Theretra nessus nessus from
... nessus albata Fukuda (2003) from Fiji (type locality), Vanuatu, New Caledonia and the southern-most islands of the Solomons (Eitschberger 2009c). Theretra nessus nessus differs from T. nessus albata in having (a) the diffused pale ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
... THERETRA . Theretra , Hübn . Verz . p . 135 ( 1818 ) . Type , T. nessus , Drury . Range . China ; India ; Borneo ; Java . Differs from Chærocampa in having the basal joints of the palpi hollowed out , with an orifice towards the ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
... the smallest Noctuids and Pyrales . Very few Tineids were noticed . Upon one single post I counted thirty - nine specimens of the handsome hawk moth Pseudosphinx discistriga , while Daphnis hypothous and Theretra nessus almost rivalled the ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
Walter Rothschild. Theretra equestris , Hübner , Verz . bek . Schm , p . 135. n . 1446 ( 1822 ) . Chaerocampa nessus , Walker , List Lep . Ins . B. M. viii . p . 140. n . 22 ( 1856 ) ( Canara ; Ceylon ; Silhet ; Hongkong ; Java ) ; Moore ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
... Theretra nessus . - p . 765 . Sphinx nessus Drury , Illustr . Ex . Ins . ii . p . 46. t . 27. f . 1 . & Index ( 1773 ) ( Madras ) . Sphinx equestris Fabricius , Ent . Syst . iii . 1. p . 365. n . 29 ( 1793 ) ( Ind . or . ) . Chaerocampa ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
... Theretra nessus . Sphinx nessus , Drury , Exot . Ins . , ii , p . 46 , pl . xxvii , fig . 1 ( 1773 ) . Sphinx equestris , Fabr . , Ent . Syst . , iii , p . 365 ( 1793 ) . Theretra nessus , Kirby , Cat . Lep . Het . , p . 659 ( 1892 ) ...
Theretra nessus nessus from
... The type of this genus is Theretra nessus ( Drury ) , a large East Indian moth , with the body very stout , as well as long and tapering ; the fore - wings are very long , and slightly hooked at the tip , and the insect shows some ...