... THERETRA . Theretra , Hübn . Verz . p . 135 ( 1818 ) . Type , T. nessus , Drury . Range . China ; India ; Borneo ; Java . Differs from Chærocampa in having the basal joints of the palpi hollowed out , with an orifice towards the ...
... the smallest Noctuids and Pyrales . Very few Tineids were noticed . Upon one single post I counted thirty - nine specimens of the handsome hawk moth Pseudosphinx discistriga , while Daphnis hypothous and Theretra nessus almost rivalled the ...
... The type of this genus is Theretra nessus ( Drury ) , a large East Indian moth , with the body very stout , as well as long and tapering ; the fore - wings are very long , and slightly hooked at the tip , and the insect shows some ...
... the caterpillars of three lepidoptera have attracted attention . They are : - Theretra nessus , Moore Loxura atymnus , Horsf . and Tagiades gana , Butl . The second is the most injurious . Theretra nessus is a Sphingid , already ...
Jun Mitsuhashi. Pachilia ficus The larvae are accepted as food item by people of the ... Theretra japonica The Japanese name is ko-suzume. In Japan, the adults are ... nessus Japan: The Japanese name is kiiro-suzume. The adults were fried with ...