯 jǐ. [ ki ] how many, several, some. stL, s}og\,<br />

s]xL.<br />

045 己 jǐ. [ ki ] oneself, one's own. :jo+, cfÎg},<br />

046 擠 jǐ. [ zae ] to squeeze, crowded. xKsfP/ vf]:g',<br />

le8\.<br />

047 脊獣 jǐ. [ jik ] backbone, spine, ridge. 9f8\, 9F8sf]<br />

x8\8L 5fgfsf] w'/L jF kxf8.<br />

048 髻 jì. [ gai ] hair worn in a bun. skfn\ r'N7f] kfg{'.<br />

049 計慉 jì. [ gai ] to count, an idea. uGg', pkfo.<br />

050 跡攵 jì. [ jik ] a mark. lrgf].<br />

066 祭 jì. [ zae ] to hold a memorial ceremony for.<br />

:df/s pT;jsf] nfuL.<br />

067 鯽觋 jì. [ zik ] crucian carp. df5f.<br />

068 績竎 jì. [ zik ] achievement. dxfg\ sfd\.<br />

069 迹 jì. [ jik ] footprint. v'§fsf] kfO{nf.<br />

070 妓侏 jì. [ ki ] prostitute. a]Zof.<br />

071 暨躤 jì. [ kei ] and. cgL, /.<br />

072 冀赎 jì. [ kei ] to hope. cfzf ug'{.<br />

073 稷 jì. [ jik ] panicled millet. sf]bf].<br />

074 驥羹 jì. [ kei ] a very fast horse. w]/} l5§f] 3f]8F.<br />

075 加 jiā. [ ka ] to add, to increase. yKg', a9fpg'.<br />

076 夾侅 jiā. [ gap ] to clip, to press from both sides.<br />

r]Kg', b'a} lt/af6 lyRg'.<br />

077 佳 jiā. [ kai ] fine, good. /fd|f], c;n\.<br />

078 家韑 jiā. [ ka ] family, home. kl/jf/, 3/.<br />

051 記玐 jì. [ ki ] to remember, notes, records. ;D´g',<br />

l6Kk0FL, k|df0f.<br />

052 紀愐 jì. [ ki ] rules, age. lgod\, pd]/.<br />

053 忌侯 jì. [ ki ] jealous, to avoid. 8fxf ug{', 6f9f /xg'.<br />

054 技侻 jì. [ ki ] skill, ability. l;kfn', v'aL.<br />

055 伎耖 jì. [ ki ] skill, talent. l;kfn', a'l¢dfg\.<br />

056 際狽 jì. [ zae ] o] time on the occasion of, border,<br />

an edge. df}sfsf], l;df, lsgf/f.<br />

057 劑赑 jì. [ zae ] preparation. tof/L.<br />

058 季 jì. [ kwai ] season. Ct'.<br />

059 悸喷 jì. [ kwai ] fear. 8/fpg'.<br />

060 既悆 jì. [ kee ] since, as. Tofxf“ b]vL, h:t}.<br />

061 濟 jì. [ zae ] numerous, to benefit. w]/} lsl;d\,<br />

kmfO{bf lng'.<br />

062 繼礵 jì. [ kai ] to continue, to follow. nuftf/, k5L<br />

nfUg'.<br />

063 覬笍 jì. [ gei ] to covet, to desire for something<br />

belonging to others. nf]e ug'{, csf{sf] lrh\df<br />

cfvf“ uf8\g'.<br />

064 寂啸 jì. [ zik ] quiet, alone. zfGt, PSn}.<br />

079 傢 jiā. [ ka ] furniture. s';L{ 6]an\.<br />

080 迦慔 jiā. [ ka ] Sakyamuni. zfSodgL af}w.<br />

081 嘉蹏 jiā. [ ka ] to praise. k|z+;f ug'{.<br />

082 頰 jiá. [ kap ] cheek. ufnf.<br />

083 莢 jiá. [ gap ] pod. af]6lj?jfsf] sf];f lgl:sg'.<br />

084 鋏 jiá. [ gap ] pincers, tongs. ;gf;f], lrD6f.<br />

085 郟 jiá. [ gap ] name of various places in China.<br />

rfO{gfsf] laleGg 7F“psf] gfd\.<br />

086 吪 jiǎ. [ kap ] number one, shell. c+s Ps\, af]s|f].<br />

087 鉀踇 jiǎ. [ kap ] potassium. kf]6fl;od\ tTj.<br />

088 胛愤 jiǎ. [ gap ] a shoulder blade. sf“wsf] s'd\.<br />

089 支 jiǎ. [ kar ] to engage in trade, C.F.N.. Aofkf/df<br />

065 寄啷 jì. [ ki ] to mail, deposit, to depend on. lrflL<br />

094 嫁 jià. [ kar ] to marry, to impute. lajfx ug'{,<br />

k7f“pg', art\ ug'{, e/kg'{.<br />

bf]È nufpg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 211 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

nfUg'.<br />

090 價猜 jià. [ kar ] price, value. d'No, dxTj.<br />

091 駕贶 jià. [ kar ] to drive, equipment. uf8L xfSg',<br />

pks/0f.<br />

092 架悗 jià. [ kar ] a shelf, a frame. cfNdf/L, lsgf/f.<br />

093 假珑 jiǎ. [ kar ] holiday. false, pseudo, fake. labf,<br />

´'§F, gSsnL, uNtL.

095 稼 jià. [ kar ] crops, cultivate, plant, farm. v]tL.<br />

096 奸咃 jiān. [ kan ] crafty, wicked. w"t{, b'i6.<br />

097 尖咐 jiān. [ tsim ] shrill, sharp, the topmost. cfjfh,<br />

ltvf], ;a eGbf dfyL.<br />

098 堅啝 jiān. [ kin ] firm, hard. 7f];\, s8F.<br />

099 間 jiān. [ kan ] between, separate, room. b'O{ larsf],<br />

a]Un}, sf]7F.<br />

100 肩 jiān. [ kin ] shoulder. sf“w.<br />

101 艱竱 jiān. [ kan ] difficult. sl7g\.<br />

102 兼鞎 jiān. [ kim ] holding more than one job,<br />

concurrently. Ps eGbf a9L sfd ul//x]sf],<br />

Ps dt\sF].<br />

103 監牐 jiān. [ gaam ] to supervise, to imprison, eunuch.<br />

lgl/Ô0F ug'{, h]n\df nufpg', lxh8F jf kl/jf/<br />

lgof]hg\ u/]sf] AofQL.<br />

104 殲祽 jiān. [ tsim ] to exterminate, to destroy. cfd'n\<br />

gf;\ ug'{, gf;\ ug'{.<br />

105 姦 jiān. [ kan ] adultery, rape. ;Def]u\, ha/<br />

h:tL ;Def]u\.<br />

106 煎摵 jiān. [ jin ] to fry in oil. t]n\df e'6\g'.<br />

107 減嬣 jiǎn. [ gaam ] subtract, reduce, decrease.<br />

36Fpg'.<br />

108 剪珤 jiǎn. [ jin ] scissors, to cut. s}rL, sf6\g'.<br />

109 翦 jiǎn. [ gin ] cut with scissors. s}rLn] sf6\g'.<br />

110 檢 jiǎn. [ kim ] to check, to examine. hf“Rg', kl/Ôf<br />

ug{'.<br />

111 簡管 jiǎn. [ kan ] simple, a letter. ;fw/0F, lrflL.<br />

112 揀嫑 jiǎn. [ kan ] select, choose, pick up. 5FGg'.<br />

113 儉猟 jiǎn. [ kim ] frugal. sd\ vr{, ldtAooL.<br />

114 柬悖 jiǎn. [ kan ] a card, a letter. afSnf] ;Fgf] sfut\,<br />

lrflL.<br />

115 繭計 jiǎn. [ kan ] a cocoon, callus. /];d\ ls/f of<br />

vf]n\, 5fnfsf] df]6fO{.<br />

116 撿趁 jiǎn. [ kim ] pick up, to collect. l6Kg', e]nf ug{'.<br />

117 箔 jiǎn. [ gim ] eyelid. cf“vfsf] 9sgL.<br />

118 鹼 jiǎn. [ kan ] alkali. sfli6s\ ;f]8f.<br />

119 趼 jiǎn. [ gin ] callous skin. s8f 5fnf.<br />

120 見倝 jiàn. [ kin ] to see. e]6\g'.<br />

121 件呋 jiàn. [ kin ] document, quantifier for countable<br />

articles. lnlvt\ k|df0F, uGg ;lsg] lrhsf]<br />

kl/df0F.<br />

122 僭踺 jiàn. [ tsim ] do something without having the<br />

right, to overstep one's authority. u}/sfg'gL<br />

tl/sfaF6 s]xL ug'{, a9\tf zlQsf] k|of]u.<br />

123 建 jiàn. [ kin ] to build, to construct. agfpg',<br />

lgdf0F{ ug'{.<br />

124 健珖 jiàn. [ kin ] health, to be good at. :jf:Yo,<br />

;~r} x'g'.<br />

125 腱擞 jiàn. [ kin ] tendon. :gfo'.<br />

126 艦示 jiàn. jiàn. [ laam ] a navy vessel. gfp.<br />

127 鑑 jiàn. [ gaam ] mirror, to inspect, an example<br />

serving as a rule or warning. P]gf, lgl/Ô0F ug{',<br />

lgod\ / ;fjwfg\sf] pbfx/0f.<br />

128 漸軌 jiàn. [ jim ] gradually. s|da¢.<br />

129 秥 jiàn. [ gaam ] to examine. lgl/Ô0F ug{'.<br />

130 箭 jiàn. [ jin ] an arrow. wg'sf] af0F.<br />

131 劍猥 jiàn. [ kim ] double-edged straight sword.<br />

t/jf/sf] b'O{ k§Lsf] l;wf wf/.<br />

132 荐獴 jiàn. [ jin ] to offer, grass. k|:tfa ug{', 3f“;\.<br />

133 賤賧 jiàn. [ jin ] low-priced, despicable. sd\ d'No,<br />

3[l0ft\.<br />

134 餞 jiàn. [ jin ] preserves, fruit jam. kmn\k'mn\sf] crf/.<br />

135 澗 jiàn. [ gaan ] ravine. b]p/fnL, u'kmf.<br />

136 諫 jiàn. [ kan ] remonstrate. k|ltafb ug{'.<br />

137 濺箂 jiàn. [ jin ] to spray, sprinkle, spill. kfgL 5ls{g'.<br />

138 踐賳 jiàn. [ chin ] to trample, to tread. s'lNrP/, lx8\g'.<br />

139 鍵笶 jiàn. [ kan ] a key, a bond. s'/Fsf] ufL, ;Dks{.<br />

140 薦箺 jiàn. [ jin ] to recommend, grass. k|:tfa ug'{,<br />

3F“;\.<br />

141 姜 jiānɡ. [ keung ] C.F.N.<br />

142 江 jiānɡ. [ kong ] a river. vf]nf.<br />

143 將啽 jiànɡ. [ cheung ] a general, flag officer, to be<br />

ready. k|wfg ;]gfktL, ´08Fjfn\ xflsd\, tof/<br />

x'g'.<br />

144 漿 jiānɡ. [ cheung ] thick liquid. afSnf] n]bf].<br />

145 僵猛 jiānɡ. [ keung ] stiff, rigid, deadlocked. s8f,<br />

s7F]/, cj:yfsf] lj?¢.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 212 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

146 殭鶃 jiānɡ. [ keung ] dead and hard. d/]/ s8f ePsf].<br />

147 疆觹 jiānɡ. [ keung ] boundary. l;dfgf.<br />

148 薑競 jiānɡ. [ keung ] ginger. cb'jf.<br />

149 韁秩 jiānɡ. [ keung ] reins rope. nufd\, 8F]/L.<br />

150 槳 jiǎnɡ. [ cheung ] paddle. xftn] rnfpg] ;f“rf].<br />

151 講笑 jiǎnɡ. [ kwong ] to speak, to tell. atfpg', eGg'.<br />

152 獎 jiǎnɡ. [ cheung ] to reward, an award. k'/:sf/<br />

lbg', O{gfd\ lbg'.<br />

153 蔣 jiǎnɡ. [ cheung ] C.F.N.<br />

154 匠呢 jiànɡ. [ cheung ] a craftsman, an artisan.<br />

snfsf/, lzNksf/.<br />

155 慧 jiànɡ. [ kong ] to descend, to surrender. ´g'{,<br />

cfTdf ;dk{0F.<br />

156 覜 jiànɡ. [ cheung ] thick sauce, paste. afSnf]<br />

n]bf] d;nf, ln6f].<br />

157 交吾 jiāo. [ gaau ] hand over, to associate with.<br />

lhDdf lbg', ;+o'Q x'g'.<br />

158 郊慜 jiāo. [ gaau ] outskirts. l;dfÔ]q.<br />

159 嬌 jiāo. [ kiu ] pretty. z'Gb/L.<br />

160 膠 jiāo. [ gaau ] glue, rubber. ud\, /a/.<br />

174 腳擣 jiǎo. [ geuk ] foot. v'§f.<br />

175 攪秿 jiǎo. [ gaau ] to mix, to annoy. lkm6\g', b'Mv lbg'.<br />

176 剿 jiǎo. [ chiu ] to exterminate. cfd'n\ gf;\ ug{'.<br />

177 繳訍 jiǎo. [ giu ] to pay, capture. lbg', ;dfpg'.<br />

178 惘 jiǎo. [ gaau ] crafty, sly. l;kfn', 56\6'.<br />

179 絞它 jiǎo. [ gaau ] to twist, to wring. a6fg'{.<br />

180 餃 jiǎo. [ gaau ] dumplings. ksfPsf] lk7F]sf] 8Nnf].<br />

181 皎 jiǎo. [ gaau ] clear and bright, white. ;kmf<br />

rlDsnf], ;]tf].<br />

182 僥踸 jiǎo. [ hiu ] lucky. efUodfgL.<br />

183 叫 jiào. [ giu ] to call, to shout, to give a name.<br />

af]nfpg', s/fpg', gfd\ lbg'.<br />

184 轎訵 jiào. [ kiu ] sedan chair. 8F]nL.<br />

185 較跨 jiào. [ gaau ] to compare. bflhg'.<br />

186 教嗝 jiào. [ gaau ] to teach, a religion. l;sfpg', wd{.<br />

187 窖孴 jiào. [ gau ] a cellar. e'O{ d'lgsf] sf]7f.<br />

188 酵狦 jiào. [ gaau ] to add substance to cause to<br />

ferment. s]xL lrh yKg' h:sf] sf/0f dx+uf] kfg'{.<br />

189 階 jiē. [ gaai ] stairs, rank. l;8L+, >]0FL.<br />

161 焦嬾 jiāo. [ chiu ] scorch. lklN;g'.<br />

162 蕉 jiāo. [ chiu ] banana. sf]nf.<br />

163 澆 jiāo. [ kiu ] to pour. kfgL ºØfSg'.<br />

164 驕秬 jiāo. [ kiu ] arrogant. wd08L.<br />

165 椒嬉 jiāo. [ chiu ] pepper. sfut\.<br />

166 跤跥 jiāo. [ chueh ] fall. v:g', ´g'{.<br />

167 姣 jiāo. [ gau ] pretty, handsome. z'Gb/L, z'Gb/.<br />

168 蛟 jiāo. [ gau ] flood dragon. ;d'Gb|sf] 8«Fug\.<br />

169 鮫筓 jiāo. [ gaau ] a shark. ;Fs{ df5F.<br />

170 礁 jiāo. [ chiu ] a hidden reef. ;d'Gb| leqsf]<br />

9'¨Fsf] vfN6F v'N6L.<br />

171 嚼詬 jiáo. [ gau ] to chew, to wake up. rkfpg',<br />

190 接嗂 jiē. [ jip ] to accept, to receive, to connect.<br />

:jLsf/g', k|fKt ug'{, hf]8\g'.<br />

191 揭 jiē. [ kit ] to take off, to show up. x6fpg', b]vfpg'.<br />

192 街 jiē. [ gaai ] street. uNnL.<br />

193 皆 jiē. [ gaai ] all. hDd}.<br />

194 嗟 jiē. [ ze ] expressing grief, regret. b'Mv kf]Vg', x]nf<br />

lap´g'.<br />

200 拮恷 jié. [ kit ] short of money. k};fsf] clgsfn\.<br />

172 角倞 jiǎo. [ kwok ] an angle, a corner, a horn. sf]0F,<br />

s'gf, l;+ª.<br />

201 結宄 jié. [ kit ] to tie, to end, to produce fruit, strong.<br />

af“Wg', ;lsof], kmn\k'mn\ pTkfbg\, alnof].<br />

173 矯 jiǎo. [ kiu ] to correct, strong and powerful. l7s,<br />

alnof] / zSQLzfnL.<br />

202 捷嗃 jié. [ jit ] victory, quick. laho, l5§f].<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 213 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

ug{'.<br />

195 孑 jié. [ kit ] lonely, alone. PSn}, PsfGt.<br />

196 節擆 jié. [ chit ] joint, section, festival. hf]gL{, efu,<br />

rf8kj{.<br />

197 劫体 jié. [ gip ] to rob, calamity. n'6\g', cfkt\.<br />

198 潔 jié. [ kit ] clean. ;kmf.<br />

199 傑 jié. [ kit ] outstanding, hero. c;Fwf/0F, cleg]tf.

203 截躒 jié. [ jit ] to cut. sF6\g'.<br />

204 竭牢 jié. [ kit ] to use up. k|of]u ug'{.<br />

205 杰 jié. [ kit ] outstanding, outstanding person.<br />

c;wF/0F, c;wF/0F u'0Fsf] AofStL.<br />

206 睫撢 jié. [ jit ] eyelashes. k/]nf.<br />

207 姐 jiě. [ ze ] sisters. lbbL a}gL.<br />

208 解攕 jiě. [ gaai ] to escort prisoners or goods,<br />

to understand, to solve or explain, solution. s}bL jf<br />

;dfg\nfO{ kx/f lbg', a'´\g', pQ/ lgsfNg' of<br />

atfpg', ;dfwfg\.<br />

209 介 jiè. [ gaai ] to introduce. kl/ro,<br />

210 芥 jiè. [ gaai ] mustard. kx]nf] of v}/F] n]bf] d;nf.<br />

211 界惣 jiè. [ gaai ] boundary. ;f“w.<br />

212 戒侶 jiè. [ gaai ] to warn, commandment, ring. ;r]t\<br />

kfg{', cfb]z, cf}7L.<br />

213 屆 jiè. [ gaai ] expired. ldtL lat]sf], .<br />

214 借靺 jiè. [ ze ] to borrow, to lend. C0F lng', ;fk6\ lng'.<br />

215 誡狁 jiè. [ gaai ] to warn, commandment. r]tfjgL, cf1F.<br />

216 巾 jīn. [ gan ] handkerchief. ?dfn\.<br />

217 今 jīn. [ kam ] present, now. at{dfg\, clxn],<br />

218 衿 jīn. [ kam ] Chinese gown. rfO{lgh\ na]bF.<br />

219 矜惻 jīn. [ king ] to feel sorry for, self-important.<br />

kZrtfk\ ug'{, cfk}m dkfO{ x'g].<br />

220 金 jīn. [ kam ] gold, metal. wft'.<br />

221 津悶 jīn. [ tsun ] saliva, to ferry crossing. y's ¥ofn\,<br />

3f6 tg'{.<br />

222 筋孾 jīn. [ gan ] tendon. :gfo'.<br />

223 襟訟 jīn. [ kam ] collar, robe, husbands of one's sisters.<br />

;6\sf] snf‘/, doNkf];\ gGb jf e]gfh'.<br />

224 斤 jīn. [ gan ] catty, about half kg. tf}n sl/a %))<br />

u|fd\ .<br />

225 緊牸 jǐn. [ gan ] tight; close, urgent, strict. sl:;Psf],<br />

glhs, h?/L, cfbz{ g5F]8\g].<br />

226 謹覊 jǐn. [ gan ] careful. ;Fjwfg\.<br />

227 僅 jǐn. [ gan ] only. dfq}.<br />

228 饉 jǐn. [ gan ] famine. clgsfn\.<br />

230 盡牏 jìn. [ chun ] to use up, to put to the best use,<br />

totally. k|of]u ePsf], ;Dej eP htL, O{R5F<br />

cg';F/ k|of]u ug'{, hDdf hDdL.<br />

231 儘赊 jǐn. [ chun ] most possible, utmost, to give priority<br />

to. ;s];Dd, k|fylds\tf lbg'.<br />

232 勁 jìn. [ king ] strength, strong, powerful, sturdy,<br />

energy, vigor. zStL, alnof], zStLzFnL,k|an\,<br />

zStL,alnof].<br />

233 近 jìn. [ gan ] close, near. glhssf], glhs}.<br />

234 進 jìn. [ chun ] to move forward, to enter. cuf8L<br />

a9\g', k|a]z ug'{.<br />

235 晉領 jìn. [ tsan ] to enter, k|a]z ug{'.<br />

236 浸顉 jìn. [ dzam ] to dip, to soak, to immerse. kflgdf<br />

8'a'NsL dfg'{, lehfpg', 8'Ag'.<br />

237 禁撺 jìn. [ kam ] to forbid, legal ban, taboo. dgfxL<br />

ug'{, sfg'gL /F]s\, k|ltaGw.<br />

238 噤赘 jìn. [ kam ] to keep the mouth shut. r'k nfUg'.<br />

239 殣 jìn. [ kan ] to starve to death, to bury. cg\;g\<br />

a:g', n'sfpg'.<br />

240 覲覇 jìn. [ kan ] to have an audience with a chief of<br />

state. /fHo k|d'v ;+u 5n\kmn\ x'b}5.<br />

241 京 jīnɡ. [ king ] the capital of a country. /FhwfgL.<br />

242 經操 jīnɡ. [ king ] menses, to go, to pass through,<br />

experience. /h:jnf x'g', hfg', af6 hfg', cg'ej.<br />

243 莖 jīnɡ. [ king ] stem, stalk. la?jfsf] xf“uf, 8F“7.<br />

244 驚 jīnɡ. [ king ] to frighten. t;f{pg'.<br />

245 晶嫮 jīnɡ. [ jing ] shine, quartz, rock crystal, glittering.<br />

r+lsg], rlDsnf] kTy/, bN5Lª 9'¨f, rlDsg] 9'¨f.<br />

246 睛撡 jīnɡ. [ jing ] fine, clear. /fd|f], k|i6.<br />

247 精 jīnɡ. [ jing ] essence, top-grade, semen. u'0F,<br />

pRr >]0FL, lao{.<br />

248 菁 jīnɡ. [ jing ] flower of the leek, the rape turnip.<br />

Kofh\sf] k'mn\, ;nud\sf] kx]+nf] k'mn\.<br />

249 荊獲 jīnɡ. [ king ] chaste tree. ?v.<br />

250 鯨詚 jīnɡ. [ king ] whale. jPn\ df5f.<br />

251 井 jǐnɡ. [ cheng / tseng ] well. O{gf/,<br />

252 阱债 jǐnɡ. [ ching ] a trap. kmGbfdf.<br />

253 頸 jǐnɡ. [ kang ] neck. 3F“6L.<br />

229 錦 jǐn. [ kam ] brocade, bright and beautiful.<br />

tF;\s'lRrg\, /fd|f] rxlsnf] n'uF.<br />

254 景嫯 jǐnɡ. [ king ] view, condition. x]/FO{, cj:yf.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 214 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

255 警祊 jǐnɡ. [ king ] caution, police, alarm. ;Fjwfg\,<br />

k'ln;\, 306L.<br />

256 憬 jǐnɡ. [ king ] to realize, to understand.<br />

;lD´g', a'´\g'.<br />

257 淨 jìnɡ. [ ching ] clean, net. :jR5, /Fd|F]<br />

pknAwL.<br />

258 徑韬 jìnɡ. [ king ] footpath, path, way. k}bn af6f],<br />

af6F], af6F].<br />

259 逕 jìnɡ. [ king ] path. af6F].<br />

260 痙孞 jìnɡ. [ king ] spasm. afpl8g] /f]u.<br />

261 脛 jìnɡ. [ king ] shin. gnL v'§f.<br />

262 兢蹂 jīnɡ. [ king ] cautious. xf]lzof/.<br />

263 競礭 jìnɡ. [ king ] to compete. k|lt;kbf{.<br />

264 竟 jìnɡ. [ king ] unexpectedly, to complete. cfz}<br />

gu/]sf], k'/F ug'{.<br />

265 敬携 jìnɡ. [ king ] to offer, respectfully. k|:tfa ug'{,<br />

;Fb/ gd|tfsf ;fy.<br />

266 境蹜 jìnɡ. [ king ] border, a place. l;dfgf, 7F“p.<br />

267 靜 jìnɡ. [ jing ] quiet. zfGt.<br />

268 靚 liànɡ. [ lan ] ornament, to doll up. uxgf, >[Ëfl/g'.<br />

269 鏡註 jìnɡ. [ kang ] mirror, lens. P]gf, kfj/ jfnf l;;f.<br />

rfO{lgh\ cf}ÈwL, dp5f pkrf/.<br />

283 玖倄 jiǔ. [ kau ] an elaborate form of "nine". gf} ;+d<br />

a9fpg'.<br />

284 韭靥 jiǔ. [ kau ] Chinese vegetable. rfO{lgh\ ;AhL.<br />

285 舊箱 jiù. [ kau ] past, secondhand, outdated. lat]sf]<br />

;do, k'/fgf] ;dfg\, k'/fgf] e};s]sf].<br />

286 救嗜 jiù. [ kau ] to rescue, to relieve. p¢f/, ;xfotf<br />

lbg'.<br />

287 就媥 jiù. [ jau ] nearby. glhs}.<br />

288 臼哒 jiù. [ kau ] joint of bones. x8\8LsF] hf]gL{.<br />

289 咎 jiù. [ kau ] fault, blame. uNtL, bf]È.<br />

290 柩悚 jiù. [ kau ] box, coffin with a corpse in it. afs;,<br />

d'bf{ ;lxb\sf] afs;\.<br />

291 疚 jiù. [ kau ] remorse. kZrftfk\.<br />

292 舅擨 jiù. [ kau ] an uncle who is a brother of one's<br />

mother. dfdf.<br />

293 居 jū. [ kui ] to live at, residence. a;f]af;\, afl;Gbf.<br />

294 据 jù. [ kui ] short of money. k};Fsf] clgsfn\.<br />

295 苣愮 jù. [ kui ] lettuce. lkl6s\ lkl6s\ eflrg] ;Fu.<br />

296 拘 jū. [ kui ] to arrest, not free. kls|g', :jtGq 5}g\.<br />

297 駒贷 jū. [ kui ] a foal, a colt. 3f]8fsf] aRrf.<br />

270 靖 jìnɡ. [ jing ] peace, to pacify. zfGt, zfGt kfg'{.<br />

271 迥慗 jiǒnɡ. [ wui ] faraway. b'/b];\.<br />

272 窘孲 jiǒnɡ. [ kwan ] to embarrass, distressed. afwf<br />

lbg', lkl8t\.<br />

273 糾 jiū. [ kau ] to correct. ;Rofpg'.<br />

274 赳慏 jiū. [ kau ] to correct. z'¢ kfg'{.<br />

275 究倏 jiū. [ gau ] after all. To; k5L hDd}.<br />

276 久 jiǔ. [ kau ] long time, duration of time. w]/} ;do,<br />

;dofjwL.<br />

277 揪嫟 jiū. [ chau ] to hold tight. b/f] ;dfpg'.<br />

278 啾 jiū. [ chau ] the chirps of birds or insects. r/f<br />

ls/fsf] cfjfh\.<br />

279 鳩踱 jiū. [ kau ] a turtledove. r/f.<br />

280 酒玴 jiǔ. [ jau ] alcoholic drink. dfbs\ kbfy{ lkpg'.<br />

281 九 jiǔ. [ kau ] nine.gf}.<br />

282 灸俾 jiǔ. [ kau ] Chinese Medicine, moxa treatment.<br />

298 疽猎 jū. [ jui ] subcutaneous ulcer. 5fnf leqsf] 3F“p.<br />

299 鞠筋 jū. [ kuk ] to bow, to nourish, leather ball. lgx'/]/<br />

9F]Ug', kfNg' x'sf{pg', 5fnfsf] es'08f].<br />

300 菊 jú. [ kuk ] chrysanthemum flower. uf]bfj/L k'mn\.<br />

301 局 jú. [ kuk ] public organizations, game, limitation,<br />

set. ;fa{hlgs\ agfj6, v]n\, l;df tf]Sg',<br />

ldnfpg'.<br />

302 侷 jú. [ kuk ] narrow. ;Fu'/f].<br />

303 跼狔 jú. [ kuk ] contracted, narrow. ;fgf], ;fu'/f].<br />

304 橘趑 jú. [ gwat ] mandarin orange. /ftf] ;'Gtf]nf.<br />

305 桔頪 jú. [ gat ] small orange. ;fgf] vfn\sF] ;'Gtf]nf.<br />

306 舉竰 jǔ. [ kui ] to lift up, to recommend, behavior. dfyL<br />

prfNg', l;kmfl/;\ ug'{, afgL Aoxf]/f.<br />

307 矩猜 jǔ. [ kui ] rule. lgod sfg'g\.<br />

308 咀 jǔ. [ tsui ] mouth, to chew. d'v, rkfpg'.<br />

309 沮 jǔ. [ tsui ] to stop, to prevent, bad. /f]Sg', k|ltaGw,<br />

v/fa.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 215 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

310 句右 jù. [ kui ] sentence, line of verse. afSo, slatfsf]<br />

nx/.<br />

311 巨吀 jù. [ kui ] huge. lazfn\.<br />

312 拒 jù. [ kui ] to refuse. c:jLsf/ ug'{.<br />

313 具 jù. [ kui ] to have, to possess. ;+u 5.<br />

314 俱鞂 jù. [ kui ] all. hDd}.<br />

315 猢 jù. [ kek ] theatrical performance. gF6lso<br />

ultljwL.<br />

316 遽笪 jù. [ kui ] hurriedly, hastily. xTtkTt ;+u, xtf/n].<br />

317 據赼 jù. [ kui ] evidence, to occupy. k|df0f, cf]u6\g'.<br />

318 懼祴 jù. [ kui ] fear. 8/fpg'.<br />

319 聚犊 jù. [ jui ] to get together. Ps} ;Fy x'g].<br />

320 距 jù. [ kui ] distance, apart from. 6f9f, af6 afx]s.<br />

321 炬惌 jù. [ kui ] torch. /f“sf], k'N7f]sf] /f“sf].<br />

322 鋸 jù. [ kui ] a saw, to cut with a saw. s/f}+tL, s/f}+tL<br />

sf6\g'.<br />

323 踞賺 jù. [ kui ] to squat, to sit. 6'S?Ss a:g', a:g'.<br />

324 颶筎 jù. [ gui ] gale. xfjf x'08/L.<br />

325 捐頋 juān. [ guen ] to donate, to give up. rGbF lbg',<br />

;'Dkg'.<br />

326 倦靳 juàn. [ guen ] tired. yfSg'.<br />

327 鵑觎 juān. [ guen ] cuckoo. sf]O{nL r/F.<br />

338 絕宆 jué. [ juet ] extremely. cToflws\.<br />

339 厥 jué. [ kuet ] lose consciousness. r]tgf x/fpg'.<br />

340 覺祆 jué. [ kwok ] to sense, sleep. r]tgf x'g'. ;'Tg'.<br />

341 掘嗅 jué. [ gwat ] to dig. vGg'.<br />

342 爵 jué. [ jeuk ] rank of nobility. enfb\ldkg\, w/flgof.<br />

343 倔鞀 juè. [ gwat ] surly, unfriendly. s7F]/, zf}xfb{<br />

gePsf].<br />

344 崛善 jué. [ gwat ] to rise. p7\of].<br />

345 獗 jué. [ kuet ] lawless and wild. sfg'g a]u/sf]<br />

h+unL.<br />

346 軍慑 jūn. [ kwan ] armed forces, military. z}lgs\, ;]gf.<br />

347 君佦 jūn. [ kwan ] sovereign, gentleman, Mr. ;af]{Rr,<br />

enfb\dL, >Ldfg\.<br />

348 均佾 jūn. [ kwan ] without except. c:jLsf/.<br />

349 菌 jūn. [ kwan ] mushroom. Rofp.<br />

350 鈞 jūn. [ kwan ] unit of weight. tf}n\ gfksf] O{sfO.<br />

351 俊 jùn. [ chun ] handsome, good-looking, talent.<br />

z'Gb/, /fd|f] b]lvg', t]lhnf].<br />

352 峻韝 jùn. [ chun ] high, stern. cUnf], s7f]/.<br />

353 郡玱 jùn. [ kwan ] prefecture. k|zf;g\ 5]q.<br />

354 駿筑 jùn. [ chun ] a fine horse. pQd\ 3F]8F.<br />

355 竣孶 jùn. [ chun ] to complete. k'/f ug'{.<br />

328 娟韃 juān. [ guen ] beautiful, graceful. z'Gb/L.<br />

329 絹擎 juàn. [ guen ] silk fabric. /];dL sk8F.<br />

330 捲喿 juǎn. [ guen ] to roll up, shaped like a roll. a]g'{,<br />

9'ªu|f] cfsf/.<br />

331 眷 juàn. [ guen ] gentle, caring, sympathetic.<br />

k|ltli7t\, ;Hhg\, ;xfg'ejL.<br />

332 卷 juàn. [ guen ] book, a test paper, documents,<br />

curly. lstfa\, hf“r skL, lnlvt\ k|df0f, 3'ld|Psf].<br />

333 雋踙 juàn. [ chun ] good-looking. ;'Gb/.<br />

334 孓 jué. [ kuet ] larva of mosquitoes. nfDv'§]sf] nfef{.<br />

335 訣 jué. [ kuet ] rhymed formula, to separate. slatf<br />

lut\sf] no tfnsf] lawL, 5'§} kfg'{.<br />

336 決俩 jué. [ kuet ] to decide. lg0F{o ug'{.<br />

K characters 113,<br />

001 咖 kā. [ kar ] a character used in transliterating.<br />

efÈfsf] n]vfO{ / af]nfO{df …sfÚ sf] pRrf/0f dfq.<br />

002 卡 kǎ. [ ka ] a card, a checkpoint, to be jammed.<br />

tf;sf] rSsL, r]s ug]{ 7F“p, le8 ePsf].<br />

003 開 kāi. [ hoi ] to open, start. vf]Ng', z'? ug'{.<br />

004 揩嫒 kāi. [ hai ] to wipe. k'R5\g'.<br />

005 慨嫅 kǎi. [ loi ] generous, indignant. p¢f/ rl/q,<br />

crDdn] l/;fpg'.<br />

006 凱 kǎi. [ hoi ] triumphant, victorious. laho dgfpg',<br />

lahoL.<br />

007 楷摉 kǎi. [ kaai ] model, a pattern. gd'gf, cfsf/.<br />

008 欬 kài. [ loi ] to cough. vf]Sg'.<br />

337 抉侽 jué. [ kuet ] choice, to pick out. 5FGg', l6Kg'.<br />

009 刊 kān. [ hon ] to publish, a periodical. k|sflzt\,<br />

lgoldt\ klqsf.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 216 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

010 勘珨 kān. [ ham ] to collate, to survey. PsfPs\ bfHg',<br />

lgl/Ô0F ug'{.<br />

011 堪 kān. [ ham ] to endure, bear, able. ef]Ug', ;xg',<br />

of]Uo.<br />

012 龕 kān. [ ham ] niche, shrine. kmNofs\sf] vf]kf,<br />

klaq :yfg\.<br />

013 檻筶 kǎn. [ laam ] as window or door bars. ´Øfn\<br />

of 9f]sfsf] 7]nf.<br />

014 惿 kǎn. [ ham ] to hack. 6's|f kfg'{.<br />

015 瞰 kàn. [ ham ] to look down from a height. dflyaf6\<br />

tn x]g'{.<br />

016 看惷 kàn. [ hon ] to look at, to see, to look after. df x]g'{,<br />

x]g'{, x]/rf/ ug]{.<br />

017 慷躋 kānɡ. [ hong ] impassioned, unselfish. pQ]lht\<br />

;f]rfO{, lgM:jfy{.<br />

018 糠竆 kānɡ. [ hong ] husks. e';, af]s|f.<br />

019 喓 kānɡ. [ hong ] health. :jf:Yo.<br />

020 扛咟 kánɡ. [ gong ] to carry on the shoulder. sf“wdf<br />

af]Sg'.<br />

021 亢 kànɡ. [ kong ] high. cUnf].<br />

022 伉呂 kànɡ. [ kong ] spouse, husband and wife .<br />

ktL kTgL.<br />

023 炕 kànɡ. [ kong ] kang, a heatable brick bed. cu]gf,<br />

bfp/f afn]/ ttfpg] vfNsf] cf]R5\Øfg\.<br />

024 抗侹 kànɡ. [ kong ] to resist, to oppose. lab|F]x ug'{,<br />

la/f]w ug'{.<br />

025 考哇 kǎo. [ hau ] to give an exam, to take an exam, to<br />

investigate. kl/Ôf lbg', kl/Ôf lng', cg'zGwfg\ ug'{.<br />

026 拷恻 kǎo. [ hau ] to flog, to beat, to torture. sf]/f{n]<br />

lk6\g', lxsf{pg', aOg\ u/fpg s'6\g'.<br />

027 烤顛 kǎo. [ hau ] to roast, to bake. df;' kf]Ng',<br />

v¥Øfpg'.<br />

028 銬贖 kào. [ kau ] handcuffs. xt\s8L.<br />

029 靠败 kào. [ kau ] thin, scarce. kftnf] kfg'{.<br />

030 愆 kē. [ foh ] family, subject study. ;d'x, z}lÔs\<br />

tflnd\.<br />

031 苛愯 kē. [ ho ] severe. s7F]/, uDeL/.<br />

032 柯悛 kē. [ or ] the trunk of a plant, stalk, the handle of<br />

an axe. ?vsf] k]mb\, 8F“7, aGr/f]sf] la+8\.<br />

034 顆筍 kē. [ kwo ] pill, numerary adjunct for bullets. cf}ÈwL<br />

rSsL, uf]nLsf] ;+Vof g+.<br />

035 瞌 kē. [ hop ] to be tired and to sleepy off. yfs]/<br />

033 棵嫿 kē. [ kwo ] numerary adjunct for trees. ?vsf]<br />

058 控喾 kònɡ. [ hung ] to control, to charge. clwg\<br />

;+s]t ;+Vof g+.<br />

ug'{, bf]È nufpg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 217 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

pUg'.<br />

036 磕 kē. [ hop ] to knock. 3R3RØfpg'.<br />

037 蝌 kē. [ foh ] tadpole. r]+kfuf8F.<br />

038 殼嬔 ké. [ hok ] shell, hard surface. af]s|f], s8F ;tx.<br />

039 咳 ké. [ cut ] to cough up. vsf/.<br />

040 渴嬬 kě. [ hot ] thirsty. ltvf{Psf].<br />

041 坷 kě. [ ho ] bad luck. cefuL.<br />

042 可 kě. [ hoh ] to approve, to permit. cg'df]bg\ ug'{,<br />

O{hfht\.<br />

043 克佉 kè. [ hak ] gram, to subdue, to be able to. u|fd\<br />

tf}n\, x'g nfO{ plrt\, a;\df kfg{'.<br />

044 刻 kè. [ hak ] to carve, a quarter of an hour,<br />

acrimonious. d'tL{ agfpg', 306Fsf] rf}yfO{,<br />

l/;fP/ s'6\g'.<br />

045 客 kè. [ hak ] visitor, guest, customer. ofq', kfx'gf,<br />

pkef]SQF.<br />

046 課 kè. [ foh ] a lesson, subject, levy. kf7, laÈo,<br />

lgoldt\ s/.<br />

047 剋 kè. [ hak ] to scold, to beat. ufnL ug'{, lxsf{pg'.<br />

048 肯 kěn. [ hang ] to be willing to. tof/L x'g'.<br />

049 墾赣 kěn. [ hang ] to cultivate, to open new land for<br />

farming. v]tL ug'{, v]ltsf] nfuL gof“ hUuf v'Nnf.<br />

050 懇 kěn<br />

ěn. [ hang ] earnestly, sincerely. enf] rfxfg],<br />

lxt}ÈL.<br />

051 啃珸 kěn. [ hang ] to bite. 6f]Sof].<br />

052 坑佻 kēnɡ. [ hang ] a pit, hole in the ground. Kjfn\,<br />

hldg\sf] Kjfn\.<br />

053 吭佛 kēnɡ. [ hang / hong ] to utter a sound,<br />

a word. cfjfh, zAb.<br />

054 鏗詇 kēnɡ. [ hang ] clang, sound. wft'sf] cfjfh\<br />

´Gg\GGg\.<br />

055 空 kōnɡ. [ hung ] empty, the sky, the air. vfnL,<br />

;'Go csF;\, xfjf.<br />

056 孔 kǒnɡ. [ hung ] an aperture, a hole. Kjfn\.<br />

057 恐韱 kǒnɡ. [ hung ] to fear. 8/FPsf].

