... RISOBA BASALIS ( PLATE 214 , FIG . 1 ) . Risoba basalis , Moore , Desc . Lep . Coll . Atkinson , p . 91 ( 1882 ) . Male and female . Forewing pale brownish - ochreous , greyish along the costa and below the apex ; a whitish basal ...
British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. 6781. Risoba basalis . ( Plate CLXXXV . fig . 32. ) Risoba hasalis , Moore , Lep . Atk . p . 91 ( 1882 ) ; p . 399 . Hmps . Moths Ind . ii . Head and thorax whitish tinged with ...
6781. Risoba basalis . ( Plate CLXXXV . fig . 32. ) Risoba basalis , Moore , Lep . Atk . p . 91 ( 1882 ) ; p . 399 . Hmpsu . Moths Ind . ii . Head and thorax whitish tinged with rufous and mixed with red - brown and some black scales ...
... basalis sp . n . Luzon p . 205 , WILEMAN & SOUTH Entomol . 54 . Pseudanarta actura subsp . n . California p . 41 ... Risoba obliqua , Sarawak p . 9 pl . i f . 6 , owgarra , New Guinea p . 11 figs . 8 & 9 , spp . n . , PROUT Ann ...
... Risoba diversipennis , Wlk . Cat . xv , p . 1750 ; C. & S. no . 1635 . Risoba basalis , Moore , Lep . Atk . p . 91 ; C. & S. no . 1633 . Differs from obstructa in the costal area of fore wing being whitish as far as end of cell ; a ...