Hypena sinuosa from
Royal Entomological Society of London. 156 . Hypena sinuosa , sp . n . ♂ . Forewings dark brown tinged with greyish except medial area between the transverse lines ; discal dot black ; ante- and post- medial lines darker , the former ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... Hypena , 652. - Hypenodes , 652. - Hypocala , 545. - Ilattia , 114. — Ischyja , 571. - Karana , 89. - Lacera , 556 ... sinuosa , 622 - B . tripartita , 620.-B. venata , 624.—B. ? vestitalis , 627. — Brevi- pecten apicalis , 514.-B ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... Hypena trigonalis ( Guenée ) . Thailand : Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon , 15. VII . 1998 [ AP ] . Hypena quadralis ... sinuosa Wileman . Thailand : Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon , 15. VII . 2001 [ AP ] . Hypena lignealis Walker . Thailand ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... Hypena rusticalis とホモニム関係が成立し,使用できないので代置名が提出された、本種の種の解析はまだ不十分で、将来の検討が必要である.フタコブスジアツバ Hypena sinuosa Wileman , 1911 図版: 2-037-37 , 38 .開張: 25mm 内外,前翅は暗い紫褐色.基 ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... ( Hypena ) , 81 . similata ( Rhodostro- phia ) , 457 . similis ( Aginna ) , 36 . similis ( Medasina ) , 287 . similis ... sinuosa ( Egnasia ) , 18 . sinuosa ( Emodes ) , 518 . sinuosa ( Racotis ) , 261 . Sirinopteryx , 147 . sisunaga ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... ( Hypena ) , 81 . similata ( Rhodostro- phia ) , 457 . similis ( Aginna ) , 36 . similis ( Medasina ) , 287 . similis ... sinuosa ( Egnasia ) , 18 . sinuosa ( Emodes ) , 518 . sinuosa ( Racotis ) , 261 . Sirinopteryx , 147 . sisunaga ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... sinuosa (Egnasia), 18. sinuosa (Emodes), 518. sinuosa (Ricotis), 261 ... (Hypena), 87. sparsaria (Micronia), 115. speculalis (Hypenal. 81. specularia ... (Hypena), 86. sreapa (Epiplema), 126. Slamnodes, 423. Stegania, 164. steliata ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... HYPENA CLAXALIS Schaus . Pampaconas River , August , 1911 . HYPENA LEBONIA Druce . Pampaconas River , August , 1911 ... SINUOSA Felder . Ollantaytambo , 9,000 feet , July 20 , 1911 . HETERUSIA STOLTZMANNARIA Oberthur . Torontoy ...
Hypena sinuosa from
... HYPENA CLAXALIS Schaus . Pampaconas River , August , 1911 . HYPENA LEBONIA Druce . Pampaconas River , August , 1911 ... SINUOSA Felder . Ollantaytambo , 9,000 feet , July 20 , 1911 . HETERUSIA STOLTZMANNARIA Oberthur . Torontoy ...