059 口 kǒu. [ hau ] mouth, entrance, opening. d'v, k|a]z<br />

dfu{, vf]lng].<br />

060 扣咞 kòu. [ kau ] to button, to hook up, to deduct. 6f“s,<br />

cN´fpg], w6Fpg'.<br />

061 叩 kòu. [ kau ] to knock, to kowtow. 9S9S kfg'{, w]/}<br />

cfw/ / cf1Fsf/L b]vfpg'.<br />

062 寇啵 kòu. [ kau ] robber, an enemy. 8fsF“,<br />

cfs|d0Fsf/L.<br />

063 枯悘 kū. [ fu ] dried up, uninteresting. ;'Svf,<br />

rfv gnfUg].<br />

064 骷费 kū. [ fu ] human skeleton. dfga cl:tk+h/.<br />

065 哭鞫 kū. [ huk ] to cry, to weep. s/fpg', ?g'.<br />

066 窟擃 kū. [ fat ] a cave, a den. cf]8F/, u'kmf.<br />

067 苦愰 kǔ. [ fu ] bitter, painful. si6 x'g], b'Vb}.<br />

068 庫韧 kù. [ foo ] warehouse. e08F/ 3/.<br />

069 褲 kù. [ fu ] trousers. ;'?jfn\.<br />

070 酷狨 kù. [ ho ] cruel, extremely. lgb{oL, c;fWo}.<br />

071 咁 kuā. [ kwa ] luxurious, good-looking. ;f]lvg\,<br />

/fd|f] b]lvg'.<br />

072 誇攜 kuā. [ kwa ] to boast. wfs\.<br />

073 垮 kuǎ. [ kwa ] to collapse. ´g'{, elTsg'.<br />

074 跨跠 kuà. [ kwa ] to go across. kf/ ug'{.<br />

075 胯獥 kuà. [ kwa ] hip. ltw|f.<br />

076 塊 kuài. [ fai ] a piece. 6's|f.<br />

077 快 kuài. [ fai ] fast, to hurry up. xtf/, l5§F] u/.<br />

tyf wFt'sf] e08f/.<br />

088 鄺 kuànɡ. [ kwong ] C.F.N.<br />

089 框頦 kuànɡ. [ kwong ] frame, to circumscribe. lsgf/<br />

nfpg', v6\g\ ug'{.<br />

090 眶 kuànɡ. [ kwaang / hong ] area surround the<br />

eye, an orbit, the socket of the eye. cfvf“ 3'dfP/<br />

x]g'{, sÔ, cfvf“ jl/k/L.<br />

091 虧竽 kuī. [ kwai ] loss, to lose. x/fpg', x/fof].<br />

092 盔 kuī. [ kwai ] helmet. s8F 6f]kL.<br />

093 窺跔 kuī. [ kwai ] to peep. n's]/ x]g'{.<br />

094 葵擮 kuí. [ kwai ] plants. lj?jf ?v.<br />

095 揆嫔 kuí. [ kwai ] premier, important affairs. k|wfg\ d+qL,<br />

laÈ]z sfdx?, sf/0f.<br />

096 奎 kuí. [ fui ] between the buttocks. rfs\sf] lardf.<br />

097 隗 kuí. [ kwai / ngai ] C.F.N.<br />

098 魁 kuí. [ fui ] the head, of stalwart build. xflsd\,<br />

alnof] lgdf{0F.<br />

099 傀 kuǐ. [ fai ] puppet. xft] v]nf}gf.<br />

100 愧 kuì. [ kwai ] ashamed. nfhdbf]{.<br />

101 潰 kuì. [ kuai ] dams to burst. af“w k'm6\g'.<br />

102 饋 kuì. [ kuai ] to make a present of. pkxf/ lbg'.<br />

103 坤 kūn. [ kwan ] feminine. :qLln¨.<br />

104 昆 kūn. [ kwan ] elder brother. bfh'.<br />

105 崑喇 kūn. [ kwan ] mountains. kxf8x?.<br />

106 壼 kǔn. [ wu ] a pot. ef“8F.<br />

078 膾竮 kuài. [ kui ] minced meat. rfgf kf/]sf] df;'.<br />

079 筷擅 kuài. [ fai ] chopsticks. vfgf vfg] l;Gsf.<br />

080 寬 kuān. [ foon ] wide, generous. rf}8f, bofn'.<br />

081 款嬏 kuǎn. [ foon ] money, funds, an article of law.<br />

gub\, ;+~ro, lgodsf] efu\.<br />

082 匡呡 kuānɡ. [ hong ] to correct. plrt\.<br />

083 筐孺 kuānɡ. [ hong ] basket. 8fnL.<br />

084 狂倃 kuánɡ. [ kwong ] crazy, mad. af}nfxf, kfun\.<br />

085 況 kuànɡ. [ fong ] condition. cj:yf.<br />

086 曠觢 kuànɡ. [ kwong ] spacious. k|;:t 7F“p.<br />

087 礦誃 kuànɡ. [ kwong ] mineral or ore deposits. vlgh\<br />

107 捆頇 kǔn. [ kwan ] to tie, to bind. s:g', af“Wg'.<br />

108 綑擏 kǔn. [ kwan ] to tie up, to bundle up. af“w, lj§f]<br />

kf/.<br />

109 困佷 kùn. [ kwan ] in distress, to besiege. b'{efUo,<br />

jl/k/L zq'.<br />

110 廓躂 kuò. [ kwok ] an outline. aflx/L /]vf.<br />

111 擴筩 kuò. [ kwong ] to expand. a9fpg'.<br />

112 括恽 kuò. [ koot ] to include. ;dfa];\, ldnfpg', ufEg'.<br />

113 闊筁 kuò. [ foo ] wide, rich, wealthy . rf}8f, wgL,<br />

wgjfg\.<br />

L characters 293,<br />

001 啦珴 lɑ. [ la ] phrase-final particle. af]Ng] z}lnsf]<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 218 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

cGTodf k|of]u.<br />

002 拉 lā. [ laai] to pull. tfGg'.<br />

003 垃 lā. [ lap ] rubbish. sl;+u/.<br />

004 訸 lā. [ lap ] dirty. kmf]xf]/.<br />

005 喇 lǎ. [ la ] woodwind instrument. ;+lutsf ;fdfu|L.<br />

006 蠟福 là. [ lap ] beeswax, candle, wax polish. d}g\, d}g\<br />

aQL, d}g\sf] kfln;\.<br />

007 腊 là. [ sik ] dried meat. ;'s'6L df;'.<br />

008 臘訑 là. [ lap ] salted and smoked meat, fish, chicken.<br />

g'g\ nufPsf] ;]s'jf df;'.<br />

009 辣狙 là. [ laat ] peppery hot. dl/hsf] lk/f].<br />

010 剌 là. [ tsz ] to go against, to contradict. la?¢df x'g',<br />

la/fw ug'{.<br />

011 來 lái. [ loi ] thin, scarce. kftnf] kfg' {.<br />

012 萊 lái. [ loi ] to weed. ´f/kft, ´f/.<br />

013 賴 lài. [ lai ] to depend on, blame on. df lg{e/, bf]È<br />

c?nfO{.<br />

014 睞撤 lài. [ loi ] to look at. df x]g'{.<br />

031 濫 làn. [ lam ] to flood, indiscriminate. hnfdo x'g',<br />

gv'6\ØfO{Psf].<br />

032 郎慝 lánɡ. [ long ] young man. tGb]/L.<br />

033 瑯撊 lánɡ. [ long ] jade, pure and white. kTy/, ;'¢<br />

;]tf].<br />

034 榔摆 lánɡ. [ long ] betel palm. ;'kf/L ?v.<br />

035 廊媰 lánɡ. [ long ] covered porch, veranda, gallery.<br />

3/sf] sf};L, a/08F, afb{nL.<br />

036 螂 lánɡ. [ long ] dung beetle. uf]a|] ls/f.<br />

037 狼顡 lánɡ. [ long ] wolf. Ajf;f].<br />

038 朗頢 lǎnɡ. [ long ] bright, loud and clear. r+lsnf],<br />

:ki6 7'nf] :j/.<br />

039 浪顄 lànɡ. [ long ] waves. t/¨.<br />

040 撈 lāo. [ lau / lou ] to scoop up from, to net fish, to<br />

gain improperly. hflnn] dfyL lgsfNg', hfn\n]<br />

df5f lgsfNg', u'KtL ?kn] cGo sfd ug{'.<br />

041 勞 láo. [ lao ] to work, fatigued, tired. sfd\ ug'{,<br />

yfSg', uNg'.<br />

042 癆 láo. [ lo ] consumptive disease. Ôo/f]u.<br />

015 癩禃 lài. [ lai ] leprosy. s'i6 /f]u.<br />

016 藍箴 lán. [ lam ] blue. lgnf].<br />

017 闌筃 lán. [ lan ] railings, nighttime. afb{nL, /ftL.<br />

018 攔詶 lán. [ lan ] to block, to bar. 5]Sg', sf7sf] 3]/f].<br />

019 欄祻 lán. [ lan ] fence, railing , section in a newspaper.<br />

hflnaF/, afb{nL, klqsfsf] ljleGg lzÈ{s.<br />

020 蘭禊 lán. [ lan ] an orchid. /+uL la/+uL k'mn\.<br />

021 瀾詻 lán. [ lan ] strong waves. 7'nf] kflgsf] 5fn\.<br />

022 婪啭 lán. [ lam ] greedy. nf]eL.<br />

023 嵐媧 lán. [ nam ] mist. x':;' s'lx/f].<br />

024 籃礯 lán. [ lam ] basket, goal. 8fnf], uf]n\ nfpg'.<br />

025 覽禒 lǎn. [ lam ] to view, read. x]g'{, k9\g'.<br />

026 攬稥 lǎn. [ lam ] to grasp, to monopolize. l5§f] ;dfTg',<br />

Psflwsf/ ug'{.<br />

027 纜羺 lǎn. [ lam ] rope, cable. 8F]/L, tf/.<br />

028 欖群 lǎn. [ lam ] olive. h}t'g\sf] ?v.<br />

029 懶觞 lǎn. [ lan ] lazy. cN5].<br />

043 牢俿 láo. [ lo ] prison. ´\ØfNvfgF.<br />

044 老哆 lǎo. [ lo ] aged, outdated. a[¢, w]/} af“r]sf].<br />

045 姥 lǎo. [ lo ] one's grandma. ah'.<br />

046 佬 lǎo. [ lo ] a fellow, a man. nf]Ug] dflg;\, dflg;\.<br />

047 嘮猩 láo. [ lo ] garrulous. w]/} af]Ng], af]ns8\.<br />

048 烙顜 lào. [ lok ] to bake. /F]6L v¥ofpg'.<br />

049 酪踀 lào. [ lok ] a type of milk junket, cheese. b'waf6\<br />

agfPsf] lrh\x?, lrh\.<br />

050 了 le. [ liu ] past tense, the end, to understand.<br />

e"t\sfn\, ;dfKt, a'´\g',<br />

051 樂 lè. [ lok ] joy, happiness, music. ;'Mv, d:tL,<br />

;+lut\.<br />

052 勒珦 lè. [ lok ] to force, to tie. zStL, af“Wg'.<br />

053 縲竑 léi. [ lui ] black rope. sfnf] 8F]/L.<br />

054 纍 lěi. [ lui ] heavy rope, to tie, to bind. 7'nf] bfDnf],<br />

s:g', af“Wg'.<br />

055 雷踜 léi. [ lui ] thunder. d]È ulh{g'.<br />

056 鐳禞 léi. [ lui ] radium. Hofb} dx+uf] lrh\.<br />

030 爛祿 làn. [ lan ] rotten, worn-out. ;l8g', ´'lqPsf]. .<br />

057 蕾竴 lěi. [ lui ] flower bud. k'mnsf] sf]lknf.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 219 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

058 壘筤 lěi. [ lui ] castle, ramparts barrier, bulwarks. lsNnf, 085 理噆 lǐ. [ li ] reason, to manage. sf/0f, k|aGw ug'{.<br />

;f“w, kvf{n\.<br />

086 娌韋 lǐ. [ lei ] sisters-in-law. efph', ;fnL, b]p/fgL,<br />

059 儡 lěi. [ lui ] puppet. xftsf] v]nf}gf.<br />

h]7fgL.<br />

060 磊 lěi. [ lui ] a heap of stones. 9'¨fsf] y'k|f].<br />

087 哩鞪 lǐ. [ lee ] mile, not clear, to speak indistinctly.<br />

dfO{n\, :ki6 5}g, c:ki6 af]Ng'.<br />

061 淚嘨 lèi. [ lui ] tears. cfz'.<br />

088 裡攐 lǐ. [ lui ] interior, inside. leqL.<br />

062 類詑 lèi. [ lui ] type. k|sf/sf].<br />

089 鋰贝 lǐ. [ li ] lithium. /;fog\ lnlyod\.<br />

063 肋 lèi<br />

èi. [ lak ] the ribs. s/+u.<br />

090 鯉觊 lǐ. [ lee ] a carp. df5F.<br />

064 擂赿 lèi. [ lui ] to beat, to hit. lxsf{pg', s'6\g'.<br />

091 力 lì. [ lik ] ability, power, force. v'aL, zStL, an,<br />

065 累 lěi. [ lui ] tired, to accumulate, pile up. uNg', y'kfg{',<br />

vft\ nfpg'.<br />

092 曆趆 lì. [ lik ] calendar. kfqf].<br />

066 棱 lénɡ. [ ling ] narrow and long part on the surface.<br />

093 麗詤 lì. [ lai ] beautiful. ;'Gb/.<br />

;txdf p7]sf] ;fu'/f] nfdf] efu.<br />

094 儷祬 lì. [ lai ] a pair, married couple. hf]8L, nf]Ug] :jf:gL.<br />

067 冷 lěnɡ. [ laang ] cold, not genial. lr;f], ;'Mv<br />

cfgGb 5}g.<br />

095 佐 lì. [ lei ] sharp, benefit, interest. wfl/nf], kmfO{bf,<br />

Aofh\.<br />

068 愣媿 lènɡ. [ ling ] surprise, stupefied. 5Ss} kg'{, xf];g}<br />

ufoa ug'{.<br />

096 例 lì. [ lai ] an example, regular. pbfx/0f, lgoldt\.<br />

069 厘 lí. [ lee ] centimeter. ;]lG6ld6/.<br />

097 隸筇 lì. [ dai ] to be under, a person in servitude. d'gL<br />

x'g', gf]s/ bf;L,.<br />

070 狸狻 lí. [ lee ] a fox. ºØfp/f].<br />

098 立吷 lì. [ lap ] to stand, to create, at once. pleg',<br />

071 貍狌 lí. [ lei ] foxlike animal. ºØfp/f] h:t} hgfj/.<br />

pAhfpg', Ps k6s\.<br />

072 犛 lí. [ lei ] yak. rf}/L ufO{, ofs\.<br />

099 粒 lì. [ lap ] quantifier for small items. ;fgf] a:t'sf]<br />

kl/df0F.<br />

073 釐覝 lí. [ lee ] monthly or annual interest rate. dfl;s\<br />

of aflÈ{s\ Aofh b/.<br />

100 笠 lì. [ lap ] bamboo or straw hat. af“; of k/fn\sF]<br />

6F]kL.<br />

074 梨嘆 lí. [ lei ] pear. gf;kftL.<br />

101 蒞犞 lì. [ lee ] to be present. pkl:yt\ x'g'.<br />

075 犁嘼 lí. [ lai ] plough. hf]Tg] xnf].<br />

102 吏呦 lì. [ lee ] official. sfof{no ;DaGwL.<br />

076 漓躿 lí. [ li ] dripping wet. kfgL /;FP/ leh]sf].<br />

103 莉 lì. [ lee ] white jasmine. ;]tf] rd]nL k'mn\.<br />

077 璃 lí. [ lei ] glass. Unf;.<br />

104 俐 lì. [ lee ] easy and quick, clever. ;lhnf] / l5§f],<br />

078 黎赆 lí. [ lai ] multitude of. sf] le8, sf] ;d'x.<br />

rnfv.<br />

079 離覭 lí. [ lei ] to leave, to part from. 5F8\g', eGbF afx\]s\. 105 痢孛 lì. [ lee ] dysentery, diarrhea, diarrhoea. ´f8f<br />

kvfnf, df;L, .<br />

080 籬羦 lí. [ lee ] bamboo fence. af“;sf] af/.<br />

106 歷趜 lì. [ lik ] experience. cg'ea\.<br />

081 禮箖 lǐ. [ lai ] behaviour, behavior, manners, gift.<br />

rfnrng\, :jefj, 9¨, pkxf/.<br />

107 瀝觬 lì. [ lik ] drops, to drip. yf]kf, /;fpg'.<br />

082 李 lǐ. [ li ] plum or prune tree, C.F.N. ao/ of<br />

108 靂羓 lì. [ lik ] sudden peal of thunder. crfgs\ d]3<br />

cf?av8f.<br />

ulh{g'.<br />

083 裏 lǐ. [ lui ] inside. leq.<br />

109 荔獱 lì. [ lai ] lichee, litchi, litchi nut. lnrLsf] bfgf.<br />

084 里倷 lǐ. [ lee ] neighborhood, length equal to half<br />

kilometer. l5d]sL, nDafO{ sl/a %)) ld6/<br />

jl/k/L.<br />

110 栗頭 lì. [ lut ] a chestnut, to shiver. s6';, sfDg'.<br />

111 慄 lì. [ lut ] to shudder. 8/FP/ sfDg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 220 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

112 誆礫 lì. [ lik ] gravel, grit. lu6L 9'¨f, afn'jf.<br />

113 厲猨 lì. [ lai ] stern, harsh. lgi7"/L, ?vf].<br />

114 勵 lì. [ lai ] to stimulate. pNsfpg'.<br />

115 倆靸 liǎ. [ leung ] couple, ability. hf]8L, ;fd{Yo.<br />

116 連 lián. [ lin ] to link, continuous, army, marine corps<br />

troops. ;Dks{, nuftf/, ;]gf, kflghxfhdf ;]gf.<br />

117 蓮 lián. [ lin ] a lotus. sdn\sf] k'mn\.<br />

118 漣軎 lián. [ lin ] ripples, wavelets. kflgsf] ;fgf] t/¨.<br />

119 簾 lián. [ lim ] curtain, bamboo curtain. kbf{, af“;sf]<br />

kbf{.<br />

120 憐 lián. [ lin ] to sympathize with. ;xfg'e'tL lbg'.<br />

121 聯竤 lián. [ luen ] to join, to unite, combined. ;dfa];\<br />

x'g', Pstf x'g', ;+o'Q kfg'{.<br />

122 廉 lián. [ lim ] low price, incorrupt. ;'kmt d"No, z'¢<br />

glau|]sf].<br />

123 鐮禝 lián. [ lim ] sickle. l;Ssn\ xl;of h:t}.<br />

124 臉竭 liǎn. [ lim ] the face. cg'xf/.<br />

125 斂 liǎn. [ lim ] to become small, to shrink, restrain.<br />

;Fgf] agfpg', ;Fu'¥ofpg', k|ltaGw.<br />

126 殮 liàn. [ lim ] to coffin. nf;\ afs;df nfpg'.<br />

127 練 liàn. [ lin ] train, to practice, experienced. tflnd\,<br />

cEof;\ ug'{, cg'ej ug'{.<br />

128 煉摹 liàn. [ lin ] to refine, with heat, boiling for a long<br />

time. z'¢ kfg'{, tftf]n], w]/}a]/ pdfNg'.<br />

129 鍊笷 liàn. [ lin ] to refine, chain. z'¢ kfg'{, l;s|L r]g\.<br />

130 戀秼 liàn. [ luen ] love, to feel attached to. k|]d\,<br />

ldqtfsf] cg'ea x'g'.<br />

131 鏈訿 liàn. [ lin ] a metal chain l;s|L r]g\.<br />

132 良候 liánɡ. [ leung ] good, quite. /fd|f], laNs'n\.<br />

133 涼嘐 liánɡ. [ leung ] cool. lr;f].<br />

134 梁嗴 liánɡ. [ leung ] roof beam, bridge. 3/sf] lgbfn\,<br />

;f“u'.<br />

139 亮 liànɡ. [ leung ] bright, loud and clear. r+lsnf],<br />

:ki6 7'nf] cfjfh\.<br />

140 諒 liànɡ. [ leung ] to forgive, to be understanding to.<br />

Ôdf lbg', ;d´bf/L x'g'.<br />

141 量 liànɡ. [ leung ] to measure, capacity, quantity.<br />

gfk\tf}n\, Ôdtf, kl/df0f.<br />

142 輛賽 liànɡ. [ lueng ] quantifier for vehicles. ufl8sf]<br />

kl/df0F.<br />

143 晾嫲 liànɡ. [ long ] to dry in the air. ;'SsF nfUg'.<br />

144 寮 liáo. [ liu ] a hut, a cottage. 5fk|f], ´'k|f] 3/.<br />

145 療 liáo. [ liu ] to give medical care. pkrf/.<br />

146 聊 liáo. [ liu ] little, to chat. yf]/}, ukm ug'{.<br />

147 遼 liáo. [ liu ] distant. b'/L.<br />

148 潦 liáo. [ liu, lo ] lose hope, lose energy. cf;<br />

x/fpg', tfut ;lsg'.<br />

149 僚踻 liáo. [ liu ] a colleague, a companion, a friend.<br />

;xr/, ;+uL, ;fyL.<br />

150 寥 liáo. [ liu ] scarce. b'n{e.<br />

151 嘹猫 liáo. [ liu ] resonant. cfjfhsf] k|ltWjgL.<br />

152 撩 liáo. [ liu ] to provoke, to tease. pQ]lht\ ug'{,<br />

7§f ug'{.<br />

153 繚箦 liáo. [ liu ] to sew. l;nfpg'.<br />

154 燎足 liáo. [ liu ] to burn. afNg'.<br />

155 瞭 liǎo. [ liu ] to look down from a higher place.<br />

cUnf] 7F“paf6 tn x]g'{.<br />

156 鐐 liào. [ liu ] fetters. g]n\s8L.<br />

157 料頔 liào. [ liu ] to expect, raw material. cf; ug'{,<br />

sRrf kbfy{.<br />

158 廖躃 liào. [ liu ] C.F.N.<br />

159 咧 liě. [ le ] to babble, baby's crying sound. l5§f]<br />

kmTkmt] af]Ng', aRrf /f]Psf] :j/.<br />

160 列呚 liè. [ lit ] to line up, to make into a list. nfO{gdf<br />

nfUg', gfdfjnL arfpg'.<br />

135 糧箢 liánɡ. [ leung ] grain, provisions, tax. cGg,<br />

161 劣呟 liè. [ luet ] bad, poor quality. v/fa, b'Zrl/q.<br />

vfg]s'/F, s/.<br />

162 烈顝 liè. [ lit ] fierce, intense. l/;fxf, cToGt}.<br />

136 樑 liánɡ. [ leung ] wood beam. sf7sf] lgbfn\,<br />

163 獵箊 liè. [ lip ] hunting, to hunt. l;sf/L.<br />

137 粱擊 liánɡ. [ leung ] maize, grain. ds}, cGg.<br />

164 躐 liè. [ lip ] to overstep. cl3 ;g'{.<br />

138 兩 liǎnɡ. [ leung ] two, weight equal to 50 grams.<br />

b'O{, sl/a %)) u|fd;\ tf}n\.<br />

165 裂 liè. [ lit ] crack, to split. k'm6\g', RofTg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 221 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

166 鄰贊 lín. [ lun ] a neighbor, neighboring. l5d]sL.<br />

167 林 lín. [ lam ] forest. h+un.<br />

168 琳孍 lín. [ lam ] beautiful jade. z'Gb/ kTy/.<br />

169 霖 lín. [ lam ] continuous heavy rain. nuftf/<br />

d';Nwf/] kfgL kg'{.<br />

170 痳撞 lín. [ lam ] gonorrhea. lel/¨L.<br />

171 淋嘛 lín. [ lam ] to sprinkle, to drench. kfgL 5ls{g',<br />

lehfpg'.<br />

172 臨端 lín. [ lam ] near, to arrive at. glhs}, df cfO{k'Ug'.<br />

173 磷 lín. [ lun ] phosphorous. kmf]:km/;\.<br />

174 遴 lín. [ lun ] to select carefully. xf]l;of/ ;+u 5FGg'.<br />

175 鱗稞 lín. [ lue ] scales of fish. df5fsf] sTnf.<br />

176 麟稡 lín. [ lun ] female of fabulous animal. agf}6L kf]yL<br />

hgfj/.<br />

177 嶙 lín. [ lun ] rugged. psfnL cf]/FnL k/]sf].<br />

178 凜猡 lǐn. [ lam ] cold, awe-inspiring. lr;f], 8/<br />

;lxbsf] 7'nf] ;Ddfg\.<br />

179 吝佚 lìn. [ lun ] stingy. sG~h';\, nf]eL.<br />

180 賃攲 lìn. [ yam ] to rent, to hire. uf8L ef8Fdf, ef8fdf.<br />

181 躪羼 lìn. [ lun ] to trample, to devastate. v'§f ahfg{',<br />

;vfk kfg'{.<br />

182 靈羔 línɡ. [ ling ] clever, efficacious, denizen of the<br />

afterworld. rnfv, v'aL, d[To" kl5sf] eflubf/.<br />

183 凌鞓 línɡ. [ ling ] to rise, to overbear. a9\g', bafpg'.<br />

184 鈴 línɡ. [ ling ] a bell. 306L.<br />

185 陵 línɡ. [ ling ] a hill, an imperial tomb. kxf8\,<br />

/fhfsf] lrxfg\.<br />

186 鯪 línɡ. [ lan ] a legendary fish. df5f.<br />

187 零踟 línɡ. [ ling ] zero, nought, nil. lh/f], z"Go, 5}g.<br />

193 羚 línɡ. [ ling ] antelope. d[3, h/fof].<br />

194 聆 línɡ. [ ling ] to listen to, hear. ;'Gg'xF];\, ;'Gg'.<br />

195 齡祫 línɡ. [ ling ] age, length of time in years. pd]/,<br />

aÈ{df uGtL.<br />

196 牶 línɡ. [ ling ] very thin silk fabric. l;Nssf] w]/}<br />

kftnf] sk8F.<br />

197 菱 línɡ. [ ling ] water chestnut. kfgL s6\6';\.<br />

198 嶺 lǐnɡ. [ ling ] mountain peak. kxf8sf] 6'Kkf].<br />

199 猅 lǐnɡ. [ ling ] collar, to lead, to guide. ;6{sf]<br />

snf/, af6f] b]vfpg', /]vb]v ug'{.<br />

200 令 lìnɡ. [ ling ] an order, ream of paper. cfb]z,<br />

sfut\sf] la6F.<br />

201 另 lìnɡ. [ ling ] another, other. csf]{, c?.<br />

202 猤 liú. [ lau ] C.F.N.<br />

203 溜摯 liū. [ lau ] to slide, to walk, to slip away. lrKnLg',<br />

lx8\g', pDs]/ efUg'.<br />

204 騮 liú. [ lau ] fine horse. tu8f 3F]8F.<br />

205 留猈 liú. [ lau ] to stay, to reserve. /xg', ;fr]/ /fVg'.<br />

206 餾 liú. [ lau ] distilled water. 5Fg]sf] kfgL.<br />

207 榴躱 liú. [ lau ] pomegranate. bfl/d\, cgf/.<br />

208 瘤 liú. [ lau ] tumor, tumour. zl// leq aflx/<br />

df;'sf] 8Nnf] knfpg'.<br />

209 流悵 liú. [ lau ] to flow, to circulate. kfgL aUg',<br />

k}mnfpg'.<br />

210 硫 liú. [ lau ] sulfur. /;fog\ ;Nkm/.<br />

211 琉狿 liú. [ lau ] glossy and bright stone. lrNnf] /<br />

rlDsg] 9'¨f.<br />

212 瀏箄 liú. [ lau ] clear, bright and clear. ;kmf, r+lsnf]<br />

/ ;kmf.<br />

213 柳 liǔ. [ lau ] willow tree. ?v.<br />

188 櫺祼 línɡ. [ ling ] sills, patterned window-railings.<br />

b}nf]sf] ;+3F/, 9F]sf b}nf]sf] k|m]d\.<br />

189 囹 línɡ. [ ling ] a prison. s}bL.<br />

190 苓愽 línɡ. [ ling ] fungus, tuckahoe. Rofp, cf}ÈwLsf]<br />

la?jf.<br />

191 伶佃 línɡ. [ ling ] an old name for an actor or actress.<br />

snfsf/sf] k'/fgf] gfd\.<br />

192 玲惜 línɡ. [ ling ] tinklings of jades. kTy/ h'w]sf]<br />

cfjfh.<br />

214 六 liù. [ luhk ] six. 5, ^.<br />

215 龍 lónɡ. [ lung ] a dragon. sfNklgs\ zlSQzfnL<br />

;k{.<br />

216 聾秖 lónɡ. [ lung ] deaf. alx/f.<br />

217 嚨詨 lónɡ. [ lung ] the throat. lsNsLn].<br />

218 瓏誀 lónɡ. [ lung ] clear and crisp sound. :ki6 v/f]<br />

:j/.<br />

219 朧詹 lónɡ. [ lung ] hazy, blurred. wldnf].<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 222 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

220 隆 lónɡ. [ lung ] prosperous, with solemnity. ;+d[¢L<br />

wgL, ;fdflhs\ pT;j.<br />

221 窿 lónɡ. [ lung ] hole. Kjfn\.<br />

222 籠秔 lónɡ. [ lung ] cage, steamer. lk+h8f, afkm\n]<br />

ksfpg'.<br />

223 攏觡 lǒnɡ. [ lung ] to approach, to gather into a bundle.<br />

k'Ug', hDdf e]nf kfg'{.<br />

224 觗 lǒnɡ. [ lung ] a ridge, walkway in a field. kfvf<br />

hldg\, v]tL hUufdf lx8\g] af6f].<br />

225 髏禰 lóu. [ lau ] a human skeleton. dflg;\sf] s+sfn.<br />

226 樓 lóu. [ lau ] story, floor, multi-story building. tNn],<br />

tnf, tNn] 3/.<br />

227 摟躘 lǒu. [ lau ] to collect, hold tightly. e]nf ug'{,<br />

lgrf]/]/ ;dfpg'.<br />

228 簍 lǒu. [ lau ] bamboo basket. af“;sf] 8Fnf].<br />

229 陋 lòu. [ lau ] insignificant, not important, ugly.<br />

lg/y{s\, h?/L 5}g\, s'?k.<br />

230 漏軅 lòu. [ lau ] to drip, to leak, to divulge. yf]kf r'lxg',<br />

kfgL /;Fpg', s'/f r'xfpg'.<br />

231 露禧 lù. [ lo ] to appear, to show. b]vf kg'{, k|b{zg\ ug'{.<br />

232 爐詾 lú. [ lo ] stove, furnace. r'Nnf], cUgLs'08.<br />

233 盧跄 lú. [ lo ] thatched cottage. v/sf] ´'k|f].<br />

234 蘆礿 lú. [ lo ] a reed. xflQaF/, g/s6\.<br />

235 顱羮 lú. [ lo ] a skull. vKk/.<br />

236 廬觛 lú. [ lo ] thatched cottage. v/sf] ´'k|f].<br />

237 翂 lú. [ lo ] fish. df5f.<br />

238 驢羸 lǘ. [ lo ] donkey. uwf.<br />

239 櫚触 lǔ. [ lui ] palm. ?v.<br />

240 鹵 lǔ. [ lo ] halogen. /;fog tTj.<br />

241 滷軘 lǔ. [ lo ] to boil, stew with soy sauce. pdfNg',<br />

d;nf nufP/ dGb cfuf]df ksfpg'.<br />

242 擄赽 lǔ. [ lo ] to capture. kls{g'.<br />

243 屢蹺 lǚ. [ lui ] repeatedly. af/DaF/.<br />

244 履 lǚ. [ li ] shoes. h'Qf.<br />

245 褸笋 lǚ. [ lau ] tattered. RofltPsf] yf]qf] sk8F.<br />

246 縷竐 lǚ. [ liu ] thread. w]/} dl;gf] wfuf].<br />

247 呂佥 lǚ. [ lui ] C.F.N.<br />

248 侶 lǚ. [ lui ] a companion. ;xofqL.<br />

249 鋁 lǚ. [ lui ] aluminum. cNd'lgod\ wft'.<br />

250 魯赀 lǔ. [ lo ] rash, unwise, without thought, C.F.N.<br />

pQfpnf], s'a'l¢sf], ;f]ra]u/sf].<br />

251 旅 lǚ. [ lui ] to travel. ofqf ug'{.<br />

252 錄 lù. [ luk ] to record. k|df0F /fVg'.<br />

253 祿撹 lù. [ luk ] salary. tgvf, tna\.<br />

254 碌撲 lù. [ luk ] toilsome, mediocre, not goog enough.<br />

kl/>dL, pbfl;g\, k|;:t} gx'g'.<br />

255 綠牷 lǜ. [ luk ] green. xl/of] /+u.<br />

256 嬗 lǜ. [ luk ] chlorine. Snf]l/g\ /;Fog\.<br />

257 濾简 lǜ. [ lui ] to filter. kfgL 5FGg'.<br />

258 慮 lǜ. [ lui ] to consider. larf/ ug'{.<br />

259 路跡 lù. [ lo ] path, route, type. dfu{, af6F], lsl;d\.<br />

260 賂攳 lù. [ lo ] to bribe. 3';\ lbg'.<br />

261 律 lǜ. [ lut ] law. sfg'g\.<br />

262 率噂 lǜ. [ lut ] a rate of, to lead, straightforward, honest.<br />

sf] b/efp, af6f] b]vfpg', v'n:t l;t eGg',<br />

O{dfGbf/.<br />

263 鹿 lù. [ luk ] deer. d[3.<br />

264 麓詥 lù. [ luk ] the foot of a hill or mountain. kxf8sf]<br />

k]mbL.<br />

265 戮 lù. [ luk ] to slay, to join. xTof ug'{, efu lng'.<br />

266 陸 lù. [ luk ] land, an elaborate form of "six", C.F.N.<br />

hldg\, cÔ/df ^ sf] c+s.<br />

267 羝 lù. [ lo ] egret. ;]tf] vfNsF] as'Nnf.<br />

268 孿秄 luán. [ luen ] twin. hDNofxf.<br />

269 羿 luán<br />

án. [ luen ] small tinkling bell. ;fgf] e'Ge"gFpg]<br />

306L.<br />

270 巒秆 luán. [ luen ] pointed hill. ltvf] 8f“8F.<br />

271 卵余 luǎn. [ lun ] an ovum, egg. l8Daf;o, c08f.<br />

272 亂 luàn. [ luen ] in disorder, confused. nyfln+u,<br />

cNdn\df.<br />

273 略 lüè. [ leuk ] sketchy, to leave out, to plunder. d'Vo<br />

laj/0F ck'/f, k|:yfg\ xg', 8sf}tL ug'{.<br />

274 掠 lüè. [ leuk ] more quickly, to skim over. Hofbf<br />

l56f], xfjfdf l5§f] p8\g'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 223 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

275 掄嗎 lūn. [ lun ] to swing. xfjfdf xNnLg'.<br />

276 輪贁 lún. [ lun ] a wheel, to take turns. rSsf, 3'dfpg'.<br />

277 倫鞌 lún. [ lun ] moral relationship. g}lts ;+aGw.<br />

278 淪嘫 lún. [ lun ] below the surface of water, to<br />

submerge. kfgL d'gL, kflgdf 8'a'NsL dfg'{.<br />

279 綸犀 lún. [ lun ] the black silk ribbon, fishing. sfnf]<br />

/]zdL l/jg\, df5f dfg'{.<br />

280 論 lùn. [ lun ] to discuss, a theory. lajfb ug'{,<br />

l;wFGt.<br />

281 囉秃 luō. [ law ] to chatter, noisiness. afln/xg], xNnL<br />

vNnL.<br />

282 羅訌 luó. [ law ] net used to catch birds, to arrange.<br />

r/f ;dfpg] hfn\, Aoj:yf ug'{.<br />

283 蘿稌 luó. [ law ] creeping plants. nx/] la?jf.<br />

284 邏稐 luó. [ law ] to patrol. ;'/Ôfsf] nfuL 3'Dg'.<br />

285 鑼翀 luó. [ law ] a gong. tf“jfsf] 306L.<br />

286 籮羧 luó. [ law ] bottomed basket. la6\jfnf 8fnL.<br />

287 騾禯 luó. [ lui / lo ] a mule. vRr8\.<br />

288 螺笅 luó. [ law ] spiral shells. ;+v df5f.<br />

289 裸犷 luǒ. [ law ] bare, naked. gfªuf].<br />

290 洛悿 luò. [ lok ] name of a river. vf]nfsf] gfd\.<br />

291 落擬 luò. [ lok ] to settle down, to fall, to land, location.<br />

a;f]jf;\ ug'{, v:g', plqg' a:g', 7f“p .<br />

292 絡宊 luò. [ lok ] of plants a net-like structure, a web,<br />

a net. la?jfsf] kftsf] hfnf], t/+u, sDKo"6/sf/sf]<br />

;+ks{ ug]{ hfn.<br />

293 駱 luò. [ lok ] camel. pm6.<br />

M characters 191,<br />

001 媽 mā. [ ma ] mother. cfdf.<br />

002 麻 má. [ ma ] without feeling, numbness, sesame.<br />

yfxf gkfpg', cr]t x'g', ltn\.<br />

003 痲撙 má. [ ma ] leprosy. s'i6 /f]u.<br />

004 蟆笂 má. [ ma ] toad. Eofu'tF.<br />

005 馬珇 mǎ. [ ma ] horse. 3F]8F.<br />

006 碼 mǎ. [ ma ] sign or thing indicating number, yard.<br />

c+s, uh\.<br />

007 瑪牅 mǎ. [ ma ] agate. /+ula/+sf kTy/x?.<br />

008 螞 mǎ. [ ma ] ant. sldnf.<br />

009 嗎 mɑ. [ ma ] phrase-final particle used in questions ?.<br />

;Absf] cGTodf 5F]6F] k|of]u x'g] k|Zg

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 224 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

034 盲 mánɡ. [ mang ] blind. cGwf.<br />

035 莽 mǎnɡ. [ mong ] bushy, rude. ´fl8g} emf8L,<br />

a}dfgL.<br />

036 蟒笁 mǎnɡ. [ mong ] a boa. clh+u/ ;fk\.<br />

037 貓 māo. [ mao ] cat. la/fnf].<br />

038 毛 máo. [ mo ] hair. /f}+].<br />

039 矛吱 máo. [ mao ] a lance. efnf.<br />

040 茅愭 máo. [ mao ] cogongrass. la?jf.<br />

041 蝥 máo. [ mao ] noxious insect. xflgsf/s\ ls6f0F'.<br />

042 錨笵 máo. [ mao ] anchor. kmnfdsf] lsNnfdf kfgL<br />

hxfhnfO{ afGg].<br />

043 髦猏 máo. [ mo ] children's hair style with front hair<br />

covering the forehead. gflgx?sf] skfn s§fO{n]<br />

lgwf/ 5f]Kg] 9f“rf.<br />

044 卯 mǎo. [ mao ] the period from 5 to 7 a.m. l´:dL;]<br />

laxfg\.<br />

045 耄愘 mào. [ mo ] advanced in years. cl; aÈ{sf] a[¢.<br />

046 茂愳 mào. [ mau ] luxuriant, profuse. df}nfPsf],<br />

vrf{n'.<br />

047 冒 mào. [ mo ] send out, to emit, to give off. aflx/<br />

k7Fpg', aflx/ lgsfNg', 5F]8\g'.<br />

048 瑁撏 mào. [ mo ] tortoise shell. s5'jfsf] vf]n\.<br />

049 帽媬 mào. [ mo ] hat, cap. 3]/fjfn\ 6f]kL, 6f]kL.<br />

050 貿 mào. [ mau ] to trade, to exchange. Aofkf/,<br />

;f6f;f6\ ug'{.<br />

051 貌狍 mào. [ mao ] facial appearance. cfs[tL b]vf kg'{.<br />

052 懋 mào. [ mau / moh ] majestic, great. k|efjzfnL,<br />

dxfg\.<br />

053 么 me. [ yiu ] youngest. sfG5f].<br />

054 麼猕 me. [ moh ] particle used in the interrogative<br />

phrase ?. k|Zgjfrs jf]nfO{df k|of]u x'g]

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 225 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

090 孟 mènɡ. [ mang ] eldest brother, the first month<br />

of a season. bfh', azGt Ct'sf] klxnf] dlxgf.<br />

091 夢蹤 mènɡ. [ mung ] dream. ;kgf.<br />

092 咪 mī. [ mi ] smilingly, to mew, sound. d':s'/fpg]<br />

lx;fan], la/fnf]sf] h:tf] cfjfh Dofp, cfjfh.<br />

093 眯 mī. [ mai ] to get into one's eye. cfvf“nfO{ lrd|f]<br />

agfpg'.<br />

094 瞇 mī. [ mi ] to narrow one's eyes. cfvf“nfO{ ;fu'/f]<br />

agfpg'.<br />

095 迷玨 mí. [ mai ] to be confused, to be crazy about.<br />

cNdn\df x'g', s]lxaf/] kfun\ ´}+ x'g'.<br />

096 彌 mí. [ lei ] more. Hofb}.<br />

097 瀰詼 mí. [ lei ] brimming, overflowing. .kfgL el/g',<br />

kfgL kf]lvg'<br />

098 獼 mí. [ lei ] rhesus monkey. afb/.<br />

099 謎笎 mí. [ mai ] an enigma, mystery. cNdn\df kfg]{,<br />

/x:odo\.<br />

100 糜竇 mí. [ mei ] rotten, to waste. ;8]sf], v]/ uPsf].<br />

101 靡詎 mí. [ mei ] to waste, no, not. v]/ uPsf], x}g,<br />

5}g].<br />

102 米品 mǐ. [ mai ] rice. rfdn\ .<br />

116 娩韉 miǎn. [ min ] to give birth a child. aRrf<br />

hGdfpg'.<br />

117 冕珢 miǎn. [ min ] the crown. >Lk]r.<br />

118 緬 miǎn. [ min ] to think of something, somebody in<br />

the past. s]lxaf/]df ;F]Rg', s;}sF] cltt\ ;+´g'.<br />

119 麵祦 miàn. [ min ] noodles, wheat products. rfprfp,<br />

ux'“sf] kl/sf/.<br />

120 慨面 miàn. [ min ] the face of a person, surface.<br />

dflg;\sf] cg'xf/, ;tx.<br />

121 瞄牑 miáo. [ miu ] to aim. pb]Zo.<br />

122 苗愶 miáo. [ miu ] seedling, young plant. la?jfsf]<br />

a]gf{, slnnf] la?jf.<br />

123 描嫐 miáo. [ miu ] to trace, draw. n]Vg', sf]g'{.<br />

124 淼 miǎo. [ miu ] vast. Hofb} 7'nf].<br />

125 藐箵 miǎo. [ miu ] small, petty. ;fgf], yf]/}.<br />

126 眇惺 miǎo. [ miu ] tiny. Hofb} ;fgf].<br />

127 渺嬮 miǎo. [ miu ] endlessly long, vast. cgGt nfdf],<br />

Hofb} 7'nf].<br />

128 愇 miǎo. [ miu ] a second. ;dosf] ;]s]08.<br />

129 緲 miǎo. [ miu ] unsubstantial. c;To, vf]s|f].<br />

103 祕猨 mì. [ bei ] secret. uf]Ko.<br />

104 密啺 mì. [ mat ] dense, close, secret. k6\6]/, glhs\,<br />

uf]Ko.<br />

105 蜜犪 mì. [ mat ] honey, sweet. u'lnof].<br />

106 泌 mì. [ bei ] to secrete. uf]Ko ug'{.<br />

107 覓 mì. [ mik ] to look for. x]/rfx ug'{.<br />

108 冪赏 mì. [ mik ] power, cloth cover. zStL, sk8fsf]<br />

vf]n\.<br />

109 猚 mián. [ min ] sleep. ;'Tg'.<br />

110 綿牾 mián. [ min ] silk floss, continuous. la?jfsf]<br />

/]zd h:t} /];F wfuf], nuftf/.<br />

111 棉嬋 mián. [ min ] cotton and kapok. ;'tL / skf;\sf]<br />

af]6.<br />

112 丏翚 miǎn. [ min ] hidden. cb[Zo.<br />

113 免佊 miǎn. [ min ] to exempt, to avoid. d'Q ug'{, ToFUg'.<br />

114 勉 miǎn. [ min ] to exhort. pkb]z.<br />

115 撚 niǎn. [ nin ] to twist with fingers, to toy with. cf}nf<br />

a6Fg'{, v]Ng'.<br />

130 妙例 miào. [ miu ] wonderful, fine. crDdsf], /fd|f].<br />

131 廟 miào. [ miu ] temple. d+lGb/.<br />

132 滅摧 miè. [ mit ] to extinguish. cfuf] lgefpg', ;vfk<br />

kfg'{.<br />

133 篾竂 miè. [ mit ] thin bamboo strip. kftnf] af“;sf]<br />

rf]of.<br />

134 蔑 miè. [ mit ] to slight. pk]Ôf ug'{.<br />

135 民吙 mín. [ man ] the people, civilian. hGtf, gful/s.<br />

136 敏嗠 mǐn. [ man ] quick. l5§f].<br />

137 皿启 mǐn. [ ming ] a shallow container. gulx/f] ef“8f<br />

of 8'8\.<br />

138 抿 mǐn. [ man ] to smooth with a wet brush. leh]sf]<br />

g/d\ s'Rrf].<br />

139 狷 mǐn. [ man ] Fukien Province. k'mlsO{g\ k|b]z.<br />

140 憫 mǐn. [ man ] to pity, to sorrow. bof ug'{, v]b\<br />

nfUg'.<br />

141 名呮 mínɡ. [ ming ] a name, fame, famous. gfd\,<br />

VoftL, k|lz¢.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 226 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

