bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Takes the student step by step from basic axioms to advanced concepts. 164 problems, each with hints and full solutions.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
This book examines the huge scope of mathematical areas explored and developed by Euler, which includes number theory, combinatorics, geometry, complex variables and many more.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Calculus problems solved by elementary geometrical methods --- P. 4 of cover.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
A collection of remarkable proofs that are exceptionally elegant, and thus invite the reader to enjoy the beauty of mathematics.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Insightful overview of many kinds of algebraic structures that are ubiquitous in mathematics. For researchers at graduate level and beyond.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Here is a selection of reviews of Ross Honsberger's books: The reviewer found this little book a joy to read ... the text is laced with historical notes and lively anecdotes and the proofs are models of lucid, uncluttered reasoning. (about ...
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Here is a selection of reviews of Ross Honsberger's books: The reviewer found this little book a joy to read ... the text is laced with historical notes and lively anecdotes and the proofs are models of lucid, uncluttered reasoning. (about ...
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
This book examines the huge scope of mathematical areas explored and developed by Leonhard Euler.
bibliogroup:"Dolciani Mathematical Expositions" (來源
Takes the student step by step from basic axioms to advanced concepts. 164 problems, each with hints and full solutions.