142 銘狭 mínɡ. [ ming ] to engrave, never forget. lbdfudf<br />

ulx/f] 5fk\ /xg', slxNo} glj{l;g].<br />

143 酩踁 mǐnɡ. [ ming ] drunk. h8\ofxf.<br />

169 陌 mò. [ mak ] a path between fields. v]tL hldg\sf]<br />

larsf] af6f].<br />

170 驀禮 mò. [ mak ] suddenly. ck{´6\.<br />

144 明 mínɡ. [ ming ] bright, open, to understand.<br />

rxlsnf], vf]Ng', a'´\g'.<br />

145 鳴猒 mínɡ. [ ming ] to sound, to ring. cfjfh\ cfpg',<br />

306L aHg'.<br />

146 鞐 mínɡ. [ ming ] dark, underworld. cWof/f], kftfn\<br />

k|]t\nf]s\.<br />

147 暝躥 mínɡ. [ ming ] night. /ftL.<br />

148 瞑 mínɡ. [ ming ] to close eyes. cfvf“ aGb ug'{.<br />

149 命 mìnɡ. [ ming ] life, to order. lhag\, cfb]z lbg'.<br />

150 謬見 miù. [ mau ] wrong, false. uNtL, ´'§f.<br />

151 摸躗 mō. [ moh ] touch, to stroke, to feel or grope for.<br />

5'g', xft\n] ;'D;'dfpg', 5f]P/ yfxf kfpg'.<br />

152 模 mó. [ mo ] mold, standard. Pp6} cfsf/sf] lrh<br />

agfpg] ;f“rf] …NasÚ, :t/.<br />

153 膜 mó. [ mok ] a membrane. 5fnf leqsf] Hofb}<br />

kftnf] efu\.<br />

154 饃 mó. [ moh ] steamed dumplings. afkmdf ksFPsf]<br />

lk7F]sf] 8Nnf].<br />

155 摹 mó. [ mo ] to copy. k|ltlnkL.<br />

156 摩 mó. [ moh ] to touch. lyRg'.<br />

157 磨跊 mó. [ moh ] hardship, suffering, mill, to grind.<br />

oftgf, b'Mv, 3§, rkfpg'.<br />

158 魔禱 mó. [ moh ] evil spirits. kfkL dg\.<br />

159 蘑礽 mó. [ mor ] mushroom. Rofp.<br />

160 抹 mǒ. [ moot ] to wipe, to smear. a9Fg'{, lnKkf]t\<br />

ug'{.<br />

161 吕 mò. [ moot ] end. ;dfKtL, O{tL.<br />

162 沫 mò. [ moot ] foam. lkm+h.<br />

163 茉愴 mò. [ moot ] jasmine. rd]nL k'mn\.<br />

164 莫 mò. [ mok ] don't. gug'{.<br />

165 漠軃 mò. [ mok ] desert. d?e"dL.<br />

166 寞蹰 mò. [ mok ] lonely. PSnf].<br />

167 墨赇 mò. [ mak ] ink. d;L.<br />

168 默 mò. [ mak ] silent. zfGt /xg'.<br />

171 歿 mò. [ moot ] to die. dg'{.<br />

172 牟咽 móu. [ mau ] to get, to try to get. kFpg', kfpg<br />

sf]lz;\ ug'{.<br />

173 眸 móu. [ mau ] the eye. cfvf“.<br />

174 謀 móu. [ mau ] a scheme, to search. of]hgf, vf]Hg'.<br />

175 繆竏 móu<br />

óu. [ miu/ mau ] false, preparations. ´'§f, t}of/L.<br />

176 某悕 mǒu. [ mau ] certain. lglZrt\.<br />

177 畝猅 mǔ. [ mau ] acreage. hUuf gfkL.<br />

178 牡倀 mǔ. [ mao ] a male. efn].<br />

179 姆 mǔ. [ mo ] a matron who looks after small children.<br />

gfgL x]g]{ gf]sgL{.<br />

180 拇 mǔ. [ mo ] the thumb, big toe. a'9L cf}nf, v'§fsf]<br />

7'nf] cf}nf.<br />

181 木 mù. [ muk ] wood, sf7\.<br />

182 目吰 mù. [ muk ] an eye, item. cf“vf, lrh\.<br />

183 牧 mù. [ muk ] to herd, tend domestic animals. kz'sf]<br />

ayfg\, a:t' uf]7fnf ug'{.<br />

184 募 mù. [ mo ] to recruit. gof“ etL{ ug'{.<br />

185 墓蹝 mù. [ mo ] a tomb, a grave. lrxfg\, ;dfwL.<br />

186 慕 mù. [ mo ] to admire, respect. ;Ddflgt\ AofQL,<br />

;Ddfg\.<br />

187 幕蹿 mù. [ mok ] curtain. gf6s\sf] kbf{.<br />

188 穆跑 mù. [ muk ] reverent, respect. dfGohg\, ;Ddfg\.<br />

189 睦撣 mù. [ muk ] peaceful. zflGtk'0f{.<br />

190 沐俪 mù. [ muk ] to wash one's hair. cfºg} skfn\ w'g'.<br />

191 暮 mù. [ mo ] evening, late. ;f´, l9nf].<br />

N characters 92,<br />

001 拿頁 ná. [ na ] to take, to hold, to arrest, capable of<br />

doing, handling. lng', ;dfpg', kls|g', plrt\<br />

k|of]u, k|jGw ug'{.<br />

002 鈉 nà. [ lap ] sodium. ;f]l8od wft'.<br />

003 哪鞯 nǎ. [ na ] ‘as interrogative’ where, how, what,<br />

which one. …k|Zg ;'rs\Ú sxf“, s;/L, s], s'g\ rfxL+.

004 佮 nà. [ naap ] to shout. s/fpg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 227 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

005 納獉 nà. [ naap ] to accept. u|x0f ug{'.<br />

006 娜韂 nà. [ na ] tender, graceful. eb| dlxnf, z'Gb/L.<br />

007 那倴 nà. [ na ] that, that one, those, which one. Tof],<br />

Pp6F Tof], ltlgx?, s'g\ rfxL+ .<br />

008 乃 nǎi. [ naai ] so, therefore. To;}n], To;\sf/0f,<br />

009 奶叼 nǎi. [ naai ] milk, breasts. b'w, :tg\.<br />

010 耐愙 nài. [ noi ] be able to endure. ;xg' oF]Uo.<br />

011 奈 nài. [ noi ] to bear. :jLsfg'{ kg]{.<br />

012 難詋 nán. [ naan ] difficult. sl7g\.<br />

013 男 nán. [ nam ] a man, a male. dflg;\, k'?È.<br />

014 南 nán. [ nam ] south. blÔ0F.<br />

015 腩 nǎn. [ nam ] tender beef. ufO{sf] xØfs'nfsF] dF;'.<br />

016 囔 nānɡ. [ nong ] to speak in a low voice. la:tf/}<br />

af]Ng'.<br />

017 囊秂 nánɡ. [ nong ] a bag. ´f]nf.<br />

018 撓 náo. [ naau ] to scratch. sGofpg', bNg'.<br />

019 瑙撑 nǎo. [ lo ] agate. w]/} /+usf] kTy/.<br />

020 腦擧 nǎo. [ lo ] a brain. lbdfu\.<br />

021 惱嫆 nǎo. [ lo ] annoyed, unhappy. ´f]Sofpg', a]v';L.<br />

022 鬧贼 nào. [ ngai ] noisy, busy. xNnf, Aof:t.<br />

023 呢 ne. [ ne ] woolen textile. pmgL sk8F.<br />

024 內 nèi. [ noi ] inside. leq,<br />

025 餒 něi. [ lui ] loss of courage. sDhf]/ eof].<br />

026 嫩蹪 nèn. [ nuen ] not experienced, light in color<br />

suggesting new leaves. cg'ej 5}g, gof“ kft\sf]<br />

/+u xNsf x'G5.<br />

027 能獢 nénɡ. [ nun ] able, capability, ability, energy. of]Uo,<br />

;fd{Yo, v'aL, zStL.<br />

028 妮 nī. [ nei ] a little girl. cNn/] s]6L.<br />

029 尼叿 ní. [ nei ] Buddhist nun. af}¢ nfdf.<br />

034 你佀 nǐ. [ li ] you ‘any person’. tkfO{ …k'?È ln+uÚ.<br />

035 妳 nǐ. [ ni ] you ‘feminine gender’. tkfO{ …:qL ln+uÚ.<br />

036 擬 nǐ. [ yi ] to plan to, to imitate. of]hgf, of]hgfsf]<br />

gSsn\ ug'{.<br />

037 逆玧 nì. [ yik ] opposite, contrary, against. lakl/t,<br />

pN6f], lakÔL.<br />

038 膩 nì. [ li ] greasy, smooth. a9L af];f] ePsf],<br />

lrNnf] ;tx.<br />

039 暱 nì. [ nik ] close, intimate, close friendship.<br />

glhssf], cflTdo, ctL ldNg] ;fyL.<br />

040 匿 nì. [ nik ] to hide. u'KtL /fVg'.<br />

041 溺摫 nì. [ nik ] 1.to be drowned, to be excessive.<br />

kflgdf 8'a]sf], cltg} ug'{.<br />

042 拈 niān. [ nim ] to take, hold with fingers. lng',<br />

cf}nfn] ;dfpg'.<br />

043 廿 niàn. [ ya ] twenty. la;\ .<br />

044 年咕 nián. [ nin ] a year. aÈ{.<br />

045 黏筙 nián. [ nim ] sticky, adhesive. 6fl;g].<br />

046 捻嗖 niǎn. [ nin ] to twist with the fingers. cf}nfn] a6f{g'.<br />

047 攆筬 niǎn. [ lin ] to drive out. aflx/ lgsfnL lbg'.<br />

048 碾 niǎn. [ nin ] to grind with a roller. nf]xf]/f] lk+Wg'.<br />

049 念 niàn. [ nim ] to think of, to read, to study. larf/<br />

ug'{, k9\g', cWoog\ ug'{.<br />

050 唸啑 niàn. [ nim ] to read, to recite. k9\g', AofVof ug{'.<br />

051 鯰 nián. [ nim ] catfish. df5F.<br />

052 娘韁 niánɡ. [ leung ] a mother, a young woman. cfdf,<br />

t?gL.<br />

053 釀羑 niànɡ. [ yeung ] to make something through<br />

fermentation. hf8df drf{ nufP/ s'xFpg] k|lsof.<br />

054 鳥 niǎo. [ liu ] a bird. r/f.<br />

055 嬲鵈 niǎo. [ lau ] to dally with. grflxbf] /]nf ug'{.<br />

056 尿侜 niào. [ liu ] urine. lk;fa.<br />

030 泥 ní. [ nei ] mud, soil. lxnf], df6f].<br />

031 霓 ní. [ ngai ] secondary rainbow. la1fkg\df k|of]u<br />

ug]{ aQL.<br />

032 倪鞊 ní. [ ngai ] a limit, bounds. l;df tf]lsPsf], l;df<br />

af“Wg].<br />

033 鯢 ní. [ ngai ] a salamander. peor/ hgfj/ .<br />

057 捏須 niē. [ nip ] to pinch with the fingers. lrd6\g',<br />

´'§fsf] lst]{ sfut.<br />

058 聶箮 niè. [ nip ] say quietly, to whisper into another's<br />

ear. v':?Ss eGg', sfg]v';L ug'{.<br />

059 鑷羶 niè. [ nip ] tweezers. ;fgf] lrD6F.<br />

060 孽詰 niè. [ yit ] evil, evil deeds. v/fa, b'/gfd\.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 228 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

061 乜翎 niè. [ mut ] quick short look, to glance sideways.<br />

l5§f] rf/}lt/ x]g'{, 3'dfp/f] kf/fn] l5§f] x]g'{.<br />

062 您喩 nín. [ li ] you ‘polite’. xh'/sf].<br />

063 嚀 nínɡ. [ ning ] to instruct. ;Nnfx lbg'.<br />

064 獰 nínɡ. [ ning ] a fierce appearance. 8/dbf]{<br />

b]lvof].<br />

065 濘 nìnɡ. [ ning ] pasty. ln6F].<br />

066 寧蹱 nínɡ. [ ning ] peaceful, would rather. zfGt, /fd|f]<br />

rfxfg'.<br />

067 檸筷 nínɡ. [ ning ] lemon, lemon tree. sfult,<br />

sfultsf] ?v.<br />

068 凝赐 nínɡ. [ ying ] of liquid to solidify. t/n\nfO{ 7f];\<br />

agfpg'.<br />

069 妞侉 niū. [ nau ] a girl. s]6L.<br />

070 牛 niú. [ ngau ] cattle. ufO{ e};L.<br />

071 扭侾 niǔ. [ nau ] to turn around, to twist with force.<br />

rf/}lt/ 3'Dg', an nufP/ a6fg'{.<br />

072 紐獅 niǔ. [ nau ] a button. 6f“s.<br />

073 鈕 niǔ. [ nau ] a button on clothing. sk8fsf] 6f“s.<br />

074 拗 niù. [ au ] bend. ef“Rg'.<br />

075 農跭 nónɡ. [ lung ] agriculture, a farmer. s[ÈL, ls;fg\.<br />

076 儂猝 nónɡ. [ lung ] I, me. d, d]/f].<br />

077 濃趡 nónɡ. [ lung ] thick, dense, strong, great. afSnf],<br />

3gf, alnof], k|l;¢.<br />

078 膿竫 nónɡ. [ lung ] pus. lkk\.<br />

079 弄侨 nònɡ. [ nung ] to play, trifle with, to do, to get.<br />

v]Ng', v]n\af8 ug'{, ug'{, kfpg'.<br />

080 駑贵 nú. [ no ] an inferior horse. sd\;n\ 3f]8f.<br />

081 奴叻 nú. [ lo ] a slave. gf]s/ …s]6f jf s]6L.<br />

082 帑 nú. [ ton ] public funds. ;Fa{hlgs\ ;DktL.<br />

083 女 nǚ. [ lui ] a female. dlxnf,<br />

084 何 nǔ. [ lo ] use work hard, to exert, to strive. s8f<br />

kl/>dL, d]xgt\ ug'{, k|oTg ug'{.<br />

085 弩 nǔ. [ lo ] a crossbow. u'n]nL.<br />

086 怒 nù. [ lo ] anger, to be angry. l/;, l/;fpg'.<br />

087 暖摁 nuǎn. [ nuen ] nice and warm. /fd|f] / Gofgf].<br />

088 瘧牊 nüè. [ yeuk ] malaria. cf}nf] /f]u\.<br />

089 虐慁 nüè. [ yeuk ] cruel, harsh. s7F]/ dg\, lgb{oL.<br />

090 挪 nuó. [ nor ] to move something. s]xL lrh x6fpg'.<br />

091 諾 nuò. [ nok ] to promise, yes. k|lt1f ug'{, x'G5.<br />

092 礱 nuò. [ noh ] sticky. 6fl;g].<br />

O characters 7,<br />

001 哦鞰 ó. [ oh ] oh, ah. cf]xf], c“.<br />

002 歐 ōu. [ au ] short for Europe, C.F.N. o'/F]ksf] 5F]6\s/L.<br />

003 毆 ōu. [ au ] to hit. lxsf{pg'.<br />

004 鷗秵 ōu. [ au ] a gull. ;Fd'lGb|s r/F.<br />

005 偶珗 ǒu. [ ngau ] an even number, a mate. hf]8L g+a/,<br />

nf]Ug] :jf:gL.<br />

006 嘔蹍 ǒu. [ au ] to vomit, to throw up. 5Fb\g', pN6L ug'{.<br />

007 藕訕 ǒu. [ ngau ] lotus root. sdn\ k'mn\sf] h/f.<br />

P characters 137,<br />

001 啪珳 pā. [ paak ] a character used in transliterating.<br />

efÈfsf] n]vfO{ / af]nfO{df …kmF“s\Ú sf] pRrf/0f dfq.<br />

002 趴慐 pā. [ pa ] facedown. le/fnf] k/]sf].<br />

003 葩擸 pā. [ ba ] flowers. k'mn\.<br />

004 杷 pá. [ pa ] loquats. lrg\ hfkfg\ lt/ kfO{g] kmnk'mn\.<br />

005 爬 pá. [ pa ] to creep, to climb. la:tf/} lx8\g', psfnf]<br />

r9\g'.<br />

006 孑 pá. [ pa ] a four-stringed guitar. rf/tf/] lu6f/.<br />

007 帕 pà. [ pak ] a handkerchief. xft] ?dfn.<br />

008 怕 pà. [ pa ] to be afraid, to suppose that. 8/fPsf],<br />

dfgf}+ Tof].<br />

009 拍 pāi. [ pak ] to hit lightly, to hit something flat, the<br />

palm of the hand, to photograph. la:tf/} lxsf{pg',<br />

;Dd k/]sf]df lxsf{pg', xftsf] xTs]nf, kmf]6f]<br />

lvRg'.<br />

010 排嗓 pái. [ pai ] to arrange, put in order, a row or line of.<br />

k|aGw ug'{, s|d\ ldnfpg', t];|f] wsf{ jf /]vf.<br />

011 俳鞇 pái. [ pai ] entertainment, a variety show. dgf]/+hg\,<br />

laljw\ dgf]/+hgfTs k|b{zg\.<br />

012 牌孄 pái. [ pai ] a plate, a brand, playing cards. n]v]sf]<br />

;Fgf] af]8{, dfsf{, tf;\.<br />

013 徘喡 pái. [ pui ] to walk back and forth. cl3k5L lx8\g'.<br />

014 湃嬰 pài. [ baai ] big wave, billowy. 7'nf] 5Fn\, kflgsf]<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 229 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

5Fn\.<br />

015 悽 pài. [ pai ] to dispatch, to send, a faction group.<br />

k7Fpg', k7Fpg' \, ;d'x kmf6f] x'g'.<br />

016 攀觠 pān. [ pan ] to climb. psfnf] r8g'.<br />

017 潘 pān. [ pun ] C.F.N.<br />

018 蟠箾 pán. [ pun ] to coil. kmGkmgL a]g{'.<br />

019 盤 pán. [ pun ] a tray. vfgf af]Sg] ls:tL.<br />

020 蹣覐 pán. [ moon ] to limp. lj:tf/} lx8\g'.<br />

021 判住 pàn. [ pun ] to judge. lg0ff{os\.<br />

022 叛 pàn. [ pun ] not loyal, to betray, to revolt.<br />

akmfbf/L 5}g, la:jf; 3ft\ ug'{, ljb|f]x ug'{.<br />

023 盼惹 pàn. [ pan ] to hope. cf; ug'{.<br />

024 畔猄 pàn<br />

àn. [ pun ] the boundary, the border. ;f“w,<br />

l;dfgf.<br />

025 吻 pānɡ. [ pong ] ball game. es'08F] v]n\.<br />

026 滂摣 pānɡ. [ pong ] torrential, heavy rain. leÈ0F kfgL<br />

kg'{, 7'nf] kfgL kg'{.<br />

027 旁頕 pánɡ. [ pong ] near by. glhs} af6.<br />

028 螃 pánɡ. [ pong ] a crab. u“u6F.<br />

029 彷侬 pánɡ. [ fong ] like. p:t}.<br />

030 龐觚 pánɡ. [ pong ] confused, huge, a face. bf]wf/df,<br />

lazfn, ?k cfs[tL.<br />

031 胖 pànɡ. [ pun ] obese, fat. df]6f].<br />

032 拋 pāo. [ pau ] to throw. ºØfSg'.<br />

033 袍 páo. [ po ] gown. nfdf] n'uf, na]bf.<br />

042 培啦 péi. [ pui ] to cultivate. vg\hf]t\ ug'{.<br />

043 賠 péi. [ pui ] to compensate, to suffer a loss.<br />

Ôltk"tL{ lbg', b'Mv laÈ{g'.<br />

044 佩 pèi. [ pui ] to wear, admiration. nufpg',<br />

Aoaxf/nfO{ ;Ddfg\ ug'{.<br />

045 珮猀 pèi. [ pui ] jade. kTy/.<br />

046 配玵 pèi. [ pui ] to match, to pair, to combine and make<br />

up. hf]8f, hf8L, Ps agfP/ l;ufg'{ .<br />

047 沛俧 pèi. [ pui ] copious, large amount. k|z:t}, 7'nf]<br />

kl/df0F.<br />

048 噴猳 pēn. [ pan ] fragrant, smell. jf:gf, uGw.<br />

049 盆惰 pén. [ pun ] a pot. ef“8F.<br />

050 抨 pēnɡ. [ ping ] to assail by words, to attack.<br />

cfs|fds\ egfO{, cfs|d0F ug'{.<br />

051 砰猝 pēnɡ. [ ping ] loud sound. 7'nf] :j/.<br />

052 烹嘵 pēnɡ. [ pang ] to stir-fry quickly. e'6\gnfO{ l5§f]<br />

rnfpg'.<br />

053 朋 pénɡ. [ pang ] friend. ldq, ;fyL.<br />

054 硼撴 pénɡ. [ pang ] boron. tTj.<br />

055 鵬詢 pénɡ. [ pang ] a roc. 7'nf] r/f.<br />

056 篷竃 pénɡ. [ pun ] covering, an awning. 9FSg',<br />

5f]Kg] kfn\.<br />

057 蓬 pénɡ. [ pung ] plant, bitter fleabane, untidy.<br />

la?jf, sf8] la?jf, kmf]xf]/L.<br />

058 彭媵 pénɡ. [ pang ] C.F.N.<br />

059 棚嬌 pénɡ. [ pang ] shed. a:t' uf]7.<br />

034 刨佒 páo. [ pau ] to shave. bf/L vf}/g'.<br />

035 咆 páo. [ pau ] to whistle, to scream, to howl, to roar.<br />

;';]Ng', s/fpg', ulh{g', xNnf ug'{.<br />

036 跑 pǎo. [ pau ] to run, to flee, escape. bu'g'{, efUg',<br />

pDs]/ efUg'.<br />

037 炮惐 pào. [ pau ] a big gun, cannon. 7'nf] aGb"s, tf]k.<br />

038 泡 pào. [ pau ] bubbles, to soak. kflgsf] kmf]sf,<br />

kfgLdf lehfpg'.<br />

039 砲猧 pào. [ pau ] cannon. k|flrg ;dosf] 9'¨f /<br />

kmnfd\sf] uf]nL.<br />

040 胚感 pēi. [ pui ] an embryo. e|'0F, ue{.<br />

041 陪 péi. [ pui ] to accompany. ;+;u} lx8\g'.<br />

060 澎 pénɡ. [ pang ] the roaring of colliding billows.<br />

5fn\ 7Ss/ vfPsf] 7'nf] cfjfh.<br />

061 膨 pénɡ. [ pang ] to expand, to inflate. k}mnfpg',<br />

pS;fpg'.<br />

062 捧嗄 pěnɡ. [ pung ] to hold up, carry in both hands.<br />

prfNg', b'a} xftn] af]Sg'.<br />

063 碰撯 pènɡ. [ pung ] to bump, collide against, to touch.<br />

wSsf lbg', s]lxdf 7Ss/ vfg', 5'g'.<br />

064 坯 pī. [ pui ] semifinished product, unburned brick.<br />

k'/f t}of/ gePsf] lrh\, sf“rf] O{6F.<br />

065 披 pī. [ pei ] to drape over, to cover. 9fSg', cf]8\g'.<br />

066 猣 pī. [ pek ] to split, to chop. lrg'{, sf6\g'.<br />

067 禦 pī. [ pik ] sudden peal of thunder. crfgs 7'nf]<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 230 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

d]3 uh]{sf].<br />

068 批係 pī. [ pai ] a batch group or lot. x'n, bn\ of ;d'x.<br />

069 枇 pí. [ pei ] loquats. kmn\km'n\sf] la?jf.<br />

070 皮吮 pí. [ pei ] skin, leather, naughty. 5fnf, 5fnf,<br />

rs\rs].<br />

071 疲猌 pí. [ pei ] tired. uNg', yfSg'.<br />

072 脾 pí. [ pei ] spleen. lkmof].<br />

073 啤啐 pí. [ be ] beer. lao/, hf“8.<br />

074 陂 pí. [ boh ] hillside, steep and craggy. kxf8L efu,<br />

7F8F] psfnf] le/fnf].<br />

075 琵 pí. [ pei ] balloon-guitar, musical instrument.<br />

afNncg\ lu6F/, ;+lut ;fdfu|L.<br />

076 匹 pǐ. [ pat ] used to quantify. kl/df0f tf]Sg' ,<br />

077 疋听 pǐ. [ pat ] used to quantify. kl/ddf0f tf]Sg'.<br />

078 痞孠 pǐ. [ pei ] lump in the abdomen, ruffian. k]6df<br />

ePsf] /f]u, 8F“sf.<br />

079 癖箎 pǐ. [ pik ] addiction, weakness. v/fa afgL,<br />

sDhf]/L.<br />

080 僻猚 pì. [ pik ] not easily accessible, out of the way. k'Ug<br />

;lhnf] 5}g\, af6f]sf] aflx/.<br />

081 供 pì. [ pek ] the escape of gas from the intestines.<br />

cfGb|faf6 Uof“; aflx/ lg:sg'.<br />

082 媲 pì. [ pei ] to rival. k|lt¢jGbL.<br />

083 闢禤 pì. [ pik ] to develop, removed. 7'nf] kfg'{, x6Fpg'.<br />

084 辟跬 pì. [ pik ] monarch, sovereign, to take the law.<br />

/fhf/fgL, ;Fa{ef}d ;QF, lgod cfk}m lng].<br />

085 譬祉 pì. [ pei ] an example. pbfx/0F.<br />

086 片 piàn. [ pin ] a slice, flat piece. rfgf, 6's|F.<br />

087 偏珝 piān. [ pin ] slanting, leaning. 58\s], le/fnf].<br />

095 撇躓 piě. [ pit ] to throw away, to skim. 6f9f“ ºofSg',<br />

;txaf6 x6fpg' .<br />

096 瞥跉 piē. [ pit ] to dart a look at. l5§f] ;+u ´nSs<br />

b]vfpg'.<br />

097 拼恴 pīn. [ ping ] to piece together. 6's|f Ps} ;fy.<br />

098 貧 pín. [ pan ] poor, deficient. ul/a, sdL.<br />

099 頻 pín. [ pan ] incessantly. lg/Gt/.<br />

100 嬪 pín. [ ban ] a court lady, to be married to. /vf}6L<br />

cfO{dfO{, ljafx x'g] 5.<br />

101 品 pǐn. [ ban ] articles, things, quality. a:t'x?,<br />

;/;dfg\, u'0F.<br />

102 聘擛 pìn. [ ping ] to engage the service of, employ.<br />

sfd\df nfUg', sfd\ ug'{.<br />

103 娉韌 pīnɡ. [ ping ] elegant, graceful. pQd\, z'Gb/.<br />

104 吺 pīnɡ. [ ping ] ball game. an\ v]n\.<br />

105 平 pínɡ. [ ping ] level, to make level. ;tx, ;tx<br />

ldnfpg'.<br />

106 評 pínɡ. [ ping ] to review, to criticize. k'gMlarf/<br />

ug'{, ;dfnf]rgf ug'{.<br />

107 憑赮 pínɡ. [ pang ] to depend on, certification. df e/<br />

k5{, k|dfl0Fs\.<br />

108 屏 pínɡ. [ ping ] shield, to hold breath. /Ôf ug]{<br />

9Fn\, ;f;\ /f]Sg'.<br />

109 噊瓶 pínɡ. [ ping ] a bottle. abn\.<br />

110 坪 pínɡ. [ ping ] flat, level ground. d}bfg\, ;Dd.<br />

111 蘋祀 pínɡ. [ ping ] an apple. :ofp.<br />

112 萍 pínɡ. [ ping ] duckweed. kflgsf] ;txsf] la?jf.<br />

113 坡 pō. [ poh ] slope. le/fnf].<br />

114 潑 pō. [ poot ] to splash. kfgL 5Øfk\g'.<br />

088 篇 piān. [ pin ] chapter, a sheet of paper. kl/R5]b\,<br />

sfutsf] tfp.<br />

089 翩 piān. [ pin ] to fly swiftly. l5§f] p8\g'.<br />

090 騙詘 piàn. [ pin ] to cheat. 7Ug', 5N5fd\ ug{'.<br />

091 漂軆 piāo. [ piu ] to float, to bleach, to drift. kf}8g',<br />

;kmf kfg'{, aUg'.<br />

092 飄祛 piāo. [ piu ] to float in the air. xfjfdf kf}8g'.<br />

093 嫖蹬 piáo. [ piu ] to visit prostitutes. a]:ofdf hfg].<br />

115 猄 pō. [ poh ] considerably. laÈ]z ?kn].<br />

116 婆啲 pó. [ poh ] an old woman, the mother of one's<br />

husband. a'9L cfd}, ;F;'.<br />

117 迫慙 pò. [ bik ] to force, to compel, urgent. bafj lbg',<br />

ha/ h:tL, h?/L.<br />

118 破猡 pò. [ poh ] to break apart, divide. 5'§} kfg'{, efu<br />

nufpg'.<br />

119 魄贾 pò. [ pok ] soul, vigor. cfTdf, zStL.<br />

120 剖鞖 pōu. [ fau ] to cut open, to analyze. sf6]/ vf]Ng'<br />

094 票 piào. [ pui ] a ticket, a vote. l6s6, ef]6\.<br />

xf];\, ljZn]È0f ug'{.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 231 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

121 仆 pú. [ fu ] to fall forward. cl3 a9\g c;kmn\.<br />

122 脯 pú. [ fu ] dried meat, preserved fruit. ;'s'6L,<br />

kmn\k'mn\sf] tof/L crF/.<br />

123 僕踼 pú. [ book ] a servant. gf]s/.<br />

124 菩 pú. [ po ] the sacred tree of the Buddhists. aw' a[Ô<br />

-kljq ?v_ uf}td\ a'¢n] a'¢Tj k|fKt u/]sf] ?v.<br />

125 莆 pú. [ po ] Fukien Province. k'mlsg\ k|fGt.<br />

126 葡擶 pú. [ po ] grape. c+u'/.<br />

127 蒲犟 pú. [ po ] cattail. kflgdf x'g] la?jf.<br />

128 撲 pū. [ pok ] to beat. lxsf{pg'.<br />

129 浦顈 pǔ. [ po ] the shore, the riverside. kflghxfh df]8\g]<br />

7F“p, vf]nfsf] bx.<br />

130 埔鞸 pǔ. [ po ] name of the place. 7F“psf] gfd.<br />

131 蹼設 pǔ. [ pok ] web. k+hfsf] l´NnL …kf}l8gsf] nfuLÚ.<br />

132 樸趍 pǔ. [ pok ] simple, plain. ;fw/0F, z'¢.<br />

133 圃鞵 pǔ. [ po ] a garden. au}rf.<br />

134 普嫫 pǔ. [ po ] universal. ;+;f/ e/.<br />

135 譜訣 pǔ. [ po ] music a score, a general idea, a guide.<br />

;+lut\sf] u0Fgf, ;jf]{s[i6 pkfo, af6f] b]vfpg].<br />

136 鋪贕 pù. [ po ] to pave, a shop. ;txdf laR5Øfpg',<br />

bf]sfg\.<br />

137 瀑箃 pù. [ po ] a waterfall, a pouring rain which comes<br />

all of a sudden. kflgsf] ´gf{, cfs;\lds\ d';Nwf/]<br />

kfgL kg'{.<br />

Q characters 204,<br />

001 栖 qī. [ sai ] rest & sleep, to roost, to settle. r/fx?<br />

af; a:g] 7f“p, r/fsf] u'8, a;f]jf; ug'{.<br />

002 七 qī. [ chat ] seven. ;Ft\.<br />

003 期 qī. [ kei ] a period of time, to expect, to make an<br />

appointment. cjwL, cfz ug'{, e]6\g] ;do ldnfpg'.<br />

004 欺嬐 qī. [ hei ] to insult. x]nf ug'{.<br />

005 漆車 qī. [ chat ] to paint, to cover with paint. /+ufpg',<br />

/+un] 9fSg'.<br />

006 沏 qī. [ tsai ] to infuse. kflgdf 8'afpg'.<br />

007 妻 qī. [ tsai ] a wife. >LdtL.<br />

008 淒嘥 qī. [ tsai ] cold and chilly, sad. lr;F] / hf8f], b'MvL.<br />

009 悽喭 qī. [ tsai ] sorrowful. b'MvL pbfl;g\.<br />

010 棲嬄 qī. [ tsai ] to rest, to stay. cf/fd ug'{, /xg'.<br />

011 柒悩 qī. [ tsat ] seven, used in writing checks. ;Ft\,<br />

r]ssf] n]vfO{df k|of]u.<br />

012 戚喺 qī. [ tsik ] relative, sorrow. gft]bf/, b'Mv k|s6.<br />

013 嘁 qī. [ tsi ] say quickly difficult to understand. a'´\g<br />

uf/f] x'g] u/L l5§f] eGg'.<br />

014 齊猗 qí. [ tsai ] orderly, together, completely. s|d;M,<br />

Ps} ;fy, ;+k'0f{.<br />

015 薺箸 qí. [ tsai ] vegetable. ;AhL.<br />

016 臍箯 qí. [ tsi ] the navel. gfO{6f].<br />

017 祁 qí. [ kei ] vigorous, to be large. alnof] x'g', 7'nf]<br />

x'g'.<br />

018 祇愃 qí. [ kei ] the god of the earth. eujfg\.<br />

019 其 qí. [ kei ] that. Tof].<br />

020 祺撸 qí. [ kei ] lucky. efUodfgL.<br />

021 棋嬆 qí. [ kei ] board games including all forms of<br />

chess. kfl6df v]Ng] v]n\ r]; h:t} u]dx?.<br />

022 旗躡 qí. [ kei ] flag. ´08F.<br />

023 琪孌 qí. [ kei ] jade. kTy/.<br />

024 淇嘚 qí. [ kei ] river in Honan Province. xf]gfg\ k|b]zsf]<br />

vf]nf.<br />

025 麒詣 qí. [ kei ] the male of a fabulous animal resembling<br />

the deer. efn] d[3 h:t} d"tL{.<br />

026 騏 qí. [ kei ] a dark-blue horse. uf9f lgnf] /+usf]<br />

3f]8f.<br />

027 奇 qí. [ kei ] strange, a surprise, odd numbers.<br />

cgf}7f], crDdsf], ljhf]/ c+s.<br />

028 騎观 qí. [ kei ] to ride. r9\g'.<br />

029 琦孕 qí. [ kei ] a kind of jade, outstanding. Ps k|sf/sf]<br />

kTy/, c;fwf/0f /fd|f].<br />

030 崎喃 qí. [ kei ] rugged, rough. ;tx gldn]sf], v];|f.<br />

031 歧 qí. [ kei ] a fork, different. xf“uf kmf6\g', km/s.<br />

032 祈 qí. [ kei ] to pray. k|fy{gf ug'{.<br />

033 畦 qí. [ kwai ] a plot of land. hldg\sf] 6's|f.<br />

034 耆獑 qí. [ kei ] to be in one's sixties, to be old. cfk}m<br />

;f7L aÈ{sf] x'g', kfsF] x'g'.<br />

035 鰭禳 qí. [ kei ] a fin. df5fsf] kv]6f.<br />

036 乞 qǐ. [ hat ] to beg. dfUg',<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 232 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

037 企呐 qǐ. [ kei ] to expect anxiously, to stand. lrGtf ;+u<br />

cg'dfg\ ug'{, ple/xg'.<br />

038 啟嗟 qǐ. [ kai ] to open, to begin, teach. vf]Ng', ;'? x'g',<br />

lzÔf lbg'.<br />

039 起玠 qǐ. [ hei ] to rise, get up, to start, group. a9\g',<br />

p7\g', ;'? x'g', ;d'x.<br />

040 豈玛 qǐ. [ hei ] why, what. lsg, s].<br />

041 綺牼 qǐ. [ yi ] figured woven silk material, beautiful.<br />

a'g]sf] a'§] /]zdL sk8f, z'Gb/.<br />

042 氣頾 qì. [ hei ] gas, air, breath, anger. xfjf h:t}, xfjf,<br />

;f;\ k]mg'{, l/;fpg].<br />

043 憩赯 qì. [ hei ] rest. cf/fd.<br />

044 棄嘀 qì. [ hei ] to discard. x6Fpg'.<br />

045 汽俰 qì. [ hei ] steam. jfkm.<br />

046 泣 qì. [ yap ] to weep. ?g'.<br />

047 契 qì. [ kai ] a contract. ;D´f}tf.<br />

048 器赛 qì. [ hei ] an implement, a utensil, container. cf}hf/,<br />

ef“8fs'8F“, ef“8f.<br />

049 迄倮 qì. [ gat ] up to, till. ha ;Dd, xfn\ ;Dd.<br />

050 訖玘 qì. [ gat ] completed. k'/F ug'{.<br />

051 惾 qì. [ tsai ] to build by laying bricks or stones. 9'¨f<br />

of O{6F uf8]/ lg{df0F u/]sf].<br />

052 恰 qià. [ hop ] appropriately. l7s ;+u.<br />

053 洽 qià. [ hop ] in harmony, match, to consult with.<br />

;f]rfO{ ldNg', p:t} larF/, ;+u ;Nnfx ug'{.<br />

054 千 qiān. [ chin ] thousand. xhf/.<br />

055 仟 qiān. [ chin ] thousand. xhf/.<br />

056 阡哞 qiān. [ chin ] a footpath between fields. v]t\aF/L<br />

ljrsf] k}bn af6f].<br />

057 芊 qiān. [ chin ] plant growing up. la?jf km:6Fpg'.<br />

058 遷贉 qiān. [ chin ] to move. x6fpg'.<br />

059 韆羖 qiān. [ chin ] swing. xlNng'.<br />

060 牽嘻 qiān. [ hin ] to pull along, to involve. PSn} tfGg',<br />

efu lng'.<br />

061 簽訄 qiān. [ chim ] to sign, a label. ;xL ug'{,<br />

sfutsf] 6's|f.<br />

062 鉛踉 qiān. [ yuen ] pencil lead. k]lG;n\sf] n]Vg] efu.<br />

063 籤稄 qiān. [ chim ] a label, divination. n]v]sf] ;Fgf]<br />

6's|f sfut\, eljiojf0fL.<br />

064 慳 qiān. [ han ] stingy. s~h';\.<br />

065 謙笐 qiān. [ him ] modest. nhfpg].<br />

066 愆 qiān. [ hin ] fault. uNtL.<br />

067 前 qián. [ chin ] front, forward, ago, before. cuF8L,<br />

cl3n\lt/, plxn], klxnL.<br />

068 錢 qián. [ chin ] cash, money. ?k}of, k};f.<br />

069 潛 qián. [ chim ] hidden. cb[Zo.<br />

070 虔玁 qián. [ kin ] sincere. c;n\.<br />

071 鉗踄 qián. [ kim ] tongs, to clamp. lrD6f, r]k'jF.<br />

072 拑 qián. [ kim ] to hold. ;dFTg'.<br />

073 掮 qián. [ kin ] to bear a load on the shoulder. sf“wsf]<br />

ef/L ;xg'.<br />

074 黔 qián<br />

án. [ kim ] black. sfnf].<br />

075 淺嘘 qiǎn. [ chin ] shallow, surface only, not deep. kfgL<br />

ulx/F] 5}g\, b]vf}6L dfq, ulx/f] 5}g\.<br />

076 遣狝 qiǎn. [ hin ] to send, to release. k7fpg', 5F]8\g'.<br />

077 譴禓 qiǎn. [ hin ] to reproach. x]nf ug'{.<br />

078 欠 qiàn. [ him ] to be lacking. cefa\.<br />

079 歉 qiàn. [ him ] an apology, regret. Ôdf ug'{,<br />

kZrftfk ug'{.<br />

080 嵌媦 qiàn. [ ham ] to embed, to set. alnof] uf8\g',<br />

ldnfpg'.<br />

081 倩靶 qiàn. [ sin ] handsome. ;'Gb/.<br />

082 縴竘 qiàn. [ hin ] a rope for towing a boat. O{lGhg\<br />

a]u/sf] 8f]/Ln] tfGg] 8'¨f.<br />

083 戕 qiānɡ. [ cheung ] to kill. dfg'{.<br />

084 羌 qiānɡ. [ keung ] an ancient people in West China.<br />

klZrd lrg\sf] k|flrg dflg;.<br />

085 槍躳 qiānɡ. [ cheong ] weapon, a firearm, a spear.<br />

xltof/, aGb's\, efnf.<br />

086 嗆 qiànɡ. [ cheong ] to choke. lg;Fl;g'.<br />

087 鎗覨 qiānɡ. [ cheong ] firearms. aGb's\.<br />

088 腔宖 qiānɡ. [ hong ] cavity, tune. vf]S/f], :j/ /fu\.<br />

089 鏘詅 qiānɡ. [ cheung ] clang. wft'sf] ´GgGgg<br />

cfjfh.<br />

090 薔竷 qiánɡ. [ cheung ] roses. u'nfjsf] k'mn\.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 233 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

091 牆 qiánɡ. [ cheung ] wall. kvf{n\.<br />

092 強喙 qiánɡ. [ keung ] strong, by force. alnof],<br />

zlStn].<br />

093 鏹 qiānɡ. [ keung ] strong acid. s8f cDn.<br />

094 搶 qiǎnɡ. [ cheung ] to take by force. ha/h:tL<br />

nfg'.<br />

095 蹌 qiànɡ. [ cheong ] walking unsteadily. l:y/<br />

gxg'.<br />

096 悄韶 qiāo. [ chiu ] quiet, silent. zfGt, r'KknfUg'.<br />

097 敲躟 qiāo. [ hau ] to knock at. to fleece. 9ØfS9Øfs\<br />

ug'{, 7uL ug'{.<br />

098 橇趗 qiāo. [ kiu ] a sledge, a sled. lxpdf hgfj/n]<br />

tfGg] aUuL.<br />

099 蹺訲 qiāo. [ kiu ] to lift up, to hold up. prfNg'.<br />

100 鍬笼 qiāo. [ chiu ] a spade. sf]bfnL.<br />

101 僑踾 qiáo. [ kiu ] to live abroad. 3/ aflx/ a:g'.<br />

102 橋趖 qiáo. [ kiu ] a bridge. ;f“3', k'n\.<br />

103 喬 qiáo. [ kiu ] to disguise. e]È abNg'.<br />

104 蕎 qiáo. [ kiu ] buckwheat. kmfk/.<br />

105 瞧 qiáo. [ chiu ] to look. x]g'{.<br />

106 憔 qiáo. [ chiu ] worn. b'Anf] yfs]sf] h:tf] b]lvg].<br />

107 巧吁 qiǎo. [ hau ] skillful, fortuitously. l;kfn',<br />

efUojfgL.<br />

108 俏 qiào. [ chiu ] smart, good-looking, to sell well.<br />

5l/tf] b]lvg', ;'xfplbnf] b]lvg', lsGg]sf] le8.<br />

109 竅 qiào. [ kiu ] key to something. s]xL lrhsf] ;f“rf].<br />

110 翹箫 qiào. [ kiu ] to raise one's head, to become<br />

warped. cfºg} l;/ a9\g', a6fl/Psf].<br />

111 峭韛 qiào. [ chiu ] high and steep, harsh. cUnf] /<br />

7F8F], lk/ lbg'.<br />

112 撬 qiào. [ kiu ] to open by tool. cf}hf/n] s]xL lrh<br />

vf]Ng'.<br />

113 鞘 qiào. [ chiu ] scabbard. xltof/sf] bfk\ of<br />

vf]n\.<br />

114 茄愱 qié. [ ke ] an eggplant. t/sf/L a}u'g.<br />

118 竊稃 qiè. [ sit ] to steal, secretly. rf]g'{, uf]Ko?kn].<br />

119 妾 qiè. [ chip ] a concubine. /vf}6L, leqLgL.<br />

120 踥 qiè. [ zip ] to walk. lx8\g'.<br />

121 愜媾 qiè. [ hip ] to be satisfied. ;+t'i6L x'g'.<br />

122 親 qīn. [ chan ] blood relation, marriage, close.<br />

/utsf] gftf, ljafx, aGb.<br />

123 侵 qīn. [ cham ] to invade. cfs|d0f{.<br />

124 欽嬑 qīn. [ yam ] to respect. ;Ddfg\ ug'{.<br />

125 琴孒 qín. [ kam ] musical instrument. afhfx?.<br />

126 禽撼 qín. [ kam ] birds. r/fx?.<br />

127 擒趂 qín. [ kam ] to arrest, to seize. kls|g', hkmt\ ug'{.<br />

128 勤 qín. [ kan ] diligent. kl/>dL.<br />

129 秦猵 qín. [ chun ] Chou Dynasty, C.F.N. lrg\sf] rp<br />

/fha+z.<br />

130 芹 qín. [ kan ] celery. ;fu;AhL.<br />

131 寢蹶 qǐn. [ cham ] sleep. lgbfpg'.<br />

132 沁俣 qìn. [ sam ] to seep. kfgL of kl;gf lr6\lr6\<br />

/;fpg'.<br />

133 卿 qīnɡ. [ hing ] high official rank. pRr kb:y<br />

sd{rf/L.<br />

134 蜻犫 qīnɡ. [ ching ] a dragonfly. nfdf] lhp /<br />

kf/bz{s\ kv]6F ePsf] ls/F.<br />

135 鯖詜 qīnɡ. [ tsing ] seafish. df5F.<br />

136 氫嘎 qīnɡ. [ hing ] hydrogen. xfO{6F]«hg\ Uof“;.<br />

137 輕狗 qīnɡ. [ hing ] light, young, softly, to belittle.<br />

xn'ªuf], tGg]/L, xn'sf ;+u, ;fw/0f sfd\.<br />

138 傾 qīnɡ. [ king ] to lean, to collapse. w/fk, 9Ng'.<br />

139 青 qīnɡ. [ ching ] blue, green, black. lgnf], xl/of],<br />

sfnf].<br />

140 清 qīnɡ. [ ching ] pure, clear. distinct, completely.<br />

z'¢, ;kmf, :ki6 kfg'{, ;+k'0F{ k'/F x'g'.<br />

141 情單 qínɡ. [ ching ] feeling, sentiment, love, situation.<br />

cg'ej, efj, dfof, l:ytL.<br />

142 晴 qínɡ. [ ching ] fine, clear. /fd|f], k|i6.<br />

115 切 qiè. [ chit ] to cut, to slice. sf6\g' , rfgf kfg{'.<br />

116 且 qiě. [ zey ] and. /.<br />

117 怯 qiè. [ hip ] fear. 8/Fpg'.<br />

143 擎 qínɡ. [ king ] to hold up. dfyL p7Fpg'.<br />

144 頃 qǐnɡ. [ king ] hectare, a moment. hldg\sf] gfk<br />

x]S6/, Ps} l5g\.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 234 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

145 請 qǐnɡ. [ ching ] to request, to invite someone to do<br />

something. cg'/f]w ug'{, s;}nfO{ s]xL ug{ af]nfpg'.<br />

146 凊 qìnɡ. [ ching ] cold, cool, chilly. lr;F].<br />

147 慶 qìnɡ. [ hing ] to celebrate, to congratulate.<br />

v'l;ofnL, z'e–sfdgf.<br />

148 罄竞 qìnɡ. [ hing ] to use up, to exhaust, to empty.<br />

k|of]u e};s]sf], yfSg', vfnL kfg'{.<br />

149 窮 qiónɡ. [ kung ] poor, end. ul/j, ;dfKt.<br />

150 穹 qiónɡ. [ kung ] a vault. ;dfg /fVg] e"ldut<br />

sf]7F.<br />

151 瓊觶 qiónɡ. [ king ] fine jade. bfdL kTy/.<br />

152 秋愈 qiū. [ chau ] the autumn, a period. z/b Ct',<br />

cjwL.<br />

153 鞦覴 qiū. [ chau ] swing. xlNng'.<br />

154 丘 qiū. [ yau ] a hill, r'/] kxf8\.<br />

155 蚯 qiū. [ yau ] an earthworm. u8\Øfpnf.<br />

156 邱 qiū. [ yau ] a hill, C.F.N. kxf8.<br />

157 囚号 qiú. [ chau ] to imprison. y'Gg'.<br />

158 泅 qiú. [ chau ] to swim. kflgdf 8'Ag'.<br />

159 求俠 qiú. [ kau ] to request, to look for. cg'/f]w ug'{,<br />

s]xL x]g'{.<br />

160 逑 qiú. [ kau ] to match, to marry. hf]8L af“Wg',<br />

ljx] ug'{.<br />

161 球噅 qiú. [ kau ] a ball, something shaped like one, the<br />

globe. uf]n\, 8Nnf] cfsf/, k[YjL.<br />

162 酋慠 qiú. [ yau ] the chief of a tribe. 7'nf] au{ jf g]tF.<br />

163 裘攎 qiú. [ kau ] a fur coat. e'jfbf/ sf]6\.<br />

164 區 qū. [ kui ] an area. Ô]q, :yfg\.<br />

165 曲 qǔ. [ kuk ] song, to bend. lut, a+Uofpg'.<br />

166 軀覕 qū. [ kui ] the human body. dfgj zl//.<br />

167 驅禬 qū. [ kui ] to drive, to expel, to run quickly. xf“Sg',<br />

lgsfnL lbg', l5§f] s'b\g'.<br />

168 嶇蹼 qū. [ kui ] rugged, uneven. vfN8F v'N8L, c;dfg\.<br />

169 麴試 qū. [ kuk ] yeast. lk+mh.<br />

170 屈 qū. [ wat ] to bend, to submit. a+Uofpg', :jLsfg'{.<br />

171 趨笟 qū. [ tsui ] to hasten, to hurry along. xQkQ, PSn}<br />

xtf/ ug'{.<br />

172 蛆 qū. [ tsui ] a maggot. nfef{ h:t} ls/f.<br />

173 劬佖 qú. [ kui ] to labor arduously. d'l:sn\n] sfd ug'{.<br />

174 渠嬠 qú. [ kui ] ditch. s'nf].<br />

175 瞿箒 qú. [ kui ] shocked. t;f{pg'.<br />

176 取 qǔ. [ chui ] to get, to select. kfpg', 5fGg'.<br />

177 娶啩 qǔ. [ chui ] to take as wife. >LdtLsf] ?kdf /fVg'.<br />

178 覷 qù. [ tsu ] to look. x]g{'.<br />

179 去 qù. [ hui ] to go, of the past. hfg', lat]sf].<br />

180 趣賱 qù. [ chui ] interest. rf;f] /fVg'.<br />

181 全呖 quán. [ chuen ] completely, whole. k"0F{?kn], hDd}.<br />

182 綣 quǎn. [ huen ] to make tender love. /fd|f]<br />

eljiosf] cfz u/]/ k|]d ug'{.<br />

183 權秊 quán. [ kuen ] power, the legal right. clwsf/,<br />

sfg'g\ ;+dt\.<br />

184 泉悱 quán. [ chuen ] springs. kfgL hldgdf ´g'{.<br />

185 拳響 quán. [ kuen ] a fist, boxing. d'L, alS;ª.<br />

186 荃玀 quán. [ tsuen ] a fragrant herb. ;'3lGwt\ hl8a'§L.<br />

187 痊 quán. [ chuen ] to recover from an illness.<br />

ladf/af6 tªl/g'.<br />

188 蜷犱 quán. [ kuen ] to huddle up. hf8F]n] of 8/n] lhp<br />

v'DRofpg'.<br />

189 詮攤 quán. [ chuen ] to explain, the truth, core of<br />

something. ;D´fpg', ;To, s]xL lrhsf] u'bL.<br />

190 犬 quǎn. [ huen ] dog. s's"/,<br />

191 鬈 quán. [ kuen ] curly. 3'ld|Psf] skfn\.<br />

192 勸詧 quàn. [ huen ] to advise. ;Nnfx lbg'.<br />

193 券 quàn. [ kuen ] a ticket. l6s6\.<br />

194 圈啙 quān. [ huen ] a circle, to mark with a circle. uf]nf],<br />

uf]nfsf/ agfpg'.<br />

195 炔 quē. [ kuet ] alkyne. /;Folgs tTj.<br />

196 缺獌 quē. [ kuet ] to lack, a vacancy, imperfection.<br />

cfjZos, kb vfnL, ulNtn].<br />

197 瘸跂 qué. [ kei ] to be lame, to limp. n+u8F], v'§f<br />

vf]RofP/ lx8\g'.<br />

198 卻 què. [ keuk ] but, to step back. t/, k5L x6\g'.<br />

199 雀 què. [ cheuk ] a sparrow. eu]/f r/f.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 235 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

200 確 què. [ kok ] true, real. ;To, ;fRrf].<br />

201 鵲詠 què. [ cheuk ] a magpie. lgNsG7 r/f.<br />

202 榷躮 què. [ kok ] to discuss. ts{ ug'{.<br />

021 任呌 rèn. [ yam ] to appoint to a post, a post, term of<br />

office. sfd tf]Sg', sfd ug]{ 7f“p, sfof{nosf]<br />

lgod\.<br />

022 韌 rèn. [ yin ] pliable but strong. sf]dnf] t/ alnof].<br />

203 裙攌 qún. [ kwan ] skirt. hfdf, k|ms\.<br />

204 群擙 qún. [ kwan ] a group. ;d'x.<br />

R characters 63,<br />

001 贻 rán. [ yim ] whiskers. ufnf e/L /f}+ ePsf].<br />

002 然 rán. [ yin ] correct, just like that. z'¢ kfg'{, To:t}<br />

vfn\sf].<br />

003 趶 rán. [ yin ] to burn. hNg'.<br />

004 染悒 rǎn. [ yim ] to dye, to contract a disease. /+ufpg',<br />

lj/fdn] e]§fpg' jf 5'g'.<br />

005 冉 rǎn. [ yim ] slowly. la:tf/}.<br />

006 嚷詩 rǎnɡ. [ yeung ] to shout, to call out loudly.<br />

xKsfpg', 7'nf] :j/n] s/Fpg'.<br />

007 瓤秏 ránɡ. [ long ] flesh, pith. laof“ leqsf] sdnf]<br />

efu, df;L.<br />

008 壤詭 rǎnɡ. [ yeung ] soil, the earth. df6F], k[YjL.<br />

009 讓羌 rànɡ. [ yeung ] to give way to, to transfer the<br />

ownership to, to allow. af6f] lbg', a]Rg', cg'dtL lbg'.<br />

010 饒 ráo. [ yiu ] plentiful, to forgive. wgL, dfkm lbg'.<br />

011 擾 rǎo. [ yiu ] to disturb, to trouble. afwf k'¥ofpg',<br />

;d:of lbg'.<br />

012 繞箥 rào. [ yiu ] to wind around, to circle, to detour.<br />

rf/}lt/ xfjf, uf]nfsf/, 3'dfp/f] k|;+u of af6F].<br />

013 遶 rào. [ yiu ] to surround. rf/}lt/.<br />

014 惹 rě. [ ye ] to provoke, to offend. lr8\Øfpg', uNtL<br />

ug'{.<br />

015 熱 rè. [ it ] hot, heat, fever. tftf], tfltPsf], Hj/f].<br />

016 人 rén. [ yan ] a person, people. AofStL, dflg;\,<br />

017 仁 rén. [ yan ] kindhearted. bofjfg\ ,<br />

018 壬 rén. [ yam ] ancients to denote years, months, or<br />

days. k|flrg ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] zfn dlxgf<br />

ut].<br />

019 忍侱 rěn. [ yan ] to bear, to endure. ;xg', ef]Ug'.<br />

020 認狀 rèn. [ ying ] to recognize, to admit. lrGg', egf{<br />

ug'{.<br />

023 刃 rèn. [ yan ] a blade. 5'/f.<br />

024 紉愑 rèn. [ yan ] to sew, to thread a needle. l;nfpg',<br />

l;of] wfuf].<br />

025 妊侐 rèn. [ yim ] pregnant. ue{jtL.<br />

026 飪 rèn. [ yim ] to cook. ksFpg'.<br />

027 名 rēnɡ. [ wing ] to throw. ºØf“Sg'.<br />

028 仍 rénɡ. [ ying ] still, yet. c´ ;Dd,<br />

029 日 rì. [ yat ] a day. lbg\ ,<br />

030 戎咚 rónɡ. [ yung ] army. ;]gf.<br />

031 絨宅 rónɡ. [ yung ] cloth with soft nap. g/d e'jf<br />

ePsf] sk8F.<br />

032 榮 rónɡ. [ wing ] honor, glory. k|lti6F, s[tL.<br />

033 容韕 rónɡ. [ yung ] to contain, to allow, appearance.<br />

leq ePsf], cg'dtL lbg', cfs[tL.<br />

034 榕躨 rónɡ. [ yung ] a banyan. nx/Fn] e'O{5'g] nx/] ?v.<br />

035 溶摢 rónɡ. [ yung ] to dissolve, solution. kufNg',<br />

lanfpg'.<br />

036 熔 rónɡ. [ yung ] mix, to melt, to fuse. ld;fpg',<br />

kufNg', kufn]/ ld;fpg'.<br />

037 融 rónɡ. [ yung ] to melt, to blend. kufNg',<br />

ld;fpg'.<br />

038 蓉 rónɡ. [ yung ] the hibiscus. h+unL skf; k'mn\.<br />

039 茸獳 rónɡ. [ yung ] the soft and hairy horn of a young<br />

deer. slnnf] d[3sf] g/d\ /f}+ ePsf] l;+.<br />

040 冗 rǒnɡ. [ yung ] busy. AoF:t,<br />

041 柔悔 róu. [ yau ] soft, gentle. g/d\, enfb\dL.<br />

042 揉 róu. [ yau ] to knead, to rub. dF8\g', bNg'.<br />

043 蹂 róu. [ yau ] to tread upon. v'§fn] lyRg'.<br />

044 肉哌 ròu. [ yuk ] meat. df;'.<br />

045 如咇 rú. [ yue ] like, similar, if. p:t}, b'?:t}, obL.<br />

046 儒赉 rú. [ yue ] a learned man. cWoog\lzn\ AofQL.<br />

047 茹獺 rú. [ yue ] to eat. vfg'.<br />

048 祄 rú. [ yu ] to wriggle, to squirm. ;k{ u8]pnfsf]<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 236 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

lx8FO{.<br />

049 乳 rǔ. [ yue ] milk, the breast. b'w, :tg\.<br />

050 辱玥 rǔ. [ yuk ] to insult. ckdfg\ ug'{.<br />

051 汝咱 rǔ. [ yue ] you. tkfO{sf].<br />

052 入 rù. [ yap ] to enter. k:g',<br />

053 褥 rù. [ yuk ] a cotton-padded mattress. ;ltsf] 8:gf.<br />

054 縟 rù. [ yuk ] polite behaviour. gd| :jfefjsf].<br />

055 阮倹 ruǎn. [ yuen ] ancient name of Kansu Province,<br />

C.F.N. sfG;' k|b]zsf] k|flrg\ gfd.<br />

056 軟 ruǎn. [ yuen ] soft, supple. g/d\, sdnf].<br />

057 蕊 ruǐ. [ sum ] the stamens, pistils of a flower. k'mn\sf]<br />

k'iks]z/, k'mn\sf] s]Gb| efu.<br />

058 銳贙 ruì. [ yui ] sharp, acute, intelligent. ltvf], wfl/nf],<br />

a'l¢dfg\.<br />

059 瑞撎 ruì. [ shui ] auspicious. z'e–d+un\.<br />

060 潤 rùn. [ yun ] moist, smooth, to lubricate. leh]sf],<br />

lrNnf], lrKnf] kfg]{.<br />

061 若 ruò. [ yeuk ] if. obL.<br />

062 弱韪 ruò. [ yeuk ] weak, feeble. sDhf]/, b'a{n\.<br />

063 蒻 ruò. [ yeuk ] a water plant. kflgdf pd|g] la?jf.<br />

S characters 340,<br />

001 撒 sǎ. [ sat ] to let go, to cast, to let out. hfg', 5F8\g',<br />

5F]l8 lbg'.<br />

002 灑秌 sǎ. [ sa ] to sprinkle liquids. kfgL 5ls{g'.<br />

003 洒 sǎ. [ sa ] I, me, to sprinkle. d, dnfO{, kfgL 5ls{g'.<br />

004 卅 sà. [ sa ;f ] thirty. lt;\.<br />

005 薩箳 sà. [ sat ] Bodhisattva. af}wnDjL b]ptfsf] gfd\.<br />

006 颯猆 sà. [ tsap ] sound of wind. xfjfsf] cfjfh.<br />

007 塞 sāi. [ suk/ choi ] substance, matter, object. a:t',<br />

lrhx?, kbfy{.<br />

008 腮擢 sāi. [ soi ] the cheek. ufnf.<br />

009 鰓祣 sāi. [ soi ] a gill. df5fsf] ;f;\ k]mg]{.<br />

010 賽笛 sài. [ choi ] a competition. k|ltof]lutf.<br />

011 三 sān [ sam ] three. ltg\.<br />

012 散嫧 sàn. [ shan ] loose, scattered, powered medicine.<br />

v's'nF], k}mnfpg', w'nf] cf}ÈwL.<br />

013 傘 sǎn. [ shan ] an umbrella. 5Ftf.<br />

014 桑頯 sānɡ. [ song ] mulberry. lsDa'sf] ?v.<br />

015 嗓 sǎnɡ. [ song ] voice. :j/.<br />

016 搡 sǎnɡ. [ song ] to push forcefully. an\ u/]/ 7]Ng'.<br />

017 喪 sànɡ. [ song ] to lose, a funeral. x/Fpg', cGTo]i6L.<br />

018 騷祡 sāo. [ so ] to disturb. afwf k'¥Øfpg'.<br />

019 搔 sāo. [ sou ] to scratch. v'ls{g'.<br />

020 臊鸀 sāo. [ sou ] unpleasant smell, a stench, shy.<br />

gld7f] uGw, b'u{Gw, nhfn'.<br />

021 掃嗊 sǎo. [ so ] a broom, to sweep with a broom. s'Rrf],<br />

s'RrF]n] a9Fg'{.<br />

022 嫂 sǎo. [ so ] a sister-in-law who is the wife of one's<br />

elder brother. efph'.<br />

023 色哗 sè. [ sik ] color. /+u.<br />

024 澀 sè. [ sap ] a mouth-puckering taste, difficult,<br />

unsmooth. d'v rfp/Lg] :jfb\, sl7g, v;|f].<br />

025 嗇 sè. [ sik ] stingy, miserly. s~h";\, nf]eL.<br />

026 瑟撍 sè. [ sat ] music instrument. ;+lutsf] ;fdfg\.<br />

027 森嬀 sēn. [ sum ] luxuriant growth of trees, dark and<br />

obscure. ?v km:6FP/ a9]sf], cWof/f] / c:ki6.<br />

028 僧踶 sēnɡ. [ chun ] Buddhist monk. nfdf.<br />

029 殺嘋 shā. [ sat ] to kill. dfg'{.<br />

030 裟攊 shā. [ sa ] robe of a Buddhist monk. nfdfsf]<br />

sk8F.<br />

031 沙俢 shā. [ sa ] sand, of voice hoarse. afn'jf, wf]s|]<br />

:j/.<br />

032 紗猿 shā. [ sa ] yarn. sft]sf] wfuf].<br />

033 砂惼 shā. [ sa ] gravel sand. lu6L 9'¨f.<br />

034 莎 shā. [ sa ] a kind of medicinal herb. Ps k|sf/sf]<br />

hl8a'6L.<br />

035 剎 chà. [ sat ] Buddhist temple. af}¢ dlGb/.<br />

036 鯊觉 shā. [ sa ] a shark. ;Fs{ df5F.<br />

037 啥 shá. [ sa ] what. s] ?.<br />

038 傻 shǎ. [ soh ] foolish. nDk'm.<br />

039 廈 shà. [ ha ] a tall building. cUnf] ejg\.<br />

040 煞撀 shà. [ sat ] an evil spirit, very, extremely. b'i6 dg\,<br />

Hofb}, cToflws\.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 237 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

041 霎 shà. [ saap ] very short time. Ps} l5g\.<br />

042 篩跛 shāi. [ sai ] sieve. 5kgL.<br />

043 曬稀 shài. [ saai ] to shine on, to dry in the sun.<br />

k|sfzdF, 3fdsf] v8]/L.<br />

044 山 shān ;f‘Mg\. a mountain. kxf8,<br />

045 舢愪 shān. [ shan ] a small boat. ;fgf] 8'¨f.<br />

046 羶討 shān. [ chin ] the smell of sheep. e]8fsf] uGw.<br />

047 衫慆 shān. [ sam ] shirt. sldh\.<br />

048 杉俙 shān. [ sam ] fir tree. ;Nnfsf] ?v.<br />

049 佑 shān. [ sham ] to delete. x6Fpg'.<br />

050 珊惚 shān. [ sham ] coral. d'uf …;d'Gb| leq<br />

hgfj/af6 pAh]sf].<br />

051 姍 shān. [ sham ] slowly. lj:tf/}.<br />

052 跚 shān. [ shan ] to limp. v'§f vf]RØfP/ lx8\g'.<br />

053 煽軛 shān. [ sin ] to encourage, to incite. hF];\ a9fpg',<br />

pn\Sofpg'.<br />

054 搧 shān. [ sin ] to fan. xftn] k+vf xlDsg'.<br />

055 閃玼 shǎn. [ sim ] a sudden flash of light. crfgs<br />

k|sf;sf] rds\.<br />

056 陝珁 shǎn. [ sim ] short for Shensi Province. ;]G;L<br />

k|fGtsf] 5F]6\s/L gfd\.<br />

057 扇韾 shàn. [ sin ] a fan. xft] k+vf.<br />

058 騸 shàn. [ sin ] to castrate a horse. 3F]8FnfO{ v;L<br />

kfg' {.<br />

059 訕玔 shàn. [ saan ] to laugh at. xf“:g'.<br />

060 汕咷 shàn. [ shan ] in Kwong Tang province. Sjª tª<br />

k|fGt.<br />

061 疝 shàn. [ sin ] hernia. k]6 jf c08sf]Èsf] /f]u.<br />

062 擅起 shàn. [ sin ] to be good at. s]lxdf /fd|f] x'g'.<br />

063 善宏 shàn. [ sin ] righteousness, satisfactory. ;Rrf<br />

Goflos\, ;Gtf]Èhgs.<br />

064 膳 shàn. [ sin ] meals. vfgf.<br />

065 鱔稝 shàn. [ sin ] moray eel. afd\ df5f.<br />

066 贍祏 shàn. [ sim ] to supply, provide for, sufficient.<br />

9'jfgL, pknAb, k|;:t}.<br />

067 傷 shānɡ. [ sheung ] an injury, to harm, to hurt. 3f“p<br />

rf]6\, xfgL gfS;fg\, 3F“p nfUg'.<br />

068 殤 shānɡ. [ seung ] to die young, national mourning.<br />

zlQzfnL AofStLsf] d[To", /fli6«o zf]s\.<br />

069 商珲 shānɡ. [ sheung ] to discuss, business, quotient.<br />

5n\kmn\, Aofkf/, nABfÍ of efHokmn\.<br />

070 裳犳 shɑnɡ<br />

ɑnɡ. [ sheung ] dress, garments, clothing.<br />

kf]zfs\, t}of/L sk8f, n'uf.<br />

071 賞 shǎnɡ. [ sheung ] a reward, to admire, to<br />

appreciate. k'/:sf/, cfb/ ug'{, k|z+;F ug'{.<br />

072 晌頜 shǎnɡ. [ heung ] part of the day, noon. lbgsf]<br />

s'g} ;do, dWofGx.<br />

073 上 shànɡ. [ sheung ] above. dfyL.<br />

074 尚 shànɡ. [ sheung ] still, yet. xfn\ ;Dd, clxn]<br />

;Dd.<br />

075 燒趯 shāo. [ siu ] to burn, to roast, fever. aNg', kf]Ng',<br />

Hj/F].<br />

076 稍 shāo. [ sau ] slightly, a little. yf]/} dfqfdf, yf]/}.<br />

077 梢嗶 shāo. [ sau ] a tip, the thin end of a twig. 6'Kkf],<br />

?vsf] 6'Kkf].<br />

078 筲 shāo. [ sau ] a basket. 8fnL.<br />

079 苕 sháo. [ tiu ] a creeper with orange-red flowers in<br />

autumn. z/b Ct'sf] ;'Gtf]n] /ftf] nx/] k'mn\.<br />

080 勺 sháo. [ chueh ] a spoon. rDrf.<br />

081 芍倜 sháo. [ chueh ] a peony. ;]tf] ufgf] jfnf k'mn\.<br />

082 韶猃 sháo. [ siu ] beautiful. z'Gb/.<br />

083 少 shào. [ siu ] young people. not many. s]6fs]6L,<br />

yf]/}.<br />

084 哨 shào. [ sau ] a sentry post, to whistle. uf8{/F]d\,<br />

cfjfh lbg'.<br />

085 紹 shào. [ siu] to continue. nuftf/.<br />

086 邵 shào. [ siu ] C.F.N.<br />

087 奢啨 shē. [ chea ] luxurious, inordinate. zf}lvg,<br />

cdof{lbt\.<br />

088 狐 shē. [ she ] sell on credit, to buy. pBF/f] lbg',<br />

lsGg'.<br />

089 佘 shé. [ se ] C.F.N.<br />

090 舌哓 shé. [ sit ] the tongue. lha|F].<br />

091 蛇 shé. [ se ] snake. ;k{.<br />

092 舍 shě. [ se ] a house, a shed, a hut. 3/, 5Fk|f], s'6L.<br />

093 捨嗘 shě. [ se ] to give up, to give alms. TofUg', bfg\

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 238 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

lbg'.<br />

118 滲軖 shèn. [ sam ] water leak out. kfgL r'lxg'.<br />

094 設 shè. [ tsit ] to establish. hu\ a;fpg'.<br />

119 慎 shèn. [ sun ] cautious, careful. ;Fjwfg\,<br />

095 社 shè. [ se ] the names of cooperatives such as<br />

xfl;of/.<br />

news agencies, newspaper offices. ldn]/ sfd ug]{<br />

;+:yf h:t} ;dfrf/ ;+sng\ ;+:yf, klqsf<br />

120 腎宙 shèn. [ sun ] the kidney. d[uf}nf.<br />

;+:yfg.<br />

121 攆 shèn. [ san ] clams. b'O{ s8F vf]n\ ePsf] ;fgf]<br />

096 射韗 shè. [ se ] to shoot. af0F of uf]nL xfGg'.<br />

lha.<br />

097 涉顎 shè. [ sip ] to wade, to experience, to involve.<br />

kflgaF6 kf/ ug'{, cg'ej, ;dfj];\ x'g'.<br />

098 赦 shè. [ se ] a pardon, to remit a punishment. Ôdf,<br />

;hfo Ôdf ug'{.<br />

099 攝祶 shè. [ sip ] to absorb, to take a photo. r':g' oF<br />

;f]:g', kmf]6f] lvRg'.<br />

100 懾祵 shè. [ sip ] fearful. 8/ nfUbf].<br />

101 麝禹 shè. [ se ] musk deer. s:t'/L d[3.<br />

102 誰 shéi. [ sui ] who?, whom ?, whose ?. sf]

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 239 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

145 識訤 shí. [ sik ] to know, to recognize, knowledge.<br />

hfGg', ;+´g', 1Fg\.<br />

146 蹴 shí. [ sut / sap ] not hollow, true, real. ´'§f] 5}g\,<br />

;Totf, jf:tljstf.<br />

147 拾恾 shí. [ sap ] "ten" used to document or check.<br />

cÔ]l/kL b;.<br />

148 蝕犰 shí. [ sik ] to erode, to suffer a loss, an eclipse.<br />

gfz ug'{, gf]Szfg\ x'g', u|x0F nfUg'.<br />

149 食靪 shí. [ sik ] to eat, food. vfg', vfgf.<br />

150 十 shí. [ sap ] ten. b;\.<br />

151 史 shǐ. [ si ] history. O{ltxf;, sxfgL.<br />

152 使 shǐ. [ si ] to use, to enable, if. k|of]u ug'{, zStL<br />

lbg', obL.<br />

153 始 shǐ. [ chee ] to beginning, to start. ;'? x'g',<br />

k|f/De x'g'.<br />

154 豕倢 shǐ. [ chee ] pig. ;'u/.<br />

155 矢吲 shǐ. [ chee ] an arrow, to vow. lt/ af0F, a|t<br />

k|lt1F.<br />

156 駛贴 shǐ. [ sai ] to drive a vehicle, to sail a boat. uF8L<br />

xf“Sg', kfgL hxfh rnfpg'.<br />

157 屎 shǐ. [ si ] dung. a:t'sf] dn\.<br />

158 屍 shī. [ si ] a corpse, a carcass. d'bf{, nfz\.<br />

159 士 shì. [ si ] a learned person, armed forces<br />

commander. ljåfg\, ;]gfsf] pRr kb\.<br />

160 仕 shì. [ si ] an official. cf}krf/Ls\.<br />

161 氏 shì. [ si ] a surname. y/.<br />

162 舐獩 shì. [ sai ] to lick. rf6\g'.<br />

163 式咖 shì. [ sik ] style, a model, an example, a system.<br />

z}nL, gd'gf, pbfx/l0fo, k|0ffnL.<br />

164 試攙 shì. [ si ] to try, to test. sf]l;;\ ug'{, rfVg'.<br />

165 拭恵 shì. [ sik ] to wipe away. k'R5g'.<br />

166 弒 shì. [ si ] to murder. xTof/f.<br />

172 事 shì. [ si ] affairs, business, a job, work. sfd\,<br />

Aofkf/, k]zf, O{nd\.<br />

173 勢 shì. [ sai ] power, effect. zStL, k|efj kfg'{.<br />

174 視 shì. [ si ] to look at. df x]g'{.<br />

175 飾 shì. [ sik ] ornaments, to play the role of, actor.<br />

u/uxgf, kf7sf] clego ug'{, cleg]tf .<br />

176 室 shì. [ sat ] a room. sf]7f.<br />

177 是悋 shì. [ si ] that, am, is, are, correct, right. Tof], x'“,<br />

5' 5g\, ;lx5, l7s\.<br />

178 適贅 shì. [ sik ] suitable, well. l7s\ ;'xfpg], /fd|f].<br />

179 逝 shì. [ sai ] to die, of time to pass. dg'{, ;do laTg'.<br />

180 釋祕 shì. [ sik ] to explain, to set free. :ki6 kfg'{,<br />

5f]8L lbg'.<br />

181 誓狂 shì. [ sai ] a vow, an oath. k|lt1F, jfrf ug'{.<br />

182 恃恫 shì. [ si ] to rely on, to depend on. e/ ug{', df<br />

e/ k5{.<br />

183 侍 shì. [ si ] to wait on. df kv{g'.<br />

184 嗜 shì. [ si ] to have a liking for. nfuL ?rL 5.<br />

185 噬赟 shì. [ sai ] to bite. 6f]Sg'.<br />

186 收咡 shōu. [ sau ] to receive, to collect, to get back.<br />

k|fKt ug'{, ;+sng\ ug'{, k]m/L kfpg'.<br />

187 手 shǒu. [ shau ] a hand. xft\.<br />

188 和 shǒu. [ shau ] to guard, obey, to wait. .;'/Ôf ug'{,<br />

cf1f kfns, kv{g'<br />

189 首靫 shǒu. [ shau ] the head, highest. 6fpsf], pRr.<br />

190 壽蹢 shòu. [ shau ] longevity, birthday. lb3f{o', hGd<br />

lbg\.<br />

191 受 shòu. [ shau ] to receive, to accept. u|x0F ug]{,<br />

:jLsfg'{.<br />

192 授嗏 shòu. [ shau ] to give, to instruct, to teach. lbg',<br />

cfb]z lbg', l;sfpg'.<br />

193 獸觳 shòu. [ shau ] an animal. hgfj/.<br />

167 軾跪 shì. [ sik ] the horizontal front bar on a cart,<br />

carriage. b'O{ kfªu|] uf8fsf] 8+8L, rf/ kfªu|] aUuL.<br />

168 世 shì. [ sai ] the world. ;+;F/.<br />

169 市 shì. [ si ] a city, the market. zx/, ahf/.<br />

170 柿悑 shì. [ chee ] a persimmon. u'lnof] kmn\.<br />

171 示吴 shì. [ si ] to show, to notify. b]vfpg', ;'lrt\ ug'{.<br />

194 售啒 shòu. [ shau ] to sell. lals|df.<br />

195 瘦 shòu. [ shau ] thin. b'Anf].<br />

196 狩惖 shòu. [ shau ] to hunt. l;sf/ ug'{.<br />

197 書頟 shū. [ sue ] book, to write, a letter. lstfa, n]Vg',<br />

lrL.<br />

198 叔 shū. [ suk ] paternal uncles. k}t[s gftf sfsf

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 240 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

b]j/.<br />

ug'{.<br />

199 淑嘝 shū<br />

hū. [ suk ] virtuous, beautiful. ;Rrl/q, z'Gb/.<br />

200 樞 shū. [ sue ] a pivot, fixed point, central, must<br />

important.d'Vo, lglZrt\ laGb', s]Gb|, d'Vo x'g'.<br />

201 梳頬 shū. [ soh ] a comb, to comb. sf“O{of], skfn\ sf]g'{.<br />

202 疏 shū. [ soh ] to clear away obstruction, sparse,<br />

not close. /f]sfj6\ 5}g, 6f9F 6f9Fsf], glhs 5}g.<br />

203 蔬 shū. [ soh ] vegetables. ;Fukft\.<br />

204 舒 shū. [ sue ] to stretch, comfortable. tGsfpg',<br />

;lhnf].<br />

205 抒俄 shū. [ sue ] to show, to express, to relieve,<br />

to ease. b]vfpg', atfpg', cf/fd ug'{, zfGt kfg'{.<br />

206 輸 shū. [ sue ] to transport, to lose. 9'jfgL, x/Fpg'.<br />

207 殊頻 shū. [ sue ] different, special, extremely. leGgtf,<br />

/fd|f], cToflws\.<br />

208 熟 shú. [ suk ] cooked, ripe, familiar, practiced.<br />

ksfPsf], kfs]sf], lrg] h:t} b]lvg', cg'ejL.<br />

209 孰啴 shú. [ suk ] who, which, what. sf] ]0FL.<br />

215 曙 shǔ. [ sue ] dawn, daybreak. z'of]{bo, laxfg\.<br />

216 薯竸 shǔ. [ sue ] yam, potato. t?n\, cfn'.<br />

217 蜀攂 shǔ. [ suk ] Szechwan Province. :h]Sjfg\ k|fGt.<br />

218 鼠踵 shǔ. [ sue ] a mouse, a rat. d';F.<br />

219 屬祲 shǔ. [ suk ] to belong to, to be subordinate.<br />

;DjlGwt\sf], tNnf] bhf{sf] x'g'.<br />

220 術 shù. [ sut ] skill, art, method. l;kfn', snfsf/,<br />

tl/sf.<br />

221 束俑 shù. [ sut ] to bind, to tie, restraint. af“Wg', s:g',<br />

a+Gb]h.<br />

222 述慓 shù. [ sut ] to narrate, to tell. a0F{g\ ug'{, eGg'.<br />

223 樹趒 shù. [ sue ] a tree, to set up. ?v, ldnfpg'.<br />

224 咜 shù. [ sue ] to guard, to defend. ;'/Ôf ug'{, /Ôf<br />

225 恕韲 shù. [ sue ] to forgive, excuse me, beg your pardon.<br />

Ôdf lbg', dfkm ug'{xf];\, Ôdfsf] levf/L 5'.<br />

226 數 shù. [ chuk ] to count, .the number, several. uGg',<br />

;+Vof, cgluGtL.<br />

227 豎 shù. [ sue ] vertical, upright. 7F8f], l;wf dfyL.<br />

228 漱軋 shù. [ sau ] to gargle. s'Nnf ug'{.<br />

229 庶喕 shù. [ sue ] numerous, so that, so as to. cg]sf},<br />

To;}n], To;} sf/0f.<br />

230 墅蹠 shù. [ shui ] a villa, a country house. a+ufnf 3/,<br />

ufp“sf] 3/.<br />

231 刷 shuā. [ tsat ] a brush, to brush. s'Rrf], a'?;<br />

nfpg'.<br />

232 耍愚 shuǎ. [ sa ] to play tricks, to play tricks with. r'SnL<br />

v]Ng', r'SnL l;t\ v]Ng'.<br />

233 衰玊 shuāi<br />

huāi. [ sui ] to grow weaker. a9L sDhf]/ eP/<br />

hfg'.<br />

234 摔躕 shuāi. [ sut ] to throw down, to fall. tn ´g'{, tn<br />

v:g'.<br />

235 吧 shuǎi. [ nut ] to fling, to throw suddenly by force,<br />

to throw without care. an\hKtL x'Tofpg', crfgs<br />

ann] k5fg'{, xf]l;of/ a]u/ k5fg'{.<br />

236 蟀竾 shuài. [ sut ] a cricket. ´\Øfpls/L ls/f.<br />

237 帥 shuài. [ shui ] beautiful, smart, the commander in<br />

chief. z'Gb/, 5l/tf] b]lvg', gfos sdf08/.<br />

238 栓頸 shuān. [ saan ] a bolt. /]~rn] 3'dfpg] k]r.<br />

239 閂慣 shuān. [ shan ] a latch. cfUnf].<br />

240 涮嘞 shuàn. [ shan ] to rinse, to boil thin slices of<br />

meat instantly. kflgn] w'g', kftnf] df;'sf] 6's|f<br />

kflgdf yf]/} ;do pdfn]/ vfg].<br />

241 雙覯 shuānɡ. [ sheung ] even in number, two, twin,<br />

dual, a pair of. ;+VofnfO{ a/fa/ kfg'{, b'O{, h'DNofxf,<br />

8an, hf]8L.<br />

242 霜等 shuānɡ. [ sheung ] frost, frost-like powder.<br />

t'Èf/F], t'Èf/f] h:t} w'nf].<br />

243 孀詮 shuānɡ. [ sheung ] a widow. /f“8L.<br />

244 爽嘺 shuǎn<br />

ǎnɡ. [ song ] bright, comfortable, well, honest,<br />

sincere. rxlsnf], cf/fdbfoL, /Fd|f], O{dfGb/, c;n\.<br />

245 水 shuǐ. [ shui ] water, liquid, kfgL, t/n,<br />

246 稅孰 shuì. [ shui ] a tariff, a tax, a duty. b:t'/, s/,<br />

eG;f/.<br />

247 睡牔 shuì. [ sui ] to sleep. ;'Tg'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 241 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

;]jf ug'{.<br />

248 順 shùn. [ shun ] in the same direction as, along,<br />

following, to obey. Pp6} lbzfdf, ;+;u}, ;dy{g\<br />

273 飼 sì. [ zi ] to feed, to rear. kfn0F kf]È0F ug'{,<br />

ug'{, cf1f dfGg'.<br />

x'sf{pg'.<br />

249 瞬 shùn. [ shun ] very short time, in the twinkling of<br />

an eye. w]/} 5f]6f] ;do, cfvf l´DsfP a/fa/sf]<br />

;do.<br />

250 舜 shùn. [ shun ] Shun a legendary ruler. kf}/fl0fs<br />

zf;s z'g\.<br />

251 吮佬 shǔn. [ juet ] to lick. rf6\g'.<br />

252 說狄 shuō. [ suet ] to say; to speak, a theory,<br />

reprimand. eGg', atfpg', l;¢fGt, bf]È nufpg'.<br />

253 碩牙 shuò. [ sek ] great, large. ljzfn\, 7'nf].<br />

274 嗣 sì. [ si ] to inherit, to succeed to. :jfefljs l/tn]<br />

kfpg', kfnf] cfpg'.<br />

275 巳 sì. [ chi ] ancients to denote years, months, or<br />

days. k|flrg ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] zfn dlxgf<br />

ut].<br />

276 汜聥 sì. [ tsi ] ‘Si’ name of the river. ;LÚ gbLsf] gfd.<br />

277 祀 sì. [ zi ] to offer sacrifices to the gods. eujfg\nfO{<br />

jnL r9Fpg'.<br />

278 松 sōnɡ. [ chung ] a pine. ;Nnfsf] ?v.<br />

254 爍觰 shuò. [ seuk ] to sparkle. l´Nsf ºØf“Sg'.<br />

255 朔頠 shuò. [ sok ] the first day of the lunar month,<br />

north. n'gf/ aÈ{sf] klxnf] lbg\, pQ/ lbzf.<br />

256 搠 shuò. [ sok ] to thrust. k|xF/ ug'{.<br />

257 絲安 sī. [ si ] silk, something like a thin thread. /]zd,<br />

s]xL lrh wfuf] h:t} TofGb|f].<br />

258 司 sī. [ si ] the first level of office under a Ministry.<br />

d+Gqfno dftxt\sf d'Vo sfof{no.<br />

259 私倌 sī. [ si ] private, selfish, secret. lghL, :jfyL{, uf]Ko.<br />

260 思 sī. [ si ] to think, to consider. larf/ ug'{, ;D´g'.<br />

261 斯嫪 sī. [ si ] this, these, here, such, then. of], lolgx?,<br />

oxf“, h:t}, To;k5L.<br />

262 廝 sī. [ si ] labor, each other. dhb'/, Ps csf{df.<br />

263 嘶猴 sī. [ si ] hoarse. ?vf] :j/.<br />

264 撕 sī. [ si ] to tear off. RofTg'.<br />

265 死咯 sǐ. [ si ] death, to die. d[To", dg'{.<br />

266 四叶 sì. [ sei ] four. rf/.<br />

267 泗 sì. [ si ] snivel, nasal mucus. l;+ufg], cgfb/n]<br />

?g'.<br />

268 駟贳 sì. [ si ] a team of four horses. rf/ 3f]8Fsf] Ps<br />

l6d\.<br />

269 寺咏 sì. [ chi ] a temple, a monastery. d+lb/, d7.<br />

270 哱似 sì. [ tsi ] similar, alike, to seem, to appear. p:t},<br />

ldNbf], b]lvg', b]vf kg'{.<br />

271 肆擜 sì. [ si ] an elaborate form of "four" to prevent<br />

forgery lst]{ /f]SgnfO{ d]xgt\ ;+u n]v]sf] c+s<br />

rf/.<br />

272 伺哭 sì. [ si ] to reconnoiter, to serve. lgl/Ô0F ug'{,<br />

279 忪侵 sōnɡ. [ sung ] frightened, worry. 8/fPsf], lrGtf.<br />

280 崧喌 sōnɡ. [ sung ] a high mountain, lofty. cUnf] kxf8.<br />

281 嵩 sōnɡ. [ sung ] Mountain Sung in Honan Province.<br />

;'ª kxf8.<br />

282 鬆觅 sōnɡ. [ sung ] to loosen, relax, slacken. v's'nf]<br />

kfg'{.<br />

283 聳童 sǒnɡ. [ sung ] to shock. 8/fpg'.<br />

284 慫 sǒnɡ. [ sung ] to instigate. ck/fw ug{ pS;fpg'.<br />

285 悚韸 sǒnɡ. [ sung ] terrified, frighten. 8/fPsf], t;f{pg'.<br />

286 誦犼 sònɡ. [ chung ] to recite, to intone. s|d} ;+u eGg',<br />

ufP/ k9\g'.<br />

287 送 sònɡ. [ sung ] to send, to deliver, to see someone<br />

off. k7fpg', k'¥ofpg', sf]xL uPsf] x]g'{.<br />

288 頌踨 sònɡ. [ chung ] to praise. k|z+;f ug'{.<br />

289 訟 sònɡ. [ chung ] to litigate. cbfntdf afbL<br />

nufpg'.<br />

290 宋侗 sònɡ. [ sung ] the Sung Dynasty. ;'ª /fhj+z.<br />

291 搜 sōu. [ sau ] to search. vf]Hg'.<br />

292 廋 sōu. [ sau ] to hide. n'sfpg'.<br />

293 餿 sōu. [ suk ] rotten, stale. ;8]sf] vfgf, af;L vfgF.<br />

294 颼詔 sōu. [ sau ] blown about by wind. xfjfn] xfg]sf]<br />

cfjfh.<br />

295 艘 sōu. [ sau ] a quantifier for boats and ships. 8'+uf<br />

/ hxfhsf] kl/df0F.<br />

296 叟鞟 sǒu. [ sau ] an elder, a senior, the old. h]7F],<br />

dflyNnf] pd]/ jf kb, jof]a[¢.<br />

297 藪訔 sǒu. [ sau ] a shallow lake overgrown with wild<br />

plants, an assembling place. xf]rf] k|fs[lts\ kf]v/Ldf

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 242 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

pTkflbt\ h+unL af]6 la?jf. hd\36\ x'g] 7f“p<br />

323 遂跱 suì. [ sui ] to satisfy, then. ;+Gt'i6 kfg'{, To; k5L.<br />

298 嗽蹌 sòu. [ sau ] to cough. vf]sL.<br />

324 隧 suì. [ sui ] an underground passage, a tunnel.<br />

299 蘇祁 sū. [ so ] to come back to life, short for Soviet<br />

e"ldut af6F], ;'?ª.<br />

Russia, C.F.N. k"g{hGd eof] , ?;sf] 5F]6\s/Ldf.<br />

325 穗 suì. [ sui ] a tassel, an ear of wheat, decoration<br />

300 酥 sū. [ so ] crisp, short pastry, plant. v¥ofPsf] vfgf,<br />

hats. ´'Dsf, ux'“sf] afnf, ;hfpg] 6F]kL.<br />

sd lk7f]af6 agfPsf] vfB kbfy{, la?jf.<br />

326 孫韍 sūn. [ suen ] a grandson. gftL.<br />

301 穌跒 sū. [ so ] to rise again. k]m/L pbfpg'.<br />

327 損 sǔn. [ suen ] the loss, to lose, damage. xfgL,<br />

302 俗 sú. [ chuk ] custom, common. eG;F/, ;fwf/0f.<br />

x/fPsf], lalu|Psf].<br />

303 訴 sù. [ so ] to tell, to sue. eGg', gfln; lbg'.<br />

328 笋 sǔn. [ shun ] bamboo. jf“;.<br />

304 肅宔 sù. [ suk ] respectful, solemn, serious and<br />

withoutbny amusement. cfb/l0Fo, u+le/, u+le/ /<br />

s'g} d':sfg\ gePsf].<br />

305 素獂 sù. [ so ] plain, uncolored clothes. z'¢, g/+ufPsf]<br />

sk8F.<br />

306 速 sù. [ chuk ] fast, quick, speedy. klxnf], l5§f],<br />

ultlzn\.<br />

307 宿啹 sù. [ suk ] to stay overnight, inborn, old. /fte/L<br />

a:g', hGd}n], k'/fgf].<br />

308 夙 sù. [ suk ] the early morning, inborn. ljxfg<br />

;a]/}, :jfefljs\.<br />

309 塑 sù. [ so ] to model. gd'gf.<br />

310 粟宁 sù. [ suk ] grain. cGg.<br />

311 溯摠 sù. [ sok ] to go upstream. wf/fsf] d'xfg\df hfg'.<br />

312 酸狧 suān. [ suen ] sour, an acid, to ache. cldnf],<br />

cDn, b'v lk8f.<br />

313 算牨 suàn. [ suen ] to calculate. lx;fa ug'{.<br />

314 蒜犠 suàn. [ suen ] garlic. n;'g\.<br />

315 雖筈 suī. [ sui ] although, even if. oBkL, tfkgL, obL.<br />

316 荽 suī. [ sui ] parsley. Hjfg'.<br />

317 隨 suí. [ tsui ] to follow. k5L nfUg'.<br />

318 隋 suí. [ tsui ] name of a dynasty. /fhj+zsf] gfd.<br />

319 髓 suǐ. [ sui ] tissue, marrow, pith, essence. dl;gf]<br />

/];F jf tGt', df;L, x8\8L leqsf] kbfy{, ;F/<br />

tTj.<br />

320 歲摚 suì. [ sui ] a year of age. pd]/sf] aÈ{.<br />

321 碎撮 suì. [ sui ] shattered, broken to pieces, fragments<br />

of. 6's|f 6's|f kf/]/ ljufg'{, 6's|f eP/ ef“lrof],<br />

ef“lrPsf].<br />

322 祟猫 suì. [ sui ] high, lofty. cUnf], pRr.<br />

329 隼 sǔn. [ zoen ] a hawk, a falcon. afh.<br />

330 筍孽 sǔn. [ shun ] bamboo shoot. jf“;sf] tf“df.<br />

331 縮竍 suō. [ suk ] to shrink, to contract, to draw back.<br />

v'DRofpg', v'lDrg', v'DRofpg'.<br />

332 娑韀 suō. [ sa ] to dance. gfRg'.<br />

333 唆鞧 suō. [ soh ] to instigate, to incite. pNsfpg',<br />

pT;flxt kfg'{.<br />

334 梭嘁 suō. [ soh ] a shuttle of a loom. sk8F a'GbF<br />

wfuf] j/k/ nfg] ;F“rf].<br />

335 蓑犧 suō. [ soh ] a coir raincoat. gl/jnsf] h§fsf]<br />

aÈf{bL.<br />

336 簑跖 suō. [ soh ] a coir raincoat. gl/jnsf] h§fsf]<br />

aÈf{bL.<br />

337 所 suǒ. [ soh ] a place, an office. 7f“p, sfof{no.<br />

338 索獃 suǒ. [ sok ] a rope, to search for, to demand.<br />

8F]/L, nfuL vf]h, dfu ug'{.<br />

339 瑣 suǒ. [ soh ] petty, troublesome. Ô'b|, b'Mv lbg].<br />

340 鎖 suǒ. [ soh ] a lock, to lock up. rfjL, aGb ug'{.<br />

T characters 192,<br />

001 他 tā. [ ta ] he, him. p, p:nfO{.<br />

002 牠倁 tā. [ ta ] it. of].<br />

003 她咆 tā. [ ta ] she, he. ltgL, p.<br />

004 它叾 tā. [ ta ] it of].<br />

005 踏賶 tà. [ dap ] to step on. lx8FO{df.<br />

006 塌 tā. [ tap ] to collapse. 9Ng'.<br />

007 遢狠 tā. [ tap ] untidy, slipshod. kmf]xf]/L, c;fjwfg\.<br />

008 塔 tǎ. [ tap ] a tower. cUnf] 3/.

009 獺觴 tǎ. [ tsat ] an otter. hgfj/ cf]t\.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 243 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

010 遝狡 tà. [ dap ] numerous, many. cg]s, Hofb}.<br />

035 譚訦 tán. [ tam ] to talk, C.F.N. s'/fsfgL ug'{.<br />

011 撻 tà. [ tat ] to flog, to whip, to launch a punitive attack<br />

against. sf]/f{, sf/f{sf] b08, abnfdf cfs|d0f ug'{.<br />

012 榻躯 tà. [ tap ] a couch, seat or bed. u2fjfnf knª,<br />

s';L{ of vf6\.<br />

013 蹋笡 tà. [ dap ] to step on, to be a spendthrift. lxl8/xg',<br />

vrf{n'.<br />

014 胎愥 tāi. [ toi ] an embryo, a tire. e'|0F, ufl8sf] rSsf.<br />

015 台史 tái. [ toi ] a terrace, platform, stage. rf}tf/F, /]n\sf]<br />

rf}tf/f, /+u d~r.<br />

016 抬 tái. [ toi ] to lift, to carry by more persons. prfNg',<br />

w]/} dflg;n] af]Sg'.<br />

017 苔愺 tái. [ toi ] moss. kflgdf x'g] n]p jf sfO{.<br />

018 颱猇 tái. [ toi ] a typhoon. ;fd'lGb|s cf“lwa]/L.<br />

019 臺犔 tái. [ toi ] platform, terrace. /]n\sf] rf}tf/f, rf}tf/F.<br />

020 檯筺 tái. [ toi ] a desk, a table, a stand, base. nfdf]<br />

s';L{, nfdf] 6]an, a}7s, hu.<br />

021 太 tài. [ tai ] too. kgL.<br />

022 鈦 tài. [ tai ] titanium. l66flgod\ wft'.<br />

023 汰俫 tài. [ tai ] to wash out, to eliminate, remove. kvfn]/<br />

ºofSg', lgsfNg', x6fpg'.<br />

024 態躊 tài. [ tai ] condition, state. l:ytL, cj:yf.<br />

025 泰顃 tài. [ tai ] safe and tranquil, extreme. ;'/lÔt\ /<br />

zfGtL, ;a eGbf clGtd efu.<br />

026 貪 tān. [ tam ] to have an inordinate desire, greedy.<br />

crfSnL rfxfg', nf]eL.<br />

027 攤秉 tān. [ tan ] to spread out for viewing, display, to<br />

apportion or share. k|b{zg\sf] nfuL vf]Ng',<br />

b]vfO{Psf], efu nufpg'.<br />

028 灘种 tān. [ tan ] the beach. ;d'lGb| t6\.<br />

029 癱稧 tān. [ tan ] paralysis. kÔf3ft\.<br />

030 覃 tán. [ tam ] deep. ulx/f].<br />

031 彈 tán. [ tan ] a ball, a pellet, a bullet, a bomb. uf]n\,<br />

d6\Øfªu|f], aGb'sf] uf]nL, a+duf]nf.<br />

032 壇赤 tán. [ tan ] religious, an altar, a flower bed.<br />

elQdfg\, k|;Fbsf] tof/L 6]jn\, k'mn\sf]<br />

cf]R5\Øfg\.<br />

033 檀 tán. [ tan ] sandalwood. >Lv08sf] ?v.<br />

034 潭 tán. [ tam ] a deep pool. ulx/f] tnfp.<br />

036 罈箪 tán. [ tam ] an earthen jar. df6F]sf nf]6F.<br />

037 談 tán. [ tam ] to talk, speech. s'/F ug'{, efÈ0f.<br />

038 痰撗 tán. [ tam ] phlegm. skm, ;bL{.<br />

039 曇越 tán. [ tam ] covered with clouds. s'lx/f]n] 9FSg'.<br />

040 坦 tǎn. [ tam ] open, calm. vf]Ng', zfGtL.<br />

041 毯嬕 tǎn. [ tam ] a blanket, rug, carpet. sDjn\, kFvL,<br />

un}rf.<br />

042 袒 tǎn. [ tan ] to shield, to expose the upper part of<br />

the body. /Ôf ug'{, zl//sf] dflyNnF] efusf]<br />

sk8F vf]Ng'.<br />

043 忐 tǎn. [ taan ] timid, apprehensive, vacillating.<br />

nhfpg', 8/fpg', cn\dn\df kg'{.<br />

044 嘆蹎 tàn. [ tan ] to exclaim in praise, to lament or sad.<br />

crfgs\ v'l;df 7'nf] s/fpg', ?jfaf;L x'g' jf<br />

b'MvL.<br />

045 炭惎 tàn. [ tan ] charcoal, coal. bfp/fsf] sf]O{nf, kTy/<br />

sf]O{nf.<br />

046 探嗁 tàn. [ tam ] to detect, to try to find out, to pay a<br />

visit to. kQf nufpg', kQf nufpg sf]l;;\ ug'{,<br />

3'DgnfO{ Wofg\ lbg'.<br />

047 碳牘 tàn. [ tan ] the element carbon. tTj cDn Uof“;.<br />

048 湯嬫 tānɡ. [ tong ] soup, hot water. ltx'g, tftf] kfgL.<br />

049 鏜詀 tánɡ. [ tong ] the noise of drums or gongs. 9f]n\sf]<br />

xNnf jf ´\ØfD6Fsf] cfjfh.<br />

050 棠嫺 tánɡ. [ tong ] the sweet pear tree. u'lnof]<br />

g:kfltsF] ?v.<br />

051 堂啣 tánɡ. [ tong ] a hall for a specific public use,<br />

relationship of cousins, quantifier for a class session.<br />

laÈ]z ;fj{hlgs\ k|ofusf] 3/, gftf k'mk' dfdfsf]<br />

5f]/f 5F]/L, sÔfsf] z}lÔs–;q kl/dfl0fs\ ;+Vof.<br />

052 膛 tánɡ. [ tong ] chest, chamber. 5FtL, vf]s|f]<br />

w'jfGb|F].<br />

053 螳笀 tánɡ. [ tong ] a mantis. ls/F.<br />

054 溏 tánɡ. [ tong ] half congealed, sticky. cfwf hd]sf]<br />

cfwf t/n, Rofk\ Rofk\ nfUg].<br />

055 塘 tánɡ. [ tong ] a pond. kf]v/L.<br />

056 唐鞡 tánɡ. [ tong ] abrupt, rude, sudden & unpleasant.<br />

crfgs, j];f]efpsf], crfgs\ g/dfO{nf].<br />

057 搪 tánɡ. [ tong ] to block. 5]Sg', tls{g'.<br />

058 跞 tánɡ. [ tong ] sugar. lrgL.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 244 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

059 淌嘕 tǎnɡ. [ tong ] to drip. yf]kf r'xfpg'.<br />

060 躺賻 tǎnɡ. [ tong ] to lie down. ;'tfpg'.<br />

061 倘鞆 tǎnɡ. [ tong ] if, supposing, in case. obL, dfgf}+sL,<br />

s]xL sf/0fa;.<br />

062 趟賰 tànɡ. [ tong ] quantifier for the number of trips.<br />

ofqfsf] ;+Vofdf kl/df0f tf]Sg'.<br />

063 燙趴 tànɡ. [ tong ] very hot to the touch, to press<br />

clothes. 5'g w]/} tftf] 5, sk8fdf :qL nufpg'.<br />

064 濤 tāo. [ to ] big waves. kflgsf] 7'nf] t/+u, .<br />

065 滔摱 tāo. [ to ] overflowing. af9L cfpg'.<br />

066 韜詏 tāo. [ to ] case for a bow, to hide, conceal. wg'sf]<br />

vf]n\, uf]Ko /FVg', n'sfpg'.<br />

067 掏嗔 tāo. [ to ] to take out. aflx/ lgsfNg'.<br />

068 饕 tāo. [ to ] a glutton. gc3fpg].<br />

069 絛擒 tāo. [ lo ] a silk ribbon. /]zdL l/ag\.<br />

070 陶 táo. [ to ] pottery, to make pottery, happy. df6F]sf]<br />

ef8F, df6F]sf] ef8F agfpg', v';L.<br />

071 淘嘪 táo. [ to ] to wash, rinse in a basket or pan, to<br />

dredge. w'g', s/fxL of 8fnf]df w'g', 5g'{ 5ls{g'.<br />

072 萄 táo. [ to ] grapes. c+u'/.<br />

073 啕啎 táo. [ to ] to cry loudly. lrRofP/ ?g'.<br />

074 逃玬 táo. [ to ] to run away, to escape. efUg', pDs]/<br />

efUg'.<br />

075 桃頵 táo. [ to ] a peach tree, a peach. cf?sf] ?v,<br />

cf?.<br />

076 討玒 tǎo. [ to ] to ask for, to incur.rfxfg', wf]sf x'g'.<br />

077 套鞽 tào. [ to ] a cover, to make a loop, noose. 5F]Kg',<br />

;'sf{pg] uf“7f] kfg'{, ;'sf{pg] uf“7f] .<br />

078 忑 tè. [ tek ] afraid, worry. 8/Fpg', lrGtf.<br />

079 特顠 tè. [ tak ] unusual, special. ljÈ]z.<br />

080 謄笕 ténɡ. [ tang ] to copy out. n]v]/ jf 5fk]/ tof/<br />

ug'{.<br />

081 藤 ténɡ. [ tang ] climbing vine. nxl/g] cu'/.<br />

082 籐禅 ténɡ. [ tang ] climbing plants. nx/] la?jfx?.<br />

083 疼猏 ténɡ. [ tang ] to ache, to love a child, dearly. b'Vg',<br />

aRrfnfO{ Kof/f] ug{', cToGt} Kof/f].<br />

084 騰 ténɡ. [ tang ] to gallop, to vacate, to leave. l5§f]<br />

bf}8g', 5f]8\g', labf x'g'.<br />

085 梯嗵 tī. [ tai ] a ladder. ln:g', e¥ofª.<br />

086 銻贓 tī. [ tai ] antimony. ;'/df wft'.<br />

087 剔鞘 tī. [ tik ] to pick, to reject. l6Kg', c:jLsf/ ug'{.<br />

088 踢賵 tī. [ tek ] to kick. nfTtn] xfGg'.<br />

089 啼 tí. [ tai ] to cry, the sound of some birds. ?g]<br />

s/fpg], s]xL r/fx?sf] cfjfh.<br />

090 提嫘 tí. [ tai ] to propose, to hold, take in hand. k|:tfj<br />

ug'{, ;dfpg', xftdf lng'.<br />

091 緹 tí. [ tai ] orange red. /Ftf] ;'Gtf]nf.<br />

092 題覹 tí. [ tai ] a subject, a topic. laÈo, lzÈ{s.<br />

093 蹄 tí. [ tai ] a hoof. v'/.<br />

094 體 tǐ. [ tai ] a body. zl//.<br />

095 替 tì. [ tai ] to take the place of. sfod\ d'sod\.<br />

096 屜啿 tì. [ tai ] a drawer. b/fh.<br />

097 剃 tì. [ tai ] to shave. bf/L sF6\g'.<br />

098 倜 tì. [ tik ] no limit, unrestrained. xb gePsf],<br />

g/F]lsPsf].<br />

099 涕顅 tì. [ tai ] tears. cfz'.<br />

100 惕喴 tì. [ tik ] vigilant, cautious. ;fjwfg\.<br />

101 逖 tì. [ tik ] far. 6F9F.<br />

102 嚏 tì. [ tai ] sneezing. xF5\Ø" ug'{.<br />

103 天 tiān. [ tin l6g\ ] the sky, the heaven. cfsf;\,<br />

:ju{.<br />

104 添嘗 tiān. [ tim ] to add, to increase. yKg', a9Fpg'.<br />

105 田 tián. [ tin ] farmland, field. v]tL hldg\, hUuf.<br />

106 甜 tián. [ tim ] sweet. ld7f] Kof/f].<br />

107 填 tián. [ tin ] to fill up, to fill in. vfnL 7f“p eg'{.<br />

108 恬恬 tián. [ tim ] peaceful without noise, tranquil. xNnf<br />

a]u/sf] zfGt, zfGt.<br />

109 舔犖 tiǎn. [ tim ] to lick. rf6\g'.<br />

110 殄 tiǎn. [ tim ] to completely destroy, waste. ;+k'0f{<br />

gi6 ug'{, kmf]xf]/.<br />

111 挑悀 tiāo. [ tiu ] to raise something with pole, to select.<br />

anf]sF] b'O{ lt/ ;dfg\ /fv]/ sf“wdf af]Sg', 5FGg'.<br />

112 條嘅 tiáo. [ tiu ] a long narrow strip or piece. nfdf] k§L<br />

6's|f jf ;Fu'/F] v08.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 245 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

113 迢慕 tiáo. [ tiu ] far. 6F9f.<br />

114 齠 tiáo. [ tiu ] to shed the milk teeth. b'w] bf“t pd|g'.<br />

115 窕 tiǎo. [ tiu ] gentle and graceful. enfb\dL / /fd|f].<br />

116 眺 tiào. [ tiu ] to look into the distance from a high<br />

place. cUnf] 7f“paf6 b'/L x]g'{.<br />

117 跳跢 tiào. [ tiu ] to jump, to palpitate. pk|mg', w8\sg'.<br />

a/fa/L, Ps};fy.<br />

136 銅独 tónɡ. [ tung ] copper. tfdf.<br />

137 桐頲 tónɡ. [ tung ] tree. ?v.<br />

138 童孵 tónɡ. [ tung ] a child. aRrf.<br />

139 僮踷 tónɡ. [ tung ] a servant, a boy. gf]s/, s]6F.<br />

140 瞳 tónɡ. [ tong ] a pupil of the eye. cfvfsf] gfgL.<br />

118 貼 tiē. [ tip ] to paste, stick on, to stay close to. dF8<br />

nufpg', 6F“:g', hf]l8P/ a:g'.<br />

119 鐵禟 tiě. [ tit ] iron, hard as iron. kmnfd\, kmnfd\<br />

h:t} s8f.<br />

120 帖 tiě. [ tip ] obedient, submissive, obey, suitable, an<br />

invitation card. cf1fsf/L, gd|, cf1F kfns\,<br />

lgdGq0ff sf8{.<br />

121 餮 tiè. [ tit ] greedy for food. v~r'jf.<br />

122 汀吝 tīnɡ. [ ting ] low, level land along a river. tNnf],<br />

vf]nf hldg\ ;+usf] ;tx.<br />

123 廳羣 tīnɡ. [ ting ] a hall, a designation for a certain<br />

level of government. 7'nf] sf]7f, ;/sf/sf] tf]lsPsf]<br />

lglZrt\ >]0FLn] k|of]u ug]{ 7'nf] sf]7f.<br />

124 聽秗 tīnɡ. [ ting ] to listen, to hear, to heed, listen &<br />

follow. ;'Gg', ;'Gg' xf];, Wofg\ lbg', ;'Gg' / k5\Øfpg'.<br />

125 廷侧 tínɡ. [ ting ] the court of a monarch ‘central<br />

government’. /fh;ef ejg\.<br />

126 财 tínɡ. [ ting ] sudden thunder. cfsl:ds\ d]3<br />

uh{g'.<br />

127 庭韨 tínɡ. [ ting ] a front courtyard, a law co. 3/sF]<br />

cfug\, cbfnt\.<br />

128 蜓擿 tínɡ. [ ting ] a dragonfly. nfdf] lhp kf/b{zs\<br />

kv]6F ePsf] ls/f.<br />

129 亭 tínɡ. [ ting ] a pavilion. sk8f Knfli6sf] kfn\.<br />

130 停珐 tínɡ. [ ting ] to stop, to halt, to stay. /f]Sg', cl8g',<br />

/xg'.<br />

131 婷 tínɡ. [ ting ] good-looking, graceful. /fd|f] b]lvg',<br />

z'Gb/.<br />

132 挺頊 tǐnɡ. [ ting ] to stand erect, straight, of clothes<br />

stiff and unwrinkled, quite, very. ;f´f] 7f8f], ;f]´f],<br />

sk8f gbf]la{g] / rfp/L gkg]{, laNs'n, Hofb}.<br />

133 艇 tǐnɡ. [ ting ] a boat. 8'Ëf.<br />

134 通 tōnɡ. [ tung ] unobstructed, through,<br />

to communicate. g/f]lsPsf], ¢F/f dfk{mt\, aftf{nfk<br />

ug'{.<br />

135 同呧 tónɡ. [ tung ] alike, equal, together. ldNbf],<br />

141 彤侪 tónɡ. [ tung ] red. /ftf].<br />

142 佟 tónɡ. [ tung ] C.F.N.<br />

143 統 tǒnɡ. [ tung ] interconnected system, to gather<br />

into one. cfGtl/s ;+ks{ k|0FFnL, Ps} 7f“pdf<br />

e]nf.<br />

144 筒孻 tǒnɡ. [ tung ] a section of thick bamboo,<br />

a thick tube-shaped object. af“;sf] cf“Vnfsf] efu,<br />

afSnf] gnL cfsf/sf] a:t'.<br />

145 捅 tǒnɡ. [ tung ] to poke, to disclose. 3f]Rg', v'nf<br />

b]vfpg'.<br />

146 桶嗺 tǒnɡ. [ tung ] a tub. ef“8F.<br />

147 痛孜 tònɡ. [ tung ] pain, to ache. b'Vg', lk8F.<br />

148 偷珜 tōu. [ tau ] to steal, secretly. rf]g'{, uf]Ko.<br />

149 頭 tóu. [ tau ] a head, the top, beginning, head, chief,<br />

boss. 6fpsf], l;/, ;'?, 6Fps], xlsd, dflns.<br />

150 投俈 tóu. [ tau ] to throw, to send; to deliver, to agree<br />

with. ºØf“Sg', k7Fpg', k'¥oFpg', l;t ;xdt\.<br />

151 猎 tóu. [ sik/ tau ] dice. kf;f v]n\.<br />

152 透 tòu. [ tau ] thoroughly. xf]l;of/ ;+u.<br />

153 凸 tū. [ tak / dat ] raised. dfyL p7]sf].<br />

154 突愊 tū. [ tak ] suddenly, unexpectedly, all at once.<br />

ck{´6\, cfz} gu/]sf], Ps} rf]6L.<br />

155 禿倎 tū. [ tuk ] bald, bare hills. tfn'v'O{n] lrG8], gfªuf]<br />

8f“8f.<br />

156 圖蹙 tú. [ to ] a drawing, painting, photo, to plan. agfPsf]<br />

lrq, /+ufpg', t:aL/, of]hgf ug'{.<br />

157 徒韫 tú. [ to ] to go on foot, an apprentice, a follower of a<br />

religion. k}bn\ hfg', l;sf?, wd{sf] cg'ofoL.<br />

158 塗 tú. [ to ] to apply, to spread. lgj]bg\ lbg', k}mnfpg'.<br />

159 途 tú. [ to ] a way, a journey. af6f], ofqf.<br />

160 荼 tú. [ to ] a bitter taste vegetable. lttf] :jfbsf]<br />

;fukft\.<br />

161 屠啾 tú. [ to ] to kill, massacre. dfg'{, ;vfk kf/]/ dfg'{.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 246 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

162 土 tǔ. [ to ] the land, soil, local, native, indigenous.<br />

7f“p, df6f], :yflgo, k|fs[lts, :jb]zL pTkfbg.<br />

163 吐呩 tǔ. [ to ] to vomit, to throw up to, say. pN6L, 5Fb\g',<br />

eGg'.<br />

164 兔 tù. [ to ] a rabbit, a hare. v/fof].<br />

165 湍嬭 tuān. [ tun ] rushing waters. l5§f] alu/x]sF]<br />

kfgL.<br />

166 團蹘 tuán. [ tuen ] a round mass, something ballshaped,<br />

a group. uf]nfsf/ hg;d'x, uf]nf] a:t',<br />

;d'x.<br />

167 礲 tuán. [ tuen ] round dumplings made from wheat<br />

flour. ux'“sf] lk7f]sf] d'5]sf] 8Nnf].<br />

168 推嗍 tuī. [ tui ] to push forward, to shirk responsibility.<br />

cuf8L ws]Ng', lhDdfjf/L af6 klG5g'.<br />

169 頹 tuí. [ tui ] ruined. lalu|Psf].<br />

170 腿犑 tuǐ. [ tui ] a leg. v'§f.<br />

171 退玩 tuì. [ tui ] to move backward, to return. k]m/L kmls{g',<br />

kmls{g'.<br />

172 蛻攄 tuì. [ tui ] the skin moult cast off by snakes and<br />

insects. ;k{ jf ls/Fsf] 5Fnfsf] sfr'nL …af]s|fÚ<br />

ºØfSg'.<br />

173 褪 tuì. [ tui ] to take off clothes, of colors to fade.<br />

sk8F km'sfpg', /+u p8\g'.<br />

174 吞作 tūn. [ tan ] to swallow. lgNg] sfd\.<br />

175 屯 tún. [ tuen ] to store up. yg\Sofpg'.<br />

176 囤佸 tún. [ tuen ] to store up, to hoard. e08F/ ug',<br />

d'Nojfg\ lrh ;Gb's.<br />

177 豚 tún. [ tuen ] a suckling pig. ;'u'/sf] b'w] aRrf,<br />

;Fgf].<br />

178 臀竪 tún. [ tuen ] buttocks. zl//sf] a:g] efu, rf“s\.<br />

179 托咠 tuō. [ tok ] to hold in the palm of the hand, to<br />

entrust. xftsf] xTs]nfn] /fVg', sfd lhDdf lbg'.<br />

180 託玖 tuō. [ tok ] to entrust to, to consign. nfO{ lhDdf<br />

lbg', k7Fpg'.<br />

181 拖 tuō. [ toh ] to drag, to delay. tfGg', k/ ;fg'{.<br />

182 脫 tuō. [ tuet ] to take off, to get out of, to escape.<br />

p8\g', aflx/ hfg', efUg'.<br />

183 陀 tuó. [ toh ] a top toy. 3'dfP/ v]Ng] 8Nnf] v]nf}gf.<br />

184 佗哤 tuó. [ toh ] a load, C.F.N. ef/L.<br />

185 砣 tuó. [ toh ] the sliding weight of a steelyard,<br />

a stone roller. t'nf] of t'nf] h:t} t/fh'sf] 8+7L,<br />

9'Ëfsf] nf]xf]/f].<br />

186 沱 tuó. [ toh ] like heavy rain. leÈ0f kfgL k/] h:t}.<br />

187 駝贱 tuó. [ toh ] a camel. pm6.<br />

188 鴕 tuó. [ toh ] an ostrich. ;'t'/ d'u{ r/F.<br />

189 妥侑 tuǒ. [ toh ] proper, suitable, correct. plrt, ldNbf],<br />

;xL tl/sf.<br />

190 橢趔 tuǒ<br />

uǒ. [ toh ] oval-shaped. uf]nfsf/ cfsF/sF].<br />

191 拓 tuò. [ tok ] to open up. vf]Ng'.<br />

192 唾 tuò. [ toh ] spittle, to spit. y's\ ¥ofn\, y's.<br />

W characters 145,<br />

001 挖恲 wā. [ waat ] to dig. vGg'.<br />

002 窪牠 wā. [ wa ] a low-lying area, hole. laNs'n ;Dd<br />

7F“p, vf]laN6f] k/]sf] 7f“p.<br />

003 蛙 wā. [ wa ] a frog. EoFu'QF.<br />

004 哇 wā. [ wa ] a character used in transliterating.<br />

efÈfsf] n]vfO{ / af]nfO{df …jfÚ sf] pRrf/0f dfq.<br />

005 娃 wá. [ wa ] a baby, a child. aRrf, gfgL.<br />

006 瓦吣 wǎ. [ nga ] a roof tile, a watt. l´+u6Lsf] 5fgF,<br />

laB'lto zStLsf] gfk\.<br />

007 襪禐 wà. [ mak ] socks. 5f]6F] df]hf.<br />

008 歪悪 wāi. [ y ] not straight, crooked. l;wf gx'g', afËf]<br />

l6Ëf].<br />

009 外司 wài. [ oi ] external, outside. afxØ, aflx/ lt/.<br />

010 彎秇 wān. [ wan ] a curve, to bend, to flex. afªuF] /]vF,<br />

3'dfpg', a+Uofpg'.<br />

011 灣羥 wān. [ wan ] a bay, a gulf, a bend in a river. vf8L,<br />

vf8n\, 3'DtL vF]nF.<br />

012 豌 wān. [ wun ] pea. s]/Fp, l;aL.<br />

013 完侖 wán. [ yuen ] to complete, to finish, to be used up.<br />

k'/F ePsf], ;lsof], k|of]u e};s]sf].<br />

014 玩 wán. [ wan ] to play, to joke. v]Ng', 7§f ug'{.<br />

015 踤 wán. [ wan ] stubborn. lhl2jfn\.<br />

016 丸 wán. [ yuen ] a pill. cf}ÈwLsf] uf]nL.<br />

017 莞 wǎn. [ koon ] aquatic herb, Kwangtung county.<br />

kflgdf kfOg] hl8a'§L la?jF, Sjfªt'¨ a:tL.<br />

018 挽頌 wǎn. [ wan ] to lament somebody's death, pull.<br />

s;}sf] d[To"df zf]sfs'n x'g', tfGg'.<br />

019 晚嗬 wǎn. [ maan ] evening, night, late. ;f´, /ftL,<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 247 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

l9nf].<br />

020 皖孤 wǎn. [ yuen ] Anhwei Province. cGxjfO{ k|b]zsf]<br />

k'/fgf] gfd.<br />

021 輓狘 wǎn. [ wan ] elegiac expression. b'Mvsf] a0f{g\.<br />

022 宛 wǎn. [ yuen ] roundabout, crooked. 3'dfp/f],<br />

afËf].<br />

023 婉啫 wǎn. [ yuen ] gentle, beautiful, graceful. enfb\dL,<br />

z'Gb/, /fd|f].<br />

024 琬 wǎn. [ yuen ] a kind of jade. Psvfn] kTy/.<br />

025 惋喪 wǎn. [ yuen ] an utterance of surprise, to lament.<br />

5Ss k/]sf] af]nL, b'Mv AofQ.<br />

026 畹 wǎn. [ yuen ] a measure of land. hldgsf] gfk\.<br />

027 碗 wǎn. [ woon ] a bowl. srf}/F, a6'sf].<br />

028 萬撻 wàn. [ maan ] ten thousand, absolutely. b; xhf/,<br />

Hofb} hf]l;g'.<br />

029 腕宕 wàn. [ woon ] a wrist. xftsf] gf8L.<br />

030 汪俨 wānɡ. [ wong ] water vast and deep. kfgL Hofb}<br />

7'nf] / ulx/F].<br />

031 網牺 wǎnɡ. [ mong ] a net, a network, to catch with a<br />

net. hfnf], sd\Ko"6/af6 ;+ks{ ug']{ k¢tL, hfnf]n]<br />

;dfpg'.<br />

032 輞贃 wǎnɡ. [ mong ] the outer rim of a cart wheel.<br />

uf8Fsf] kfªu|fsf] aflx/L efu.<br />

033 魍览 wǎnɡ. [ mong ] a kind of monster. Ps k|sF/sf]<br />

/fÔ;\.<br />

034 往 wǎnɡ. [ wong ] to go toward, past. cuf8L hfg',<br />

lat]sf] ;do.<br />

035 枉 wǎnɡ. [ wong ] not straight, to misuse, to<br />

misinterpret. ;F]´f gx'g', unt k|of]u, unt cy{.<br />

036 罔 wǎnɡ. [ mong ] false spoken, to slander, no, not,<br />

without, nothing. uNtL eGg', ab\gfd\ ug'{, x'Gg xf]O{g,<br />

5}g x}g, l;afo, s]xL 5}g.<br />

037 惘喳 wǎnɡ. [ mong ] frustrated. b'Mv lbg'.<br />

043 旺 wànɡ. [ wong ] prosperous, flourishing. efUodfgL,<br />

kmlnkmfk\.<br />

044 呤 wēi. [ ngai ] danger, to endanger. vt/f,<br />

cfkt\df kfg'{.<br />

045 威 wēi. [ wai ] to threaten. xKsfpg'.<br />

046 崴媨 wēi. [ wai ] lofty. pRr.<br />

047 微 wēi. [ mei ] tiny, abstruse. Hofb} ;Fgf], a'´\g<br />

sl7g\.<br />

048 薇竺 wēi. [ mei ] plant. la?jf.<br />

049 偎珘 wēi. [ wui ] to press closely together for. dg<br />

k/fP/ dfof ug'{.<br />

050 煨撂 wēi. [ wui ] to stew, to simmer. dGb cf“rdf<br />

ksfpg', la:tf/} ksfpg'.<br />

051 巍祳 wēi. [ ngai ] high, towering. cUnf], cltg}<br />

cUnf] of nfdf].<br />

052 嵬 wéi. [ ngai ] high cUnf].<br />

053 為 wèi. [ wai ] to act as, to become. h:t} clego<br />

ug'{, x'g'.<br />

054 圍 wéi. [ wai ] to surround, around. rf/}lt/ 3]g'{,<br />

jl/k/L.<br />

055 違跴 wéi. [ wai ] to disobey. g6]g'{.<br />

056 惟営 wéi. [ wai ] only, alone, but, to meditate. dfq},<br />

PSnf], t/, lrGtf ug'{.<br />

057 維犁 wéi. [ wai ] to hold together, to maintain. Ps} ;fy<br />

ks8\g', lgaf{x ug'{.<br />

058 唯問 wéi. [ wai ] only, alone. dfq, PSnf].<br />

059 帷喒 wéi. [ wai ] a separating curtain. 5'§} kbf{.<br />

060 桅頷 wéi. [ wai ] a mast. sf7 of kmnfd\sf] cUnf]<br />

vDaf.<br />

061 韋靤 wéi. [ wai ] soft leather. g/d\ 5Fnf.<br />

062 偉珕 wěi. [ wai ] big, great. 7'nf] lazfn\.<br />

038 妄咂 wànɡ. [ mong ] absurd, irrational, without reason.<br />

p6\k6\Øfª, a'l¢lxg\, lagfsf/0F.<br />

039 忘侮 wànɡ. [ mong ] to forget. laÈ{g'.<br />

040 亡 wánɡ. [ mong ] to die, dg'{.<br />

041 望嗳 wànɡ. [ mong ] to look afar, to<br />

expect, hope. 6F9faf6\ x]g'{, cfz ug{', cfz.<br />

042 王 wánɡ. [ wong ] a king, great, tremendous size,<br />

C.F.N. /fhf, lazfn\, 8/nfUbf] cfsf/sf].<br />

063 緯 wěi. [ wai ] latitude. ef}uf]lns cÔf+z.<br />

064 偽 wěi. [ ngai ] false, bogus. uNtL, ´'§f].<br />

065 尾依 wěi. [ mei ] the tail, rear, back, last, final. k'R5/,<br />

k5F8L, k5F8L, cGTosf], clGtd\.<br />

066 娓韅 wěi. [ mei ] compliant, beautiful. :jLsfg{' k5{,<br />

z'Gb/.<br />

067 委 wěi. [ wai ] to depute, to give up, really. ;§fdf<br />

af]nL lbg', 5F8\g', jf:tadf.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 248 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

068 痿撜 wěi. [ wai ] weakness and numbness of the limbs.<br />

sDhf]/ / xft\v'§fn] yfxf gkfpg'.<br />

069 萎 wěi<br />

ěi. [ wai ] to wilt or wither. cf]O{nfpg', ;'Sg'.<br />

070 諉 wěi. [ wai ] to evade responsibility. pQ/bfloTjaf6<br />

klG5g'.<br />

071 煒 wěi. [ wai ] bright. r+lsnf].<br />

072 瑋 wěi. [ wai ] valuable, precious, jade. dx+uF],<br />

ax'd'No, kTy/.<br />

073 葦擯 wěi. [ wai ] a reed. la?jf.<br />

074 猥孈 wěi. [ wui ] indecent. clZnn\.<br />

075 畏惢 wèi. [ wai ] to fear, to respect. 8/Fpg', cfw/ ug'{.<br />

076 衛 wèi. [ wai ] to defend, to protect. arfpg', ;'/Ôf<br />

ug'{.<br />

077 未 wèi. [ mei ] not, not yet. 5}g, clxn] ;Dd.<br />

078 味 wèi. [ mei ] taste, smell, interest. rfVg', uGw,<br />

O{R5F.<br />

079 位員 wèi. [ wai ] a location, a place, each person. :yfg\,<br />

7f“p, hgxL.<br />

080 胃愠 wèi. [ wai ] a stomach. k]6\.<br />

081 謂 wèi. [ wai ] meaning, to say, to tell. dt\nj, eGg',<br />

atfpg'.<br />

082 慰 wèi. [ wai ] to comfort. ;'lj:tf.<br />

083 餵 wèi. [ wai ] to feed. VjFpg'.<br />

084 喂 wèi. [ wai ] hello, hey. xNnf], cxf π.<br />

085 蔚 wèi. [ wai ] flourishing, colourful. kmlnkmfk\,<br />

/+lurªuL.<br />

086 尉啻 wèi. [ wai ] a junior officer. ;xfos xflsd\.<br />

087 魏视 wèi. [ ngai ] name of a kingdom. /Fhwflgsf]<br />

gfd\.<br />

088 溫摬 wēn. [ wan ] mildly warm, gentle, temperate. g/d\<br />

c;n\ :jefasF], enfb\dL, ;+odL.<br />

089 瘟 wēn. [ wan ] acute contagious diseases. l5§f] ;g]{<br />

;+s|fds /f]u\.<br />

090 文 wén. [ man ] an article, language, literature,<br />

culture, elegant, gentle, C.F.N. a:t' jf efu, efÈf,<br />

;flxTo, ;+:s[tL, /fd|f], enfb\dL.<br />

091 紋獀 wén. [ man ] lines. /]vfx?.<br />

092 蚊玂 wén. [ man ] a mosquito. nfDv'§].<br />

093 雯 wén. [ man ] the coloring on the clouds. afbn\df<br />

/+lula/+uL.<br />

094 聞犉 wén. [ man ] to hear, to smell. ;'Gg', ;'Uwg'.<br />

095 吻佪 wěn. [ man ] to kiss. DjfO{ vFg'.<br />

096 刎呝 wěn. [ man ] to cut one's throat. cfKg} wf“6L<br />

sF6\g'.<br />

097 穩 wěn. [ wan ] stable. l:y/.<br />

098 紊獁 wěn. [ man ] disorderly. lgod\ la?¢.<br />

099 問啍 wèn. [ man ] to ask. ;F]Wg'.<br />

100 搵 wèn. [ wan ] to press with fingers. cf}nfn] lyRg'.<br />

101 翁獐 wēnɡ. [ yung ] an old man, father, father-in-law.<br />

a[¢ dflg;, afaf, ;;'/f.<br />

102 嗡 wēnɡ. [ yung ] buzz and hum of insects.<br />

e"g\e'gfpg' / ls/fsf] cfjfh\.<br />

103 甕箍 wènɡ. [ ung ] a jug, a pot. s?jf nf]6f, ef8f].<br />

104 渦嬪 wō. [ woh ] a whirlpool, a dimple. kflgsf] 3'Dg]<br />

e"j/L, ufnf / ufnfsf] vf]laN6F.<br />

105 窩牡 wō. [ woh ] secret place, a hideout, brood of. u'KtL<br />

7F“p, e"ldut x'g', cf]y/f a:g'.<br />

106 萵擵 wō. [ woh ] a type of lettuce. lh/Lsf] ;fu.<br />

107 蝸 wō. [ woh ] a snail. ls/F, hgfj/.<br />

108 撾趄 wō. [ woh ] to beat. lk6\g'.<br />

109 倭鞉 wō. [ woh ] the old name of Japan. hfkfg\sf]<br />

k'/fgf] gfd\.<br />

110 我侷 wǒ. [ ngo ] I, me, my, we, our. d, d, d]/F], xfdL,<br />

xfd|f].<br />

111 沃俱 wò. [ yuk ] fertile, rich. dlnnf] 7f“p, wgL.<br />

112 臥 wò. [ ngoh ] to lie down, sleeping. 9lNsg', ;'Tg'.<br />

113 握嫙 wò. [ abk ] to have charge of. d l;t zStL 5.<br />

114 幄 wò. [ abk ] a big tent. sk8F jf 5fnfsf] 3'DtL<br />

3/.<br />

115 齷羡 wò. [ abk ] dirty. kmf]xf]/L.<br />

116 屋 wū. [ uk ] a house. 3/.<br />

117 烏類 wū. [ wu ] black, dark. sfnf], cWof/f].<br />

118 嗚 wū. [ wu ] horn, to toot. df]6/sf] l;6L, ltvf] 5F]6f]<br />

cfjfh.<br />

119 鄔 wū. [ wu ] C.F.N.<br />

120 污咸 wū. [ wu ] dirty, corrupt. kmf]xf]/L, e|i6rf/L.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 249 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

121 誣犿 wū. [ mo ] to accuse falsely. cf/F]k nufpg'.<br />

122 巫侢 wū. [ mo ] a wizard, witchcraft. wfdL, O{Gb|hfn\.<br />

123 毋 wú. [ mo ] do not, no. gug'{, 5}g\.<br />

124 無孀 wú. [ mo ] without, nil, nothing. afx]s\, z'Go, s]xL<br />

5}g\.<br />

125 吳佣 wú. [ ng ] C.F.N.<br />

126 蜈攀 wú. [ ng ] a centipede. vh'/f].<br />

127 吾佝 wú. [ ng ] I, we, our, my. d, xfdL, xfd|f], d]/f].<br />

128 鼯票 wú. [ ng ] a flying squirrel. p8\g] nf]vs]{.<br />

129 蕪 wú. [ mo ] where weeds luxuriate. disorderly. 3]/}<br />

km:6FPsf] ´f/kft, lgod la?¢.<br />

130 五 wǔ. [ ng ] five. kf“r.<br />

131 午 wǔ. [ ng ] noon. dWofGx.<br />

132 伍呆 wǔ. [ ng ] five. kf“r.<br />

133 武 wǔ. [ mo ] of the martial arts, brave and daring.<br />

kmf}hL snf, ;fx;L.<br />

134 舞犗 wǔ. [ mo ] to dance. gfRg'.<br />

135 侮 wǔ. [ mo ] to insult. ckdfg\ ug'{.<br />

136 鵡詟 wǔ. [ mo ] a parrot. ;'uf r/F.<br />

137 務珧 wù. [ mo ] affairs, must, to be sure to. ug'{ kg]{<br />

sfd\, k5{, lglZrt\ x'g' k5{.<br />

138 物 wù. [ mak ] things. lrh a:t'x?.<br />

139 誤狃 wù. [ ng ] an error, to miss. uNtL x'g', x/fpg'.<br />

140 悟韷 wù. [ ng ] to come to realize, quick to understand.<br />

yfxf kfpg] x'g', l5§f] a'´\g'.<br />

141 霧詍 wù. [ mo ] fog, mist. s'lx/f], afbn.<br />

142 勿 wù. [ mak ] do not, must not. gug'{.<br />

143 戊吋 wù. [ mo ] ancients to denote years, months, or<br />

days. k|flrg ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] zfn dlxgf<br />

ut].<br />

144 塢 wù. [ wu ] hole, a depression, a cove. Kjfn\, ;tx<br />

d'lgsf] vfN8F], u'kmf.<br />

145 晤嗭 wù. [ ng ] to meet face to face. e]6\3F6\ ug'{.<br />

X characters 290,<br />

001 兮 xī. [ hai ] oh, ah. cxf], cfxf“.<br />

002 夕 xī. [ jik ] sunset. /ft\ kg'{.<br />

003 矽 xī. [ jik ] silicon. l;nLsg\.<br />

004 西哝 xī. [ sai ] west, Western. klZrd\, klZrdL.<br />

005 茜 xī. [ sin ] madder plant. dlh7f] kx]+nf] k'mNg]<br />

nx/] ´f/.<br />

006 吸佫 xī. [ kap ] to suck, to attract. r':g', dg\ nf]Eofpg'.<br />

007 昔 xī. [ sik ] the past, in the olden days. lat]sf] ;do,<br />

k'/fgf] lbgx?.<br />

008 惜喱 xī. [ sik ] to cherish, to sympathize. :ofxfg'{,<br />

;xfg'e"tL bzf{pg'.<br />

009 析 xī. [ sik ] to divide, to separate. efu nufpg',<br />

5'§} x'g'.<br />

010 晰嫬 xī. [ sik ] apparent, clearly. k|i6 ;+u, ;kmf ;+u.<br />

011 蜥犭 xī. [ sik ] a lizard. dfp;'nL.<br />

012 息韵 xī. [ sik ] breath, rest, information. ;F; k]m/fO{,<br />

cf/fd\, hfgsf/L.<br />

013 熄軝 xī. [ sik ] to extinguish. cfuf] lgeFpg'.<br />

014 悉喧 xī. [ sik ] entirely, to be informed of. ;Dk'0F{,<br />

;'lrt\ x'g' kg]{.<br />

015 蟋笇 xī. [ sik ] a cricket. ´Øfpls/L ls/f.<br />

016 希侣 xī. [ hei ] hope. cfzf.<br />

017 稀孱 xī. [ hei ] rare, uncommon. slxn] sfxL+, c;fwf/0f.<br />

018 唏鞴 xī. [ hei ] sad, to grieve, to sob with sorrow. b'MvL,<br />

b'MvL x'g', ;'S;'s ?b} zf]s ug'{.<br />

019 熙軚 xī. [ hei ] sunny, prosperous. r+lsnf],<br />

zf}efUozfnL.<br />

020 奚鞿 xī. [ hai ] why, where, what. lsg

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 250 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

laxfgsf] rds\.<br />

030 犧禀 xī. [ hei ] a sacrifice. alnbfg\.<br />

057 狎 xiá. [ haap ] to be indecorously familiar with.<br />

031 曦詸 xī. [ hei ] sunlight. ;'o{sf] k|sf;\.<br />

h+unL :jefan] k|l;¢.<br />

032 習 xí. [ jaap ] a custom of habit. l/tLlytL.<br />

033 席韥 xí. [ jek ] a mat, a seat, a feast, dinner. u'Gb|L, 7f“p,<br />

ef]h, a]n'lssf] vfgf.<br />

034 蓆犛 xí. [ jek ] a mat. u'Gb|L.<br />

035 襲秙 xí. [ jaap ] to make a surprise attack on, to carry<br />

on as before. crfgs\ cfs{d0F ug'{, klxlnsf] h:t}<br />

ul/Nofpg'.<br />

036 覡 xí. [ hat ] a wizard. wfdL.<br />

037 媳 xí. [ sik ] a daughter-in-law. 5F]/L, a'xf/L.<br />

038 洗悺 xǐ. [ sai ] to wash. w'g'.<br />

039 喜 xǐ. [ hei ] happy, occasion for celebration, to be<br />

fond of. v';L, df}sfsf] v'l;ofnL, Hofb} k|]d ug'{.<br />

040 徙喟 xǐ. [ saai ] to move. a;f“O{ ;g'{.<br />

041 屣 xǐ. [ saai ] shoes. h'QF.<br />

042 璽觵 xǐ. [ saai ] an imperial, royal seal. /FHo,;fxL lrGx.<br />

043 戲 xì. [ hei ] a show, a game, to make fun of, to joke.<br />

k|b{zg\, v]n, dgf]/~hg\, x:of}nL ug{'.<br />

044 系倐 xì. [ hai ] a system, a series of. k|0FFnL, u+|Gydfnf.<br />

045 係 xì. [ hai ] to be related to, to connect with, to be.<br />

;+alGwt\ x'g', l;t\ ;+nUg, x'g'.<br />

046 繫訇 xì. [ hai ] to connect, to link, to join. ;DnUg x'g',<br />

;+ks{, ;+o'Q.<br />

047 細 xì. [ sai ] ‘in diameter’ thin, fine, exquisite, detailed.<br />

;Fgf] Aof; uF]nfO{, /fd|f], pTs[i6, a0f{g u/]sf].<br />

048 隙狻 xì. [ gwik ] a crack, a gap. k'm6\g', vfnL efu.<br />

049 蝦 xiā. [ ha ] a shrimp, a prawn. b; v'§] ;fd'lGb|s\<br />

hGt', l´+u]df5f.<br />

050 瞎 xiā. [ hat ] to be blind, groundless. cGwf x'g',<br />

lg/fwf/.<br />

051 轄笤 xiá. [ hat ] command over. clwsF/ rnfpg'.<br />

052 下 xià. [ ha ] below, under, beneath. tn, d'gL, tn lt/.<br />

053 峽韜 xiá. [ haap ] a gorge. 8F8F“sF] 3F“6L.<br />

054 顢狹 xiá. [ haap ] narrow. ;f“u'/F].<br />

055 俠 xiá. [ haap ] a chivalrous man. axfb'/L AofStL.<br />

056 霞筊 xiá. [ ha ] evening or morning glow. ;f´ /<br />

058 匣佗 xiá. [ haap ] a small box, case. ;Fgf] afs;\, a§f.<br />

059 遐践 xiá. [ ha ] distant, lasting. b'/L, l6Sg'.<br />

060 暇 xiá. [ ha ] free time. k'm;{tsf] a]nf.<br />

061 瑕撌 xiá. [ ha ] a defect. uNtL.<br />

062 罅鷶 xià. [ la ] a crack, a rift. rls{g, lr/f kg'{.<br />

063 嚇 xià. [ haak ] to frighten, to threaten. tzf{pg],<br />

xKsfpg].<br />

064 夏鞼 xià. [ ha ] the summer, C.F.N. lu|id Ct', aÈf{.<br />

065 仙 xiān. [ sin ] culture story, angel. syfsf] b]jtf,<br />

b]jL jf b]jb"t\.<br />

066 先呕 xiān. [ sin ] ahead, before, first, an earlier<br />

generation. cuf8L, c3Lg}, klxnf], afa' afh]x?.<br />

067 鮮筒 xiān. [ sin ] fresh, bright-colored. tfhf, r+lsnf]<br />

/+u ePsf].<br />

068 掀嗕 xiān. [ hin ] to lift, a lid, cover. p3f{g' jf<br />

prfNg', 9sgL, 5F]Kg].<br />

069 暹趈 xiān. [ tsim ] Siam, old name of Thailand.<br />

yfO{n}08sf] k'/fgf] gfd\.<br />

070 躚 xiān. [ tsin ] turning round and round, dancing.<br />

3'Dg' kmls{g' 3'Dg', g[To.<br />

071 纖稈 xiān. [ tsin ] fine ‘ body’. b'Anf] jf kftnf] …zl//Ú.<br />

072 閒 xián. [ han ] free, leisure. :jtq, k'm;{t\.<br />

073 閑 xián. [ han ] a fence, to defend, leisure. af/ afg'{,<br />

/Ôf ug'{, la>fd.<br />

074 嫻 xián. [ han ] highly skilled. pRr :tl/o.<br />

075 弦 xián. [ yin ] bowstrings, strings, the chord of an<br />

arc. ;+lut\sf] tf/, Do"lhssf] tf/, ;+lutsf] tfn\.<br />

076 舷 xián. [ yin ] the side of a ship. hxFh\sf] 5]p.<br />

077 絃 xián. [ yin ] the string, a cord. afhfdf k|of]u x'g]<br />

tf/, ;Fgf] 8f]/L tf/.<br />

078 銜狱 xián. [ ham ] to hold with the mouth, a title, the<br />

rank. d'vn] RofKg', pkf3L, kb\.<br />

079 嫌 xián. [ yim ] guess, suspicion. cg'dfg\, ;+vf.<br />

080 賢 xián. [ yin ] an able and virtuous person. Ps\ of]Uo<br />

/ u'0FL AofStL.<br />

081 咸 xián. [ ham ] all, completely. ;a}, k'/fk'/L.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 251 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

082 鹹祥 xián. [ ham ] salty. g'lgnf].<br />

083 涎嘏 xián. [ yin ] slaver. d'vaf6 /fn\ r'xfpg'.<br />

084 啣啕 xián. [ ham ] to hold in the mouth. d'vn] RofKg'.<br />

085 獮鶛 xiǎn. [ lei ] autumn hunting by ancient emperors.<br />

k|flrg\ /fhfn] z/b\ Ct'df l;sf/ v]Ng'.<br />

086 顯稕 xiǎn. [ hin ] apparent, to show. k|ToÔ, b]vfpg'.<br />

087 險 xiǎn. [ him ] dangerous, risky. vt{gfs, hf]lvd.<br />

088 跣 xiǎn. [ sin ] barefooted. gf+uf] v'§f.<br />

089 蜆攇 xiǎn. [ hin ] a clam. lxnf] jf afn'jfdf x'g]<br />

s8fvf]n\ ePsf] df5f.<br />

090 現噇 xiàn. [ yin ] present, to appear. at{dfg\, b]vf kg'{.<br />

091 線 xiàn. [ sin ] filament, thread, wire, a line, a cotton<br />

knit. wfuf], 8f]/f], tf/, wsf{, sk8f a'Gg'.<br />

092 限慤 xiàn. [ haan ] limit, restriction. l;df tflsPsf],<br />

/f]s nufPsf].<br />

093 憲赭 xiàn. [ him ] law, a statute. sfg'g\, lgod\.<br />

094 陷 xiàn. [ haam ] to sink, to falsely incriminate by<br />

rigging events or evidence. v;fNg', ax'dt\sf]<br />

k|df0fdf ´'§f] bf];L 9x¥ofpg' jf k|df0F.<br />

095 餡 xiàn. [ haam ] anything serving as stuffing for<br />

dumplings. vfg]s'/fsf] 8Nnf] leq s]xL nufP/ vfg].<br />

096 獻詿 xiàn. [ hin ] to donate respectfully, to present.<br />

cfw/sf ;fy rGbf lbg', pkxf/.<br />

097 腺 xiàn. [ sin ] a gland. zl//sf] 8Nnf].<br />

098 縣跣 xiàn. [ yuen ] state. k|b]z, Ô]q.<br />

099 羨擘 xiàn. [ sin ] to envy. cfvL 8Fx ug'{.<br />

100 香靬 xiānɡ. [ heung ] fragrant, C.F.N.. ;'ulGwt\.<br />

101 相惵 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] an appearance, a look, photo.<br />

b]vf kg]{, x]g'{, kmf]6F].<br />

102 湘嬥 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] Hunan province. x'gfg\ k|b]zsf]<br />

csf]{ gfd.<br />

103 媲 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] wing-room, railway carriage,<br />

compartment. k5Fl8sf] sf]7fx?, /]n\sf] sf]7Fx?,<br />

/]n\sf] l8Aaf.<br />

104 箱 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] letter box, body of a box,<br />

body of a container. lrL afs;\, aFs;sF] ;+k'0F{<br />

efu, 8Aafsf] efux?.<br />

105 鄉 xiānɡ. [ heung ] a rural area. u|fld0F 5]q.<br />

106 鑲羬 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] to mount. jl/k/Lsf] lsgf/f,<br />

gSzf 6F“:g] leQf, hxf/t\ h8\g'.<br />

107 襄笊 xiānɡ. [ sheung ] to assist. d2t.<br />

108 攘 xiánɡ. [ cheung ] details. la:t[t?kdf.<br />

109 祥 xiánɡ. [ cheung ] auspicious. z'e–d+undo.<br />

110 翔 xiánɡ. [ cheung ] to circle in the air, to fly. xfjfsf]<br />

e'j/L, p8\g'.<br />

111 響禨 xiǎnɡ. [ heung ] a sound, to make a sound, noisy.<br />

cfjfh, xNnf ug'{, xNnf.<br />

112 饗 xiǎnɡ. [ heung ] to dinner for, to provide. nfuL<br />

a]n'lssf] vfgf, pknAb u/fpg'.<br />

113 享 xiǎnɡ. [ heung ] benefit of. sf] kmfO{bf.<br />

114 想 xiǎnɡ. [ sheung ] to think, to suppose. larf/<br />

ug'{, dfgf}+ ls.<br />

115 餉 xiǎnɡ. [ heung ] pay, salary. lbg', tna.<br />

116 向呭 xiànɡ. [ heung ] the direction, to face. lbzf, cfkm}<br />

lt/ cfs[tL.<br />

117 項 xiànɡ. [ hong ] the nape scruff of the neck, an<br />

item, type, kind. ub{gsf] k5f8L, lsl;d, k|sF/,<br />

laleGg vfn].<br />

118 象 xiànɡ. [ cheung ] an elephant. xftL.<br />

119 像踽 xiànɡ. [ cheung ] similar, to resemble, an image.<br />

p:t}, p:t} x'g', gSzf.<br />

120 橡趕 xiànɡ. [ cheung ] oak. kmnf“6sf] ?v.<br />

121 巷 xiànɡ. [ hong ] a narrow road. ;fu'/F] af6f].<br />

122 嚮筢 xiànɡ. [ heung ] to guide. af6f] b]vfpg'.<br />

123 梟嘇 xiāo. [ hiu ] an owl. nf6\sf];]/F] r/f.<br />

124 消顆 xiāo. [ siu ] to disappear. nf]k x'g'.<br />

125 硝孪 xiāo. [ siu ] saltpeter, in leather making. ;F]8F,<br />

5Fnf agfpg].<br />

126 銷贔 xiāo. [ siu ] to sell, to cancel. a]Rg', /2 ug'{.<br />

127 逍 xiāo. [ siu ] free and unfettered. h]n\ d'Q / :jtGq.<br />

128 宵韔 xiāo. [ siu ] night. /ft\.<br />

129 霄贡 xiāo. [ siu ] clouds, the sky. w'Dd x'g', cfsf;\.<br />

130 鴞 xiāo. [ hiu ] an owl. nf6\sf];]/F] r/f.<br />

131 蕭 xiāo. [ siu ] lonely, desolate, C.F.N. c;xfo, lgh{g\.<br />

132 瀟觩 xiāo. [ siu ] deep and clean water, the sound of<br />

beating rain and whistling wind. ulx/f] / ;kmf bx,<br />

kflgn] lxsf{Psf] cfjfh jf xfjfsf] ;';fO{.<br />

133 簫箜 xiāo. [ siu ] a vertical bamboo flute. af“;sf] d'/nL.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 252 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

Pp6} pb]Zo ePsf] ;d'x.<br />

134 囂祰 xiāo. [ hiu ] din, noisy. sf]nfxn\, xNnf vNnf.<br />

159 攜祷 xié. [ kwai ] to carry, to help, to lead. af]Sg', d2t<br />

135 淆嘯 xiáo. [ ngaau ] confused, disorderly. bf]wf/,<br />

ug'{, af6f] b]vfpg'.<br />

lgod la?¢.<br />

160 鞋货 xié. [ hai ] shoes. h'QF.<br />

136 小 xiǎo. [ siu ] small, little. ;fgf], yf]/}.<br />

161 挾頃 xié. [ hip ] to force somebody to submit to one's<br />

137 曉趇 xiǎo. [ hiu ] to know; to understand. hfGg', a'´\g'.<br />

will. s;}sf] bafjdf cfKgf] O{R5F lakl/t\ ;dfa];<br />

u/fpg'.<br />

138 篠竅 xiǎo. [ siu ] thin and short stems kftnf] / 5F]6f]<br />

cf“Vnf ePsf] af“;.<br />

162 寫 xiě. [ she ] to write. n]Vg'.<br />

139 筱 xiǎo. [ yau ] little slender bamboo, little, small.<br />

kftnf] ;fgf] af“;, yf]/}, ;Fgf].<br />

140 效頒 xiào. [ hau ] effectiveness, to follow the example<br />

of, to serve. nfu' x'g], sf] pbfx/0f kR5Øfpg',<br />

;]jf ug'{.<br />

141 傚 xiào. [ hau ] to imitate, to copy. clego ug'{,<br />

k|ltlnkL.<br />

142 校頣 xiào. [ hau ] a school, proofreading. laBFno,<br />

5fk]sf] sfutsf] ;+zf]wg\ ug'{.<br />

143 笑猼 xiào. [ siu ] to laugh, to smile. xf“:g', d':s'/fpg'.<br />

144 孝侒 xiào. [ hau ] dutiful as children in the light of<br />

Chinese tradition, in mourning. k/+k/fut\ rfO{lgh\<br />

1fg\ gflgx? h:t} st{Aok/fo0F, d[To" k5L<br />

ljnf}gf ug'{.<br />

145 哮鞮 xiào. [ hau ] to cry out in a loud voice. 7'nf]<br />

:j/df ?jfaf;L x'g'.<br />

146 肖倒 xiāo. [ siu ] alike, similar. ldNbf], p:t}.<br />

147 嘯 xiào. [ siu ] to whistle, a long deep and loud sound.<br />

;';]Ng', nfdf] ulx/f] / 7'nf] cfjfh.<br />

148 些 xiē. [ she ] some. s]xL.<br />

163 泄 xiè. [ sit ] to leak out. kfgL r'lxg'.<br />

164 瀉签 xiè<br />

iè. [ she ] to flow rapidly, to have diarrhea. t]h\<br />

;+u aUof], kvfnf nfUg'.<br />

165 卸 xiè. [ she ] to unload, to dismantle, to take apart.<br />

;fdfg\ ´fg'{, sk8f vf]Ng', 5'§} kfg'{.<br />

166 械嗾 xiè. [ hai ] a tool, an instrument, weapons. cf}hf/,<br />

;fdfu|L, xftxltof/.<br />

167 謝笔 xiè. [ tse ] to thank, of flowers to wither, C.F.N..<br />

wGoafb, k'mn cf]O{lnP/ dg{ nfu]sf].<br />

168 屑韘 xiè. [ sit ] bits, small pieces, to look at. clnstL,<br />

;fgf] 6's|f, a]l7s ;+u x]g'{.<br />

169 褻笈 xiè. [ sit ] to be disrespectful, obscene. c;Eo x'g',<br />

cZnLn\.<br />

170 懈赵 xiè. [ kai ] lax, relaxed. v's'nf].<br />

171 邂 xiè. [ hai ] to meet by chance. df}sfn] e]6 x'g'.<br />

172 蟹訜 xiè. [ hai ] a crab. u“u6F.<br />

173 洩惄 xiè. [ sit ] to leak out. kfgL r'lxg'.<br />

174 心 xīn. [ sam ] the heart. d'6'.<br />

149 歇摙 xiē. [ kit ] to take usually short rest. b}lgs<br />

5F]6F] la>fd\.<br />

150 蝎 xiē. [ kit ] scorpionfish. laR5L.<br />

151 蠍訛 xiē. [ hit ] a scorpion. laR5L.<br />

152 楔摋 xiē. [ sit ] to drive a wedge. km];F nufpg'.<br />

153 協 xié. [ hip / ng ] to assist, joint or together. d2t<br />

ug'{, ;+o'Q jf Ps} ;fy.<br />

154 邪倲 xié. [ chea ] irregular. clgoldt\.<br />

155 脅獛 xié. [ hip ] to threaten with force. an\ ;lxb\ xf“s<br />

lbg'.<br />

156 斜嗤 xié. [ che ] oblique, slanting. 58\s], ;nfdL k/]sf].<br />

157 諧 xié. [ hai ] in harmony. Ps csf]{df larf/ ldNg'.<br />

158 偕珙 xié. [ kai ] together with, in the match of. l;t ;u},<br />

175 辛倩 xīn. [ san ] hot taste, pungent taste, suffering.<br />

kf]Ng] :jfb, lk/f] :jfb, b'Mv lk8F.<br />

176 鋅贒 xīn. [ san ] zinc. lh+s tTj.<br />

177 昕 xīn. [ yan ] daybreak, dawn. laxfg\ x'g', k|eft\.<br />

178 忻 xīn. [ yan ] happy, joy. v';L, xÈ{.<br />

179 新搼 xīn<br />

īn. [ san ] new; up-to-date. gof“, gof“ kfg'{.<br />

180 薪竲 xīn. [ san ] salary, firewood. tnj, bfp/F.<br />

181 欣 xīn. [ yan ] glad. v';L.<br />

182 芯 xīn. [ sum ] the core, the central part of an object.<br />

u'bL, s'g} a:t'sf] s]lGb|o efu.<br />

183 馨神 xīn. [ hing ] smell, a strong fragrance, aroma.<br />

aF:gf, s8f aF:gf, ;'uGw.<br />

184 鑫 xīn. [ jaam ] used only in names, good profit.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 253 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

gfddf dfq k|of]u, /fd|f] gfkm.<br />

211 雄 xiónɡ. [ hung ] male, powerful. k'?È, zlStzfnL.<br />

185 信 xìn. [ shun ] honest, to trust, to believe, a letter.<br />

O{dfGbf/, la:jf;\ ug'{, e/ kg'{, lrL.<br />

212 熊軜 xiónɡ. [ hung ] a bear, shining bright. efn', rxs\<br />

:ki6.<br />

186 釁羫 xìn. [ yan ] a quarrel, a dispute. ´u8f, snx.<br />

213 呈 xiū. [ yau ] to rest, to stop. cf/fd\ ug'{, /f]Sg'.<br />

187 興 xìnɡ. [ hing ] cheerful, happy, gay, merry, interest,<br />

to become popular. Psbd\ v';L, v';L, lanf;L,<br />

214 修鞈 xiū. [ sau ] to repair, to study. dd{t ug'{, cWoog\<br />

xl;nf], pT;'s\, k|Voft\ x'g'.<br />

ug'{.<br />

188 星悌 xīnɡ. [ sing ] a star. tf/f.<br />

189 惺嫀 xīnɡ. [ sing ] clever. rnfv.<br />

190 腥擡 xīnɡ. [ sing ] bad, offensive smell. v/fj, b'{uGw.<br />

191 猩孊 xīnɡ. [ sing ] an orangutan. ag\dfG5].<br />

192 邢倱 xínɡ. [ ying ] name of an ancient state in China,<br />

C.F.N.. rfO{gfsf] k|flrg\ /fHo.<br />

193 呛 xínɡ. [ ying ] punishment. b08, hl/jfgf.<br />

194 鉶 xínɡ. [ ying ] a kind of pot for food in ancient<br />

times. k|flrg\ ;dosf] vfgf ksfpg] ef“8F.<br />

195 型 xínɡ. [ ying ] a model, a type. gd'gf, lsl;d\.<br />

196 行哛 xínɡ. [ hang ] to walk, to go, able, line of<br />

business, conduct. lx8\g', hfg', of]Uo, sfdsf]<br />

d]nf, cfr/0F.<br />

197 形侫 xínɡ. [ ying ] shape. cfsf/sf].<br />

198 醒 xǐnɡ. [ sing ] to awake. lap“´fpg'.<br />

199 杏 xìnɡ. [ hang ] an apricot. v'kf{lgsf] kmn\.<br />

200 姓 xìnɡ. [ sing ] surname. y/.<br />

201 性 xìnɡ. [ sing ] the property, a character, sex,<br />

gender. ;DktL, aFlgAof]/f, ln¨, hftL.<br />

202 幸 xìnɡ. [ hang ] good fortune. efUodfgL.<br />

203 倖靷 xìnɡ. [ hang ] fortunate, treat well. efUojfg\,<br />

ctL efUojfg\.<br />

204 悻喯 xìnɡ. [ hang ] angry. l/;fpg'.<br />

205 兄 xiōnɡ. [ hing ] elder brother. bfh'.<br />

206 兇呓 xiōnɡ. [ hung ] fierce, cruel. s|'/, lgb{oL.<br />

207 凶 xiōnɡ. [ hung ] evil, bad, unfortunate. ck/fwL,<br />

v/fa\, cefuL.<br />

208 匈呠 xiōnɡ. [ hung ] a chest. 5ftL.<br />

209 胸獟 xiōnɡ. [ hung ] a chest. 5ftL.<br />

210 洶悾 xiōnɡ. [ hung ] the sound of rushing water. kflgsf]<br />

ctL a]usf] cfjfh\.<br />

215 羞 xiū. [ sau ] to feel ashamed, shy. ;+s'lrt\ ;F]rfO{,<br />

nhfpg'.<br />

216 饈 xiū. [ sau ] delicacy. :jflbi6.<br />

217 髹 xiū. [ sung ] to paint or lacquer. /+unufpg' jf<br />

kfln;\ nfpg'.<br />

218 朽咩 xiǔ. [ hau ] something rotten. ;8]sf] s]xL lrh\.<br />

219 秀倍 xiù. [ sau ] beautiful, excellent. ;'Gb/, pQd.<br />

220 銹 xiù. [ sau ] rust. lvof nfUg'.<br />

221 繡箧 xiù. [ sau ] to embroider. l;of]n] sk8fdf a'§f<br />

eg'{.<br />

222 鏽祘 xiù. [ sau ] rust. lvof nfUg',.<br />

223 袖 xiù. [ zau ] a sleeve. n'ufsF] afpnf.<br />

224 嗅 xiù. [ chau ] to smell. uGxFpg'.<br />

225 吁呪 xū. [ hui ] deep breath with sad, a sigh. b'MvL eP/<br />

nfdf] ;F;\ k]mg'{, lanfk\ ug'{.<br />

226 咛 xū. [ sut ] ancients to designate years, months,<br />

and days. k|flrg\ ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] aÈ{,<br />

dlxgf / lbg\x?.<br />

227 虛 xū. [ hui ] empty, weak, afraid because of guilty<br />

conscience, unreal. vfnL, sDhf]/L, uNtLn] dg\<br />

kf]ln/xg], cgf}7F].<br />

228 墟猸 xū. [ hui ] market. ahf/.<br />

229 噓猰 xū. [ hui ] to breathe out slowly. nfdf] ;F;\ aflx/<br />

ºØfSg'.<br />

230 須 xū. [ sui ] must, ought to. k5{, rflxG5.<br />

231 需猀 xū. [ sui ] need, necessity. rflxG5, cefj.<br />

232 鬚积 xū. [ so ] a moustache. h'“uf.<br />

233 徐韭 xú. [ tsui ] slowly, gently, C.F.N. la:tf/}, gd| ;+u.<br />

234 許 xǔ. [ hui ] to allow, to praise, perhaps, C.F.N.<br />

:jLsfg'{, k|z+;f ug'{, ;fob\.<br />

235 栩頫 xǔ. [ hui ] active. k'mlt{nf].<br />

236 序侤 xù. [ tsui ] order, sequence, introductory. s|da¢,<br />

cg's|d, k|:tfjgf ;DaGwL.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 254 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

r+lsnf].<br />

237 敘嗡 xù. [ tsui ] to chat, to tell, to describe. afb\lrt\,<br />

eGg', a0F{g\ ug'{.<br />

260 眩猘 xuàn. [ yuen ] dizzy, to be bewildered. rSs/<br />

nfUg', cNdlng'.<br />

238 蓄犜 xù. [ tsuk ] to save, to store up. art\ ug'{,<br />

yGSØfpg'.<br />

261 靴踡 xuē. [ her ] boots. nfdf] h'Qf.<br />

239 緒犂 xù. [ shui ] the ends of thread, state of emotion or<br />

mind, the beginning. wfuf]sf] 6'Kkf], ;f]r / hf];\sF]<br />

cj:yf, ;'?.<br />

240 續禇 xù. [ tsuk ] to continue, to connect. nuftf/, hf]8\g'.<br />

241 咥 xù. [ yuk ] the rising sun, brilliance of the rising sun.<br />

´'Ns]/L 3fd\, rsf]{ ´'Ns]/L 3Fd\.<br />

242 卹 xù. [ sut ] to give aid and relief, to pity. ;xof]u ug'{<br />

/ cf/fd x'g', bof ug'{.<br />

243 恤 xù. [ sut ] to pity, to give aid and relief. bof ug'{,<br />

;xof]u ug'{ / cf/fd x'g'.<br />

244 婿 xù. [ sai ] husband, son-in-law. nf]Ug], 5F]/L HjfO{.<br />

245 絮守 xù. [ shui ] coarse cotton, to wad with cotton,<br />

resembling cotton, wooly, fluffy. sD;n\ ;'tL sk8f,<br />

;'ltsf] g/d sk8F, ;'tL h:t}, pmg}pgsf] h:tf],<br />

e'jfbf/.<br />

246 酗 xù. [ yue ] to lose temper after drinking. lkP k5L<br />

l/; x/Fof].<br />

247 宣 xuān. [ suen ] to announce, to make known.<br />

;fa{hlgs\ hfgsf/L, hfgsf/L u/fpg'.<br />

248 喧 xuān. [ huen ] noisy, uproarious. xNnf,<br />

pkb|f]{ ug]{.<br />

249 暄摂 xuān. [ huen ] warmth of the sun, soft. 3fd\sf]<br />

Gofgf], e'jfbf/.<br />

250 軒玢 xuān. [ hin ] high, lofty, a small room, veranda<br />

with windows. pRr, cUnf], ;Fgf] sf]7f, ´\ofn\<br />

;lxbsf] a/08f.<br />

251 玄吠 xuán. [ yuen ] dark, black, profound, unreliable.<br />

cWof/f], sfnf], uxg\ / dxfg\ 1fgL, cljZj:t.<br />

252 懸詳 xuán. [ yuen ] to hang. ´'08\Øfpg'.<br />

253 璿箌 xuán. [ suen ] fine jade. /fd|f] kTy/.<br />

254 旋嗨 xuán. [ suen ] soon, to whirl. l5§f], 3'Dg] sfd\.<br />

255 漩軁 xuán. [ suen ] a whirlpool. kflgsf] e'j/L.<br />

256 癬秒 xuǎn. [ sin ] ringworm. 5fnfsf] lrnfpg] ufnf]<br />

bfu\.<br />

257 選 xuǎn. [ suen ] to choose, to elect. /f]Hg', r'Gg'.<br />

258 烜 xuǎn. [ huen ] bright. r+lsnf].<br />

259 炫惉 xuàn. [ yuen ] to show off, bright and dazzling,<br />

shining. wfs b]vfpg', r+lsnf] / lt{ld{¥ofpg],<br />

262 削 xuē. [ seuk ] to pare, peel with a knife. tf:g',<br />

5'l/n] af]s|f tf:g'.<br />

263 薛竹 xuē. [ sit ] a kind of marsh grass, C.F.N. Ps \<br />

lsl;d\sf] ´f/.<br />

264 穴吶 xué. [ yuet ] a cave, a hole, a grave, an acupuncture<br />

point. cf]8f/, Kjfn\, lrxfg\sf] vf8n\, pkrf/<br />

ubf{ lhpdf l;of] 3';fg]{ 7f“p.<br />

265 學赩 xué. [ hok ] to learn, to study, a school. l;Sg',<br />

cWoog\ ug'{, laBfno.<br />

266 雪 xuě. [ suet ] to wipe out grievances, snow. c;To<br />

ph'/ ug'{, lxp.<br />

267 鱈 xuě. [ suet ] a cod, fish. df5F.<br />

268 血哚 xuè<br />

uè. [ huet ] blood, related by blood. /ut\, /utsf]<br />

gftf.<br />

269 謔 xuè. [ yeuk ] a joke, to tease. 76\6F ug'{,<br />

lh:Sofpg'.<br />

270 蕈 xùn. [ shun ] a mushroom, gill fungus. Rofp, 6f]k|f].<br />

271 熏 xūn. [ fun ] to smoke. w'jf kfg'{.<br />

272 薰箷 xūn. [ fun ] a kind of sweet grass. Ps k|sf/sf]<br />

u'lnof] ´f/.<br />

273 燻箅 xūn. [ fan ] to smoke, to assail nostrils. w'jf“ kfg'{,<br />

gfssf] Kjfndf lk/ ug'{.<br />

274 勳赓 xūn. [ fun ] honors, meritorious achievements.<br />

;Ddflgt\ dxfg\ sfd\ u/]aft\.<br />

275 勛 xūn. [ fan ] honors, meritorious achievements.<br />

;Ddflgt\ dxfg\ sfd\ u/]aft\.<br />

276 媤 xún. [ cham ] to look for, to search, to beg,<br />

to entreat. cg'zGwfg ug'{, hf“Rg', k|fy{gf ug{',<br />

laGtL ug'{.<br />

277 巡倯 xún. [ chun ] to patrol. ;'/Ôfsf] nfuL 3'Dg'.<br />

278 循 xún. [ chun ] to proceed along, to follow. ;+u;u}<br />

c3L a9\g', k5L nfUg'.<br />

279 鱘 xún. [ cham ] a sturgeon, fish. df5f.<br />

280 旬 xún. [ chun ] a period of ten days, a period of ten<br />

years in a person's age. b; lbg] cjwL, b; aÈ]{<br />

pd]/ cjwL.<br />

281 珣 xún. [ chun ] name of jade. kTy/sf] gfd\.<br />

282 詢攣 xún. [ chun ] to inquire, to ask, deliberate. ;F]wk"5

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 255 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

ug'{, hfgL hfgL u/]sf].<br />

018 胭獜 yān. [ yin ] cosmetics, face powder. z'Gb/tf<br />

283 峋 xún. [ chun ] high and steep mountains. cUnf] /<br />

a9Fpg] cf}ÈwL, cg'xf/sf] kfp8/.<br />

7F8F] kxF8.<br />

019 煙摶 yān. [ yin ] smoke, tobacco. w'jf“, ;'tL{.<br />

284 馴踯 xùn. [ shun ] obedient, to tame. cf1fsf/L, kFNt'<br />

hgfj/.<br />

020 湮嬨 yān. [ yin ] to bury. 8'jfpg' jf uf8\g'.<br />

285 殉頼 xùn. [ chun ] dead, to sacrifice one's life for. d/]sf],<br />

;lthfg'.<br />

286 訓玗 xùn. [ fan ] to train, to educate. tflnd\ lbg', lzÔf<br />

lbg'.<br />

287 訊玕 xùn. [ shun ] to interrogate, news, information. k|Zg<br />

ug'{, ;dfrf/, hfgsf/L.<br />

288 汛咹 xùn. [ shun ] high water, flood. af9L cfpg', af9L.<br />

289 迅倭 xùn. [ shun ] swift, fast. l5§f].<br />

290 遜狜 xùn. [ shun ] to free, to evade, respect, not as<br />

good as. v'Nnf x'g', pDsg', ;Ddfg\, 3l6of aflgsf].<br />

Y characters 403,<br />

001 丫 yā. [ a ] branches, forks. xf“uf, rf]s].<br />

002 押 yā. [ at ] to mortgage, to give as security, to take<br />

into prison. ef]uaGws\, ;'/Ôf lbg', s}bdf nufpg'.<br />

003 鴉赂 yā. [ a ] a crow. sfu r/f.<br />

004 鴨 yā. [ ap ] a duck. xf“;.<br />

005 壓 yā. [ at ] to press down. tn lyRg'.<br />

006 牙 yá. [ nga ] a tooth. bf“t\.<br />

007 呀佱 yā. [ a ] oh, ah. cxf] †, c“.<br />

008 蚜玉 yá. [ nga ] louse, aphid, greenfly. h'd|f, l´+uf,<br />

xl/of] l´+uf.<br />

009 芽 yá. [ nga ] a bud, a sprout, a shoot. sf]lknf,<br />

c+s'/, 6';f.<br />

010 崖喅 yá. [ ngaai ] a cliff. ;d'Gb| 5]psf] r§fg\sf] kx/f.<br />

011 涯嘜 yá. [ ngaai ] a margin, edge, a limit. lsgf/f, 5]p,<br />

xb tf]Sg'.<br />

012 衙攉 yá. [ nga ] a government office. ;/sf/L sfof{no.<br />

013 雅 yǎ. [ nga ] graceful. ;'Gb/.<br />

014 啞珶 yǎ. [ ah ] mute. nf6f] dflg;.<br />

015 亞 yà. [ a ] second to. bf]>F].<br />

016 軋 yà. [ zat ] to roll, to run over. a]g'{, Psf]xf]/f] 3'dfpg'.<br />

017 訝 yà. [ ah ] to be surprised. cfZro{df kg'{.<br />

021 淹嘠 yān. [ yim ] to submerge, wide. kflgdf 8'a'NsL<br />

dfg'{, rf}8F.<br />

022 醃贑 yān. [ yim ] to preserve with salt. g'g ;lxtsf]<br />

crf/.<br />

023 閹 yān. [ yim ] to castrate. v;L kfg'{.<br />

024 嘶 yān. [ yin ] how, there, here, so that. s;/L, Tofxf“,<br />

cgL To;}n].<br />

025 嫣蹮 yān. [ yin ] beautiful, charming. z'Gb/L, /fd|L b]v]/<br />

n} kg'{.<br />

026 言借 yán. [ yin ] speech, word. aStAo, egfO{.<br />

027 岩 yán. [ ngam ] rocky. 9'¨f.<br />

028 沿 yán. [ yuen ] the edge, along, to follow, continuous.<br />

lsgf/, ;+u;u}, kl5nfUg', nuftf/.<br />

029 炎 yán. [ yim ] inflammation, burning hot. eTetL<br />

kf]Ng] la/fd, eTetL kf]Ng].<br />

030 研惽 yán. [ yin ] to grind, to study. k9FO{df 3F]l§g',<br />

cWoog\ ug'{.<br />

031 妍侍 yán. [ yin ] beautiful. z'Gb/L.<br />

032 芫 yán. [ yuen ] lilac daphne. as}gf] ?v.<br />

033 羟 yán. [ yim ] salt. g'g\.<br />

034 顏覸 yán. [ ngan ] color, face. /+u, cg'xf/.<br />

035 延 yán. [ yin ] to protract, to extend. a9fpg', la:tf/<br />

ug'{.<br />

036 筵牧 yán. [ yin ] a feast, a banquet. rf8 ef]h, ;Tsf/<br />

ef]h.<br />

037 嚴詫 yán. [ yim ] strict, stern, tightly. s8F cfbz{, lgi7'/,<br />

s:;LPsf].<br />

038 巖移 yán. [ ngam ] a rock, a crag. 7'nf] 9'¨f, le/ kx/f.<br />

039 簷訅 yán. [ sim ] the eaves of a house. 3/sf] an];L.<br />

040 衍慅 yǎn. [ hin ] to develop, to evolve. lasfz ug'{,<br />

pGgtL ug'{.<br />

041 奄 yǎn. [ yim ] to cover, suddenly. 9fSg', ck{´6<br />

;+u.<br />

042 掩嗈 yǎn. [ yim ] to cover up, to shut. 5f]Kg', aGb ug'{,<br />

043 眼 yǎn. [ ngan ] an eye. Pp6f cfvf.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 256 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

044 演躽 yǎn. [ yin ] to evolve, to drill, to perform. lasfz<br />

ug'{, cEof; ug'{, v]Ng'.<br />

045 郾 yǎn. [ yin ] Honan Province. xf]gfg k|b]z.<br />

073 鴦 yānɡ. [ yeung ] the female mandarin duck.<br />

rfO{lgh\ kf]yL xf“;.<br />

074 羊哄 yánɡ. [ yeung ] a sheep, lamb. e]8F, e]8Fsf] kf7F].<br />

046 偃珒 yǎn. [ yin ] to stop. /f]Sg'.<br />

047 儼禿 yǎn. [ yim ] just like. o:t} vfNsf].<br />

048 魘羚 yǎn. [ yim ] bad dream, to have a nightmare. v/fj<br />

;kgf, ;kgfdf Hofbf tzf{pg] /F]u.<br />

049 鼴秶 yǎn. [ yin ] a mole. 5'r'Gb|f].<br />

050 焱 yàn. [ yim ] flames. cfuf]sf] Hjfnf.<br />

051 趷 yàn. [ yim ] flame. cfuf]sf] Hjfnf.<br />

052 厭蹇 yàn. [ yim ] hate, to detest. 3[0FF ug'{.<br />

053 晏頙 yàn. [ an ] late in time. w]/} ca]/ ;Dd.<br />

054 宴韒 yàn. [ yin ] to entertain at a banquet, good dinner.<br />

;Tsf/ ;lxb\sf] ef]h, a]n'lssf] ef]h.<br />

055 驗稙 yàn. [ yim ] to examine, check. hf“Rg'.<br />

056 焰嬿 yàn. [ yim ] a blaze. cfuf] blGsg'.<br />

057 燕趱 yàn. [ yin ] a swallow. r/f.<br />

058 硯孬 yàn. [ yin ] an inkstone. sfnf] 9'Ëf.<br />

059 彥 yàn. [ yim ] a person of accomplishment and virtue.<br />

AoflQsf] zf]ef / k|efj.<br />

060 諺 yàn. [ yin ] a proverb, a saying. pvfg, nf]sf]GtL.<br />

061 堰 yàn. [ yin ] a weir. vf]nfsf] jf“w.<br />

062 雁 yàn. [ ngan ] a wild goose. h+unL /fhxf“;.<br />

063 嚥觕 yàn. [ yin ] to swallow. l5§f] lgNg] sfd\.<br />

064 咽 yàn. [ yin ] the pharynx, to weep, speak in a choked<br />

voice, to sob. vfgf hfg] gnL, ?g', lg;fl;Psf] :j/,<br />

;'S;'s ug'{.<br />

065 饜 yàn. [ yim ] to satisfy. ;Gt'i6 x'g'.<br />

066 豔翄 yàn. [ yim ] colorful. ?k/+u.<br />

067 艷羏 yàn. [ yim ] colorful. ?k/+u.<br />

068 央叹 yānɡ. [ yeung ] center. s]Gb|.<br />

069 秧猳 yānɡ. [ yeung ] rice seedlings. wfgsf] a]gf{.<br />

070 殃悫 yānɡ. [ yeung ] a calamity, to bring calamity to.<br />

;+s6, ;+s6 cfof].<br />

071 泱 yānɡ. [ yeung ] great, profound. dxfg\, dxfg\ 1FgL.<br />

072 鞅猂 yānɡ. [ yeung ] a halter rope. wf]8F /F]Sg] 8F]/L<br />

075 洋悲 yánɡ. [ yeung ] ocean, vast or numerous, foreign.<br />

;d'Gb|, Hofb} jf w]/} 7'nf], ljb]zL.<br />

076 佯 yánɡ. [ yeung ] to feign. axfgf ug'{.<br />

077 揚嫢 yánɡ. [ yeung ] to lift or raise, to spread, make<br />

known. prfNg' jf p7fpg', k}mnfpg', hfgsf/L<br />

u/fpg'.<br />

078 陽 yánɡ. [ yeung ] the sun, overt, open, male. 3fd\,<br />

;fj{hlgs\, vf]Ng', efn].<br />

079 楊摏 yánɡ. [ yeung ] a poplar tree. ?v.<br />

080 瘍牋 yánɡ. [ yeung ] sores. vl6/F.<br />

081 颺覼 yánɡ. [ yeung ] blown, tossed about by the wind.<br />

xfjfn] lxsf{pg', xfjfn] xNnfpg' pkmfg'{.<br />

082 仰呍 yǎnɡ. [ yeung ] to face upward, to rely on. cg'xf/<br />

dfyL kmsf{P/ x]g'{, e/ kg'{.<br />

083 養 yǎnɡ. [ yeung ] to raise, take care, foster. p7fpg',<br />

xf]l;of/, ;+/Ôs\df x'sf{Psf] afns\.<br />

084 氧 yǎnɡ. [ yeung ] oxygen. clSzhg\.<br />

085 癢誁 yǎnɡ. [ yeung ] to itch. n'tf].<br />

086 怏 yànɡ. [ yeung ] discontented. c;+tf]È.<br />

087 恙韮 yànɡ. [ yeung ] an ailment, illness. c:j:Yo,<br />

la/fdL.<br />

088 樣 yànɡ. [ yeung ] shape, appearance, a sample,<br />

kind, type. cfsf/, cfs[tL, gd'gf, k|sf/, lsl;d\.<br />

089 漾軂 yànɡ. [ yeung ] to ripple, to overflow. t/+u,<br />

kf]lvg'.<br />

090 夭 yāo. [ yiu ] to die young. aRrf t'lxg'.<br />

091 殀 yāo. [ yiu ] to die young. aRrfd} dg{'.<br />

092 妖侌 yāo. [ yiu ] a monster, coquettish. /fÔ;,<br />

gv/dfpnL cfO{dfO{.<br />

093 腰擟 yāo. [ yiu ] a waist. sDd/.<br />

094 邀笮 yāo. [ yiu ] to invite. lgDtf] ug'{.<br />

095 謠笓 yáo. [ yiu ] a ballad, story, groundless talks.<br />

;fwf/0F lut\, sxfgL, lg/fwf/ egfO{.<br />

096 搖 yáo. [ yiu ] to wave, shake. sDkg\, xNnfpg'.<br />

097 瑤牃 yáo. [ yiu ] a precious jade, valuable. ax'd'No<br />

kTy/, d'Nojfg\.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 257 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

098 遙狞 yáo. [ yiu ] distant, far. b'/L, 6f9f.<br />

099 鷂禷 yáo. [ yiu ] a sparrow. eu]+/f.<br />

100 堯 yáo. [ yiu ] Yao, a monarch in ancient China.<br />

…ofcf]Ú lrgsf] k|flrg\ /fhf.<br />

101 餚 yáo. [ ngaau ] foods. vfgf.<br />

102 淆嘯 xiáo. [ ngaau ] confused, disorderly. bf]wf/,<br />

lgod la?¢.<br />

103 姚 yáo. [ yiu ] C.F.N.<br />

104 咬 yǎo. [ ngaau ] to bite. 6F]Sg'.<br />

105 杳 yǎo. [ miu ] distant and out of sight, silent. 6f9fsf]<br />

b'/L / b[Zo gb]Vg', r'k\rfk\ nfUg'.<br />

106 窈猹 yǎo. [ miu ] graceful. z'Gb/.<br />

107 舀獨 yǎo. [ yiu ] spoon. rDrf.<br />

108 鑰羭 yào. [ yuek ] a key. rfaL.<br />

109 藥 yào. [ yuek ] medication. cf}ÈwL.<br />

110 要慇 yào. [ yiu ] to ask for, important, might, must,<br />

should, if, in case. nfuL ;F]Wg', d'Vo, ;Sbf], k5{,<br />

kb{5, obL, sf/0Fa;.<br />

111 耀礸 yào. [ yiu ] to shine. r+lsg'.<br />

112 曜筱 yào. [ yiu ] sunshine, to shine. 3fd\sf] pHofnf],<br />

r+lsg'.<br />

113 噎猱 yē. [ jit ] to choke oneself. af9'NsL nfUg'.<br />

114 椰摍 yē. [ ye ] a coconut tree. gl/jnsf] af]6\.<br />

115 耶愜 yē. [ ye ] ancient time phrase-final particle for a<br />

question. k'/Fgf] ;dodf afSo z}nLsf] clGtd\<br />

efudf k|Zgsf] lrGx …?Ú.<br />

116 揶 yé. [ ye ] to jeer at. lv;L ug'{.<br />

117 爺撄 yé. [ ye ] a grandfather. afh].<br />

118 冶佌 yě. [ ye ] smelt metal. wft' kufNg'.<br />

119 野 yě. [ ye ] countryside, wild, unruly. uf“pm3/,<br />

c;Eo, clwg\df gcfpg].<br />

120 也 yě. [ ya ] also, too, as well as. c?, kgL], Pp6}<br />

vfn\sF].<br />

121 叶 yè. [ hip ] leaf, harmony. kft\, ;'dw'/ ;DaGw.<br />

122 頁靧 yè. [ yip ] a page. sfuhsF] kGgf.<br />

123 業摇 yè. [ yip ] a business, trade, property. sfd wGbf,<br />

Aofkf/, ;+ktL.<br />

124 葉擱 yè. [ yip ] a leaf, C.F.N.. kQF.<br />

125 夜 yè. [ ye ] night, evening. ;f´, /ftL.<br />

126 液嘓 yè. [ yik ] liquid or fluid. t/n jf ´f]n\.<br />

127 曳 yè. [ jai ] to drag, to pull. tfGg'.<br />

128 謁 yè. [ jit ] to call on a superior. lgl/ÔsnfO{af]nfpg'.<br />

129 腋宗 yè. [ yik ] the axilla. sfvL.<br />

130 曄趉 yè. [ yip ] bright light. r+lsnf] k|sf;\.<br />

131 一 yī. [ yat ] one, alone, once. Ps, PSn}, Ps rf]6L].<br />

132 衣哜 yī. [ yee ] clothes. sk8f.<br />

133 依 yī. [ yee ] to depend on, according to. cfl>t\ x'g',<br />

cg';f/.<br />

134 覛 yī. [ yi ] a doctor, physician, to treat or cure. 8FS6/,<br />

lrlsT;s\, cf}ÈwL ug' jf k|lt/f]wfTds.<br />

135 伊呄 yī. [ yi ] she, he. ltgL, p.<br />

136 漪軓 yī. [ yi ] ripples. kflgsf] t/+u.<br />

137 揖嫚 yī. [ yap ] to make a bow with clasped hands held<br />

at breast level. wg' cfsf/df xftnfO{ 5fltdf afw]<br />

/ lgx'/]/ ;Tsf/ ug'{.<br />

138 壹 yī. [ yat ] one, used to prevent easy write on bills &<br />

checks. Ps, r]s / landf ;lhnf] u/L n]Vg /F]Sg<br />

k|of]u.<br />

139 儀猙 yí. [ yi ] appearance, ceremony, an instrument. b]vf<br />

kg'{, pT;a, cf}hf/.<br />

140 沂俺 yí. [ yi ] Shantung river. ;fGt'ª vf]nf.<br />

141 宜 yí. [ yi ] suitable, should, ought to. ldNbf], k5{,<br />

rflxG5.<br />

142 夷 yí. [ yi ] safe. ;'/lÔt.<br />

143 姨 yí. [ yi ] an aunt who is a sister of one's mother, a<br />

maternal aunt. cfdfsf] a}gL, ;fgL cfdf.<br />

144 胰獚 yí. [ yi ] the pancreas. kf“rg /;sf] y}nL.<br />

145 移 yí. [ yi ] to move, shift. hfg', kfnf] lbg'.<br />

146 遺 yí. [ wai ] to lose, to leave after one's death. x/fpg',<br />

cfºg} d[To" k5L 5f]8\g'.<br />

147 疑牉 yí. [ yi ] to disbelieve. claZjf;.<br />

148 怡 yí. [ yi ] cheerful. Psbd\ v';L.<br />

149 貽 yí. [ yi ] to give a gift. pkxf/ lbg'.<br />

150 鷁 yì. [ yik ] a fabulous sea bird. sfNklgs\ ;fd'lGb|s<br />

r/f.<br />

151 彝筦 yí. [ yi ] a bronze ritual vase. k'/fgf] rng\sf]

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 258 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

sf‘;FsF] ef8F.<br />

…kxf8 h:t}Ú.<br />

152 頤 yí. [ yi ] to take rest for long time, cheeks. nfdf]<br />

;do ;Dd cf/fd ug'{, ufnf.<br />

153 已 yǐ. [ yi ] already. e};Sof].<br />

154 乙 yǐ. [ yuet ] the second. bf]>f].<br />

155 以 yǐ. [ yi ] according to. cg'?k\.<br />

156 矣個 yǐ. [ yi ] auxiliary verb. ;xfos ls|oFkb\.<br />

157 倚靻 yǐ. [ yi ] to rely on. e/ kg'{.<br />

180 睪撧 yì. [ go ] testicle. c08sf]È.<br />

181 譯祋 yì. [ yik ] translation. cg'afb.<br />

182 繹訉 yì. [ yik ] to unravel. ;d:of ;'N´fpg'.<br />

183 稘 yì. [ yik ] rest for couriers. ef/L la;fpg] rf}tf/F.<br />

184 詣攞 yì. [ ngai ] technical accomplishment, skill. snf<br />

k|fKtL, l;kfn'.<br />

185 誼 yì. [ yi ] friendship. ldqtf.<br />

158 椅嫽 yǐ. [ yi ] a chair. s';L{.<br />

159 蟻訙 yǐ. [ ngai ] an ant. sldnf.<br />

160 弋 yì. [ yik ] to shoot bird to with arrow. lt/n] r/fnfO{<br />

xfGg'.<br />

161 刈 yì. [ ngaai ] to cut. sf6\g'.<br />

162 抑俊 yì. [ yik ] to curb, to control. /f]sfj6 ug'{.<br />

163 易 yì. [ yi ] easy. ;lhnf].<br />

164 蜴犮 yì. [ yik ] a lizard. dfp;'nL.<br />

165 藝訓 yì. [ ngai ] skill, art. lzk, snf.<br />

166 役侭 yì. [ yik ] labor, service, a battle. HofdL, sfd\,<br />

n8f“O{.<br />

167 疫惦 yì. [ yik ] an epidemic disease. ;+s|fds\ /f]u.<br />

168 毅 yì. [ ngai ] firm, resolute, fixed in belief opinion. e/<br />

kbf]{ larf/, e/ kbf]{ Aofkf/, kSsf larf/ ePsf].<br />

169 邑倰 yì. [ yap ] a city, a county. zx/, b]z.<br />

170 逸 yì. [ yat ] ease, to escape, lost. ;lhnf] ;+u,<br />

pDs]/ efUg', x/Fpg'.<br />

171 軼 yì. [ yat ] to surpass, to be scattered. a9\tf x'g',<br />

k}mnfpg'.<br />

172 佚佇 yì. [ yat ] comfort. cf/Fd\.<br />

173 奕 yì. [ yik ] showing vitality. zStL b]vfO{ /x]sf].<br />

174 益 yì. [ yik ] to benefit, to increase. kmfO{bf ug{',<br />

a[wL ug'{.<br />

175 溢摟 yì. [ yat ] to spill, overflow. aufpg', kf]lvg'.<br />

176 鎰覥 yì. [ yat ] an ancient unit of weight. tf}nsf] k'/fgf]<br />

gfk\.<br />

177 縊跟 yì. [ yik ] to strangle kill. 3f“6L c7ØfP/ dfg'{.<br />

178 亦吿 yì. [ yik ] also, too. c?, kgL.<br />

179 屹咑 yì. [ ngat ] towering ‘like a mountain’. ch+usf]<br />

186 裔攋 yì. [ joey ] a descendent. ;Gtfg\.<br />

187 肄擝 yì. [ yee ] to study. cWoog\.<br />

188 翊 yì. [ hui ] to assist, to help. ;xof]u ug'{, d2t ug'{.<br />

189 熠 yì. [ yap ] bright and brilliant. r+lsnf] / tu8f.<br />

190 異 yì. [ yi ] different, to wonder, feel surprised. km/s,<br />

5Ss kg'{, crDd nfUg'.<br />

191 翼章 yì. [ yik ] wing. kv]6F.<br />

192 懿秈 yì. [ yee ] exemplary, good example, good<br />

behaviour. cg's/l0fo.<br />

193 議祈 yì. [ yi ] an opinion, to discuss. egfO{, 5n\kmn\.<br />

194 義擗 yì. [ yi ] justice, righteousness, meaning. lgikÔ,<br />

;Rrf, dTnj.<br />

195 意 yì. [ yi ] a meaning, a wish, intention, to expect. cy{,<br />

OR5f, clek|fo, cfz ug'{.<br />

196 薏鸊 yì. [ yee ] a lotus seed, pearl barley. sdn\ k'mn\sf]<br />

bfgf, hf}sf] bfgf.<br />

197 臆竦 yì. [ yik ] the breast, chest, one's personal views.<br />

:tg\, 5ftL, cfKgf] AofStLut\ larf/.<br />

198 億猘 yì. [ yik ] a hundred million. b; s/f]8.<br />

199 憶赲 yì. [ yik ] to retain in mind. lbdfudf /Flv/xg'.<br />

200 因呴 yīn. [ yan ] cause, because. sf/0f, lsgeg].<br />

201 茵獶 yīn. [ yan ] a mattress. 8:gf.<br />

202 姻 yīn. [ yan ] a marriage. lajfx.<br />

203 音靦 yīn. [ yim ] sound, tone. cfjfh, WjgL.<br />

204 陰 yīn. [ yim ] overcast, hidden, negative, shadow.<br />

w'Dd lbg\, u'Kt ePsf], C0FFTds\, 5Fof.<br />

205 殷頽 yīn. [ yan ] rich, flourishing, kindly & polite. wgL,<br />

kmlnkmfk\, gd| bofn'.<br />

206 慇躈 yīn. [ yan ] regardful, respectful. cfbl0fo,<br />


The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 259 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

207 蔭 yīn. [ yam ] shade, damp & chilly. 5Fof, cf]l;nf]<br />

/ lr;f].<br />

208 吟佴 yín. [ yam ] to recite, to chant. ufpg', bf]xf]¥ofO{<br />

/xg'.<br />

209 淫嘩 yín. [ yam ] excessive, obscene. w]/} g}, clZnn\.<br />

210 銀狫 yín. [ ngan ] silver. rf“lbsf] l;SsF.<br />

211 寅啶 yín. [ yan ] ancients to denote years, months, or<br />

days. k|flrg ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] zfn dlxgf<br />

ut].<br />

212 夤蹥 yín. [ yan ] in the depth of the night. /ftsf]<br />

ulx/fO{df.<br />

213 齦禽 yín. [ ngan ] gums surrounding the teeth. bf“t<br />

jl/k/Lsf] ud\.<br />

214 尹 yǐn. [ wan ] to govern, to rule, C.F.N. ;/sf/,<br />

zf;s.<br />

215 引 yǐn. [ yan ] to lead, to attract. g]t[Tj ug{', cfslÈ{t<br />

ug'{ .<br />

216 蚓玄 yǐn. [ yam ] an earthworm. u8]pnf.<br />

217 飲 yǐn. [ yim ] to drink. lkpg'.<br />

218 隱筆 yǐn. [ yan ] hidden, concealed, latent. uf]Ko, u'Kt<br />

/fVg', n'sfPsf].<br />

219 癮科 yǐn. [ yan ] hobby. ?rL.<br />

220 印 yìn. [ yan ] a seal stamp, to print. nfxf 5fk\,<br />

n]vfO{ 5fKg'.<br />

221 應 yìnɡ. [ ying ] should, ought to, need, to accept.<br />

k5{, rflxG5, cfj:os, :jLsfg{'.<br />

222 英愷 yīnɡ. [ ying ] outstanding. ljlzi6tf.<br />

223 撒 yīnɡ. [ ying ] shine, sheen of jade. r+lsg], Hof]tL<br />

lbg] kTy/.<br />

224 嬰 yīnɡ. [ ying ] a baby. aRrf.<br />

225 罌礷 yīnɡ. [ un ] a short jar with a small mouth. ;fgf]<br />

d'v ePsf] k'8\s] s?jf nf]6f.<br />

226 櫻祺 yīnɡ. [ ying ] a cherry tree. k}~o"sf] kmn\.<br />

232 迎 yínɡ. [ ying ] to receive, to meet. k|fKt ug'{, e]6\g'.<br />

233 蠅訚 yínɡ. [ ying ] a fly. 3/sf] l´+uf.<br />

234 盈惯 yínɡ. [ ying ] to be full of, to have a surplus of. k'/f<br />

x'g', af“sL ePsf].<br />

235 熒軞 yínɡ. [ ying ] glimmering. dGb k|sfz.<br />

236 螢 yínɡ. [ ying ] fluorescent light. r+lsnf] k|sf;.<br />

237 縈跡 yínɡ. [ ying ] to entwine. 3]g'{, a]g'{.<br />

238 瑩 yínɡ. [ ying ] jade. blN5ª 9'Ëf.<br />

239 營 yínɡ. [ ying ] a camp, operate, a battalion. /ftL<br />

a:g', sfd ;'? ug'{, ;]gf.<br />

240 贏祎 yínɡ. [ ying ] to win, to gain. lhTg', pGgtL ug'{.<br />

241 嬴赨 yínɡ. [ ying ] C.F.N.<br />

242 瀛觨 yínɡ. [ ying ] sea. ;d'Gb|.<br />

243 影 yǐnɡ. [ ying ] a shadow, a photo. 5fof, kmf]6F].<br />

244 跐 yǐnɡ. [ wing ] tip, point, clever, intelligent. cUnf],<br />

laGb', rnfv, a'l4dfgL.<br />

245 映悉 yìnɡ. [ ying ] to reflect, to shine. k|sFz k/fjlt{t\,<br />

6lNsg].<br />

246 硬孫 yìnɡ. [ ngaang ] hard, strong, obstinately. s8F,<br />

alnof], b[9k'j{s.<br />

247 喲 yo. [ yoh ] an interjection for surprise. crfgs\<br />

5Ss kg'{.<br />

248 喔 yōnɡ. [ yung ] not special, commonplace, to<br />

require. vf;\ s]xL gx'g', ;w}+ e}/xg] sfd\, rfx]sf].<br />

249 傭 yōnɡ. [ yung ] a servant. gf]s/.<br />

250 雍踘 yōnɡ. [ yung ] harmony, match idea. ;'/ tfn\<br />

ldNg'.<br />

251 擁赸 yōnɡ. [ yung ] hold tightly, to embrace, to gather<br />

around. b/f] ;dfpg', c+ufnf] xfNg', Psq x'g'.<br />

252 臃竧 yōnɡ. [ yung ] to swell, fat. ;'lgg', df]6f].<br />

253 癰 yōnɡ. [ yung ] carbuncle, swell. vl6/f, ;'lgg'.<br />

227 纓稇 yīnɡ. [ ying ] ribbon. skfn\ af“Wg] l/jg\.<br />

228 鷹 yīnɡ. [ ying ] an eagle. lrn\.<br />

229 膺竨 yīnɡ. [ ying ] the breast or chest, to bear, to<br />

receive. :tg\ of 5ftL, sf]l;; ug'{, k|fKt ug'{.<br />

230 鸚翆 yīnɡ. [ ying ] a parrot. ;'3F.<br />

231 鶯禵 yīnɡ. [ un ] an oriole. ;'gf}nf] r/f.<br />

254 壅赥 yōnɡ. [ jung ] to block up, to bank up the roots of<br />

plants. /f]Sg', la?jfsf] h/fsf] y'k|f].<br />

255 饔 yōnɡ. [ yung ] breakfast. ljxfgsf] vfhf.<br />

256 永君 yǒnɡ. [ wing ] always. b}lgs.<br />

257 詠 yǒnɡ. [ wing ] to sing of, to express in poetic form.<br />

ufpg', nodf Aof:t, .<br />

258 勇 yǒnɡ. [ yung ] brave. ;fx;L.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 260 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

lbg\.<br />

259 踴 yǒnɡ. [ yung ] to leap up, to jump up. dfyL pk|mg'.<br />

284 莠 yǒu. [ yau ] bad in quality, bad people, a type of<br />

260 湧嬞 yǒnɡ. [ yung ] to gush, to surge. t/n a]u\n] aUg',<br />

weed. g/Fd|f] u'0f ePsf], v/fa AofQL, ´f/kft.<br />

5fn\ cfpg'.<br />

285 黝 yǒu. [ yau ] black, dark. cWof/f], sfnf].<br />

261 泳 yǒnɡ. [ wing ] to swim. kf}8g'.<br />

286 侑 yòu. [ yau ] to urge ‘a person to take food or drink’.<br />

262 恿喥 yǒnɡ. [ yung ] strongly advise to do. s]xL ug{nfO{<br />

vfgf Nofpg cg'dtL lbg'.<br />

s8f cfb];.<br />

287 又 yòu. [ yau ] also, and. c?, cgL.<br />

263 俑 yǒnɡ. [ yung ] wooden or earthen figures of<br />

human-body buried with the dead. dflg;sf] d[To"<br />

288 右 yòu. [ yau ] right, the right side. bflxg], bFlxg] lt/.<br />

k5L nf; ;u} 9'¨f jf df6fsf] d'tL{ ufl8lbg].<br />

289 哫 yòu. [ yau ] to help, to protect. d2t ug'{, arfpg'.<br />

264 蛹擾 yǒnɡ. [ jung ] a pupa. ls/fx?sf] hGd kl5sf]<br />

t]>f] cj:yf.<br />

290 祐猩 yòu. [ yau ] divine help. eujfg\sf] d2t.<br />

265 涌顓 yǒnɡ. [ chung ] to rise, to gush out. plt|g', a]u<br />

;+u aUg'.<br />

266 用 yònɡ. [ yung ] to use, usefulness. k|of]u ug'{,<br />

pkof]uL.<br />

267 佣伾 yònɡ. [ yung ] commission. s]xL u/]afkb z'Ns.<br />

268 優 yōu. [ yau ] excellent, an actor or actress. pQd,<br />

gfos\ jf gflosf.<br />

269 憂 yōu. [ yau ] to worry about. s]xL af/] lrGtf.<br />

270 幽 yōu. [ yau ] secret, hidden, quiet, to imprison. uf]Ko,<br />

n's]sf], zfGt, y'Gg'.<br />

271 悠喨 yōu. [ yau ] faraway time, remote space, relax, sad.<br />

;do nfdf] 5, cfsf; 6F9F 5, k'm;{tdf, b'MvL.<br />

272 尤 yóu. [ yau ] especially. laz];\.<br />

273 魷贿 yóu. [ yau ] a cuttlefish. cS6'k; h:t} df5f.<br />

291 誘狇 yòu. [ yau ] to induce. pNsfpg'.<br />

292 幼吆 yòu. [ yau ] young. hjfgL.<br />

293 蚴 yòu. [ yau ] the larva of a tapeworm. r]K6F] h'sfsf]<br />

aRrf.<br />

294 柚悟 yòu. [ yau ] a shaddock. c+u'/sf] kmn\ h:t}.<br />

295 釉踂 yòu. [ yau ] make shine, ‘porcelain’ glaze. df6f]sf]<br />

ef8f P]gf h:t} rDsFpg'.<br />

296 鼬觓 yòu. [ yau ] a weasel. Gofp/L d';F.<br />

297 迂倫 yū. [ yue ] winding, circuitous, obstinately observing<br />

old rules or ideas. 3'dfp/f], uf]nfsf/, k'/fgf] lgod<br />

larf/ s8FO{sf ;fy x]g'{.<br />

298 淤嘖 yū. [ yue ] to become silted up. kflgn] agfPsf]<br />

n]bf].<br />

299 瘀撖 yū. [ yue ] a hematoma. 7f]lsP/ /ut\ hDg'.<br />

274 吩 yóu. [ yau ] from, cause, to allow or entrust<br />

someone to do. af6, sf/0f, s]xL ug{nfO{ cg'dtL<br />

of lhDdf lbg'.<br />

275 油 yóu. [ yau ] oil, to apply paint. t]n, /+ufpg'.<br />

276 鈾踈 yóu. [ yau ] uranium. wft'.<br />

277 猶孇 yóu. [ yau ] similar to, still. p:t}, c´ ;Dd.<br />

278 游嬚 yóu. [ yau ] to swim, a section of a river. kf}8g',<br />

vf]nfsf] v08.<br />

279 遊路 yóu. [ yau ] to roam, to saunter, walk freely. a]sfDdf<br />

3Dg', /lNng', sfd\a]u/ 8'Ng'.<br />

280 郵 yóu. [ yau ] mail, postal. lrL kq, x'nfs ;]jf.<br />

281 友 yǒu. [ yau ] a friend. ;fyL.<br />

282 有咨 yǒu. [ yau ] to have. 5.<br />

283 酉倵 yǒu. [ yau ] ancients to designate years, months,<br />

and days. k|flrg ;dodf tf]s]sf] zfn dlxgf /<br />

300 於 yú. [ yue ] in, at, on. df.<br />

301 予 yǔ. [ yue ] me, I, d, d]/f].<br />

302 于 yú. [ yue ] in, at, on. df.<br />

303 盂 yú. [ yue ] a jar. ;dfpg] ;lxb\sf] kfgL nfpg]<br />

ef“8F.<br />

304 余佄 yú. [ yue ] I, C.F.N.. d.<br />

305 餘 yú. [ yue ] surplus, spare. af“sL, kmfNt'.<br />

306 魚 yú. [ yue ] fish. df5f.<br />

307 漁軕 yú. [ yue ] fishing. df5f dfg'{.<br />

308 俞 yú. [ yue ] to answer in the affirmative, yes, ok,<br />

okay. :jLsF/ ;'rs, x'G5, xf], l7s 5.<br />

309 撓 yú. [ yue ] a good piece, grade of jade, shine. c;n\<br />

u'0F, kTy/sf] rds\, rds\.<br />

310 愉嫉 yú. [ yue ] pleased, cheerful. cfgGb, v';L AofQ.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 261 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

311 榆摕 yú. [ yue ] elm. bf“t h:tf] kft ePsf] ?v.<br />

312 覦 yú. [ yue ] a strong desire for possession. s'g}<br />

lrhdf ctL cf;St.<br />

313 逾跻 yú. [ yue ] to exceed a limit in space & time. l;df<br />

oF ;do a9\tf x'g'.<br />

314 愚 yú. [ yue ] foolish, stupid, to make a fool of. a'¢L<br />

gePsf], dGb a'¢L, d'v{ agfPsf].<br />

315 娛韄 yú. [ yue ] joy, pleasure, to give joy. cfgGb, xÈ{,<br />

v';L kfg'{.<br />

316 隅 yú. [ yue ] a corner, border. s'gf, ;F“w.<br />

317 虞擻 yú. [ yue ] prediction, worry, to cheat. eljiojf0FL,<br />

lrGtf, 7Ug'.<br />

318 輿笨 yú. [ yue ] a carriage, territory. aUuL uf8L,<br />

l;dfgf.<br />

319 與犕 yǔ. [ yue ] to take part in, and, with. df efu lng',<br />

cgL, l;t.<br />

320 嶼 yǔ. [ yue ] a small island. ;fgf] 6f“k'.<br />

321 齬秷 yǔ. [ yue ] uneven teeth, to disagree. gldn]sf]<br />

bf“t, c;xdt\.<br />

322 宇 yǔ. [ yue ] a house, a building, a space. 3/, ejg,<br />

vfnL 7f“p.<br />

323 雨 yǔ. [ yue ] rain. kfgL kg'{.<br />

324 羽 yǔ. [ yue ] a feather. r/fsf] Kjfv\.<br />

325 語犾 yǔ. [ yue ] language, to speak, say. efÈf, af]Ng',<br />

eGg'.<br />

326 禹愄 yǔ. [ yue ] the legendary founder of the Hsia<br />

dynasty. kf}/fl0Fs syfsF] ;d|f6.<br />

327 芋倛 yù. [ wu ] taros. uf8F v}/F] /+usf] ;s/v08.<br />

328 育倘 yù. [ yuk ] to give birth to, to educate. hGd lbg',<br />

l;sfpg'.<br />

329 郁慞 yù. [ yuk ] fragrant, smell. af:gfjfn, ;'3Gw.<br />

330 獄牁 yù. [ yuk ] prison. ´\Øfn\vfgF.<br />

331 域啜 yù. [ wik ] land within certain boundaries. hldg\<br />

leq tflsPsf] l;df.<br />

332 峪韞 yù. [ yuk ] a valley. vfN8F], pkTofsf.<br />

333 浴顑 yù. [ yuk ] a bath, to bathe. g'xfpg', :gfg\ ug'{.<br />

334 裕攒 yù. [ yue ] abundant, plentiful, wealthy. k|;:t},<br />

cTolws, wgL.<br />

335 欲嘊 yù. [ yuk ] to desire, to want. O{R5FPsf], rfx]sf].<br />

336 慾 yù. [ yuk ] a desire, a greed. O{R5fPsf], ctL nf]eL.<br />

337 踣 yù. [ yue ] beforehand. klxNo}.<br />

338 嫗蹫 yù. [ yue ] an old woman. a'9L cfdf.<br />

339 籲翌 yù. [ yue ] to ask. ;f]Wg'.<br />

340 鬱翉 yù. [ wat ] depressed, lush, gloomy, fragrant.<br />

pbfl;gtf, df}nfPsF] la?jf, lvGg, s8f ;'ulGwt\.<br />

341 煜摻 yù. [ yuk ] to shine, flames. r+lsg', cfuf]sf] Hjfnf.<br />

342 喻 yù. [ yue ] to explain, to know, analogy. ;+´fpg',<br />

a'´\g', ldnfg\.<br />

343 諭 yù. [ yue ] instructions personally written by a<br />

superior. xflsdaF6 Aofltut\ lnlvt\ cfb]z.<br />

344 瘉牍 yù. [ yue ] cured. /f]uaf6 ;~rf] x'g'.<br />

345 愈 yù. [ yue ] more and more, recover. Hofbf Hofbf,<br />

;Grf] x'g'.<br />

346 癒箐 yù. [ yue ] recover from sickness. /f]uaf6 ;~rf]<br />

x'g'.<br />

347 寓媡 yù. [ yue ] a residence, to imply. af; :yfg\,<br />

w'dfp/f] kf/fn] 1fg lbg'.<br />

348 御喢 yù. [ yue ] royal, to drive, to resist. zfxL, uF8F<br />

rnfpg', /f]Sg'.<br />

349 禦跎 yù. [ yue ] to defend against. la/f]wL /f]Sg'.<br />

350 遇跶 yù. [ yue ] to meet, a chance. e]6\g', df}sf.<br />

351 譽禕 yù. [ yue ] fame, praise. VoftL, k|z+;F ug'{.<br />

352 玉吡 yù. [ yuk ] jade. kTy/.<br />

353 馭 yù. [ yue ] to drive. xFSg'.<br />

354 豫 yù. [ yue ] feeling pleased. cfGbsf] ;F]rfO{.<br />

355 冤 yuān. [ yuen ] an injustice or wrong. cGofo jf<br />

uNtL.<br />

356 淵嘣 yuān. [ yuen ] a deep pool, profound, hatred. ulx/f]<br />

bx, uxg cWoog\, c?rL.<br />

357 鳶猓 yuān. [ yuen ] a kite, bird. r+uf, r/F.<br />

358 鴛 yuān. [ yuen ] the male mandarin duck. efn] xf“;.<br />

359 元 yuán. [ yuen ] dollar, first, begin. 8n/, klxnf],<br />

;'? x'g'.<br />

360 沅俦 yuán. [ yuen ] name of a river Hunan Province.<br />

glbsf] gfd\ x'gfg\ k|b]zsf].<br />

361 員鞬 yuán. [ yuen ] a member, outer limits of land.<br />

;b:o, l;df aflx/sf] hUuf.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 262 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.<br />

362 圓 yuán. [ yuen ] circular, a circle, satisfactory. a[t,<br />

uf]nf], cfgGbn].<br />

363 園 yuán. [ yuen ] a garden, a place for public<br />

recreation. au}rf, ;fa{hlgs\ dgf/+~hg\ :yfg\.<br />

364 原鞝 yuán. [ yuen ] original, raw, to forgive. ;Ssn,<br />

sRrf“ kbfy{, dfkm ug'{.<br />

365 援嫞 yuán. [ woon ] to say, to quote, to help, to rescue.<br />

eGg', AofVof ug'{, d2t\ ug'{, p2f/ ug'{.<br />

366 緣 yuán. [ yuen ] reason, edge, along. sf/0f, 5]p<br />

lsgf/f, Pp6} lbzf l;t bfh]sf].<br />

367 源摤 yuán. [ yuen ] fountainhead, source of. vf]nfsf]<br />

d'xfg\, >f]t\.<br />

368 袁玌 yuán. [ yuen ] C.F.N.<br />

386 越 yuè. [ yuet ] to get over, jump over. dfyL k'Ug',<br />

dfyL pk|mg'.<br />

387 粵擌 yuè. [ yuet ] Kwangtung Province. Sjfªt'ª k|fGt.<br />

388 嶽 yuè. [ ngok ] a high mountain. cUnf] kxf8.<br />

389 云 yún. [ wan ] cloud, to say. afbn\, eGg'.<br />

390 芸 yún. [ wan ] a strong-scented herb. s8F ;'ulGwt\<br />

hl8a"§L.<br />

391 雲 yún. [ wan ] cloud. w'Dd.<br />

392 耘獒 yún. [ wan ] to weed. la?jf uf]8\g'.<br />

393 勻 yún. [ wan ] to divide evenly. a/fa/ af8\g'.<br />

394 允 yǔn. [ wan ] to allow. cg'dtL.<br />

369 猿撈 yuán. [ yuen ] an ape. ag\dfG5].<br />

370 轅笧 yuán. [ yuen ] a government office, its front gate in<br />

ancient times. ;/sf/L sfof{no, k|flrg\ ;dodf<br />

cufl8sf] 9f]sf.<br />

371 垣 yuán. [ woon ] a wall. k|vf{n\.<br />

372 遠狚 yuǎn. [ yuen ] far. 6f9F.<br />

373 媛 yuán. [ woon ] the daughter. 5F]/L.<br />

374 怨 yuàn. [ yuen ] resentment. bf]È, O{v.<br />

375 苑愻 yuàn. [ yuen ] estate. crn\ ;+ktL.<br />

376 愿躉 yuàn. [ yuen ] sincere, honest, faithful. O{dfGbf/L.<br />

377 玽 yuàn. [ yuen ] a yard, courtyard, a designation for<br />

certain public offices. cf“ug\, cf“ug\, lglZrt\<br />

k|of]usf] nfuL ;fa{hlgs\ sfof{no.<br />

378 願詒 yuàn. [ yuen ] hope, wish, to be willing. cf;,<br />

rfxfg', pT;'s x'g'.<br />

379 約愓 yuē. [ yeuk ] to make an appointment, invite in<br />

advance, a contract, economical, simple, about.<br />

e]63F6\sf] to ug'{,<br />

cufl8g} af]nfpg', k|lt1F, ldtAooL, ;fwF/0f,<br />

af/]df.<br />

380 曰 yuē. [ yuet ] to say. eGg'.<br />

381 月 yuè. [ yuet ] a month, the moon. dlxgf, rGb|df.<br />

382 岳 yuè. [ ngok ] a high mountain, parents of one's<br />

wife. cUnf] kxf8, ;F;' ;;'/F.<br />

383 悅韼 yuè. [ yuet ] happy, pleased. v';L, cfgGb.<br />

384 閱贠 yuè. [ yue ] to read, to see, to review. k9\g', b]Vg',<br />

bf]xf]¥ofpg'.<br />

385 躍禘 yuè. [ yeuk ] to leap, to jump. pk|mg'<br />

395 殞 yǔn. [ wan ] to die. dg'{.<br />

396 隕 yǔn. [ wan ] to fall from the sky. csf;af6 v:g'.<br />

397 韻詐 yùn. [ wan ] rhyme, vowel, elegant. tfn\ no,<br />

:j/j0F{, pQd\.<br />

398 孕叽 yùn. [ yan ] pregnant. ue{wf/0F.<br />

399 運跮 yùn. [ wan ] to transport, luck, fate. 9'jfgL, efUo,<br />

sd{.<br />

400 暈 yūn. [ wan ] faint. a]xf]; x'g'.<br />

401 蘊祂 yùn. [ wan ] to contain. leq kfg'{, ;dfa]; ug'{.<br />

402 熨 yùn. [ tong ] to iron, to press. n'ufdf :qL nfpg'.<br />

403 醞笱 yùn. [ wan ] to brew. /S;L s8F :jfbsf] x'g'.<br />

Z characters 395,<br />

001 咱 zá. [ za ] we, you. xfdL, tkfO{.<br />

002 雜覮 zá. [ zap ] more than one kind, miscellaneous. w]/}<br />

k|sf/sF], laljw.<br />

003 砸猟 zá. [ zap ] to hit, to smash, to break. k'm6fpg' 6's|f<br />

kfg{', 6'6\k'm6\ kfg'{.<br />

004 紮 zā. [ zat ] to bind, to fasten. af“Wg', s:g'.<br />

005 咋 zǎ. [ za ] to bite. 6f]Sg'.<br />

006 俽 zāi. [ zoi ] a disaster. cfkt\.<br />

007 栽頰 zāi. [ zoi ] to plant, to grow. la?jf /f]Kg', la?jf<br />

x'sf{pg'.<br />

008 哉 zāi. [ zoi ] admiration. crDd v';L.<br />

009 載跩 zǎi. [ zoi ] a year, to load, to record. aÈ{,<br />

yGSØfpg', /]s8{ /FVg'.

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 263 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

010 宰韏 zǎi. [ zoi ] to butcher. df;' sf6\g'.<br />

011 仔 zǎi. [ chai rfO{ ] a son. 5f]/f,<br />

012 再员 zài. [ zoi ] again. km]/L.<br />

013 在呹 zài. [ zoi ] to be living, to be present, an indicator.<br />

lhpb} x'g', at{dfg\df x'g', b]vfpg].<br />

014 簪箞 zān. [ zam ] hairpins, hair clasps. skfn\ c7\Øfpg]<br />

;'O{/f], skfn\sf] lvk\.<br />

015 攢 zǎn. [ zan ] collect, to accumulate, to save.<br />

;+sng\, y'kfg'{, hDdf ug'{.<br />

016 暫 zàn. [ zam ] temporary. c:yfO{.<br />

017 讚羵 zàn. [ zan ] to commend. k|z+;f ug'{.<br />

018 贊訬 zàn. [ zan ] to assist, to help, to praise, good. d2t<br />

ug'{, ;xof]u ug'{, k|z+;f ug'{, /fd|f].<br />

019 髒秮 zānɡ. [ chong ] dirty. kmf]xf]/.<br />

020 贓禖 zānɡ. [ chong ] stolen goods. lrhx? rf]¥of].<br />

021 臟秘 zànɡ. [ chong ] internal organs of the body.<br />

zl//sf] leqL c+ux?.<br />

022 葬擲 zànɡ. [ zong ] to inter. k:g'.<br />

023 遭贈 zāo. [ tso ] to meet with. l;t\ e]6\g'.<br />

024 糟竊 zāo. [ jo ] distillers grains, grains, rotten, poor, bad<br />

condition. cGgsf] /S;L agfpg], cGg, s'lxPsf],<br />

lgDg :t/, b'MvL cj:yf.<br />

025 蹧 zāo. [ zou ] to spoil, destroy. n'6\g', gi6 ug'{.<br />

026 鑿翅 záo. [ jok ] a chisel, to chisel. l5gf], vf]Kg'.<br />

027 早咢 zǎo. [ jo ] morning, early, beforehand. laxfg\, ;a]/},<br />

klxNo}.<br />

028 棗嫼 zǎo. [ tso ] a jujube. ao/.<br />

029 蚤玅 zǎo. [ jo ] a flea. plkof.<br />

030 澡趠 zǎo. [ jo ] a bath. g'xfpg'.<br />

031 藻礻 zǎo. [ jo ] water plants ‘algae / alga’. kflgdf kfO{g]<br />

´f/.<br />

032 噪赚 zào. [ cho ] a confusion of voices, loud outcry.<br />

cGof]n\sf] cfjfh, 7'nf] lk8Fsf] zAb.<br />

033 燥 zào. [ cho ] dry. ;'Ssf.<br />

037 造 zào. [ jo ] to make, to educate. agfpg', l;sfpg'.<br />

038 皂倉 zào. [ jo ] soap. ;fa'g\.<br />

039 責 zé. [ zak ] duty, to reproach. st{Ao, ufnL ug'{.<br />

040 則 zé. [ jak ] standard, rules, regulations. :t/, lgod,<br />

sfg'g\.<br />

041 擇赾 zé. [ zak ] to choose, to select. 5FGg', .<br />

042 澤趢 zé. [ zak ] a pool, a pond, waters, benefaction.<br />

kf]v/L, bx, kfgL, bfg.<br />

043 嘖蹓 zé. [ zak ] to argue. ´u8F .<br />

044 昃 zè. [ jak ] the sun on the western side of the sky.<br />

z'o{ csf;sf] klZrdf x'g'.<br />

045 賊攭 zéi. [ chaak ] a thief. rf]/.<br />

046 怎 zěn. [ jam ] why. lsg.<br />

047 增猹 zēnɡ. [ tsang ] to increase, to add. a9Fpg', yKg'.<br />

048 憎 zēnɡ. [ zeng ] to dislike. dg gk/]sf].<br />

049 甑鶧 zènɡ. [ zeng ] an ancient earthen utensil for<br />

steaming rice. eftnfO{ aºØfP/ ksfpg] k|flrg<br />

df6f]sf] ef8fx?.<br />

050 贈訫 zènɡ. [ tsang ] to present a gift. pkxf/ lbg'.<br />

051 扎 zhā. [ jaat ] to stab, to prick,. /f]Kg', Kjfn\ kfg'{.<br />

052 吒味 zhā. [ chaj ] to shout with anger. l/;fP/ s/fpg'.<br />

053 渣嬢 zhā. [ cha ] dregs, residue. /S;Lsf] lgyf/ lyu'/f],<br />

cjz];, .<br />

054 喳 zhā. [ ja ] onomatopoeia chatter. lr/la/ :j/.<br />

055 閘踔 zhá. [ zap ] a water gate, to brake. s'nf] / bxsf]<br />

kfgL lgoGq0f ug]{ 9f]sf, /f]s\ nufpg'.<br />

056 鍘 zhá. [ zat ] a hand hay cutter. ;'Ssf 3F“; sf6\g]<br />

xft] d]lzg\.<br />

057 眨猛 zhǎ. [ jaap ] to blink, to wink. cf“vf l´+Sofpg',<br />

cf“vfsf] ;+s]t.<br />

058 乍 zhà. [ ja ] suddenly, abruptly.<br />

crfgs\, PSsf;L. ,<br />

059 詐 zhà. [ za ] to cheat, to pretend. 7Ug', ´'SØfpg'.<br />

060 蚱 zhà. [ zak ] a grasshopper. km7Øf+u|f.<br />

034 躁祑 zào. [ cho ] rash, impetuous. xtf/, l5§f].<br />

035 譟祌 zào. [ cho ] noise of a crowd. le+8sf] xNnf.<br />

036 灶俻 zào. [ jo ] a cooking stove. ksfpg] r'Nnf].<br />

061 炸惏 zhà. [ zak ] to fry in oil, to deep-fry, to burst. t]n\df<br />

e'6\g', t]n\df v¥Øfpg', xfjf e/]sf] k8\lsg'.<br />

062 榨躧 zhà. [ za ] to extract by pressing. lgrf]/]/ lgsfNg'.<br />

063 搾 zhà. [ za ] to extract, to squeeze. l´Sg', xKsfP/<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 264 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

vf]:g'.<br />

064 柵悙 zhà. [ shan ] fences. af/ af/]sf].<br />

065 曱 zhà. [ kap ] insects. ls/F.<br />

066 摘躔 zhāi. [ zak ] to pluck. n'5\g', lk6\g'.<br />

067 齋筟 zhāi. [ zai ] a vegetarian diet, a room used for<br />

study. ;Fsfxf/L vfgf, cWoog\ sf]7F.<br />

068 宅咍 zhái. [ zak ] a residence, a mansion, a house.<br />

af;:yfg\, ejg, 3/.<br />

069 窄猸 zhǎi. [ zak ] narrow. ;f“u'/f].<br />

070 債 zhài. [ zai ] debt. p3f/f] C0F.<br />

071 寨蹵 zhài. [ zai ] a stockaded village, a mountain<br />

stronghold. sf7sf] 8+8Ln] af/]sf] uf“pm, lxdfnL<br />

lsNnf.<br />

072 翟犈 zhái. [ zak ] pheasant, C.F.N. Ps lsl;dsf] 8f“k]m<br />

r/f.<br />

073 占 zhàn. [ zim ] to divine, to occupy. cfTdfn] x]g'{,<br />

cf]u6\g'.<br />

074 粘 zhān. [ zim ] to glue, to paste. 6f“:g', df8 nuFpg'.<br />

075 沾 zhān. [ zim ] to moisten, to get something from<br />

somebody. lehfpg', s;}af6 s]xL k|fKt ug'{.<br />

076 霑 zhān. [ zim ] to moisten. lehfpg'.<br />

077 氈 zhān. [ zin ] a felt. pgL, /f}{.<br />

078 瞻 zhān. [ zim ] to look forward to. cuf8L x]g{'.<br />

079 展韙 zhǎn. [ zin ] to unfold, to open. p3fg'{, vf]Ng'.<br />

080 搌 zhǎn. [ zin ] to wipe up. k'R5g'.<br />

081 輾笥 zhǎn. [ chin ] to grind, to run over. lk+Wg', csf]{lt/<br />

bu'g{'.<br />

082 斬嗦 zhǎn. [ zam ] to chop, to cut off. rfgf kfg'{, sf6\g'.<br />

083 嶄蹻 zhǎn. [ zam ] towering, very great. k|l;¢, Hofb}<br />

dxfg\.<br />

084 撟 zhǎn. [ zam ] a small cup. ;fgf] sk.<br />

085 佔哰 zhàn. [ zim ] to occupy. ef]u rng\.<br />

086 站猺 zhàn. [ zam ] to stand, a station, a service point.<br />

7f“pm, :6]zg\, ;]jf s]Gb|.<br />

087 湛嬤 zhàn. [ zam ] deep, clear. ulx/f], ;kmf.<br />

088 戰赶 zhàn. [ zin ] a battle, to fight. ´u8F, ´u8F ug'{.<br />

091 蘸程 zhàn. [ zam ] to dip in. rf]Ag', 8'afpg'.<br />

092 棧嬁 zhàn. [ zan ] a warehouse, an inn. e08F/ 3/,<br />

wd{zfnf.<br />

093 章 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] a chapter, rules, a badge. bkmf<br />

kl/R5]b\, lgod, laNnf.<br />

094 彰躆 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] evident. k|i6 k|ToÔ.<br />

095 獐牂 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] the roe deer. l;+ gePsf] d[3.<br />

096 樟 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] a camphor tree. sk'/sf] ?v.<br />

097 張喘 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] to spread, a sheet of, C.F.N..<br />

km}nfpg', sfutsf] kGgf.<br />

098 漲軍 zhǎnɡ. [ cheung ] to go upward, to swell, to<br />

expand. dfyL hfg', ;'lgg', abNg'.<br />

099 掌嫏 zhǎnɡ. [ cheung ] the palm, the sole, to control.<br />

xTs]nf, k}tfnf, lgoGq0f ug'{.<br />

100 丈 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] a unit of length equal 3.3<br />

meters, about 10 feets. #=# ld6/, sl/a !) lkm6\.<br />

101 仗 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] a battle, a war. ´u8f, n8f“O{.<br />

102 杖俗 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] a stick. nf}/f].<br />

103 帳喑 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] a tent, accounts. kfn\ nufpg',<br />

lx;fj ug'{.<br />

104 脹定 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] swell, to distend, to feel bloated.<br />

a9\g', k'mnfpg', ;'lgP h:tf] x'g'.<br />

105 賬 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] accounts, debts. lx;fj lstfj,<br />

pBF/f].<br />

106 障狼 zhànɡ. [ cheung ] to hinder, a barrier. /f]Sg',<br />

;f“wdf /f]Sg'.<br />

107 蟑竿 zhānɡ. [ cheung ] a cockroach. ;fªn] ls/f.<br />

108 釗玹 zhāo. [ chiu/ tsiu ] to encourage. k|f]T;Fxg\ lbg'.<br />

109 招 zhāo. [ ziu ] to beckon, to recruit, to confess. O{;f/f<br />

ug'{, gof“ elt{ ug'{, sfod\ x'g'.<br />

110 昭悈 zhāo. [ ziu ] clear, obvious. ;kmf ldnfpg',<br />

:ki6 kfg'{.<br />

111 沼 zhǎo. [ ziu ] a marsh. wfk kf]v/L.<br />

112 找俁 zhǎo. [ jaau ] to look for, to give change. nfuL x]g'{,<br />

;f6L lbg'.<br />

113 趙狒 zhào. [ chiu ] C.F.N.<br />

114 肇犋 zhào. [ shiu ] to begin. ;'? x'g'.<br />

089 綻牲 zhàn. [ zan ] to split. sf]lknf kms{g'.<br />

090 詹攦 zhān. [ zim ] C.F.N.<br />

115 召 zhào. [ ziu ] to summon, to call together. Dofb<br />

tfldn\ ug'{, Ps} ;fydf af]nfpg'.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 265 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

116 詔 zhào. [ ziu ] an emperor's edict. /fhfsf] 3f]È0fF.<br />

117 照摺 zhào. [ ziu ] to shine on, to face a mirror or other<br />

reflective surface, to photograph. r+lsnf] kfg'{,<br />

cg'xf/df P]gf of P]gf h:t}n] k|sf; kfg'{, kmf]6f]<br />

lvRg'.<br />

118 棹嬂 zhào. [ zau ] a table, an oar, scull, a boat. 6]an,<br />

gfp rnfpg', 8G8Ln] gfp rnfpg', 8'ªuf.<br />

119 兆呔 zhào. [ siu ] a sign, an omen, million million. nÔ0F,<br />

;+s]t, nfvf}–nfv.<br />

120 擔 zhào. [ jaau ] to cover as with a lid or sheet,<br />

a cover. 9sgL of tGgf h:tf]n] 5f]Kg', 5f]Kg].<br />

121 着 zhe. [ zoek ] wear. nfpg'. touch, 5'g', light fire.<br />

xNsf cfuf].<br />

122 遮贆 zhē. [ je ] to cover. 5f]Kg'.<br />

123 螫笃 zhē. [ sik ] to sting. lrNg'.<br />

124 折俆 zhé. [ jit ] to break, to lose, to bend, to turn back, to<br />

discount. k'm6fpg', x/fpg', bf]afg'{, km]/L lng', bfd<br />

36fpg'.<br />

125 哲鞦 zhé. [ jit ] a wise and experienced person. cg'ejL<br />

/ a'l¢dfg\.<br />

126 蜇攁 zhé. [ jit ] a jellyfish, to sting. cS6'k; h:t} df5f,<br />

laR5L jf dfx'/Ln] lrNg'.<br />

127 轍覗 zhé. [ chit ] tracks of wheels. uf8Fsf] rSsfn]<br />

agfPsf] vfN6F.<br />

128 摺躙 zhé. [ zip ] to fold, a folded brochure. bf]afg'{,<br />

lstfa bf]af/]sf].<br />

129 輒狖 zhé. [ jip ] always, often. ;w}+, af/+jf/.<br />

130 謫覌 zhé. [ zak ] to reproach, to punish. x]nf ug'{, b08<br />

ug'{.<br />

131 褶笉 zhě. [ zip ] to fold, a lined garment dress. k6\Øfpg',<br />

n'ufx?sf] tf“tL.<br />

132 者 zhě. [ je ] those who, he who, a particle combining<br />

with some words to form adverbials. lt sf] x'g\

163 崢喆 zhēnɡ. [ tsang ] lofty. pRrf.<br />

164 徵 zhēnɡ. [ ching ] to request, to impose taxes, to<br />

draft for arms. cg'/f]w ug'{, s/ a'´fpg', ;]gfdf<br />

etL{ ug'{ .<br />

165 癥誂 zhēnɡ. [ ching ] obstruction of the bowels. k]6df<br />

s8f / ;f/f] x'g'.<br />

166 蒸犢 zhēnɡ. [ ching ] to steam, to evaporate.<br />

alkmØfpg', afkmdf ablng' .<br />

167 正吗 zhènɡ. [ ching ] correct, pure, upright, exactly.<br />

;xL, z'¢, l;wf 7F8F], vf; ;do jf c+s.<br />

168 怔 zhēnɡ. [ ching ] seized with terror, fear. xKsfP/<br />

vf]:g', tzf{pg'.<br />

169 征 zhēnɡ. [ ching ] to go on a long journey, to attack.<br />

nfdf] ofqfdf lx8\g', cfs{d0F ug'{.<br />

170 整超 zhěnɡ. [ ching ] whole, orderly, to repair. hDd},<br />

s|d;M, dd{t ug'{.<br />

171 政悂 zhènɡ. [ ching ] politics, administrative offices.<br />

/Fhg}lts\, k|zf;g\ sfof{no.<br />

172 拯恼 zhěnɡ. [ ching ] to save, to rescue. arfpg',<br />

p2F/ ug'{.<br />

173 症猋 zhènɡ. [ ching ] a disease. /F]u\.<br />

174 証 zhènɡ. [ ching ] prove. l;¢ ug'{.<br />

175 鄭贋 zhènɡ. [ cheng ] serious, C.F.N. l;ls:tL.<br />

176 之 zhī. [ zi ] of, third person. sf], t]>F] AoftL.<br />

177 汁吜 zhī. [ jap ] juice. kmn\k'mn\sf] /;\.<br />

178 支 zhī. [ zi lr ] a branch, to support, to pay. zfvf,<br />

d2t ug'{, lbg'.<br />

179 枝 zhī. [ zi ] branches of a plant. la?jfsf] xf“uf.<br />

180 肢 zhī. [ zi ] limbs. c+ux?.<br />

181 知 zhī. [ zi ] to know, to be aware of. a'´\g', ;+u<br />

;fjwfg\ x'g'.<br />

182 蜘犯 zhī. [ zi ] a spider. dfs'/f.<br />

183 織箣 zhī. [ jik ] to weave, to knit. a'Gg', af“Wg'.<br />

184 脂獙 zhī. [ zi ] fat, grease, tallow. af];F], lu|h, af];f].<br />

185 隻珅 zhī. [ zeik ] single, alone, a numerary adjunct for<br />

bird. PSnf], sf]xL gePsf], s]lxsf] nfuL ldnfPsf]<br />

g+a/.<br />

186 芝 zhī. [ zi ] fragrant herb. z'3lGwt\ vfg]s'/f jf<br />

hl8a"§L.<br />

187 執啥 zhí. [ zep ] to hold, to be in charge of, written<br />

acknowledgement. ;dfTg', xflsd\ x'g', d+h'/Lgfdf<br />

kq.<br />

188 姪 zhí. [ zet ] nephews, nieces. elthf], efGhL.<br />

189 直 zhí. [ jik ] straight, vertical, direct. l;3F, 7F8f],<br />

l;w}.<br />

190 值靹 zhí. [ jik ] value, price, to be on duty. bfd\, d"No,<br />

sfddf x'g'.<br />

191 植嬈 zhí. [ jik ] to plant. la?jf.<br />

192 殖嬓 zhí. [ jik ] to breed. j+z, hGdfpg'.<br />

193 躓秠 zhì. [ chi ] to stumble, to fall. 7]; nfUg', n8\g' .<br />

194 職箭 zhí. [ jik ] a job, a position, duty. sfd\, kb\,<br />

lhDdfjf/L.<br />

195 蹠 zhí. [ zeik ] the sole. k}tfnf.<br />

196 止 zhǐ. [ zi lrM] to halt, to stop. cl8g', /f]Sg'.<br />

197 址佼 zhǐ. [ zi ] a location, a site. 7f“p, 3/ hUuf.<br />

198 趾 zhǐ. [ chi ] toes. v'§fsf] cf}nf.<br />

199 祉愁 zhǐ. [ zi ] welfare. sNof0F.<br />

200 只 zhǐ. [ zi ] only, just. s]jn, l7s\.<br />

201 咫 zhǐ. [ zi ] ancient measurement of length. k|flrg<br />

;dodf nDafO{sf] gfk\.<br />

202 旨咣 zhǐ. [ zi ] purport, meaning, aim. tfTko{, dfg],<br />

larF/.<br />

203 紙獊 zhǐ. [ zi ] paper. sfut\.<br />

204 祗猯 zhī. [ zi ] only, just. dfq}, l7s\.<br />

205 黹 zhǐ. [ zi ] embroidery, needlework. sf/rf]kLsf]<br />

sfd\, a'§f eg]{ sfd.<br />

206 指恹 zhǐ. [ zi ] a finger, to point at, to indicate. cf}nf,<br />

df b]vfpg', b]vfpg'.<br />

207 至哑 zhì. [ zi ] until, extremely. ha ;Dd, cToflws\.<br />

208 窒 zhì. [ zet ] to obstruct, block. jfwf“ kfg'{, aGb ug'{.<br />

209 志侰 zhì. [ chi ] aspiration, will. clenfÈf, O{R5F.<br />

210 痣孝 zhì. [ zi ] a nevus, drak spot. bfu, sfnf] sf]7L.<br />

211 制 zhì. [ zae ] to restrict, to establish, a system. lgÈ]b\<br />

ug'{, :yfkgf ug'{, k|0ffnL.<br />

212 治 zhì. [ zi ] to manage, peaceful, to treat disease, cure<br />

disease. Aoa:yf ug'{, zfGtLk"0f, cf}ÈwL ug'{,<br />

k|ltsf/fTds cf}ÈwL.<br />

213 質賭 zhì. [ zi/ zet ] quality, matter, to question.u'0f:t/, kbfy{,<br />

k|Zg ug'{.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 267 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

214 致愩 zhì. [ zi ] to send, to extend, to result in. k7fpg',<br />

a9fpg', lgis{È0Fdf.<br />

215 智嫱 zhì. [ zi ] wisdom, wise. a'l¢jfg\, a'l¢lhaL.<br />

216 滯軉 zhì. [ zae ] sluggish, inert. lgis[o, ultlxg\.<br />

217 稚撾 zhì. [ zi ] young, naïve. hjfg\, cfnf]sf“rf].<br />

218 雉踚 zhì. [ zi ] a pheasant. Ps lsl;d\sF] 8F“km] r/F.<br />

219 置擓 zhì. [ zi ] to place at, to buy. 7f“pdf, lsGg'.<br />

241 踵 zhǒnɡ. [ dung ] heel. s's{'rf.<br />

242 種牞 zhǒnɡ. [ chung ] to plant, plant seed, a kind,<br />

a sort, a type. la?jf nfpg', lapm, k|sf/, vfNsf],<br />

lsl;d\.<br />

243 冢鞑 zhǒnɡ. [ chung ] a peak, the eldest, a high grave.<br />

6'Kkf], h]7f]kfsf], cUnf] lrxfg\.<br />

244 塚 zhǒnɡ. [ chung ] a tomb. lrxfg\.<br />

245 眾 zhònɡ. [ chung ] numerous, a crowd. cg]s, le8.<br />

220 誌犽 zhì. [ zi ] to write down. n]Vg'xf];\.<br />

221 製犸 zhì. [ zae ] to make; to manufacture. agfpg',<br />

pTkfbg\ ug'{.<br />

222 幟 zhì. [ chi ] a flag, banner. ´08f, Wjhf–ktfsf.<br />

223 痔 zhì. [ zi ] piles, hemorrhoids. xÈf{ /f]u, /ut aUg].<br />

224 炙 zhì. [ zik ] to toast, broil, grill. ;]sfpg', ;]Sg',<br />

;]s'jf df;'.<br />

225 峙 zhì. [ chi ] to stand erect like a mountain. l7¨ 7f8F]<br />

kxf8 h:t} af“wf kf/]/ pleg' .<br />

226 摯 zhì. [ zi ] earnest, honest. tTk/, O{dfGbf/L .<br />

227 秩猶 zhì. [ dit ] order, orderly. cfb]z, s|da¢.<br />

228 帙 zhì. [ dit ] a book wrapper. lstfa a]g]{.<br />

229 陟 zhì. [ zik ] raise, rise. a9\g', r9\g'.<br />

230 緻 zhì. [ chi ] fine, dense. /fd|f], 3gTj.<br />

231 擲筪 zhì. [ jak ] throw. ºØfSg'.<br />

232 中 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] center, middle. lar, s]Gb|.<br />

233 盅惲 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] small cup without a handle.<br />

;dfpg] a]u/sf] ;fgf] sk\.<br />

234 忠 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] loyal, faithful. jkmfbf/L,<br />

la:jf;L.<br />

235 終 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] the end, death. ;dfKt, d[To'<br />

x'g'.<br />

236 鐘祖 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] bell, a clock. 306L, 38L.<br />

237 衷王 zhōnɡ. [ zhung ] inner feelings. u'KtL ;f]r ePsf].<br />

238 螽 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] a katydid, a locust. km6\Øfªu|f,<br />

znx.<br />

239 鍾笻 zhōnɡ. [ chung ] a cup without handle,<br />

to concentrate, C.F.N. ;dfpg] a]u/sf] ;fgf] sk\,<br />

Ps lrQ nfpg'.<br />

240 腫擤 zhǒnɡ. [ chung ] swollen, swelling. ;'lgg', k'mNg'.<br />

246 重慢 zhònɡ. [ chung ] heavy, weight, serious,<br />

important. Hofbf ux|f}{, tf}n\, l;ls:tL, d'Vo.<br />

247 仲告 zhònɡ. [ chung ] the second month of each<br />

season, second in order of birth. k|t]s Ct'sf] bf]>f]<br />

dlxgf, dfO{nf jf dflxnL.<br />

248 周 zhōu. [ chow ] circumference, circle, completely,<br />

thoughtful, attentive, C.F.N. kl/wL, uf]nfO{, l;WØfpg',<br />

;f]rlgo, ;r]t\.<br />

249 洲悳 zhōu. [ chow ] a continent, an islet, sand bar in a<br />

river. 7'nf] 6Fk', 6fk', vf]nfsf] afn'jfsf] y'k|f].<br />

250 州咒 zhōu. [ chow ] a prefecture. 6fk'x?sf] /fHo.<br />

251 舟哕 zhōu. [ chow ] a boat. 8'¨f.<br />

252 週 zhōu. [ chow ] a week, to move in a circuit,<br />

completely. xKtf, rSs/df hfg', l;Wofpg'.<br />

253 粥宂 zhōu. [ chuk ] porridge. sF]bf] jf wfgsf] ln6f].<br />

254 軸 zhóu. [ juk ] an axle, an axis. b'O{ kfªu|fsf] ljrsf]<br />

anf], cÔ/]vf jf s]Gb|.<br />

255 妯 zhóu. [ chuk ] sisters-in-law. efph', ;fnL,<br />

b]j/fgL, h]7fgL.<br />

256 帚 zhǒu. [ zau ] a broom. s'Rrf].<br />

257 肘倕 zhǒu. [ zau ] an elbow. s'lxgf.<br />

258 紂愎 zhòu. [ zau ] the crupper of a saddle. 3f]8Fsf]<br />

89FNg'sf] k5f8L ;'/Ôf ug]{ 5Fnfsf] vf]n\.<br />

259 宙 zhòu. [ zau ] infinite time, eternity. cl;ldt ;do,<br />

cGgt ;do.<br />

260 咒 zhòu. [ zau ] to cuss. l/;FP/ ufnL >fk ug'{.<br />

261 籀訆 zhòu. [ zau ] a type of Chinese calligraphy.<br />

rfO{lghdf /fd|f] n]Vg].<br />

262 晝嗫 zhòu. [ zau ] daytime, daylight, day. lbp;F]sf]<br />

;do, lbp;F]sf] ;do, lbg\, .<br />

263 冑 zhòu. [ zau ] a helmet, descendants. kmnfd] 6f]kL,<br />

a+zx?.<br />

264 咒 zhòu. [ chau ] incantation, to cuss. dGqtGq,<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 268 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

Fk\lbg'.<br />

265 縐 zhòu. [ zau ] crepe. kftnf] v'lDrPsf] sk8F.<br />

266 皺 zhòu. [ zau ] wrinkle, crease, crumple. rfp/L kg'{,<br />

v'lDrPsf /]vfx?, rfp/L kg'{.<br />

267 驟羘 zhòu. [ zau ] sudden, unexpected. crfgs\, cfz}<br />

gu/]sf].<br />

268 朱咫 zhū. [ chu ] bright red. r+lsnf] /ftf].<br />

269 茱獾 zhū. [ chu ] a dogwood. la?jf.<br />

270 株頶 zhū. [ chu ] a numerary adjunct, one of a pair.<br />

ldnfPsf] ;+Vof, hf]8L ;+Vof.<br />

271 珠猁 zhū. [ chu ] a pearl. df]tL.<br />

272 誅攡 zhū. [ chu ] to put to death, to punish. k|f0F b08,<br />

hl/jfgf.<br />

273 蛛 zhū. [ chu ] a spider. dfs'/F.<br />

274 硃 zhū. [ chu ] vermilion. l;+b'/ /+u.<br />

275 銖狮 zhū. [ chu ] Thailand monetary unit baht.<br />

yfO{n}08sf] d'b|f ef6\.<br />

276 諸 zhū. [ chu ] all, every. hDd}, k|To]s.<br />

277 豬 zhū. [ chu ] a pig. ;'u'/.<br />

278 竺 zhú. [ chuk ] ancient name of India. O{lG8ofsf]<br />

k|flrg\ gfd\.<br />

279 竹哀 zhú. [ chuk ] bamboo. af“;.<br />

280 朮吒 zhú. [ sut ] Chinese medicine plant. rfO{lgh\<br />

hl8a'§L.<br />

281 逐 zhú. [ chuk ] to chase, to force out, one by one.<br />

k5L nfUg', aflx/ an\ ug'{, PsfPs\.<br />

282 燭 zhú. [ chuk ] a candle. d}g aQL.<br />

283 舳 zhú. [ chuk ] the stern ‘of a ship’. kflghxfhsf]<br />

k5fl8sf] clGtd\ efu\.<br />

284 煮孂 zhǔ. [ chu ] to boil, to cook. pdfNg', ksfpg'.<br />

285 麈鴧 zhǔ. [ chu ] animal alike deer. d[w h:t} hgfj/.<br />

286 屬祲 shǔ. [ suk ] a category, to belong to, to be<br />

subordinate. k|sf/, clwg\sf], clwg\ ug'{.<br />

287 囑稣 zhǔ. [ chuk ] to advise. ;Nnfx ug'{.<br />

288 矚羴 zhǔ. [ chuk ] to look steadily. 29tfsf] ;fy x]g'{.<br />

289 主 zhǔ. [ chu ] a master, God. xflsd\, b]atf.<br />

291 注 zhù. [ chu ] to pour into, to pay attention to, stakes<br />

in gambling. df wf/f vGofpg', Wofg s]lGb|t\ ug'{,<br />

jfhL yfk]sf] hDdF /sd\.<br />

292 駐贲 zhù. [ chu ] to encamp. ;]gfsf] 8]/f.<br />

293 柱悓 zhù. [ chue ] a pillar, a column. vDaf, vfaf.<br />

294 註 zhù. [ chu ] explanation by words, to annotate<br />

importance to. :ki6 atfpg', v'n:t atfpg'.<br />

295 蛀 zhù. [ chu ] make a hole by worm, to bore through.<br />

ls/fn] agFPsf Kjfn\.<br />

296 佔 zhù. [ joh ] to help, auxiliary, assist. d2t\, ;xfos,<br />

;xof]uL.<br />

297 貯 zhù. [ chue ] to store, save. yGSofpg', art.<br />

298 祝献 zhù. [ zuk ] to express good wishes. c;n\ O{R5f<br />

AofSt.<br />

299 箸牬 zhù. [ chu ] chopsticks. vfgf r]Kg] l;GsF.<br />

300 著 zhù. [ chu/ cheuk/ jeuk ] marked, to write.d'Vo,n]Vg'.<br />

301 築跗 zhù. [ zuk ] to build, to construct. agfpg', lgdf{0F<br />

ug'{.<br />

302 鑄秣 zhù. [ chu ] to cast, found into a mold. cfsf/ lbg',<br />

wft' O{R5FPsf] cfsf/df abNg'.<br />

303 抓俉 zhuā. [ zao ] to grab, to scratch, to arrest of catch.<br />

kls|g', sGØfpg', ;dfTg'.<br />

304 爪 zhuǎ. [ zao ] a claw, a talon, a paw. gªu|f,<br />

k+5Lsf] gªu|f, hgjf/sf] k~hf.<br />

305 拽恸 zhuài. [ jai ] to pull, to drag. tfGg'.<br />

306 專啼 zhuān. [ chu ] to be engrossed, respect. cf;Q<br />

x'g', ;Ddfg\ ug{'.<br />

307 磚跋 zhuān. [ zyn ] a brick. O{6F.<br />

308 轉視 zhuǎn. [ zyn ] indirect, to turn round and round, to<br />

rotate. ck|ToÔ, 3'ld 3'dL /xg', 3'Dg'.<br />

309 撰 zhuàn. [ zan ] to write, to compose. n]Vg', /rfgf<br />

ug'{.<br />

310 饌 zhuàn. [ zan ] to eat and drink. vfg' / lkpg'.<br />

311 賺笚 zhuàn. [ zan ] to gain, to earn money. nfe ug'{,<br />

k};F sdfpg'.<br />

312 篆 zhuàn. [ suen ] seal character. n]vfO{df k'/fgf]<br />

tl/sf.<br />

313 妝來 zhuānɡ. [ chong ] make-up. lrl6Ss kg'{.<br />

290 住哢 zhù. [ chu ] to live, stop, to cease. a:g], /F]Sg',<br />

314 莊 zhuānɡ. [ chong ] a village, shop, a place of<br />

/f]lslbg'.<br />

business, a banker. uf“pm, bf]sfg\, sfd ug]{ 7F“p,<br />

d'Vo dflns.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 269 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

315 裝攏 zhuānɡ. [ chong ] to dress up, to pretend to be,<br />

to pack, to load, to install. n'uf nufpg', ´'Sofpg',<br />

kf]sf] kfg{', ef/L nfpg', hf]8\g'.<br />

316 樁 zhuānɡ. [ chong ] a pile. hu, cfwf/.<br />

317 壯侄 zhuànɡ. [ chong ] strong. alnof].<br />

318 狀 zhuànɡ. [ chong ] shape, condition, certificate.<br />

cfsf/, cj:yf, k|df0F–kq.<br />

319 撞 zhuànɡ. [ chong ] to collide with. l;t 7Ss/<br />

vfg'.<br />

320 幢 zhuànɡ. [ tong ] quantifier for individual buildings.<br />

ejgx?sf] AoflQut\ kl/df0F.<br />

321 追玭 zhuī. [ tsui ] to chase after, to recall, to get to the<br />

bottom of, reason. k5L n3fg'{, km]/L af]nfpg', km]b\<br />

;dfpg', sf/0f.<br />

322 椎嬊 zhuī. [ jui ] vertebra, backbone. d]?b08, 98fNg'.<br />

323 錐 zhuī. [ jui ] an awl, anything shaped like an awl.<br />

;'tf/L, ;'tf/L h:t} cf/f.<br />

324 贅覎 zhuì. [ jui ] surplus, excess a son-in-law who lives<br />

in the household of the bride's parents. cltl/Q,<br />

h'jfO{ ;f;' ;;'/fsf] kl/jf/ ;+u} a:g].<br />

325 墜猻 zhuì. [ tsui ] to fall, to drop, a pendant. ´fg'{,<br />

v;fpg', ´'Dsf.<br />

326 綴特 zhuì. [ tsui ] to stitch or sew, to decorate. l;nfpg',<br />

;hfpg'.<br />

327 准鞔 zhǔn. [ jun ] to approve, to allow. :jLsfg'{, cg'dtL<br />

lbg'.<br />

328 準摮 zhǔn. [ jun ] a standard, correct, certainly. lgod,<br />

l7s, cjZo.<br />

329 捉頉 zhuō. [ zuk ] to catch. ;dfpg'.<br />

330 拙 zhuō. [ juet ] dull. dGb a'¢L.<br />

331 桌頮 zhuō. [ cheuk ] a table, a desk. 6]an\, 8]S;.<br />

332 卓 zhuó. [ zoek ] outstanding. c;Fwf/0f.<br />

333 茁愸 zhuó. [ juet ] to sprout, sturdy, strong. la?jfsf]<br />

d'gf knfpg', b/F], alnof].<br />

334 灼 zhuó. [ cheuk ] burn, to scorch, luminous. 89\g',<br />

lklN;g', r+lsg].<br />

335 酌玶 zhuó. [ cheuk ] to pour out, to drink, to consider.<br />

kflgsf] wf/f ´fg'{, lkpg', larf/ ug'{.<br />

336 啄珵 zhuó. [ deuk ] to peck. 9'ªg' …rf/f] vfg'Ú.<br />

337 琢孎 zhuó. [ deuk ] to cut, to carve. sf6\g'.<br />

338 鐲禢 zhuó. [ zuk ] a bracelet. afnf l;s|L.<br />

339 濁趣 zhuó. [ zuk ] muddy, deep voice, disordered. lxn]<br />

jf wldnf], efl;Psf] cfjfh, x'n\b+uf.<br />

340 濯 zhuó. [ zok ] to rinse or wash. kvfNg'.<br />

341 吱佲 zī. [ zi ] squeak, peep. lrRofpg', rL+rL+<br />

r"“r“" ug'{.<br />

342 姿 zī. [ zi ] appearance. b]vf kg'{.<br />

343 孜侓 zī. [ zi ] diligent. kl/>dL.<br />

344 資 zī. [ zi ] money, to provide, aptitude. k};F, pknAb,<br />

l;kfn'.<br />

345 滋嬳 zī. [ zi ] to grow, to increase. a9fpg', a[wL ug'{.<br />

346 茲獹 zī. [ zi ] this, now. of], clxn].<br />

347 咨 zī. [ zi ] to take counsel. ;/;Nnfx lng'.<br />

348 諮 zī. [ zi ] to consult, to take counsel. ;/;Nnfx,<br />

;/;Nnfx lng'.<br />

349 紫宇 zǐ. [ zi ] purple or violet. a}hgL of uf9f lgnf].<br />

350 梓嗷 zǐ. [ zi ] catalpa tree, to cut blocks for printing.<br />

sf6Nk ?v, 5fk\sf] nfuL cÔ/ sf6\g'.<br />

351 滓摡 zǐ. [ chi ] dregs, sediment. /s\l;sf] lgyf/, lyu|f].<br />

352 姊 zǐ. [ zi ] an older sister. lbbL.<br />

353 子 zǐ. [ chai ] a son, ancients to denote years, months,<br />

and days. 5f]/f, k|flrg ;dodf lg{lbi6 u/]sf] zfn<br />

dlxgf / lbg\.<br />

354 籽愍 zǐ. [ zi ] seed. lap.<br />

355 字 zì. [ zi ] a word. zAb.<br />

356 自哐 zì. [ zi ] self, since, naturally. cfkm}, To; a]nf b]vL,<br />

;xh} ;+u.<br />

357 恣韯 zì. [ zi ] carefree. lhDdFjf/L gx'g'.<br />

358 漬軄 zì. [ zi ] spot, to soak, make wet. bfu, lehfpg',<br />

cf]l;nf] kfg'{.<br />

359 宗 zōnɡ. [ chung ] an ancestor. k"vf{.<br />

360 棕嫹 zōnɡ. [ zung ] palm, fiber. ?v, /];F.<br />

361 綜牴 zōnɡ. [ chung ] to put together. Ps} 7f“pdf /fVg'.<br />

362 蹤覒 zōnɡ. [ chung ] footprint. v'§fsf] 8F]e.<br />

363 總竔 zǒnɡ. [ chung ] overall, to sum up, always,<br />

anyway. cf]8\g], hf]8\g', ;w}+, h'g;'s} xfntdf.<br />

364 縱竕 zònɡ. [ chung ] to indulge. v';L kfg'{.<br />

365 粽牰 zònɡ. [ chung ] sticky, glutinous rice. 6fl;g],<br />

eftsf] df8.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 270 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.<br />

Pŭ tōng huà phonetic tongue & [ Cantonese ] with all meaning.

366 鄒跽 zōu. [ chow ] name of a state, C.F.N. /fHosf] gfd\.<br />

367 走倥 zǒu. [ zau ] to walk, to run, to go away. lx8\g',<br />

bu'g'{, 6f9f hfg'.<br />

368 奏 zòu. [ zau ] to play music, to achieve. gfRg' ufpg',<br />

;kmn\ ug'{.<br />

369 揍嫕 zòu. [ zau ] to hit, beat up. lxsf{pg', lk6\g'.<br />

370 租猴 zū. [ sot ] to rent, rental. ef8fdf, ef8f.<br />

371 足倦 zú. [ juk ] a foot, plentiful, as much as. v'§f, k|;:t},<br />

eg] h:t} sfkmL.<br />

372 族嗧 zú. [ juk ] a race, a nationality. bf}8\, /fli6«otf.<br />

373 卒 zú. [ zoet ] a soldier, to finish, to die. l;kfxL,<br />

;lsof], dg'{.<br />

374 阻 zǔ. [ joh ] to block. /f]Sg'.<br />

375 組 zǔ. [ jo ] to form, to organize. pTkfbg\ ug'{,<br />

Aoa:yf ug'{.<br />

376 祖猬 zǔ. [ jo ] ancestors. k'vf{.<br />

393 怍 zuò. [ zok ] shame. nfh dfGg].<br />

394 座韩 zuò. [ joh ] a seat, a place, a base. s';L{, 7f“p,<br />

cl8g] cfwf/.<br />

395 做珔 zuò. [ jo ] to make, to produce, to do, to work, to<br />

become. agfpg', pTkfbg\ ug'{, ug'{, sfd ug'{, x'g' .<br />

***<br />

1 痾 ē. [ ] sickness, disease. la/fdL, /f]u.<br />

2 搆搹 ɡòu. [ ] to pull, to drag, to reach, compose. tfGg', k'Ug',<br />

/rgf ug'{ .<br />

377 詛 zǔ. [ joh ] swear. gld7f] zAb.<br />

378 鑽 zuān. [ tsun ] diamond, to drill, to bore, to study<br />

intensively. lx/F, Kjfn\ kfg'{, b'nf] kfg'{, ulx/f]<br />

cWoog ug]{.<br />

379 纂礶 zuǎn. [ juen ] to compile, to edit. ;+u|x ug'{,<br />

sf“65f“6\ ug'{.<br />

380 嘴献 zuǐ. [ tsui ] mouth. d'v.<br />

381 最 zuì. [ tsui ] the most. k5{.<br />

382 擕 zuì. [ tsui ] crime, blame. ck/fw, cf/f]k.<br />

383 醉贏 zuì. [ tsui ] drunk. dfbs kbfy{ lkpg'.<br />

384 媣 zūn. [ tsun ] senior, to respect. h]7F] kfsf],<br />

cfw/l0fo.<br />

385 遵 zūn. [ jun ] to obey, to follow. cf1fkfng\ ug'{,<br />

kR5\Øfpg'.<br />

386 樽趌 zūn. [ jun ] a drinking vessel. kfgL vfg] ef“8f].<br />

387 昨悍 zuó. [ jok ] yesterday, the past. lxhf], lat]sf].<br />

388 捽 zuó. [ jut ] to pull up. dfyL tfGg'.<br />

389 佐 zuǒ. [ joh ] to assist. d2t\ ug'{.<br />

390 左吂 zuǒ. [ joh ] left, contrary. b]a]{, pN6F].<br />

391 坐侁 zuò. [ joh ] to sit, vehicle seat. a:g', ofqfsf] s';L{.<br />

392 作伿 zuò. [ kok ] to rise, to make, to do. p7\g', agfp,<br />

ug'{.<br />

The Everest Dictionary b Pe/]i6 l8Szg/L www.everestdictionary.com 271 珠猁 穆跑 朗頢 瑪牅 峰韠 字 典 , zhū mù lǎnɡ mǎ fēnɡ zì diǎn.

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